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Posts posted by gigman

  1. 8 hours ago, Maggusoil said:

    Well someone forgot to stop the person "filming" the police, cuffing the guy who was filming them. 555

    All a little bit of over reaction there. Something the police everywhere are capable of. 

    Look around guys. There are cameras everywhere.


    I've had an officer in Australia go for his gun one day in a speed trap, just for giving him a pithy piece of my mind.



    Not only your experience...........

  2. On 18.04.2017 at 0:32 PM, simoh1490 said:

    Sensible for tourists of course - but what would you suggest for the nearly 3 million resident expats who already live here, many of whom have lived here for ten years or more, are over the 70, have pre-existing conditions and are unable to buy health insurance in Thailand.

    This should be considered as cruelty of Thai's . For those who do not know...; Those expats usualy spent whole they life savings living there and their age pension . On top of this a lot of them having families with local woman having children and they always must expect to trown out or refused visa. 

    This the reason for me that I changed my mind to stay in this country as expat. This is just clear cruelty and I do not want to pretend I feel OK  and smile in LOS. At least Thailand should make a little different rules for this kind of farangs.

  3. After reading so many diferent emotions from members here I decided to check by myself what happened in this video in slow motion and frame by frame....hence;

    I have downloaded this video and edited frame by frame. 

    I do not know whole story and I do not care because in this case most important is the final act.

    1.Fellow from black Toyota  has no right to hit a man .

    2.Nobody has rights to attack anybody except defending himself.

    3.Watching whole act frame by frame ....; The older guy did not younger at all except he used his hangs to push younger when younger pushed older first.

    4. Younger guy did not stop hitting older until older hit the ground.

    5. Even if older guy was offending younger verbally then there is no reason to hit anyone.

    Conclusion ;

    1.If you see properly ....Thai people have some brain too and many ran to younger fellow with anger to prevent him from running away.

    Again watching frame by frame I did not found anyone from Thai's using hands until hand of Toyota driver went out in direction to one of Thai's who came out from place where video was recorded(white shirt guy).

    2. There was many people who was outraged by behavior of Toyota  driver. ( I'm  surprised how Thai's reacted to help farang ..Amazing)

    3.Stupid incident could end up in someone disability , or even death over what ???

    4. Even if older fellow has any guilt he did not deserved so many punches  .

    5. Let's have some decency , and maybe a pity for much older fellow who did not send even one punch to younger one.

    If this case goes any higher then video's will be edited same way ... frame after frame and there is answer who use own law .


    Shame that farangs can not show real dignity  in foreign country.:clap2:

    It does not matter who is wrong ... IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN THIS WAY.




  4. Friend of mine strictly attached to LOS just week ago said enough and came to Europe ...after 6 months he manage to renew citizenship and bought a flat (i'm not saying where it is in case to keep this place as it is...not what happened in LOS where to many expats flooded this country)\

    Spending around 150.000 $Au dollars having 2 bed flat finished in top quality not to mention that rest of things like food etc.etc is much cheaper and choice is huge (for those loving beer ...cost of 1/5 L is just 30-60cent $AU).


    Another thing is that government here does not change ideas so often like in Thailand...and is definitely more friendly that in LOS...

    I think too many people are hooked up with "LOS " which just pretend is friendly for us ..sorry


    Yes, LOS this days is OK just for holiday of a couple of weeks but not to stay for longer ...I personally prefer Vietnam where people are more stable and their law.


    Photos below are exactly how he will live and move in next summer....



    Many Brits are already here ...hence "LOS" is a bit naive with their expectations as always....



  5. 11 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    What low cost of living? :shock1:

    It was a looooooooong time ago ...

    Rent is nearly same as in Europe comparing quality and conditions ..Food in Europe could be only a dream for Thai's (even they have very poor choice and everything taste similar except spices...)

    Law is getting harder and harder for everyone ...in LOS which is not so smiley this days. Crime is growing faster in just one last year then in past times ...


    I'm not just criticizing   . I still love this country but those changes going in LOS are drastically  increasing all the time for worst and for everyone and that's the truth. Freedom is gone and disappearing quickly ...:coffee1:

  6. 12 hours ago, the guest said:

    Very true. All of us are living on a knife-edge, and at any moment there could be a knock on the door, and you could be deported without any reason given. Why would you wish to make any permanent plans in Thailand?

    There was a time people here called me names because ;; I say now and always will ; People here only love our money NOT existence in LOS for longer time and every country has the same feelings...to us. Nobody like foreigners having better life then locals and doing nothing...in their country...jealousy comes in time...:coffee1:


  7. 6 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

    C,mon, guys, you have to be a Thai to understand the "thainess" of this situation !

    Did anyone asked ...what caused this fellow so much anger ?

    This days woman wants equity ...everywhere in the world and they are doing great job .

    Man ... look what woman can do to the man having more rights then a man this days.

    I do NOT say it is right to have situation as on this video ...but we will see more and more scenes like that  in any country.

    This days woman manipulates a law to the extent that man can be pushed to the limit and I know a lot of it just from Australian incidents also ending in death of woman or man hanging himself in desperate move where woman can do anything in this country against a man.

    Guys , times are changing rapidly and every country culture is absorbing worst things especially when people are bombarded with violence on tv or any media.

    This days kicking a man laying on ground is normal and every movie is a normal thing....

    I remember a different story when a media was not so strong.


    I think problem is somewhere else and no one wants to even say openly a word except this forum..

    Do NOT blame Thai people only ...it happens everywhere in the world on everyday basis and we do not see it because media is not fast enough.....


  8. 18 hours ago, Belzybob said:

    Obviously this survey was based on overt bribery rather than covert. Otherwise Australia would have featured much higher.

    In very white gloves in higher levels....

    How come that Australia's 20 millions people use to have no debt nearly 20 years ago and now this "prosperous"  country is having billions of dollars debt.... Australia has so much goodies in the ground which "some countries" are digging it out for nearly free of charge or in a form of repaying debts...where ordinary citizens are suffering more and more hardship not mentioned about young people who has not much future...



    So, looking at this map ...

    If the red color shows corruption then nearly whole world is corrupted....more or less.. :) :passifier:

  9. 22 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I saw this on Thai TV about 4-5 hours ago and from what I know about the law (not much) it would be a case of attempted murder in any normal country.


    Just LOS .... Yes they can brutally kill with the smile on their face ...

    Just speechless..

    This video will be spread all over Facebook to warn people visiting LOS.

    If there is no one who can defend unconscious man being treated like that then this country law is worst then joke if no one is afraid of consequences...

    Looks like there is no mercy and no respect :coffee1:

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