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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. Welcome to the Thick of Thai Politics (unfortunately its a quick lesson in Thai Logicistics...)

    King Arthur: I am your king.

    Woman: Well I didn't vote for you.

    King Arthur: You don't vote for kings.

    Woman: Well how'd you become king then?

    [Angelic music plays... ]

    King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite
    held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence
    that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king.

    Dennis: [interrupting] Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government.
    Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

    HAPPY Songkran - to ALL

  2. I knew that!

    But wot about...

    King Arthur: I am your king.

    Woman: Well I didn't vote for you.

    King Arthur: You don't vote for kings.

    Woman: Well how'd you become king then?

    [Angelic music plays... ]

    King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water,
    signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king.

    Dennis: [interrupting] Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government.
    Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

    HAPPY Songkran - to ALL

    you cant rule out that maybe its a classic red flag thingy:
    Red shirts put a few bombs in their own Red Shirt City to anger all the red shirts and blame the yellow shirts,, to help them gain support to come to bangkok and and take to the streets.

    maybe they are just trying to gather people to whirl up support.

    red flags are one of the most effective ways to get sheep-people to follow a power-obsessed leader.

    it does not mean that I am favoring suthep either!! I reckon that he also would do no less!! (and then do some 'wai' poses with a smile to all the cameras).

    both sides are wolves in the sheeps clothing.,

    The best most balanced rational posting on this subject matter so far. I couldn’t agree more, this series of bombings has been the same as if stirring up a hornets nest.

    • Like 1
  3. ... another week end stuck in!
    Holiday changed to outside of BKK

    My friends dont want to visit

    My family are worried

    What do I do - if it get's worse...

    What about the ballet box (Free of bribes to anyone including rice price,,,)

    Can anyone tell me - why every one is stabbing everyone in the back

    but too affaid to get/ wait for the vote?

  4. Sorry to break the spell - but to a varying degrees all women (Yes including mummy!)
    are mentally abusive and manipluative at least 1 week a month!

    And if you always listen to your mummy - you will always be a (mummies little) boy.

    Man up - but use your brain not your brawn.

    Enjoy life - dont let Anyone take that away

    Hope you find the right match - mine was 3rd attempt (Mainly cos I was ready)

    I'm in a relationship I'm scared to end and feel it will not go anywhere. It's pretty abusive (being honest), I am physically abusive while she is mentally/manipulative abusive.

    You're a match made in heaven.

    • Like 1
  5. ...so marooned pirates were left in Thailand.

    What can we do know?

    I know we can build a fine house and call it a temple for the poor to bring us food.

    Then we can loot steal and become jet setters - First class, at last me arties...

    I was looking for a witty Pirate line - and came across this:

    10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

    9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?

    8. Come on up and see me urchins.

    7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

    6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.

    5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if I fired me cannon through your porthole?

    4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?

    3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.

    2. Well blow me down?

    And the number one pickup line for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is …

    1. Prepare to be boarded.


  6. ... so you cant teach Thai kids?

    (You need to learn about armchair teaching)

    Or teaching in the private sector is Not armchair teaching

    (You need to learn how to be a Trainer - Not a lecturer)

    ... you don't get on with your American boss? So much so he is only giving you 2 weeks to get out of town...?

    It's never too late to learn...

    If you want to stay -
    go on the teacher forum for advice on keeping a teaching job in Thailand

    (Especially after 60...)

    Then follow the rules - as above.

    Exit come in as Tourist - get job (Set-up before you go?)

    Then apply for permit (Probably have to exit again and come back in as a teacher...)

    Then follow the school rules - you are not the boss...

    Good Luck

    Keep Calm

  7. The crazy policeman did not target Chinese/HK - he was crazy!

    A poor small country was un prepaired...

    They admitted that

    " along with the Philippines, the latter over a political dispute" ahem - political dispute over the Philippines' reluctance to apologise for its total bungling of a police operation which resulted in unnecessary deaths of HK tourists. All they had to do was apologise sincerely and admit that their police force is incompetent and corrupt. Still waiting...

    Come to think of it, there may be other SE Asian police forces who fall into the category of incompetent and corrupt. Just lucky they haven't killed too many HK tourists....

  8. Looks great.

    Pic: Image00005.jpg - Size: 152.67KB, Downloads: 49

    Is what I wanted but it still needs conduit ?

    I bought and sold a few do-er-upper houses in UK
    but non had conduit...
    (I have looked up "Fauna and Flora" problems and possible mice??
    but they cannot get through to the embeded cable - if you see what I mean)

    That's what the flap is about. He is happy to put open cable on top of the finish

    but will not put them beneath the finish...

    No one knocks a nail in, above a switch - right?

    I intend to sell next year. And buy another plot...
    (Now I've had a practice. Ha ha........)

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