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  1. There is now a rail strike on the day of the FA Cup final: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65410800
  2. The police that were there - not the "high ranking officer" who was brought in to manage the death of a foreigner. If someone gets murdered by a hi-so do we only believe what the hi-so says after speaking to their lawyers.
  3. See: https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/australian-man-dies-in-police-detention-in-phuket-thailand The officers on duty went out for lunch at 11.30am and left Winder alone. When they returned, they found that Winder had committed suicide, they said. Police said they examined the CCTV cameras and saw Winder, alone in the room, crying out for help before hanging himself with the rope from his shorts, reports KhaoPhuket.
  4. In the reports it also said it was on CCTV... Show it to the Oz relevant authorities to clear-up any misunderstandings over reports - even though they were all from the police apparently.
  5. I submitted council tax bill and copy of driving license I believe. All done - quite straight forward and quick
  6. Isn't this the reason you got into this mess to start with ?
  7. What, by endangering someone's life by driving off at very high speed with someone you hit initially hanging onto your bonnet. A little slip - could have very easily have ended in murder.. Should be seen as such...
  8. Could be Sophie Ellis-Bextor's - Music gets the best of me !
  9. I don't know about that - the three in the middle have Zoro masks ! :-)
  10. Man up and call him and ask him !!! I once couldn't get a key out of a car I'd just bought - they didn't tell me there was a button under the steering wheel I needed to press to release the ignition key......
  11. That doesn't seem to correlate with Oanda. Seems to be pretty level all last week.
  12. My wife and I have bought and sold a number of condos without the need of a lawyer ( We live in the UK and Bkk British/Thai). You don't say if this is a new condo or a resale. Are you buying through an estate agent ? 30K to go to the land dept - that's basically £800 + VAT for an hour of a secretary's time. Drafting an agreement - £1K + vat that is an hrs work at most from a template. We did our own based on previous experiences and standard "Estate Agent" contracts. Those prices look high - but obv' they're a law firm. If you don't mind me asking how long have you been in Thailand and how long have you been looking for a condo? Don't rush in..... there are many, many more... Bkk hasn't seen the Russian influx of buyers like Phuket etc and the Chinese are still away in numbers. As the above poster said I wouldn't buy a condo without been in BKK. We just sold one, the missus flew back for the week and all sorted with time to spare. These were in BKK CBD.
  13. Isn't the problem that if you get caught/stopped/checked by the police during that overstay period, the ability to pay a fine(500 pd) goes out of the window and you end up with a one-year ban.
  14. You're still way off the Tories - more conference league players. Only yesterday : A Conservative MP who reportedly offered to lobby ministers on behalf of the gambling industry and leak a confidential policy document for up to £4,000 a month has had the party whip suspended..... More in the UK news.. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/apr/05/rishi-sunak-facing-calls-suspend-whip-scott-benton https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11944137/Tory-MP-Scott-Benton-suspended-filmed-offering-lobby-ministers-fake-gambling-firm.html
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