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Posts posted by gigman

  1. If you used Internet before and do not top it up just top up your calls then that's the problem.

    Dtac for example let me use Internet at 128kbs but usage is paid from my "calls credit" money.

    Everytime I return to Thailand I have working Internet but is using my credit until I pay Internet separately.

  2. Putin, Obama, NATO...etc including me and you ..we are just little average people in this world history. ...
    The " Unnamed Great ones " know why and what will be next hence we are just wasting our time calculating and guessing.
    History is written already...in " Someone's" memo...

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Do any other countries have as many dead tourists as Thailand?

    Seems only the Aussies make such records public...Thailand is No 1...surprise...surprise

    2012 Australian overseas deaths - top 10

    Rank - Country - Total deaths

    1 Thailand 111

    2 Philippines 68

    3 Greece 60

    4 Vietnam 54

    5 US 51

    6 Indonesia 48

    7 Germany 41

    8 Hong Kong 40

    9 China 38

    10 UK 28

    *Source: DFAT

    Your figures will only prove a point if it is accompanied by the total number of aussies visiting each country mentioned in any year.

    "The top five favourite destinations for Australians were New Zealand (1.1 million visitors), Indonesia (910,000 visitors), the US (819,000 visitors), Thailand (600,000 visitors), and Britain (487,000 visitors). The number of Australian travellers to Thailand rose by 23 per cent, to Indonesia by 13 per cent, and to the US by 9 per cent in the past 12 months." Sydney Morning Herald April 30, 2013. Article based on data from Australian Bureau of Statistics for 2012.

    Somehow they forgotten about own suicide numbers. ..

  4. Everyone have dreams...but not everyone is strong enough to face problems ...wub.png

    Just stop and... imagine for the moment;

    Your are alone and suddenly no money , no friends , you became sick and your country does't want you either......

    You never know if you always can control your life .....

    What ......... IF ....????? facepalm.gif

    Big thanks for those who wrote with sarcastic point of view ..clap2.gif .

    Sweet dreams ....tonight ! wai.gif

    As I always said ;"We don't know tomorrow "wink.png

    Best Thai day to all....coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  5. We do not know full real story....

    conclusions jump quickly...

    It does not matter if tourist is stupid or vendor.

    If tourist is stupid enough then we probably will find many like that ....(I have seen personally as Russian couple was shouting with angry faces on similar issue but vendor was a Thai woman who politely returned them 10 bht which she was accused of overcharging them...) You should see they stupid faces when I gave to vendor lady my 20 bht in front of her "customers" . As she was scared of them in the same time she just politely said thank you to me a couple of times.

    To be honest those Russian couple looked at me like with anger too because they have been humiliated by my move...They left with some nasty comment about me which I understood because it was my unwanted language in my young years in my father land country under Russian occupation....

    Today I just wander what could happen if I answered them same nasty words in they language and maybe other two languages they maybe could understand.

    I did not do it because it is my principle not to stir a sh...ty situation when weirdos are involved.

    If I did then maybe it could create a similar scenario we have with Turkish guys and who know what kind of story we could have on this forum today not knowing full story

    Some may say I should not be involved but to me was just shortest probably way to finish a conflict.

    As for them ....well,......if any of them have a some ...personal dignity then this 20 bht will give all of them something to think about.

    As my conclusion is ; we may have more similar scenarios on daily bases anywhere because unfortunately different cultures not always comes in pairs with intellect of some "tourists"

    But it does not allow or to give a right to anybody to just grab a knife and attack for any kind of argument and specially where we are talking about just couple of Bht's.

    Will you attack your guests in own home even if they are wrong?coffee1.gif

  6. My wife is a Thai national; I am a USA national. We live in each country roughly six months per year. But the difference in the way we are treated by each other's native country is night and day. My wife travels in and out of the USA on her Thai passport never needing a Visa. She can work, own property, own businesses, go to school, whatever. She is protected against overt discrimination and welcomed as a tax-paying, contributing part of society. But no matter how long we are married, nor how long we are in Thailand, I can never do any of those things. We are both college educated experienced professionals; but she is welcomed and wanted in my country, and I never will be in hers. Xenophobic or not, it's just plain dumb.

    Let's just call it discrimination.

  7. In defence of Thai people, there are folks like that all over the world!!

    That's right

    I remember time in 1980 when travelling from Sydney to New Castle both sides of main state road was packed with rubbish ...even worst i can find in Thailand. There was everything there..mattresses. .fridges..beds..car wrecks just all the way 150km was rubbish.

    Those days gone long time ago because one day government gave police rights to put heavy fines for litters.

    But Thai must start from education and supplying bins.

  8. The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

    so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

    Welcome to Australia...

    Then you will see how expensive life is....5555

    • Like 1
  9. "The NCPO runs the country. Therefore it is a government."

    Yes, It is at the moment the only government Thailand has. By design it is a temporary measure brought on by the state of emergency. A proper government framework with all the window dressings needs to be implemented. This is not only for it to function in the long term but also for appearances sake. The polls indicate the Thai public overwhelmingly support Gen. Prayuth for the position of PM. I can't argue with the polls. He will be elected by a unanimous landslide victory.

    "Elections can then be held under a new constitution which will prohibit any future elected government from having any power, which will permanently reside in the hands of unelected "good people" who are accountable to no-one but each other".

    You left out the most important part of my original statement; "jeopardizing the nation and its institutions". Do a little research on the Finland incident to find out why.

    You are wrong to say that these good people are accountable to no one but themselves. Most of them are or will be military or former military and if you were to ask any one of them they will tell you where their allegiance lies.

    "I thought the party line was that the junta was officially neutral and had nothing to do with Suthep"

    So far they are sticking to the script.

    "He will be elected by a unanimous landslide victory"

    Yeah I am sure he will be, unfortunately apart from 200 members of the NLA, appointed by the military, no other Thai will have any say in the matter. Not to mention there probably are no other candidates. For landlside victories obtained from the Thai electorate, one must look elsewhere.

    The polls and surveys reported in the media indicate that the majority of Thai people support Gen. Prayuth and are happy with what he is doing.

    Anything is better than the constant televised 24/7 blathering of Suthep, the blockades, the botched election, the endless lawsuits and counter-suits and endless speeches on the perils of the Shiniwatra clan. I was actually happy when Gen. Prayuth blacked out TV broadcasts for three days because I didn't have to listen to Suthep's ravings anymore. Peace, at last. Finally it's all over. Now we have peace and happiness and harmony. The non stop media reports about the crackdown on corruption reinforces this feeling. Everything will be OK now.

    I understand now.

    Exactly right opinion !

    Enough of endless b s.

    Time for peace .

    All those "political" argues on this site are same like those in the past where money and power hungry did.

    More countries in the world should deserve a fellow like Gen, Prayuth. even developed countries where people suffer a different way .

    Anyone wishes to have different scenario ? Just wander what would finally happened if there was no coup ...???

    Probably more bloodshed and who knows what else???

    What is wrong with "cleaning" he is doing now ? (all those mafia's etc.) there was no money for farmers before ... and somehow they could be paid because of him...???

    I think this list can be much bigger in the future.

    Anyway who is perfect in this world??

    Humanity really are not designed for full freedom anyway....look into the history...

    Maybe it is the time to have stronger leader then weak and corrupted elected government.

    What I value most in Gen. Prayuth speeches is that ;

    He is always calling his own people for reconciliation for all citizens and not like previous who's speeches was dividing them.

    Time will show .....

    Budda said " why to be worry about future if we do not know the future...giggle.gif

    Have nice Thai day in PEACE .wai.gif


    • Like 1
  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    One doesn't usually die the same day the symptoms start.....She could have thrown a thrombo, had a CVA or MI, or she died from her cancer..

    Don't expect any truth what really happened and what is the risk we are involved ...

    It would be panic world wide.

    Remember some movies ???...

    who needs a time to run and survive .....and who will be left to die ?

    The truth can not be said under any conditions.

    It will be flue or something else...only you will know or not what you have....


    • Like 1
  11. If Australia owns it now and they are true to form, they will sell it and only collect royalty like they've done with almost everything else.

    Yes,................ " like they've done with almost everything else"

    I can not even call those on the top ..Australians.....

    Country who have so much "goodies" in the ground should be a dream for own citizens .

    But everything is just getting worse ...education employment , retirement , etc.etc just more rules and power to police, cameras are everywhere and for what ??

    Just over 20 million good Australian people who are getting screwed every year...

    And because they are affraid of saying ....NO......

    Young people could not find the work and depressed,

    Big deal with oil discovery .....5555

    Ordinary citizen will not get any better because of it.

    Why I must look for other country to spend my old day if I can not survive on Australian pension and being alone .?

    This oil discovery will not help me at all.

    After I spent 35 years in this country and paying taxes I must be worry now if I can survive??? and because "Power" wants me now to die quickly.


  12. You want to smoke?

    Fine. Go ahead.

    Just don't do it around those of us who find it a foul habit.

    Indeed, the last thing I want to do is to inlfict my pleasures on someone who doesn't like them. However, the anti-smoking lobby finds it quite acceptable to inflict their displeasures on me by removing my choice to enjoy sitting in a bar with a beer and a cigarette. It would have been so easy to mandate separate, well signed bars where smoking is or isn't permitted. Or separate areas, with good ventilation. But of course, it never was anything to do with health. It was always about social engineering. And increased profits for the pharmaceutical industry.

    I do not have a problem with people smoking, just as long as

    1. I do not have to inhale the smoke, which gives me asthma.

    Oddly enough, smoking is supposed to be protective against asthma, although I haven't done much research on it.


    2. I do not have to inhale the stench that the hookahs emit.

    Hookahs do not emit a stench, they give off an aroma. Whether you like the aroma or not is purely subjective.

    3. I do not have to pay for their healthcare.

    According the the (doubtless inflated) figures from the NHS in the UK, 'smoking related' diseases costs them £2.7 billion a year.

    Smokers pay £11 billion in taxes every year. So we subsidise your healthcare to a large degree. Be grateful! smile.png

    In reply.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    To be honest years ago I stopped smoking for 3 years because of heavy bronchities

    I did not help and actualy after 2 years doctors described my problem as asthma on top of my first problem. I was just terrified when i forgot my inhaler ...

    To make long story short....something happened in my life that I started with smoking again.

    Now just gone 4 years since I started smoking and I do not need any medicines at all and my previous attacks just gone...

    Unfortunately my cough was still heavy but much much less then NOT smoking.

    Believe it or not I do not cough now and it has been last 6 month like that ...and reason ???

    ........I was introduced to e-cigarettes ...

    I manage to switch to them in 2 weeks ( price of tobacco helped me also to do this)

    Previously I could not freely talk without constantly coughing and now everything just gone .

    I am scared now what happen if e-cigarettes (actually vapor inhalers ) will be banned......

    I was able to heal myself from my problems where doctors could not help me and now what??

    Banned e-cigarettes, shisha hence what the future for me ....return to doctors and same bs.????facepalm.gif

  13. I never even realized it was illegal, given how commonly it is available....

    Because if people have nothing else to do then are looking for things like.... what to make illegal.

    Many things should be illegal but everything must come in right order of things.

    Even food we eat and most of it should be illegal due to chemicals they have been used simple from grain to ready to consume product.

    In alphabetical order veggies are on the list but we are at letter C for cigarettes ....weird why Shisha it is on the end of alphabet...

    Maybe we should start from letter A ...for " air" we breath polluted from cars and industry.....somehow everything which is not easy to fix (or brings big profit)

    will stay untouched.

    hehe ..water "W" is on long listcoffee1.gif

  14. What I want is the enforcement of the No Smoking in the Go Go Bars and restaurants. 90 % of the people will go outside and smoke the 10% make it unpleasant. Secondary Smoke is dangerous and smoking makes all smell bad !!

    That's why someone implemented E-cigarette.

    They do not release smoke just vapor ( the is no real fire in it just little heater )

    They do not smell as real cigarette , depends of the flavor you can have taste of anything.

    I love Coffee lathe taste ...which you could only smell it a very little from very close distance or nothing at all.

    I love also strawberries tastes.....don't you like strawberries?

    It helped me to stop coughing and improved my health where even 3 years of no smoking cigarettes did not helped me...............

    Hence all of this is just hysteria about shisha ,e-cigarettes without any independed proof of harm??

    E- vapors ; (I do not agree with name "e- cigarette" )

    create pollution

    no rubbish (butts) left on the streets

    no need for ashtrays and smell

    no smoke and bad smell at all

    cost just fraction of real cigarettes

    No REAL health treat recorded compare to original cigarette.

    Cost of electronic is just fraction of the price of real cigarette ( i spent $5 doll/month for electronic compare to $400 doll/ month for tobacco)

    Why not to Just close tobacco factories ...he....hew00t.gif

    Anybody.....after this????

    NO ! Can not touch them because TAX is big money.rolleyes.gif


    Have lovely Thai daycoffee1.gif

  15. Do the people in charge really think that they will change the world ?

    Let's see when they will show their assets if they are as clean as they would like Thailand to be...

    Yes , they are !giggle.gif

    Change our world or their world ....wink.png

    The different only is which one will have better world ? truly better world sad.png

    If the smoking is so bad for humanity ..? 'they' care about so much cheesy.gif

    Why not to close tobacco factories about the world in one go?thumbsup.gif

    Did anyone did a searches what nicotine is doing for human body ??? is it so bad a maybe science is hiding something ?

    Because I did ! and I am stoned of result.

    I am talking about nicotine in cigarettes NOT the rest of hundreds of other factory processing chemicals!

    For info; Electronic inhalers in the mix is just clean nicotine but as for me (personally)with nicotine or without I do not see much different in tastes.;

    I am making my own which is simple ..

    1 Vegetable oil

    2 Flavours

    and sometimes with some nicotine....because is good for my cholesterol......

    .................any one surprised?

    Is this mixture is worst then cigarette or pollution in the Bkk traffic ???

    Have a healthy day guys !wai.gif


    Veggies are good for us too ...?? are you sure???

    Because I know that they are not so good ( check your self how many minerals compare to chemicals in your salad today .....)cheesy.gif

    Do you eat real butter or alternations ???....you should know the truth too...thumbsup.gif

    5555 just do not get hysterical...

    World is beautiful ! and crazy...coffee1.gif

  16. The reason they want to clamp down on that and the electronic cigarettes is they are missing out on collecting the tax

    Rubbish: Both E-Cigarettes AND the Shisha Tobacco are extremely hazardous to one's health ! ! ! End of argument.


    Rubbish ;


    Show me one independent search result on electronic devices....(there is not even one!)

    From media ???

    If you so sure and have knowledge ( the true knowledge...not from media)...

    I just wander seeing your face expression knowing what you intake eating veggies ( if you so concerned about unknown problem then probably you would never touch veggies if you will do some searches what kind of chemicals we pack into them to have them grow)

    Do you know that modified corn is just one molecule away from this corn is used to process and produce and plastic bottles????

    At least once you could sacrificed some time and read something about it .



    How you feel breathing BKK air or any city air in the world ???

    I know only this ...; this world does not care about you or me.

    But at least I am aware of this and do not watch TV for long years and that's why I can not get to hysteria point as media want me...

    I know what I eat and think and it is my choice. (to lazy to grow my own food but definitely NOT lazy to think giggle.gif)

    Thanks to electronic device (this is not cigarette ... this is inhaler!) I have stopped coughing as many others friends too.

    Even not smoking for 3 years did not helped me with my cough...

    Don't you think some' smart ' people should take interest into this discovery??

    I DO NOT THINK SO !!!! because they do not care about me or others .

    Yes ' they' care very much about taxes !

    At least I have choice when I am thinking and having sober thoughts about this days world not to be corrupted by media and those who support it for own use .

    Unfortunately there is more people in this world who like you have at least one TV at home .......sad.png

    Did anybody told you in the media that spending to much at TV is NOT healthy for the human ???wink.png

    Have a healthy day in this days world Sir!coffee1.gif

  17. The reason they want to clamp down on that and the electronic cigarettes is they are missing out on collecting the tax

    Always same...bs.

    Concerned about public health ...??cheesy.gif

    What about breathing in all those fumes from cars and trucks.

    What about cities full of pollution, allergies and new diseases, mutated killer flues ,dis-formed new born babies or (babies born with COPD where mothers and father never smoked before).......

    and list can go on...wink.png .

    any radical solution?coffee1.gif

  18. 'farangs are not allowed to work as electrician or investigator.'


    Because if they could hence majority of Thai had to start tomorrow from hand propelled devices and candle but it could be long time waiting for power restoration.coffee1.gif

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