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Posts posted by gigman

  1. "I have a non-O visa"

    If this is your latest extension of stay experience,you have/had an extension of stay, not a visa. A non-O visa dies after it is used.

    "Officer was very friendly (not sure if this last throughout the day)"

    Nice that everything went smoothly and quickly. Too bad you couldn't just say the officer was very friendly. Was the add-on speculative comment really needed? I'm always impressed at how patient and friendly the officers are all day long even when they have to deal with people who are never satisfied.

    The threadstarter clearly states that he has a VISA Non immigrant O (spouse/family)!!!!!!!!!!! He is clearly stating that his VISA is expiring 10th june,,, and because of that he goes to the Immigration and apply for an extension of stay based on marriage....

    Why all this negative writing, and than you accuse the OP for being negative..... I dont understand some people really!!


    I thing some people should be careful buying to small shoes ......555

    This new member posted some positive news for everyone and should be NOT treated in harsh way for it.

    Thailand gave us chance to live differently to our angry past and this Website is our meeting place to help each other.

    I completely agree with Glegolo.



    I spend less than 38,000 baht a month, although my income is greater than that, and think I have a fairly comfortable life style and don't find myself skimping. I am not living in a village but a city, enjoy a drink or two and regularly eat western food. But as mentioned before your major concern could be health. If something goes wrong and you are not covered by insurance or have no reserves you are in trouble.


    Yes, you can survive on 38K living in Thailand.I can do it on 30K/month
    I already posted my monthly balance of spending on other forum .
    If you do not own a car here then is no problem.Once per moth I can afford to rent a car for 4-4 days trip into country.
    Me and my g/f renting very decent condo in (Zeer Rangsit) , eating western food (90% of the time cooked by myself)
    Since I am in Bkk from 8 of March 2014 I have spent $3800 including (buying some appliances for the kitchen) one trip for 2 to Vietnam (4 days)and 1 trip to Pattaya for 2 days.
    Also I am studying Thai language in Asok hence extra costs for travelling 3/week.(Course was paid before)
    Practically $1K per month with careful planning on grocery you should live comfortably (under condition that you will cook for yourself)
    I am heavy user on electricity hence with air con ON non stop working(with adjustment to 28deg.)paying cable TV and internet I am happy to have life here.
    I could not survive in Australia on my pension being alone and not having my "own roof above my head" without extra work.
    I do not need much from life now ... just to have quiet and worry free life.
    Who do not believe in my words are welcome to my place to see it.
    On my older years I deserved to have worry free life and Thailand as far allowing me to have it.
    I do not know how people live in Krabi but if i can survive in BKK hence somewhere else should be not a big problem.

    • Like 1
  3. My first electric bill was 1500bht for March .Air cond. was running non stop day and night set to 26-27deg during the day and 29deg at night.

    Also my tv and kitchen (magnetic top)also microwave used everyday for cooking.

    I just wanted to see and experience the cost of maximum usage.

    Next month bill (April) ....surprise...2500bht .....same usage same conditions .

    This month my bill will arrive around 15 of June and I'm using same appliances except I rise room temperature in day time to 27-28 and at night to 29-30.

    If I can advise ..(I am electrician and air con techn.)then I would suggest to employ a circulating fan in the room towards opposite air cond. internal outlet.

    It allows more precisely to mix room air and specially near ceiling where air unit sucks in hot air.

    Problem is that air con head is always mounted near the ceiling where is the highest temperature.

    Around 500 mm below temperature difference is roughly 5-8 deg. Yes 5-8 deg.

    To explain better, air con head sensor "thinks" that is still to hot compare to setting sent from remote control and keep going to reach required level.

    Really it often never happened because not every unit is strong enough to cool down the room because of slowly "dying compressor" or simply room is to big for type of unit.

    Depends from room air circulation all air cond works more then required.

    You can find brands as Panasonic who created new temperature reading system which control air cond unit and sensor is build in in remote control.

    Remote control is sending actual room temperature to the unit .

    Removing remote control to different place in the room changes condition of cooling device.( often people accidentally cover remote with pillow or something and then air unit never stop)

    Unfortunately mine is not old but does not have sensor in remote control hence I am using fan which is very cheap to run parallel with my air con with really good results.

    Besides, I think electric company rise their prices ...but not really doubled ...( I calculated last bill as 0.36 and now looks like 0.45 per unit)

    This is still to hard to read Thai bill properly but I think they charging for electr. usage same like it was in Australia for eg. first 500 Kw was lower price then increases price per unit when goes higher.

    Anyway guys I am happy with electric bill here compare to my last bill in Australia where after being careful with usage in similar conditions my bill reached

    195 dol/month.....

    • Like 1
  4. Don't mean to sound un-supportive but, boy has been fending for himself since age 3?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    He has an older sister and an older brother.

    Both left the house, living somewhere else.

    No support to the family.

    Probably he is in this situation for the last 1 or 2 years.

    Where are all the thai rouge supporters.....surely this should be something they would be on to straight away...helping the downtrodden poor?

    Let me know how I can help Costas-I'm in

    Let me ring tomorrow morning to the number provided in OP.

    Then I will let you know and you can make a donation to the account I provided to Neverdie as I will do.

    Don't know if this is the Bank telephone number or the school one.

    I'll let you know tomorrow.

    Thanks for this.

    I will also send 1000bht now and even more later if this family will need more.

    I will ask my g/f to transfer properly if this must be written in Thai.

    I already spreading this post and photo to my country friends .

    It could be a good example for our countries schools subject about human life here and there for comparisation.

    • Like 1

    Keep complaining to my wife about the heat and she tells me This is Thailand.

    Can't argue.......


    My g/s said to me once too.

    I am sweating as hell too specially my head but I feel better when i see many Thai's who have same problem. They are not immune to heat even born here.

    After 6 months somehow I learned how to avoid it ...as much as possible.

  6. In general I think western women have better reasons for staying in Thailand. They tend to have a more rounded experience of the place as a whole rather just aiming for the usual traps that so many guys fall into. This is a broad generalization of course, many are already in settled relationships when they arrive or are married though.

    did you really.really want an answer to that question? why do you think foreign men came over here in the first place? to see the sunset? asian women have it all over foreign women, especially english and american women! many men don't want to get into an arm wrastling contest just to swap spit with a european woman! also we don't have to promise the asian woman that we will marry them! ALSO asian women smell better! they wash everyday, not just twice a week!

    Mate ...good on you !!!!!

    In my post I forgot about this qualities in Thai woman. Thank you.

    My every woman including in Thailand (I am talking ..woman -means Thai) never ever allow me to start anything until she get shower ! but also i have in my old memory different scenarios from my previous world....if you get my drift..

    I was considering my sex life over because of my past life with western world.

    I was ashamed to talk about it with my ex wife's but my doctor after taking tests on "Testosterone " told me that this is mental problem.....no erection problem.

    Now when all my past is over I am still normal and highly performing man thanks to real Thai woman . I am more happy then you can imagine...

    Should I spoil everything looking after western woman????



  7. Aliya4u

    Posted Yesterday, 22:40

    I live in bangkok for 4 years and from what I see it seem to me that forigners guys who lives in thailand like to date thai woman more then woman from their own country or forigner as a same.

    For dating for one night stand or marry.. So I guess because they live here because they like it here also asia women too.. Hardly to meet forignerswho dating foringer in another country... Maybe have some but most of forigners in thailand young- old like to go out with thai women more than us..

    Yes you got it 100% correct as I see it. I would never in a lifetime spend the money to go and live in Thailand just to end up to take two steps backwards and date falangladies (again)....
    I am deeply happy that i got away so to speak, and got the chance to find happiness in life here in Thailand. A happiness that falangladies from my point of view, never ever can give me... In my opinion, falangladys cant give anything at all fullstop.
    personally I do not understand at all what they are doing here in Thailand, but I think it pisses them off really bad to see that guys actually have found happiness here..and found it without the "help" of the falanggirls....wink.pngwink.pngwink.png
    Very good point Glegolo !
    In my post you can read similar ...opinion of mine.
    falandladies have in blood vampire genes ...... 5555...
    One day.... they will suck each other.
  8. 1.Consequences meeting western woman could ruin your life . ( my 3 marriages left me heart broken and penniless but ex's have everything after my hard work)

    2.Western woman have to many rights against man .(Man should start fighting to get rights back)

    3.I always wonder what western woman is looking in Asia.....( there is a plenty idiots in western world....)

    4.There is more decent Thai woman then in western world . (With exception that if they will gain same amount of rights it will be similar scenario as in western world. )

    5.I just can not trust western woman anymore.

    Prefer to loose with Thai then win with western woman. (Reading many posts on different forums you can find growing hatred of western woman toward Asia woman.....)


    Everyone (man) living in Thai knows this (: ...5555.

    How many western couples live in Thailand on retirement compare to single man...... all ages??? and why?


    "They did a segment on "A current Affair" of "today tonight "(Aust.) a few months back,apparently in place Australian women are out numbered 5 to 1 - or something like that ,in some places- aussie men.

    However,after talking to the women in these areas,most of them said it wasn't the fact that they they couldn't find a man,it was that the men were...not nice.A matter or quality vs quantity, if you get my drift "

    Is it means... all quality man going away to different countries ???? if so ..why?

  9. a question concerning teaching English in Thailand. are the Thai students taught English or American?

    -whom to blame for the bad behaviour of my neighbour?


    -who to blame for the bad behavior of my neighbor?

    disclaimer: i don't mind the spelling difference but my neckhair raises when i hear "who to blame?" sick.gif

    EL is a user driven language - it is not static........this makes a uniquely democratic tool. Unfortunately for you the use of whom is dropping out of any form of English US, international, Aussie, Indian, and British...they all are losing it.

    "Whom" is the objective case - we still use it in some pronouns but it most other circumstances it has fallen out of use along with all the other cases. This is also the case with verb agreements.

    If you went back a few hundred years or side stepped into other languages you would have to deal with many more case forms in many more words......

    Anyone who has studied Latin will recognise the 6 (maybe even 7) cases -

    1. Nominative

    2. Vocative

    3. Accusative

    4. Genitive

    5. Dative

    6. Ablative

    7. Locative

    Also with gender and singular or plural; each requiring a different form of the noun - for instance:- datum/data (datorum even!), visum (singular, as used in Dutch) or visa the plural used in English

    For example, German still uses some cases and together with French, has a full range of verb agreements. In English we dropped most of the changes in verb endings 800 to 200 years ago. Inexplicably, we retain the “s” in third person singular positive present simple (from Scandinavian origins I believe)

    The possessive apostrophe “s” probably originated from the genitive case in Germanic which ended in “es”; the apostrophe denoting the missing “e”

    Changes are not always concurrent; oddly enough it is the US that holds on to more vestiges of older English than the UK as after the revolution, they remained relatively isolated for some time and retained a lot of structures and forms that fell out of use in UK - “Fall” for Autumn, “Gotten” rather than “got” and “for sure” instead of “Yes” come to mind.

    There are many reasons for this “loss”, but a lot has to do with the fact that English is a VAST language in terms of numbers of words and sources and we simply don't need those cases to make ourselves understood.

    So, changes happen - get used to it.........

    PS - "who is to blame" would be a more modern syntax and makes "who" the subject, "to blame whom" (object) sounds rather clumsy by today's standards

    there is no such thing like a loss or sounding clumsy when using correct grammar. au contraire! and of course you can make yourself understood speaking Pidgin, Thainglish or Bluck-Uffricunlish. take that from a non-native speaker who's third language is English.

    by the way, there is no seventh case (such as "locative") in Latin, no matter what some wiki-clowns claim wai2.gif

    Sorry there is - if you want to argue Latin, go ahead, you're likely to find you're way out of your depth. ...and I don't need google for my Latin

    As for loss, try reading 13th century English. Your comments remind of a lot of people I meet who "know" o think they know one point of grammar and then assume they are an authority on English. Well I'm sure I could find loads of "ungrammatical" English in your posts if I tried, but the fact is that some of the most beautiful English ever written would fly in the face of your ideas on the language - and guess who I'd rather follow.

    I really like this post !!! ...


    I could not resist to leave here my Polish-English marks...clap2.gifcheesy.gif

    Regards to everyone who is able to understand my poor gramma .... if yes ...thanks ...No Problemo....

    Polish Aussie in BKK


    The Thai don't use tv to learn english and that's a big miss. Even the english words i hear from Thai tv are pronounced wrong so how the heck can they ever learn it properly?

    Last week i got email from a professional languagescool in BKK, they needed teachers and the mail i received 100% confirmed that. What a crappy english that recruiter used, i corrected his request in proper english and sent it back to him, that was lesson #1 i wrote him. He still has to reply me.

    But for 30k baht a month and living in BKK i can only laugh about what they must be thinking. I guess they don't want the teachers to drive a car, dress well, live in a proper house and eat healthy because for 30k that sure is impossible.


    To be honest I can survive in BKK for 30 K.....
    I am here already 5 month living on my savings.
    Rent cost me 6500bht (Nice condo with kitchen/ security etc.)
    Electricity 2500bht ( Big fridge , Air practically ON 24 hours, TV,and I am cooking my meals)
    From Rangsit I am travelling to Asok to my Thai school for 1200bht / month (3 times a week)
    I am paying cable TV 600bht
    My phone with internet cost me 550-600/month
    Total basic spending = 11000bht/month
    Rest of money I am spending on groceries ...and I drink beer and whisky occasionally ...(Usually my weekly "big" shopping time cost me ~2000-2500 bht plus extra 1000 for milk coke etc.)
    I am on westerners food hence cost me more but I am cooking a little different then my Thai g/f can join to the dinner .
    In addition .. I am paying for everything ...She keep own money from her little business and I do not care because she is good helping family woman.
    I do not smoke cigarettes ( it could be a big damage to budget) but i am new type user of e-cigarettes which cost me very very little.
    As you can see on my 19000bht I can feed myself and my g/f and I must say ...I must start thinking to loose weight ...after time here I am 6 kilo more then before...
    I have spent 2 months in Pattaya before without proper kitchen and in overall it cost me similar but I was loosing weight 555.
    I can only say this....I am planning to spend time here on my coming retirement and now I know it is no problem at all and having 4500K/ month pension and if I will start seriously sharing life and spending with woman it should be more then easy life and doing nothing in this country.

    I do not belong to people who are able to save money by careful planning. On top of it I must say I am meat lover and Thai is cheap compare to western country hence self cooking pays good.

  11. A foreigner was arrested by the military after he was found buying Tshirt stating “Peace Please” at Victory Monument.

    I'm not a fan of the coup, but the guy did not just buy a T shirt. He was photographed deliberately displaying it in front of a group of soldiers.

    If the above is true, then seems the headline is a bit misleading...

    As then he was not arrested for buying a T-shirt.... It would mean that he was arrested for actively protesting against the Coup in front of the soldiers

    Which is a big no no..

    It doesn't matter what side you are for or against, it has been made very clear by Thai authorities on both sides that foreigners taking part in protests will be deported

    I remember this happening both with some foreigners joining both the Reds and some foreigners joining the yellows and recently One high profile foreigner joining Suthep

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Exactly ! Buying and showing off is 2 different things.



    Taking a leak at the start of the route and at the end of it might solve this massive problem.


    Sorry mate but it is not a case.

    I was a bus driver in Europe long time ago and even over there it was a problem on long routes .

    Even over there is not perfect situation with toilets ..specially in big towns.

    Believe me I know this feeling... and never forget.

    I Bangkok drivers must use offensive methods driving in this road "mess" and i am fully sorry for what they must suffer.

    I must take their side ...

    • Like 1
  13. We have the same problem in our condo at Waterford rama4. The management takes all the common fees and pretend they spend it all on bills. nothing is taken care of. The kids pool( the kids swim everywhere though) is the worst. There are 4 lights in there and all the cables are floating around in the pool as the lights are not screwed to the floor. The technicians(3 of them!) couldnt find their own <deleted> with two hands. I have mentioned it many times but they look at me like im crazy... i even stopped paying the common fee since i didnt see any resolution in near future. Thay ansvered with cutting off my water. even though i was paying my water bill. There are electrical cables tied with tape all over the common area including the kids playground! The management refuse to talk about it or do anything about it. on top of that the pool is dumped full of Trichlorocyanuric acid as a source of clorine. Trichloroisocyanuric acid in swimming pools is easier to handle than chlorine. It dissolves slowly in water, but as it reacts, cyanuric acid concentration in the pool will build-up. At high cyanuric acid concentrations, normal chlorine levels can be rendered ineffective, requiring either dilution by draining and refilling the pool or by adding abnormally high doses of chlorine to overcome this effect. They just dump it in with a showel. I offered to give them an ozonator for free( value 1 million baht) because i have my kids in there but they didnt want it! What can one do with things like this? Nothing? im talking to retarded little kids in adult bodies!

    will this place be next?

    Hmmmm, probably YES!

    This is only matter of time and right moment for transformer to get wet for some reason of just transformer insulation gets to old.

    If this wires carry 240 Volts then your pool already be full of dead bodies understanding your story.

    I would not give a single baht until they not fix this problem properly.

    Many people do not realize that to be killed by electricity you do not have to be electrocuted for even longer then one second to get your heart stopped.....

    Most people are killed by electric power by surprise and a most of them died because of electric shock (which not necessary cause death ) but by secondary cause like falling from the roof etc.

    Of course it needs some critical condition for this kind of death but in wet areas those chances growing to very high probabilities ..

    In Your case I would not dare to come to swimming pool ...sorry ... I rather do not affraid of electric power (I am electrician) but I have a full respect to the rules.

    They are made to save life's and not to kill.

    There is a cheap solution for you to overcome this problem ..

    Why don't you buy or import certified RCD (protection device ) and demand to install it to the pool lamps or even pool electric pumps ?? It doe not cost your life....



    I forgot....

    If you somehow manage to install protection in your building ...DO NOT forget to advertise it ....even to body corp etc.

    I strongly believe other will follow.

    Someone must be a pioneer in this country ...if we do not demand and do it ..then WHO WILL???

  14. None of the logs in the photographs look as if taken from old teak houses as claimed. They all look freshly cut. Let's hope the dirtbags who are destroying the environment for personal gain get banged up for many years.

    In fact if you read the article it confirms that all paperwork was in order and it was reclaimed wood.

    I'm no Thaksin lover but this one sided approach and entrenched views is what caused all this in the first place

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The article says there was paperwork to the effect it was all reclaimed wood but it doesn't say the paperwork was in order. Since they controlled the government it was easy for the Shins to get any kind of paperwork they wanted and this would be legal paperwork produced by the correct government department with the right stamps and signatures, not forgeries. But if the information used to produce the paperwork was untrue, since officials were coerced to produce it, then the paperwork is not in order. It is fraudulent. Scientific testing of the logs should easily determine whether this was the case or not.

    As far as I remember working in furniture factory in Australia 35 years ago we produced teak furniture Every log coming from overseas was properly stamped and numbered in supplying countries who logged this type of timber.I also remember we had to keep stamps or just pieces with this marks for some years as evidence for inspection from Australian authorities.....

    I have no idea why ....

    Another name for teak ; Tectona grandis is native to India, Indonesia, Myanmar, northern Thailand, and northwestern Laos.

    It is most notably found in India and Myanmar. Some parts of Africa are also known to have these trees just little different but still family of teak.

    This kind of tree is under strict control and even some country like Cambodia teak is very respected tree.

    Some time ago " An outdoor cinema owner has been fined $3,000 for chopping down 20-year-old protected teak trees in Kampong Cham (Cambodia) ...........

    Just for info.......

    The oldest and biggest teak in the world is in Uttaradit Province, Thailand. It is more than 1,500 years old. The tree is 47 metres tall, and the circumference of the trunk is 10.23 metres

    • Like 2
  15. Sad story, but there's seomthing odd about it. "Hosseini tried to pull him from the lamp pole but the two were electrocuted."

    If this was AC power, don't you get thrown away from the thing you touch? With DC power you get stuck to the item you touched, as does anyone who touches you. Doesn't this imply the pool lamp was DC?

    Why would the pool lighting be DC?

    Most all DC lighting is 24 Volts, one would have to be hyper sensitive to feel it! AND YES, pool lighting is normally 24 VDC in any sort of reasonably well engineered situation whether it be sub surface, decorative or surround..

    Yes you are right and wrong!

    Mostly they are 24 Volts lamps for swimming pools ((but if no LCD (newest) then those lamps are AC mate. Secondly those lamps are supplied with transformer 220/240 /24 or 12 volts.

    If transformer is not properly earthed or grounded then is same potential killer even is designed to separate main power....

    12 Volts or 24 LCD are also designed to be supplied by AC power after transformer and this type of lamp have in build rectifier ....(rectifier is changing AC to DC ) to easy adopt old lamp system to new LCD type.

    Every power supply is AC (alternative current ) DC is just simply saying - direct current like in your battery.

    Sorry but you have watched to many movies where people are electrocuted and being thrown away ..... it is not real case scenario..

    For those who want to see the effect of being killed by electric power just watch this real scenario video.....be prepare this video is really shocking.

    http://youtu.be/tSM_iWkWhVQ (4 painter killed in the same time)





    Safety first. And I hope the families sue the hell out of the condo management. It might create a small change in the understanding for liability in public places.


    Yes I fully agree...
    This is not acceptable to allow electrical devices to be connected to swimming pool or wet areas without safety fusses.Such simple device can control whole house or just single electric point.
    Those devices are so cheap this days.In Australia by law every house must have it.
    Yes those families should sue the management and even go to higher instances ...
    Someone should blow the whistle because if they do not care much about own people safety then at least tourists should feel safe here in public place specially swimming pools.
    Another good example is millions of shower heater which very quickly could become a killing machine because more and more are hooked to plastic water pipes where is no proper earthing and grounding source.(older housing still have metal type pipes and is less chance to be electrocuted but still is possible to get killed)

  17. Smurkster!!

    There has been a thread, I read it yesterday, how falang envy towards falang and they cant really appreciate when other falangs have it good here inThailand. Do not take to much attention to their posting, it is worth nothing really.

    me myself live up north like yourself, but in Chaiyaphum. I like these motorbike-rides as well. But unfortunately to much milage inbetween us... So good luck ... if you ever close to Chaiyaphum, just drop a PM and we can meet up.



    Completely agree with Glegolo.

    Some people are getting early dimentia ...forgetting who they are or what they want from life.

    We do not need to be sarcastic here on this Website specialy if someone is polite and nicely offering just friendship.

    Many of us farangs should keep together whatever country we coming from ...this is my look on life.

    I am here to study Thai language and soon ask to stay here for my retirement but even having Thai woman I have feelings being lonely very often .

    So , understand your feelings mate.

    If you could leave a bit closer we could a have nice chat together even this weekend including our ladies.

    My advice?

    Don't look to hard for friendship ....it will come for sure . Friendly people always find each other.

    Best wishes


  18. technically speaking blacklisting is being legally declared persona non grata in a country, usually done by a court.

    While being denied entry is simply that we will not let you in

    so to me at least not the same thing

    I suspected as much since it's not as if they caught him sitting in an office on a phone or something (he actually doesn't work in Thailand). Couldn't be sure though because TIT and since when is proof needed before official decision-making? Suspicion is often enough

    He's looking to return but talking about some kind of James Bond-like itinerary. Going to KL or Vientiane and entering through a land border followed by buses and trains laugh.png because he thinks the immigration peeps at Swampy will remember him and pee on his cornflakes if he comes in that way again.

    Ok well thanks for the answers - i'll send the thread url to him

    To loose his ED visa ...you must be doing serious offence here in Thailand like for eg. seriously skipping the school or not to attend at all.

    If someone thinks that Thai people are naive ....then he/she is doing big mistake.

    They have computers here too and a lot of information about us. If someone thinks he can get again to Thailand by land is really asking to be blacklisted 5555.Such attempt can lead to real anger of officers on the border.

    He still have a chance to do it properly but my feelings are ...he will get blacklisted stamp in final...

    If someone spent so much time in Thailand before he was denied entry ..my question is ..; did he ever learn a little about this country and it's rules being here and to void such problem ???

    Sorry , but I can't have any sympathy for such people.

  19. If you have an ED visa and you leave the country - it is CANCELLED, and no longer valid - unless you inform your school, and they notify the authorities and get permission for you to leave.

    If he left without telling anybody, then even his ED extension is cancelled. If he had a re-entry permit - that doesn't count anymore, as visa is cancelled.

    He should have asked for a 30 day visitor at the airport to get time to sort it out - but by the sounds of it, I'd guess they just took a dislike to him for some reason of theirs.

    Everything I am reading on this site is not clear about this fellow who was denied entry having ED visa.

    I am currently on mult entry ED visa and already used this opportunity once to leave Thailand for 4 days to see Vietnam.

    After arrival no problem at all, no questions asked at air port.

    I do not see a reason why he should be denied entry if he has done everything properly having such kind of visa.

    I paid for school being in Pattaya then my application was sent to Thai Education Dep. then after 2 weeks I received all needed letters to go outside Thailand to apply for 1 year visa.

    I also choose to pay more for multi entry at Thai embassy in Australia.

    I must say that I am attending to school and I am serious to learn Thai language but also must comply with the rules of Thai Education department.

    In one month time I must report at visa department to do my every 3 months extension of staying but before that my school is also reporting about me to get proper letter which is essential at

    visa department. Other option is to leave Thailand and come back....

    I am suspecting that people who abusing this system are creating problem for everyone else in the future who really want to study here and enjoy staying in Thailand.

    Just do not believe that honest student can face such harsh decision to be denied entry or his/her visa to be cancelled without the reason.

    My personal feeling is that Thai people are doing very easy entry to their country compare to other world countries anyway and those who create problems by abusing this opportunity should have no place on this website to be discussed this kind of problems .

    Anyone who is asking for help of other members here on this website should show true and detailed information about incident they experienced and not just "bits and pieces" of full story to build mistrust and confusion to real situation in Thailand .It doesn't help anybody just is wasting space here and our time.

    P.S. Why this fellow does not do right thing and try again starting from Thai embassy somewhere outside this country??? Instead he is planning to just sneak in by land....(???) it is fishy for me and not worth discussion.

    • Like 1
  20. Can they do it? Sure.. It's as easy as shutting down the TV feeds. Will they? I don't think so as they will paralyze every major business here in Thailand.

    Auto, computer, even light bulb manufacturers need the net to keep their supply line flowing.

    The only thing they will accomplish is to drive every international manufacture out of Thailand

    555....actually ,could be big problem to buy air tickets without online agents...wai2.gifgiggle.gif

  21. Its a scam operated by many agents and (so I have heard) against the law. Ask your prospective landlord send you bill direct from your local electric company office.

    Agents! What are you talking about?

    Those of little intelligence really should stay off keyboards.

    How can an agent overcharge you for electricity?

    The bill would be paid in the office of the condo if it was surcharged and not government rate so how would an agent be involved in that?

    Reputable agents don't even rent or offer condos that do not offer government rate electricity.

    That has to get stupidest comment of the day in a city famous for stupid comments.

    Yes, exactly!!!!

    This site better be for people who do not spread information like that.



    The domestic price is about 3.6 bt, per unit. Condos have to pay a bit more than that, i think.


    Hi mate.

    I payed 20bht /unit in Pattaya ...!! I was just ripped off.For 2 month I was avoiding air con.

    Now I'm in Bangkok 3 month and paying 4.5/unit.

    My Air cond . never off tv most of the day and evening untill2 am , big fridge working kitchen (I am cooking everyday) coffe maker etc ,per whole month it cost me 2500 bht. Previous bill was smaller ..just 1500 because I was some time outside Thailand.

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