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Posts posted by gigman

  1. If you are holding russian passport, they can not deny you 30 days visa waiver. I thought that was the deal with Russia and Russian tourists were allowed unlimited 30 day stamps because Thai officials did not read the fineprint smile.png

    He's a 47 year old English guy so I doubt he has a Russian passport.

    I am 63 and have 2 nationalities passports

  2. Working on the contract in OZ 4/1 (4 weeks work/1 holiday) I was every time in Los for this 1 week off my work.

    Last year I have travelled 7 times to Los then finished contract work in December and stayed over 8 month in Los on ED visa renting a condo living with my working g/f.

    Some of my work mates have met same warnings lately when coming so often to Thai.

    Most of them are just do not want to come to Los again ....just because of this growing problem ...(simply nobody wishes any problems going on so short vacation)

    To be honest I have spent over $60K last year having good time in Los (including 6 months of learning Thai language) .

    ( I am not milioner ..just broken guy who finaly wanted to spent all hard earned money for himself and not last two ex-wife's who has beautifull life now )

    Now I am planning to go to Europe for some time and I must admit I DO NOT WANT to spend 2 weeks in Thai before I go Europe and to be possibly hassled or have similiar problems in Los.

    I have spent enough money in past in Los and in such short time ( and effort to communicate in their language) that I deserved a little respect now.

    The effect of my decision is that my girlfriend must spent effort and meet me in Vietnam and she is very upset because of it.

    But she is NOT upset on me ...she is upset on own people on the top.who do not have ability to see who is who.

    I think ordinary Thai's must start learning that we are here to build their country from our money not to look for work for peanuts.

    I think Los is spoiled to much now...

    Another thing is ,that if someone does not like me in his home then I will not bother him with next visit again ..

    We all understand that Los is trying to fix problems including emigration types but why I must affraid of harrasment when I want to spent own hard earned money in their country..

    Why every province has own law and why those on top are not doing anything to cut stupidity and still gready emigration officers who trying to be "gods"

    Honestly I loved this land and small people but I started to affraid of their smile.

    I came across communism time in my younger years then comes to emigration and not easy life and after retirement time where my pension does not allow for decent life for lonely fellow ..

    Now I am trying to have peacufull time and Los is no more to be my future country ....I experienced enough bad things in my past .

    This is ridiculous to be in this country for so many years and to be bothered with visa's every year and every 3 months with reports....

    How many of farangs spent more then 15 years in Los havings kids families and still begging for visa extension ????

    This is best example ...how they love us.

    I think that Prime minister should read TV time to time ....and see our (farangs) opinion not those who are employed to feed us with those funny adds in media trying to convince us that we are welcome.

    Yes our money to be spent quickly but not realy us.

    I still believe is is good guy but ..... I have no time ......any more.


    I would like to know one thing...

    If someone officialy lodged complain on dishonest office or it's workers in Los ??? ... because I did .

    Yes I know ....my one letter will be in rubbish bin but if more letters will be sent then finaly this bin will have no space......

    and because Thai's have problem with bin's .... hence maybe one day someone will start reading ..


    Sorry for my style but I am old and be able to speak 4 languages does not make me perfect in writing.coffee1.gifwai.gif

    • Like 2
  3. It's clear and simple.

    You just met most stupid one.

    And on top of it lazy one.

    I know one in los who is cleaver to save money to have realy not bad life for kids and she put them in good schools and they live in really nice simple house because of her work in bar.....

    She does not go to witch doctor...

    She has own brain.

    I can assure you she is vwry very pretty and super shape and she refused to gi with me even I am her type.


    She don't trust me as farang.

    She said that she must see good output in her plans towards her kids living in los and not uncertain life somewhere else.

    That's why I value her character and friendship.

  4. I guess it all depends on how serious you are with the girl.


    I think this way ...she is not serious about you but you are probably yes.

    To be honest I already tasted similar scenarios by myself in past.

    100% same like yours scenario mate until I did found one who actually is not willing to come to Aus at all.......

    1.She said she can not afford it even if I pay half....

    2.She said that she is affraid of being in different culture even on vacation because that much she knows from media and how farangs are behaving in Thailand

    she must know me better.

    Now when she finaly know me better and madly in love with me ...she would like to save some money for herself to feel independent on trip like that but she still say "I am not ready"

    As you see there is a lot of different ladies in los.

    You are still young and have huge potential in your life.

    Don't waste you feelings on such ladies who don't have decency to understand others.

    They are purely after easy life .

    Beside...woman wants to be on same level as a man hence ok treat it 50/50

    If not then look fir another one

    There is tons of it.

    • Like 1
  5. I can see 2 things here.

    1.She is not really after you mate....because of her behaviour. ( to be mad because someone can not afford things??? )

    2. She doesn't even imagine that she will cost you even more when in Europe...then a ticket alone. (my g/f ticket costs 1200 doll. but 2 weeks in Aus costs me 3000 doll.

    She just wants to be there same way her friends were in similar case.


    if she is after you then she could be sad ...not mad.

    Just imagine how many new g/f's you can have for all this money you will save instead of paying whole her vacation.

    Her last chance....??

    tell her 50/50 and see her behaviour

    I am sure you will have new g/f very soon.

    Please don't forget that there is huge gap in our cultures .....

    What if she will hate this unfortunate trip and your country including cold weather ?????

    • Like 1
  6. It seems there is never any good news from Pats.... gangs, drugs, violence, crashes, balcony dives, thefts, ...the list is endless and depressing.

    Isn't there anything good to say about the place? There's a challenge for TAT!

    I have been living in Pattaya for almost 4 years and have never seen a problem! although i don't go out at night. I guess taking a gentle afternoon stroll to the beach in my flip flops and cool 70's tunes i have become " oblivious to the outside world " ......... x

    F.J smile.png

    It looks like you don't read everything in TV but I do.

    Problem is growing mate.

    Pattaya is more and more deserted from tourists and locals somehow must have fun....

    What will you say when even locals are not safe anymore...

    read this; http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/162094/17-year-old-shot-in-front-of-north-pattaya-mosque/


  7. It is sad but all my friends who always spent time in Pattaya and just returning from are saying ; ...." dead place" , "not safe anymore"

    is it downfall of this place.???

    I think this is " last straw" and if police will still "play" with local crime then not only Pattaya will suffer but everywhere the same.

    Police should spend all efforts to clean this mess instead of harrasing tourists like for eg.; wasting time at Beach road just to earn some money from motorists...

    Why being on vacations on rented bike, driving slow... same policeman stopped me over and over??? ..


    YES , he was trying to give me ticket ...for nothing...but my strong NO ! I did not anything wrong ..... he gave me my licence back.......and letting me go.. in 5 minutes later I did same circle and he stopped me again... and asked for licence but this time called another policeman who looked in my international licence then said I can go .....

    When I asked why he stopped me again seeing same fellow on big bike who he just should remember (only 5 min time ago) he said to many bike's to remember......

    If he has a "memory problem" then if there is more like him ...how we can expect they will or can fix a local crime.?

    Maybe they can not remember tourists onlygiggle.gif

    this way they can charge for nothing tourists twice or more.....in same day and same place.



  8. Best place in Thai to learn how to live and probably best place how to see how freedom looks ...for those never taste it before.

    With some logic and brain you can learn first steps as a newbie if you decide one day that you want to stay somewhere else for longer and have some life experience.

    Just good school for open minded.

    • Like 1
  9. I used the new system yesterday. There was 1 girl handing out tickets from 1 of the 5 or 6 machines. You get given a number then walk down to that taxi.

    When I asked how much it would cost to Pattaya she told me to talk with the driver but it would be about THB 1300. I found the taxi andhe quoted me THB 1300 as well. That is THB 200 less than the old price.

    I didn't ask for a meter price and don't know if he would have given me one for a longer trip like Pattaya either.

    I am surprised. ...

    my taxi drivers charged me 1000 bht to Pattaya....4 months ago in span of 8 months when I needed to travel to neighbouring countries.

    Of course I always gave them extra 200 bht ..for extra waiting luggage etc.

    Thete is Mr. Taxi company where I did started with a 1 year ago and they charged me 1000 also.

  10. I think many of those who are so concerned who are writing very angry style about father and 9 years old girl driving a car should cool down a little.

    I still remember those who had same feeling toward woman driving in western world in long past...

    I do not say it is ok in this case but to be honest ...why not???

    Open your mind and eyes..


    I can see young people as 10 years old so brilliant in mathematics ....we grown up could not even dare to compete. ...55


    Our human generation and abilities are changing ... (did you see 10 years old ones ..performing in front of tv cameras with confidence 30 years ago.???)


    Will you be so against seeing same girl driving a scooter. ..???..probably not because they are everywhere in Asia even younger!!! and somehow the is no such harsh opinion..

    Asian are " born to drive anything they can ...

    This is they life and necessity of everyday of they life....and they manage with it well if you compare the space and quantity of drivers in Bkk and Brisbane..

    In Bkk somehow they manage with huge amount of drivers in hardest traffic...

    just Bkk center have 7 milions people compare to Brisbane 1 milion. .????

    They have big moving traffic and everybody is trying his best to dissolve it but in Brisbane ...we are standing still because we are doing everything by the rules ....but no logic.

    I just wander what kind of mess could be in Brisbane if we have 2 milions people...not 7 like Bkk.

    My motto is: don't judge because of someone's age...

    Use a brain not the rules..

    Rules are written very often by those without much of it..


    life is cruel but beautiful

    • Like 2
  11. Can't see the problem here. She did a fine job.

    Maybe she is 9 but her brain is definitely equipped more with logic then 17 in OZ...

    I would be rather her passenger then OZ much older with a licence.

    not to mention some oldies who never should be allowed to drive anything 555

  12. Wonder how much money has changed hands to get all the ducks in a row??

    Thailand may have improved its corruption-ranking, but as long as you can pay to get away with murder, the country still remains in the cave-age!!

    It stinks!!

    As far as those with big money will be untouchable ...nothing can or will change .As history tells in American problems with Mafia...

    Simply saying they could not touch Al Capone until they looked closely in his taxation history.

    Thailand has to many Al Capone's and worst thing is that they have also ranks and high positions and links everywhere.

    I always wished Gen...and now PM good luck with cleaning but I thing he is not strong enough in very murky waters.

    I know he needs a lot of time but also all with dirty hands can use this time to protect themselves from the law and often with own law rules designed by them in the past.....

  13. it is easy to scare but is hard or impossible to bring back the full meaning of LOS.

    Those who are responsible for targeting tourists with such actions will be judged one day when news spreads in the world giving Thailand new name ...not Los but Lost... ( land of scare tactics)

    I just wander how Los will see us going soon to Vietnam and "Burma" finaly opening themselves to us and our money...and they have good lesson for the future.

    Just for my personal statistics. ..

    from 8 of my friends who was going to Los at least twice a year to find a place to settle for retirement 6 of them gave up with any serious plans towards this country mainly to many bad ideas developing there.

    Just imagine ...on bigger scale when this situation goes more and more on Internet websites...

    Then nobody can help Los to build tourism any more

    Simply nothing easier for us just harder and harder in Los..

    it is very very sad time.

    I still love this country but ....starting ti look elsewhere. .

    Life is to short...........

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    A day late and a dollar short... too late now, the barn's doors were left open and all the undesirables

    have already came in and are now deeply entrenched in Australia soil, home grown terrorist,

    sharia laws advocators and hate preachers, civil unrest mongers, they have got them all by now..

    as well as all the criminals and undesirables that were shipped to Australia in the first place!

    There were more soldiers on the boats than criminals.

    Anyway blame the Yanks - if they didn't start, and win, the War of Independence the Poms could have kept shipping the crims over there!!

    Heh Heh, the crims shipped to the American colonies had the guts to kick the poms out and declare independence. Will the crims in oz ever have enough guts to do the same? No, they are still the prisoners of mother England.

    And look at the mess their government is in,nobody can make a decision and too many fingers in the pie ,a little like thailand only with bigger stakes.

    yeh...we have witch hunting...nobody use own brain any more or dare to ask questions... and media and this days technology will do the rest...

    history repeats itself. ...

    someone said in the past;

    "first to divide them then easy to concur"

    welcome to "dream world" logic gone ...

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