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Everything posted by rabas

  1. If you are in Bangkok, contact Vichaiyut Hospital, on Rama 6. https://www.vichaiyut.com/moderna/ They state you can have a Moderna booster 8 weeks (sapda) after 2X pfizer or 2X AZ shots. I had mine 91 days after dual AZ shots, by my choice.
  2. It's important to distinguish between milder cases and a milder virus. Eric Topol, director and professor of Molecular Medicine at The Scripps Research Institute said in an interview today: (1 min watch) "We have no evidence that the virus itself is more mild, until we have that, we have to assume that people who don't have any protection are highly vulnerable to getting very ill."
  3. If you read the Thai heading, that is guidance or a suggestion from the government. For privately purchased shots, I would think anything within reason should be OK. They know many people have constraints that might not fit exact rules. They would not refuse to give you a shot you paid for if used in a reasonable way.
  4. Yes, as I reported above, I got a 100µg Moderna shot just less than 3 months after my second AZ shot. They had my prior AZ shots in their computer. They will also let me decide when I want the take the second Moderna 'booster'.
  5. Quite similar to my first AZ shot. Sore arm starting at 12hrs, next day felt a bit ratty and sleepy. About 4 hours of slight fever of 37.9 then next day felt great. AZ was also a 4 hr fever of 37.6. I too expected a bit more.
  6. Vichaiyut hospital in Bangkok let us decide when to take shots although they do provide recommendations. I had a full size Moderna shot Dec 8, 91 days after completing 2 AZ shots. I could have taken it earlier. They had my AZ shots on record. They also automatically set my 2nd Moderna appointment 28 days after the first but I will move it to March. While I was there, they said I could use both shots as a full Moderna course now (28 day gap) or use them as 'boosters' several months apart, thought they said boosters made more sense.
  7. It's too early to generalize about Omicron, especially since deaths lag by weeks. Using reliable data, the following graphs blow a big hole in your anti vaccine argument. Vaccines completely invert death to case ratios between the UK and SA. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-cases
  8. Nature Journal: Do vaccines protect against long COVID? Physiotherapist David Putrino’s neurological rehabilitation clinics: [David Putrino’s] Mount Sinai Hospital’s Abilities Research Center in New York City, treats another 50–100 people each week who are coping with issues such as extreme fatigue, breathlessness, difficulty concentrating or any of the many other symptoms of long COVID — the long-lasting, poorly understood syndrome that can occur after infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. He has 1,600 clients with long COVID, and more on a waiting list. Putrino has noticed that even being fully vaccinated doesn’t necessarily protect against long COVID.
  9. Precisely the point scientists make about Omicron's apparent mildness in SA due to prior immunity. They in fact use the UK example where Delta looks milder because of prior immunity and vaccines (Delta right). Delta (the virus) was not milder in the UK, the UK was better protected. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1469338765030313984
  10. It depends very much on what is meant by mild. a) Omicron itself is an intrinsically milder virus? Or b) cases in SA are mild relative to SA's previous waves. Very different scenarios. Scientists and SA officials lean towards b while cautioning about assuming a. The primary reason is that after three prior waves, roughly 72% in Gauteng have had Covid and many are vaccinated including 50+% of older people, shifting most cases to lower ages. But because Omicron easily cuts through existing immunity (Delta can't) many cases have some existing immunity in addition to being younger. Younger cases with existing immunity surely mean milder cases. There is no reason to assume the Omicron strain is significantly weaker. South Africa’s high level of infections could be masking how severe Omicron is
  11. They look at Omicron-AZ breakthrough cases now in the UK, and how long ago did they get their AZ shot. There is very little AZ data in the last 100 days. Above 100 days, AZ shows very low effectiveness, about 5.9%. That's why they mention 100 days. Read more here.
  12. Sounds like a solution looking for a problem. In a Thai court, men and women must wear the same long legal gown. They carry it everywhere they go and put it on right before the judge enters the chamber. My niece, who is a lawyer, spends a lot of time ironing her robe. If women really want advantage in court, they should petition to dress like this when approaching the bench. "Your honour, can we discuss this in your chamber..."
  13. Do you have all of this information? see #8 here 13-digit Thailand business registration number issued by the relevant local authority. Official business name, phone number and business address. Thailand business registration document (upload required) Proof of business address (upload recent utility bill, tax document, credit card or bank statement that shows business address) If so, you can register as a business and change to a Paypal business account. I asked Paypal Thailand in the Philippines about this yesterday. They said they just convert your current account to business. The only difference is they are obliged to withhold VAT (7%) but only on the amount of PayPal's transaction fees, not on the price of goods sold, they said.
  14. I did too, but they do not mention a deadline. I believe from this link it's still Feb 22, 2022.
  15. Caution with the meaning of "back of the queue". I have 2 'first batch' shots from Vichaiyut. In fact, I go for my first shot in 1 hour. I have coupons that can be freely transferred before I register them in my name and reserve a date. Giving them to someone else changes nothing. OTH, after registering in my name, I can ask them to erase my whole registration, then I can again give the coupon to someone else. In this case it goes to "back of the que" for registering a vaccination date, but the coupon retains its order based on purchase date and serial number. IOW, it is the same as if you waited till now to register. It is not as if you just purchased the shot. Hope that's clear. But that's my case.
  16. Two AZ with 12 week gap in between, so I'm premature for a booster, but, it's there and Omicron is here... What to do?
  17. Thailand did well with their 14 day quarantine, which let in no new variants. New variants all came across land borders. The first Omicron case is reported to have had close contact with 15 hotel staff. Now that Omicron is in, I worry about PCR testing capacity, which they made no attempt to improve through out the whole Delta wave. 3X Delta R0 is going to rip if it ever hits Bangkok. Glad I go Wednesday for a big old 100µg Moderna booster. (there it is again! µ micron)
  18. Data from SA. Log graphs, so a rising straight line means exponential growth. Note the increase in O2 use as compared to Delta in the first 2 weeks. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1467270474384265222
  19. Compared to Delta (blue), Omicron hospitalizations are strongly shifted to 20 and 30 year olds, the typical age of most mothers. [ref]
  20. I think one reason they consider long-term immunocomprised cases is because HIV is so widespread in Africa including in isolated regions. Co-developer of Nextstrain and this analysis software, Dr Emma Hodcroft, has a more detailed graph placing the Omicron root about midyear 2020. But that's still a long time ago. https://twitter.com/firefoxx66/status/1465004780372303873/photo/1
  21. This Science article Where did ‘weird’ Omicron come from? suggests Anderson may be part way out on a limb. The general lean seems to be towards a chronic infection in an immunocompromised patient. Although how it came about is clearly unknown at present.
  22. Beautiful piece of work. Here is a short video from the lead author's twitter account: https://twitter.com/i/status/1459283884164538368
  23. Others back his numbers. Note: when using log a scale, a straight line indicates exponential grown whose slope is proportional to R0. This lets you read doubling times from a graph. Dr Malgorzata Gasperowicz compares log graphs for SA-Omicron with current Delta rises in Portugal and Spain to get doubling times: South Africa: 3-4 days. Spain & Portugal: 12-14 days I made a similar comparison of SA-Omicron with SA-Delta in the June outbreak that shows a 3.4x increase in rate. The two graphs combined remove seasonal and regional influences. Slope = box height/width.
  24. Not necessary so. Last week my wife and a few family travelled to our home in Phuthaisong to make some merit. The village head had given her explicit instructions to bring a vax certificate and at which hospital to get an ATK test on arrival. When she got there hospital said testing was closed for the day and they would have to enter public quarantine. After some squabble, they were allowed to quarantine at home until the next morning when they could return to the hospital for the test. All this was well monitored. A lot of it depends on the village head. Ours runs a tight ship.
  25. "all the scientists I've talked to . . . are like 'this is not going to be good'," Bancel said." (Moderna's CEO) A quick look at what scientists are seeing, which is unprecedented (for better or for worse). 1. Graph comparing unique mutations as SARS-2 progresses from Alpha through Delta to Omicron. In numbers, n=4, 6, 8, 10, 26. From Alpha through Delta, this generally resulted in higher transmission and moderately higher severity. [ref] Note: images can be zoomed. 2. Delta vs Omicron showing mutation locations. The top, central orange area is the critical active binding region. 3. An initial look at Omicron's evolution relative to other variants. The 'rooting' line from Omicron to the origin has no meaning. One question is probably, how did this even happen? (based on data from https://covariants.org/variants/21K.Omicron)
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