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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. East coast - for fresh fish and bigger portion... almost all you can eat size posrtion of chips.

    And on to Scotland - been told Aberdeen is proud of it's Fish and chips

    A place for lovers... and fish and chips by the sea

    In Scotland last Summer I payed 6.80 for fish and chips!!
    (340 baht)

    Best place in the UK for ''Fish and Chips'' for sure...., further north, even better..

    Did you wash it down with ''Barrs Iron Bru'' ???.... another regional treasure...

  2. One example: Australian butter is cheaper in UK 5? times the distance?

    Look at the list of foods. You have bread, pasta, butter, potatoes, etc... none of it is Thai food.

    So yes, that food you mentioned is about the same price in UK as Thailand. However, the poorer Thais don't eat that food, because, well, they can't afford it.

    • Like 1
  3. Been here about the same time - but not leaving yet...

    Immigration by far - IS the greatest problem!

    They actually made it More difficult to get in -

    sometimes through bad training/ignorance

    some times because I did not give them reverence (Not bowing to a clerk!?)

    (The times I almost said F* U - Im leaving!!)

    some because I did not bribe!?

    "Oooooh! you still don't have the right form..." and "Ooooh it's Not translated

    but I could pass it through for you.... buuuut it will take meeee many hours Eeextra work............."

    Schools are affraid of getting teachers from outside because of the time and Hassle.

    And more

    Thailand charges more to fly in (airport tax - compare to Philippines)

    ...charges for everything in triplicate! (Charged to see a Temple -
    oh, its not a temple, it was built to make money from tourists - Jeeez!)

    "ATTENTION! Welcome to Thailand - please leave your credit card at immigration,
    in case you can't pay all our charges, when you leave"

    (I do't give up easy! I don't have bad luck. But in Thailand.....)

    • Like 1
  4. Not funny

    First they tried moving our retirement age BACK 2 years!

    Then they say a life-time of paying-in is valueless!

    I totally agree that (outside) people or new residents relatiives
    have have been taking the cream for may years

    (Including the social security system)

    But when most people over 50 cannot get a job, at the best of times,
    or they have worked hard all their lives, saved up

    and bought a little place in the sun -
    why should they be targeted bullied and penalised.

    These people have earned their place by Not taking from the system -

    now the system is taking from Them!

    It's rather funny that I get treatment in UK. And I'm from Sweden. But UK people don't get it if staying abroad.

    Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. My friends came for a First Visit - ther reaction.

    Dirty/worn-out hotel (4*)

    Rip-off Dirty beach chairs covering the beach (So you couldnt walk on the beach)

    Dirty sea shore.

    Rip-off - THB 30 for ice in a road side cafe...

    "They will NOT return"

    What do they say about unhappy customers - they tell at least another 20

    But these Internet days - that's at least 200...

    If you take away

    1. SEX Tourism

    2. Drink and Drug lovers

    3. "Medical" Tourism

    4. Ex-Army/Navy Retirees

    5. Gap Year Students

    6. No spend Back Packers

    7. "Student" Visa people.

    8. Visa Run people (Workers showing as Tourists)

    9. On the Run villians.

    10. Ferrang scammers

    How many ACTUAL tourist would there be?

    Can you add any more

    Diehard, I had to laugh at your wonderful list.... I'd only add that if I had to give it a "weighting" I'd weigh SEX tourism a solid 75% ++ of all tourists, as many of the others on your list overlap with this category! I bet at least one out of every three men has sex with a Thai woman at some point on their visit, while only 1 out of 20 admit it!!!!

  6. If you take away

    1. SEX Tourism

    2. Drink and Drug lovers

    3. "Medical" Tourism

    4. Ex-Army/Navy Retirees

    5. Gap Year Students

    6. No spend Back Packers

    7. "Student" Visa people.

    8. Visa Run people (Workers showing as Tourists)

    9. On the Run villians.

    10. Ferrang scammers

    How many ACTUAL tourist would there be?

    Can you add any more

    Diehard, I had to laugh at your wonderful list.... I'd only add that if I had to give it a "weighting" I'd weigh SEX tourism a solid 75% ++ of all tourists, as many of the others on your list overlap with this category! I bet at least one out of every three men has sex with a Thai woman at some point on their visit, while only 1 out of 20 admit it!!!!

  7. Thanks for the info.

    I work for a "special" school at the moment - they want me to re-sign in June...

    But the students seemed hypnotized into Not learning....

    I would rather use my energy in helping people who want to learn -

    rather than in tying to keep me awake... (ha,ha)

    I'm in Bangkok but If no offers arrive by December

    I will visit then.

    with ur credentials apply at the international schools, Most places in Asia will not reply to emails.

    you need go around.

    QSI would love to have you, in fact my good friend teaches ( English and other subjects) there an is leaving after this term so they will 100% have an opening.

    Go in and talk with Patrick ( the head master and American)

    BUT if u dont need the $$$ am sure lots of the Thai schools would love to have you with them.

    PS;i Love living here and it is NOT that expensive

  8. But dont I need a Thai wife for that?

    (I already have a non Thai wife)

    Partnerships are difficult out-side of Thailand.....

    I worked in a bar through college - I prefere this side...

    Buy some motorbikes and rent them out, not many available for rent in Phuket

    or open bar/guesthouse..

  9. Sure you are.

    I am thankful that I can be off duty

    And to spell it out... Except [any] Kindergarden.

    Now do you see through the Mist?

    "Presently teaching - I can teach any subject except Kindergarten."

    Really??? Well, I have news for you, kindergarten is not a subject.

    Sorry to be pedantic, it's just my nature.

  10. People are said to come to Thailand for the laid back laws...

    It shouldnt mean No laws....

    Confiscate ANY vehicle that breaks license laws -

    THB 5,000 fine and collection in 24 hours of offence.

    Too simple - you bet!

    2nd offence = 10,000

    3rd offence = Vehicle sold to pay fine.

    Driving License - disqualified for 1 year.

    This will pay for more Police

    AND better transport!

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks for the advice.

    I know there plenty of people who can afford and will find this investment interesting.

    Maybe Thai/Ferang/ Chinese etc Residents

    I dont want to deny them.

    And I am doing this for a friend, so no big deal

    Do you really think that that a Thailand forum is the best place to advertise a $15M island in the Caribbean? Try advertising through a real estate agent that has the type of buyers you're looking for. You're wasting your time here.

  12. Yep they should ask for advice - better than paying Tony Blair...

    Almost every other country has very strict traffic enforcement. Some obviously don't but that's not the point. Traffic police need to do just that, enforce traffic laws. And not after an accident. It needs to be driven home to all people who are in Thailand.

    People need to be "told" not encouraged but "told", you pull over and stop for an ambulance, police car or fire truck when their "reds lights and siren" are on. Or else you get a ticket for failure to yield. If you don't you are in deep crap if you are caught. No more of this standing at intersections or check points looking for violators.

    Thailand needs a "Traffic Court". Not just pay the officer and walk away. Be it the same day or the next day, whatever it takes. If you don't show up, your car is impounded and license suspended.

    This works in developed nations so it can work here. It's a matter of saving lives not just raising revenue. Which by the way, I could make a small fortune if I could give out traffic tickets. JMHO

    A pity that the appropriate minister doesn't get to see what us farangs think.

  13. I have "other income" but so far me and the wife get by easily on 35K THB,
    I just need the visa

    I enjoy helping the kids...

    Phuket is expensive and unless you have a decent teaching position here, living on a shoestring here doesn't sound like fun to me.

    Maybe start training in a marketable internet skill.

  14. ...and any suggestions for emloyment sites or contacts/ good places to work?

    Even a responsible agent (?)

    Crazy - but I wrote (with Resume only) to a few Universities/colleges before I came to Thailand -
    I got one reply! ("No vacancies")

  15. if you are only here for the weather, i'd find somewhere else. the next couple of months are going to be brutal, hot and dry

    Yeah January was a bit cold and a couple of months of "too hot" is allowed.

    The Philippine pay is even lower!

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