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Posts posted by ATF

  1. She's probably quite good at her job, which means the flow on effect went to many Thai's that profited from her working and translating.

    Once again, Thai's can't speak Russian, and Russians can't speak English - so how can a Thai sell a product, tour or service to a Russian tourist?

    The Thai authorities say she is taking a job off a Thai - a job that a Thai does not have the ability to do, but profits from her doing the job, because she has the skills to do it.

    Stop every Russian from working on Phuket and that's a lot of baht lost, and they are only doing jobs that Thai's can't, particularly in relation to the language barrier.

    After the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 Pattaya was on it's knees. You could buy a beer cheaper in a bar than the supermarket. Russians saved Pattaya from going broke.

  2. She did not have a return ticket, did not have TB 20,000 or $500 with her when travelling but can afford to visit friends in another country and then needs to get a friend to buy her a TB 10,000 ticket to Malaysia. Plus she argues TB 20,000 is a lot of money, who is she kidding.

    All legit Tourists carry more than that with them in cash into any country, when travelling.

    She is full of shit and her story is suspect.

    If she tried to enter almost any other country in the world without a return ticket and minimum cash of $500 they too would refuse her entry. Just try to enter Australia with her story/argument and see how far you get.

    We done Thai Immigration, you got it right, she was working illegally as a H..................

    Well done buddy you are Judge, Jury and Hangman. I suppose you are one of those guys who only has sex with proper Thai Hookers who pay taxes etc. It has been established with a decent degree of certainty that she was working for a dive school and whether this is true or not really is irrelevant. Who cares? Are you the only guy in Thailand who has never had sex with a hooker? Working in Thailand without a proper visa, so what? Don't get caught. Unfortunately for her she was caught and punished accordingly. Paid her dues, she can come back. Get your head right man.

    There is nothing wrong with a TGH, they have every right to do what they want, because it is their country and I love every one of them.

    Regardless of where the Russian lady may allegedly work, Thai Immigration nailed her for her false story

    You are simply naive, if you believe her story

    I have no reason to believe anyone's story. Every Thai Hooker is working illegally. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand. So it's OK for them to break the law because it's their Country? You are a fool but at least you live in a fool's paradise.

  3. She did not have a return ticket, did not have TB 20,000 or $500 with her when travelling but can afford to visit friends in another country and then needs to get a friend to buy her a TB 10,000 ticket to Malaysia. Plus she argues TB 20,000 is a lot of money, who is she kidding.

    All legit Tourists carry more than that with them in cash into any country, when travelling.

    She is full of shit and her story is suspect.

    If she tried to enter almost any other country in the world without a return ticket and minimum cash of $500 they too would refuse her entry. Just try to enter Australia with her story/argument and see how far you get.

    We done Thai Immigration, you got it right, she was working illegally as a H..................

    Well done buddy you are Judge, Jury and Hangman. I suppose you are one of those guys who only has sex with proper Thai Hookers who pay taxes etc. It has been established with a decent degree of certainty that she was working for a dive school and whether this is true or not really is irrelevant. Who cares? Are you the only guy in Thailand who has never had sex with a hooker? Working in Thailand without a proper visa, so what? Don't get caught. Unfortunately for her she was caught and punished accordingly. Paid her dues, she can come back. Get your head right man.

  4. Most of the chitter chatter on this channel are from people saying OMG what am I going to do now? I just spent all my money on last weekend's blowout. Getting a proper visa should be your first priority not booze, drugs or girls but you are too bloody stupid to get it. Accusing all Russians of being prostitutes or gangsters may make you feel better but it's not going to get YOU anywhere. As far as the Oil and Gas guys are concerned they are sensible enough and have enough money to get the right visas. These "crackdowns" come and go and they are aimed at YOU idiots that can't be bothered to plan ahead and keep some money for a rainy day. So email Mummy and ask for an early Xmas present because you are trapped in Thailand by the "EVIL" Thai immigration and you're going to end up in immigration jail with standing room only.

  5. Retirement visa age is also supposed to be increased to 55. That will make things even worse!

    Do you have a reliable source for this piece of information?

    I can't find anything on google that supports your comment.

    That is a rumour from the immigration, has been circulating for a while now. I am not sure but It used to be 55 already, they they reduced it to 50. Going back to 55 is quite possible. I am not an expert when it comes to retirement visas.

    Well what is the purpose of spreading rumors? Anyone who has already got a retirement visa can't have it taken away from them even if it is changed to 55 tomorrow. All the people who got in at 50 will be locked into the system. Fact is I can't see this ED visa BS lasting for long because it's being completely abused. Hardly anyone attends classes and if it was working thousands of foreigners would be speaking fluent Thai. Which as everyone knows is not the case.

  6. Yes the best way, enjoy biking here it can be awesome!!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Look man I have ridden with II2 at Bira before and in fact I rode with him there today. He is a great rider and not a forum biker like a lot of other people here. Most of you would crap your pants around a track or get lapped 3-4 times driving like a girl.

    • Like 1
  7. If that's the case why do Hardley Ablesons make loads of noise but very little power?

    Sent from my GT-P3100 using Tapatalk

    Harley owners have feelings too and in their defense HD V Twins produce huge amounts of power but that power is low end torque. That's why you can pull away in a Harley in almost any gear, with a metric bike that is not possible because they have higher end torque with 3 or 4 cylinder engines. V Twins like Ducatis and some KTMs and the Honda Er6n are examples of a middle ground because they have a powerful midrange which give them different characteristics.

    Depending on which way you look at it a HD squanders a huge amount of it's power dragging around a huge amount of excess weight in a non aero-dynamic form. On the other hand sportbikes try to save every ounce of weight by using lightweight metals, plastics and carbon. So the simple answer to your question is Harleys are more powerful than most other bikes out there but because of the way they are engineered it's like comparing a battleship with a speedboat.

  8. I watched half the video, and admit it looks fun. So tell me, how often does the traffic and road conditions in Thailand allow you guys to drive with your knees touching the ground? (not including accidents)

    Each time I consider a sportscar I remember what happened to the last one I saw. It was a Lamborghini, and it was being lifted off a speedbump at the local Tesco :-)

    We normally don't drag knees on the road we do it at the track, but we do drag our footpegs and feet on the roads. There are plenty of roads outside BKK where you can have fun. As mentioned before have a think what sort of biking would appeal to you and there are many people on this forum who would be glad to advise. I believe you got into this forum with a negative view of bikers but you have realized that they are very diversified and it is a worthwhile and exciting hobby.

  9. ^

    Nice try smile.png

    Some bikers tune their exhausts to make noise without increasing horsepower. These are mostly the Thai boy racer crowd or Harley Gays Guys.

    I have seen countless posts here discussing (slip on) exhausts with comments like "i just want a better/louder sound, increasing power isn't important". And these weren't thai boy racers or harley riders. Mostly they were sports bike riders. Seems they are not that different to Harley guys...

    Of course most fans of loud exhausts claim that their bikes are more powerful and more secure with a loud exhausts, but i have rarly seen any evidence to proof this (before and after dyno runs). Its a psycological thing i guess, who wants to spend money for something that decreases the power on his bike? So they come up with statements like "the mid range is clearly improved", "low end torque is better now" and so on. Nothing wrong with that as long as people have some fun, just an observation i made.

    Just putting slip ons on your bike are going to make more noise than BHP. You need a full exhaust hi-flo air filter and ECU remap to increase fuel delivery and adjust ignition timing due to the increased air flow. This will cost at least 100,000 Baht to be done properly. A quality racing exhaust will also drop around 10kgs off the weight of the bike. Removing baffles from quality exhausts have been proven to offer very little if any increased BHP. Reducing the weight of the bike has a dramatic effect on speed especially reducing the weight of the wheels. This is why you see Thai boy racers with those razor thin wheels. Only problem is thin wheels don't like corners.

  10. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Further, some noise is unavoidable/natural (construction sites/planes/nature etc.) where as loud exhaust pipes have no benefit whatsoever, besides showing off.

    You are completely correct, only bikers (and disco owners), which I am not, understand why it is ok to bother others with meaningless noise.

    I am not sure what a wannabe biker is? If I wanted to be a biker, would simply buying a bike not make me a one? Or are there other requirements? :-)

    The principle of the internal combustion engine relies on two things, fuel and air. If you want increased power you need more fuel but you cannot add more fuel without adding more air to achieve a correct combustion ratio. Therefore the quicker you can get the products of combustion (exhaust gases) out of the engine the quicker you can add more fuel and air. Two by-products of this are heat and noise. Think of the noise like wind, the stronger wind blows the noisier it is. Some bikers tune their exhausts to make noise without increasing horsepower. These are mostly the Thai boy racer crowd or Harley Gays Guys.

    You have probably never driven a mid-engined sports car like a Ferrari, you can't hear yourself talk inside. If you want to be a biker you need to decide what type of riding you like but that's a huge subject. The vid below explains why most of us guys ride bikes.

  11. Education, work, business, volunteering, retirement, marriage, parenthood, tourism... nope not enough. Can just show up and get 30 days without any visa? No, not good enough. We want to LIVE here!

    Well okay, will you work? no. Study? no! Business? No! Are you married? no! A Parent? No! Volunteer? No! Any sort of right at all to just come and live here? No! We're White Westerners, we can do what we want in any country we choose to grace with our presence.

    How dare they stop these people from abusing a system designed for tourists. whistling.gif

    Blah blah blah. You must be with the Tourist Police.

    He's probably one of those geriatric clown cops in Pattaya. I think they are allowed to carry a whistle.But they get a badge and have to pay for their own clown suit. Bust him Danno 2 days overstay.

  12. These people are not doing anything illegal. It's something I find unnecessary but for some people it is. I couldn't give a rats how people get their visas. I just wonder which law states that this cannot be done? If Immigration find this practice objectionable then the law should be changed or clarified. Nothing more to be said.

  13. This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand. Even if they are on a non immigrant O visa, they are still breaking the law, because they don't have a work permit. Thailand should welcome these people. They are not taking jobs from Thais. Most of them make a lot of money and thus spend a lot of money in Thailand helping the economy. Quite a few live in rural areas where their contribution to the economy is well appreciated. Thailand should change their immigration procedures welcoming these people. They should issue work permits for working on the internet and issue non immigrant B visas for this purpose. If the individuals can show proof that they have brought an appropriate amount of money into the country they should get an extension of stay visa. Thailand should also offer an extension of stay visa for the purpose of retirement to any age level if they meet the financial requirements. Many people are inheriting large sums of money from their parents and are retiring early. These people want to live in warm country and many choose Thailand, but have no way of getting a legal visa.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yes I have inherited some funds, applied for retirement and have now settled in my daily life of exercise and cooking my own meals..great..keep life simple. In the past I lived on a min amount of money while working..it worked for six months away from the cold weather and wet weather back home. Now with inherited funds in investment as much as I would work for 6 months now tax free..live the same..odd ... but realized a simple life being raised on a farm when young keep the inessentials like the Thai's live life as if they have wealth...for Thai's it is daily..hand to mouth..like many bar girls in their own situation... All members whom are in Thailand know the ways of the Thai's..new ones will know..some lossing their properties, others why their Thai lady left them..in my case...now single..ok will find my own peace..could be a good experience in learning life here...trust all is well with you and if you have a problem..just look back at the past experiences and how you survived..keep this in mind and all will be a new dawn in the darkness of stress...Ron

    Just because some relative died and left you some cash and now you are living the life of a peasant albeit with some cash in the bank in the middle of nowhere. What does this have to do with the current visa crackdown in Ranong?

  14. Westerners here own their own condos, houses, cars... fyi, as they are entitled to. rolleyes.gif

    Westerners here can also get a Thai passport after 5 years, if they fit the criteria.

    You seem quite clueless.

    And the criteria is................................................................?..................................coffee1.gif

    Very simple.

    Be female, married to a Thai national, having 5 annual Extensions of Temporary Stay based on marriage..... No proof of funds or income are needed for the Extensions of Temporary Stay.

    As I said, very simple if you fit the criteria. smile.png

    The arrogance of 'we demand to be able to stay here any way we want' could only come from Westerners. Who despite having absolutely no birthright to stay here at all, get all angry at the sheer audacity of having a Visa demanded of them.

    Your debate is pathetic and contradictory. Obviously you don't like Western men only Western women as Chairman Mao said " You can't open a window without letting some flies in."

    • Like 1
  15. Actually I took a spin on both the Diavel and Monster yesterday to make a final decision which to buy... ATF is right, you need to sit differently on the bike for which it is designed... I was sitting incorrectly on the Monster and it was like Wong said... the sales guy told me how to sit and it was better for the ride, but you can't do it for hours on end... so I decide on the Diavel as I want to cruise and have some long distance riding....

    Also my question at the beginning of the thread (should I wait for the 2015 version). The pricing will probably be different once the new models come in so I figure I shouldn't wait...

    If I remember correctly the Diavels made in Thailand were only 799,000 Baht new. I don't know if they are still making them here or if they have plans to make the new Diavel here. The new Diavel imported will be around 1.3M Baht. Personally if you are looking for a deal I'd try to find a used imported Diavel because these were among the last bikes made by Ducati before Audi acquired the company.

  16. This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand.

    They also have no birthright to be in Thailand.

    Lots and lots of 'I can do anything I want, because I'm white and Western' going on. sad.png

    Khun Som wat I understand that you may think a lot of Westerners come to Thailand and they have no right to be here but if you went to Europe you can buy a house or land or company and own it 100% in your name. Marry a Westerner and get citizenship and a passport after a few years and be entitled to free social security and medical treatment. Westerners here legally own zero and are entitled to zero. Do you really think that is fair?

    Westerners here own their own condos, houses, cars... fyi, as they are entitled to. rolleyes.gif

    Westerners here can also get a Thai passport after 5 years, if they fit the criteria.

    You seem quite clueless.

    Westerners can own a house but not the land or own 50% of one house if they are married or 49% of a house through a company. Getting a Thai passport is a nightmare and only 100 per nationality are given out each year and the waiting list is years long. Thailand will have to give up these unfair laws eventually. Especially under the Asean agreements due to come into force soon when Thailand will be flooded with Burmese, Filipinos, Cambodians and Indonesians etc.

  17. I changed the bars on the Monster 795 for the raised ones and it gives a far more comfortable riding position I think the bars were about 15000 THB from Ducati.

    Did you also revove the gas tank to stop your gonads being crushed whenever you ride it?

    Sent from my GT-P3100 using Tapatalk

    It's not a problem with the bars or the gonads it's the way you are sitting on the bike. You sit with your feet not your bottom, it's not a chopper. Put the balls of your feet on the pegs and grip the tank with your knees. This will push you back in the seat, even better if you get a decent rearset because the pegs are quite low.

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  18. This is the twenty first century. Many people are now making their living on the internet, making their money from other countries and living in Thailand spending their money. These people have no legal means of living in Thailand.

    They also have no birthright to be in Thailand.

    Lots and lots of 'I can do anything I want, because I'm white and Western' going on. sad.png

    Khun Som wat I understand that you may think a lot of Westerners come to Thailand and they have no right to be here but if you went to Europe you can buy a house or land or company and own it 100% in your name. Marry a Westerner and get citizenship and a passport after a few years and be entitled to free social security and medical treatment. Westerners here legally own zero and are entitled to zero. Do you really think that is fair?

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