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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. Can anyone tell me why these people don't go on a (peaceful, non disruptive, non tourism damage) campaign
    to every city and village, explaining why They would be better in Government, and what they would do to change things for the poor.
    (& everyone else)

    And why people should vote for them in a (peaceful) Democratic VOTE?

    Instead of sitting around waiting for the government to give in!

    (Please don't say "This is Thailand" - that would be toooo easy)

    • Like 1
  2. correction - Not all rallies leave a mess If they are organised properly...

    So the mess and the organisation says more than words...

    ... and more to the point, the thread is about allegations against the PDRC of trying to overthrow the government; what has the mess that the UDD left behind got to do with the thread?

    I was wondering the same... apart that rallies all over the world leave a shitload of trash afterwards.

  3. Keep the over priced transport to get you a job - to pay off what you owe.

    Your "online" business could not afford/didn't need that purchase.

    Don't buy another until it's a rust bucket

    Eat first, protect and promote business -
    then spend less than your lowest projected disposable income.

    Life in the Loan lane is very dangerous.

    No one wants to buy the Finance company owned truck

  4. ...and maybe tourists who venture here are hardy and scam aware.

    But look at it from an environmental view - why should a taxi/TUT-TUT driver ride around all day in nice air con for a reasonible wage + extra tip

    (Especially if they get of their arse and help a visitor!)...

    when they can just laze in the shade until a Fresh tourist gives then 1/2 days wage in 1/2 hour.

    Think green - Zero energy emitted

    (More Unhappy tourists...)

  5. The majority of People drink because they can. (Ferang Tourists and Workers).

    They can afford to drink they enjoy a drink or 3.

    Drink was invented by Monks - as a pleasent past-time

    Most people enjoy it as that!

    It's Internationally recognised that a small amout of drink is good for you -

    especially if you are over 40.

    The few people I have known over 90 - all state that a tot of Aqua Vitae (Water of Life - Whisky)
    is there answer [to long life]

    The majority of the westernised world drink alcohol at anytime they darn like

    The minority (especially in Hua Hin) want to spoil other peoples freedom

    because they can't be bothered to catch the baddies!

    The good guys just want to PARTY!
    (for a change to working hard...)

  6. The majority of People drink because they can. (Ferang Tourists and Workers).

    They can afford to drink they enjoy a drink or 3.

    Drink was invented by Monks - as a pleasent past-time

    Most people enjoy it as that!

    It's Internationally recognised that a small amout of drink is good for you -

    especially if you are over 40.

    The few people I have known over 90 - all state that a tot of Aqua Vitae (Water of Life - Whisky)
    is there answer [to long life]

    The majority of the westernised world drink alcohol at anytime they darn like

    The minority (especially in Hua Hin) want to spoil other peoples freedom

    because they can't be bothered to catch the baddies!

    The good guys just want to PARTY!
    (for a change to working hard...)

  7. Thinking about updating to a Masters or MBA ?

    (I have BSC in Tourism Management)

    I would like to do a part-time course at w/e and holidays -

    but I don't want it to take for ever,,,

    And I don't want to pay a lot

    (It's just an update - anything will do...)

    Plus could I work at a BKK or Phuket Uni and take a Masters with them (Lower cost?)


  8. I am having a debate about drinking alcohol, especially an occasional beer -

    two of my Thai female colleagues think I should stop drinking altogether,
    (No reason yet but I am part toying with them, part being courteous).

    They now tell me that their husband dont drink or smoke -
    seems odd to me, especially being part Viking extract...

    I wondered what men do for recreation (If their wives allow)

    Foreign drink is expensive so I have been told by others, that the use of other things

    are widely used...?

    I am told that many families have problems with the father taking drugs?

    Can anyone add any useful (Factual) information for my side (of the augument)


  9. It you Fink Thailand is "Real"
    You need to take a different pill!

    How are the blisters on your hand?

    As I am new to Thailand, I was looking for suggestions to save my time - its what travellers do?

    I am not a tourist. I would like to see authentic Thai places that have not been spoiled by concrete and/or bad planning.

    So do you have any suggestions?

    Have a look at the other kind suggestions.

    And I have been told that Chiang Mai is now "too touristy"

    and I should go to Chiang Rai to see the "Real" Thailand...

    That's all I asked.

    Is it possible to have a real Thai place in Thailand? Yes, this is Thailand, so there are lots of Thai places. Why would anyone think that Thailand doesn't have Thai places? You need to get out and about more often.

    All of Thailand is real. Even the tourist places are real Thailand. What's your definition of 'too touristy'?

  10. By "Fishing village" we mean a term for more local
    or looking like a place that is not glaring neon and ladybars.

    A place that may be modernised. "Use to be a Fishing village" [Not long ago]

    but still holds the character of authenticity or is natuarlly beautiful.

    And as a westerner maybe a few bars that sell foreign beer,

    and a little modern music- enjoyed by everyone.

    Anyway - I have enough to go on - end of story

    Thank you vey much.

    You have been given some excellent recommendations. To see if you think they are "authentic", you will need to visit them for yourelf. Imho, ban amphur is the most, with bang saray right there with it. You want really authentic fishing villages? You will need to get away from bangkok. I passed some really authentic ones on my current trip. South of Ranong, north of khao lak. Many south of hua hin. Village after village of them. You will need to speak thai...and down here, Southern Thai helps a bunch. 5555

    Sent from my GT-N8013 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. ... so theres no life guard system on that busy beach?

    That's what they are trained to look for...

    What a sensationalist headline. Who are these "residents of Pattaya" that are "now calling for" the removal of the booms? Everyone I know thinks they are a great thing and that they physically prevent the jetskis from entering the swimming area. Sad that the young lad died, but if he couldn't swim he should have stuck to the shallow water.

  12. As I am new to Thailand, I was looking for suggestions to save my time - its what travellers do?

    I am not a tourist. I would like to see authentic Thai places that have not been spoiled by concrete and/or bad planning.

    So do you have any suggestions?

    Have a look at the other kind suggestions.

    And I have been told that Chiang Mai is now "too touristy"

    and I should go to Chiang Rai to see the "Real" Thailand...

    That's all I asked.

    Is it possible to have a real Thai place in Thailand? Yes, this is Thailand, so there are lots of Thai places. Why would anyone think that Thailand doesn't have Thai places? You need to get out and about more often.

  13. "Even teachers need a Degree" or something TEFL?


    We only have ourselves to blame if the Thais, don't like us farangs.

    I see fat bellied old men walking around towns and shopping malls with no shirts on and farang women sunbathing topless on the beach.

    Many Thais are shocked by this and regard it as disrespectful.

    They also see us as perverts only coming for the sex and cheap booze, where'as massage and prostitution in Thailand is an accepted low key part of their culture and nothing to be ashamed of.

    I have been to China 3 times for the same reasons you give.

    The Girls there are beautiful, but materialistic and educated, they know what they want from a man and that usually means good financial support for her and her famiy if neccesary, so this means a good job and no beach bums.

    The whole country wants what we have. flat screen TVs fridges, cars, branded fashion goods and food with Western names. Hip hop and expensive sophisticated nightclubs and disco's. And as far as I couid tell, that is all they are focused on.

    Yes they are starting to love their nature and their old culture of art and music too.

    But really you need a wad to be there.

    They love to go around in groups and don't seem too keen on individualistic lifestyles.

    The other thing is that you only get a one months visa. That's it! unless you are a teacher or have a job there. (Even English teachers need a degree in something )

    In some places you will need a hefty non returnable security deposit to rent a place.

    You will get hassled by the minute when you walk down the street on Beijing and Shanghai, by people trying to sell you something or con you.

    On two occasions I went in spring and got very bad chest infections, I think due to the habit of men and women spitting up phlegm right in front of you and the extreme cold of spring ( March )

    I rushed back to ill to Thailand and sat on a nice warm beach under a coconut tree with a plate of tropical fruit. Ahhhh!.

    All the taxi drivers smell of garlicky fish source. God know what they eat, but it is putrifying and they don't stop using their horns.

    But don't let me put you off haha!

    Please keep us informed as to how you get on there.

  14. PS it is EXTREMELY easy to get a Visa in China.

    (If you want to give something - like work)

    It's more organised.

    It takes less time.

    LESS paper work

    No 90 day rule

    It's cheaper (& is paid by your employer)

    You don't have to pay to leave the country (for an overseas holiday)

    Most companies also pay you your airfare to see your family.

    Or go on holiday (appreciation)

    Plus Free Chinese lessons...

    China is 34 years old [open doors] - the vast majority of educated people speak English.

    Most young people in China can now hold a basic conversation.

    Thailand is the worst place for speaking English, I have ever visited.

    When I left the airport I was shocked at the total lack of English in most places.

    On my last holiday in Samui many waiters could not form a sentence or describe the menu.

    Too many could not understand an order unless I pointed at the picture.

    Thailand is the Only tourism destination in the world that cannot communicate
    in an International Language (Even in Tourist areas - it appears backward)

    Until ASEAN - they could get by with pigeon English....

    But this is Thailand - who cares?

    I agree with most of this, however one reason Thailand is realistic is the Visa and the language. Much more difficult to get Visa's in China and it is much more difficult to find Chinese who speak English like they do in Thailand

    I actually have a Chinese GF in USA and go to Thailand for mongering. She is ok with it as long as I am "safe and I don't bring anything home." I guess I have the best of both worlds.

  15. China is 34 years old [open doors] - the vast majority of educated people speak English.

    Most young people in China can now hold a basic conversation.

    Thailand is the worst place for speaking English, I have ever visited.

    When I left the airport I was shocked at the total lack of English in most places.

    On my last holiday in Samui many waiters could not form a sentence or describe the menu.

    Too many could not understand an order unless I pointed at the picture.

    Thailand is the Only tourism destination in the world that cannot communicate
    in an International Language (Even in Tourist areas - it appears backward)

    Until ASEAN - they could get by with pigeon English....

    But this is Thailand - who cares?

    I agree with most of this, however one reason Thailand is realistic is the Visa and the language. Much more difficult to get Visa's in China and it is much more difficult to find Chinese who speak English like they do in Thailand

    I actually have a Chinese GF in USA and go to Thailand for mongering. She is ok with it as long as I am "safe and I don't bring anything home." I guess I have the best of both worlds.

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