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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. I have a home in the Philippines too, so there is no problem...

    Thanks for your info

    Just an IF at this stage...

    Take it easy...

    I have 6 pages where entry exits can be clearly stamped

    I am merely forward planning a Possible Exit Plan -

    I have plenty of time to choose IF I go or not.

    ... so yeah IF I decide to go, It would be better to renew

    That is all

    Thank you.

    I would renew anyway, you are sacrificing very little term - unless you are pretty sure of a UK return and want to save on the cost of renewal.

  2. IF I leave I would need space for 2 visas within 3 months -

    I have 1/2 pages for entry/exit stamps (we were not intending to travel outside of Thailand more than once per year.

    So IF I do go I will have to get a new passport.


    Yep months ago I asked the UK embassy if I could extend. They said no.

    Would help to know your nationality. If USA answer is no.

    You cannot extend a passport or do you mean add pages which the UK does not do. You need to get a new passport. it can take up to 6 weeks to get a new one.

    Do you mean when you say visas. A full page visa you get for some neighboring countries on entry and/or a Thai visa from an embassy?

    Or perhaps stamps from immigration?

  3. Thanks - but IF I leave, I would not be coming back (to stay)

    How about getting an online eVisa for Cambodia, go there, come back with a 30-day chop, and during that 30 days, apply for and receive a new passport.

    The eVisa does NOT use a page in your passport. The exit & entry stamps can be done on 1/2 page, if they're careful.


  4. ... because I thought I was staying in Thailand long term - now having second thoughts...

    That's why I didn't renew my passport - nearly 2 years early...

    I have spaces for entry/exit stamps - but we had no plans to holiday elsewhere...

    To go to another country I need an entry visa (full page) and then probable Exit - returning with a New (full page) visa


    Yep months ago I asked the UK embassy if I could extend. They said no.

    Would help to know your nationality. If USA answer is no.

    So why did you not renew your passport at that point, once you knew the extension option was not available ?

    Applying to Liverpool at that time would probably have been a lot quicker than the current system via VFS.

  5. Hi Thanks for the warning.

    I suggested that Phuket would be a better base than BKK - more/better places to go without having to fly.

    (And a friend (14 yrs in Thailand) suggested Samui/Krabi coast and near AoNang?)

    As to living costs, we plan to visit Phuket at Christmas, just for a look see.

    We went to Samui and found supermarket prices similar to BKK with more western choices.

    (We have a huge Tesco and a Big C nearby)

    We were on "holiday" so we ate out every night but found a few beach restaurants
    that were more than reasonably priced

    (Not 5* food or price)

    I also had the idea that the WHOLE of Thailand thought that "everyone wants to live here"

    But now I think its the Thai way...

    It is easier to rely on Agents.....

    Finally I have been told by a Filipino, that all schools and Universities are desperate for Native Speakers with Degrees and experience...

    Phuket was never on any of my travel wish lists

    The problem with Phket is the schools assume everyone wants to live there. The pay is the same (or maybe 10% higher than BKK), but cost of living (rent, transportation, etc) is about 40-50% higher. Only the few high-end international schools (British international and headstart) pay 60k+ , but unless his Masters is in ESL or education, he will not get in there. Tourist destinations are not always the best locations to look for work.

  6. .. especially the pilot?

    In the future, it should be mandatory for all air passage passengers to obtain mental certification, from government appointed mental institution before one is allowed to book an air-ticket and/or board the plane.

    This would cut down on a lot of un-necessary disturbance for other fellow travelers.

  7. My friend is currently in China and wants to look at offers in Phuket...

    Can anyone offer advice on getting a job in Phuket or Samui?

    He has a Masters and TEFL, with 6 years teaching experience in Business subjects.

    I have suggested jobs DB and Ajarn.com

    I have already warned him the salary is subsistence level compared to China and the West

  8. Does the UN democratic party have any policies or "promises"

    Before the people are Not allowed to vote them in?

    How about Top price guaranteed for Rice - oops they tried that one.

    Suggestions - offer farmers Top Market Price Only guarantee.

    Tax New Car ownership - Must be 18 to have a bike/scooter ( & take a test before they ride)

    No free bus rides or Tolls - to pay for more and better public transport

    Sack ANY government worker (ALL) who even hint of taking a bride or ask for extra money from Farang.

    Ooops I guess I wouldn't get voted in then....

    (Yes - I'm staying inside - waiting to go on holiday next week)

  9. ...after reading other messages - I can add...

    Most ordinary Chinese earn 3,000 to 10,000.

    30,000 + is Rich to them

    OK Teachers are wanted in China

    A school will usually supply an apartment AND give you money for basic utilities.

    Visa Free


    Work permit FREE

    Medical - OK thorough medical is up to CNY 700 (Once)

    No need for a license But Degree is (Any)

    And TEFL is helpful.

    Most Students behave and Want to learn...

    Temperature is fine

    Winter SMOG and Smokers are Not

    Coming to Thailand cost me THB50,000, just in expenses...

  10. 12,000 is OK but Shenzhen is more expensive than BKK

    But really close to HK (Train 1 hr?)

    and easy airports to Philippines or Thailand

    (Shenzhen, HK or Guangzhou airports)

    Many clubs/"Pub to Clubs" all over big cities - better in Western bar areas.

    Some Chinese thing westerners have less money than them because they teach -

    but most jnr Doctors earn 12,000

    Chinese (German) beers are ok and way cheaper than imports

    Be careful you don't mess with the wrong girl... they can call on many family members

    But will not lose face unless u r really bad (Face is worse than here)

    Lowai (Ferangs) are "protected" so most people will back off

    and generally foreigners are seen as helping China.

    If a girl drinks a lot she may be a prossie.

    If she has ample boobs - she may be (Is) a Mongolian prossie

    All bars and Restaurants! are full of smokers - they have NO idea.

    But many western bars are loved Because they can smoke...

    Some fake alcohol is around and most things you buy ... will be fake!

    DVDs on the street are poor copies but sell for around THB 25/35. (Some stop 1/2 way through...)

    They will sell u a dud then expect u not to return it or if u do - just give u another one

    (Not the one u had ... cos he knows it's a dud.... ged it?)

    Girls like Young Americans for a chance to marry and leave China,

    Or English Gentlemen cos day speaks propper English and may get them out of china

    (& white babies - same in Philippines but nicer smile and no back stabbing)

    Last Laugh...

    Do Not Forget All Chinese are sons and daughters of Emperors!

  11. I just get Super Knowledge.

    It's fine as we have not watched most of the older movies
    and get DVDs of the latest ones (our choice)

    But No News Even Thai News is inadequate (In English)

    I don't need football but would like Champions league.

    And 2 weeks of Wimbledon would be nice cos of the Tradition.

    But I am Not going to pay Gold prices...

    Maybe a payment upfront box will be ready for my contract renewal in July

  12. Web site is slowly developing - couldn't get beer til 2 months? ago

    Plus if u bulk buy (anything) - they might not have enough in stock... (JIT)

    Any initiative that reduces one single person's reliance on Phuket tuk-tuks has my full support. biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    Agreed. I had to shell out a whopping 500 baht couple of days ago, more than the grocery bill :/ And that on top of having to pay 1100 baht for a 5L box of Montclair at a local m&p as it happened to be outside hours (not my fault, raining and didn't want to have to shell out for another fare later).

    However, don't see 5L boxes of this delicious [sic] plonk on their website, only the big Bottles.
  13. I have used this service for many months and its very useful -
    I don't have a car, so it's cheaper than a Taxi home

    I put "Will accept alternatives" in the Notes box

    And I am happy with 95% of alternatives supplied
    (better to get smaller/bigger than nothing)

    Even get beer supplied - but this is sometimes cancelled - near religious non alcohol days etc.

    Tip: Turn Goggle translate off, to get faster downloads

    • Like 2
  14. When I was young I noticed that

    Generally People have to be at work and ready by 8:45

    Usually lunch is time to grab a sandwich or a quick meal in the office canteen.

    Then finish at 5:30?

    Most of the time the lunch 1/2 hour goes as does the 5:30.

    If you are in a mundane lower paid job - working hard for 5 or 6 hours has got to be better.

    Work is not a prison

    Some sad people "Live to Work"

    Most honest people - work to live!

    Finally we are looking at designing cities around People -

    now we can design jobs around people too

    What happened to the 8 hour day?

  15. 1. DON'T Travel ALONE in ANY country Worldwide.

    2. Go with other backpackers/ travellers from your Uni. or local club etc.

    3. Do YOUR Research - Know what you need, Where to go and How to stay in contact with Someone at all times.

    Do Not look at Travel Brochures for advice - they are selling a dream...

    Use "Lonely Planet " Fodors" or any other Travel guide book (Store Internet web addresses)

    Check "trip advisor" for hotel/hostel descriptions such as "Located in a Safe area ".

    It is crazy to travel alone - young, naïve female - No. 1 target (Except for lady boys? Ha, ha).

    Always travel with others - meet them in Hostels - ask them where they are going then ask them if you can join their trip.

    Yep. It may also sound crazy to you now, BUT don't take drugs, for you, or carry for others... (Look up " Bangkok Hilton")

    If you do not carry out the above - it will be like visiting a cannibal island - you wouldn't do that right?

    Travelling Free is one of the greatest experiences of your life - make sure it's not your last.

    Then go ahead feel free and have a great time - with the Power of Knowledge and natural safety in numbers...


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