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Posts posted by rabas

  1. 2 minutes ago, Smokin Joe said:

    I have been living here for 15 years and have been using my PayPal account regularly to buy items off of ebay and have sent to my Thai address.


    In my case I opened my PayPal account in the US. I have a US bank account the PayPal is linked to. My PayPal primary address is a mail forwarding service in the US (Las Vegas). My computers location is set to "United States".


    My Thai address is one of my alternate delivery addresses.


    I just got into a new hobby and in the last 4-5 months have done at least 20 purchases on ebay from Chinese sellers for delivery to my Thai address and paid with PayPal.


    I'm in the same position except my account used a Thailand address so I was caught up in the Thailand Paypal mess.


    Good for you, wish I had done the same.


    • Agree 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Pouatchee said:


    i think we were always able to log in to it... using it for purchasing things from thailand might not work, though. i want to know fro anyone who successfully uses it to buy things from here. thx doctorman


    AFAIU, that was the original plan for 'Thailand' Paypal, a restricted account only useful for purchases. Paypal (whom I talked with many times) fought the restrictions and Thailand eventuality said screw it and required all Paypal users to have the Thai national ID, killing the whole thing.


    I'm guessing the Thai national ID restriction has now been lifted because it was also necessary for my Thai business Paypal account, which they just turned on.


    I checked and my personal account is still restricted from making money transfers to/from banks and credit cards.  So great for shopping but not useful for selling things. 


    • Thanks 1

    Wake Up!  PAYPAL'S BACK.


    Whats going on? I just received an email saying my new Paypal business account is approved, logged in, and it works. I applied in 2022 when my old personal PP account died like everyone else's. The business account application eventually failed for the same reason, no Thai genes.


    On a hunch, I tried to login to my old personal account, after a couple of tries it said 'click here to download new app' to my mobile (I'm on a desktop). It proceeded to do so and Shazam! there is my old personal PP account with old banks and contacts with whom I had exchanged funds. It appears fully functional though I've not used it.


    I don't have a clue what happened but thought I would give a heads up and see if anyone else received an email from them.


  4. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Well, then, it shouldn't pose a problem for you to explain it instead of responding as you did.

    Given that you were knocking the cost of govt provided healthcare as opposed to private health care, I think it was reasonable of me to construe the line you were following.


    I  neither knocked nor discussed a breakdown of US health expenditure. I gave a link to support total health expenditure. 


    Briefly, I compared the US defense budget with total US health expenditure concluding the much smaller military expenditure is worth the cost relative to US responsibility and global problems.  If you disagree feel free to say so.

    • Agree 1
  5. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    That article you linked to doesn't support the 10x figure. I'm not saying it's false but nothing there to support it. And given that the elderly are virtually universally enrolled in Medicare, you think that might have something to do with whatever disproportion exists?

    And finally, the systems other countries use to keep costs down are almost invariably described as socialistic by right-wingers.


    Second grade math if you read what I wrote with and open mind.


    What the H does the data I presented or what I said have to do with socialism? Who the K is a right winger? You have lost the plot.


    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, exfatriate said:

    My order from Lazada arrived just now. The pack has "natural MELATONIN" in big letters, which is why I ordered it. On examining the small print on this Made In Thailand product (easily recognisable by the American Stars & Stripes flag on the pack) I am somehow neither disappointed nor shocked to see that Melatonin is conspicuous by its absence. Yup! (or rather nope) when they say "natural melatonin" they mean "contains no melatonin at all, in fact completely free of the substance" which now seems perfectly logical. "This Is Thailand" after all, the country I love and have made my home.


    I shall try a capsule tonight, with its usual cocktail of "natural ingredients" and "vitamins" you'd need a Hubble telescope to detect, but I expect nothing, and I'm sure I shan't be disappointed. If you can bear the excitement, I will be posting a live update to this thread, probably about 3:00 a.m., so do check back.


    (Incidentally, I have no trouble at all falling asleep, I'm not insomniac in that way, it's the rhythm of sleep that's somehow lost with age - as with so many things - I wake up after a couple of hours sleep, stare at the dogs for a while, go to the bathroom, back to sleep - rinse and repeat. Melatonin definitely helped me glide over the shallows back into satisfying sleep.)


    A few weeks ago I searched Lazada and Shopee for melatonin as my wife wanted to try it.  Though there were many sleep aids, only one used melatonin in the name, that was "Natural Melatonin" presumably the one you bought. At that time the fuzzy label claimed (in Thai) that each capsule contained 1.05 micrograms of melatonin. That's 1000s of times less than legitimate melatonin products.


    The reference to 1.05 μg of melatonin is now gone.


    "Natural Melatonin" claims to  contain tart cheery, chamomile, and lemon balm. Many plants do have trace amounts of melatonin, which may be how they perpetrate their hoax.


    Before buying, I would confirm that the ingredients panel lists from 1 to 10 milligrams of melatonin. It may be best to order from iHerb as Sheryl suggested. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, retarius said:

    The headline points to an obvious truth, Israel should stop its occupation and give Palestinians a homeland like the Jews have. Netanyahu's rejection of the two state solution because he wants to steal more Palestinian lands is an outrage. But just a correction, there are no schools in Gaza, just as there are no hospitals functioning because of the Israeli bombing.

    Israel seems not to notice that their actions cause the Palestinians to hate them, so stop the action to stop the hate. There is no justification for all this murder and hate from Israel, treating Palestinians like they were subhuman. 

    If you kill people their relatives will hate you until they die.....but if you steal their land they will hate you forever. Getting rid of Hamas will not get rid of the original injustice, and will result in a movement more extreme and violent than Hamas. With drones it's pretty easy to deliver any sort of really nasty substance into Israel, and it is only a matter of time until Hamas or its successor gets hold of really nasty stuff. Better to solve this by negotiation rather than an endless cycle of violence,

    https://www.rt.com/news/591253-british-pm-quizzed-over-gaza-video/ Watch this....it's from ITV in the UK filmed by their cameraman. Surprisingly the ITV comment is entirely impartial.


    "If you kill people their relatives will hate you until they die.....but if you steal their land they will hate you forever"


    A simplistic generalization.  I sincerely doubt the millions of Russians mourning their lost loved ones who died in Putin's illegal meat grinder invasion of Ukraine are hating Ukrainians. 


    Otherwise your statement is a record achievement in onesidedness. 


    • Like 1

    Ouch, what gives?


    I just used the 'new' (well since 2021) 90 day online system, all went smooth and Chaengwattana approved my application in 24 hours. 


    I even followed their suggestion to applied ~15 days before expiry. So then, they cut 15 days off my 90 cycle. I must report again 90 days after applying, not from expiry of the current cycle. I've been here a while and don't remember having days cut before but I could be wrong. I used mail in for several years and returned to online 6*90 = 540 days ago.


    Did they used to cut days from the cycle?

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