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Posts posted by gigman

  1. Shame shame shame, smiling TAT ...and everything is going to drown your tourism just because you are joking and not doing right job to properly protect your tourists....

    And your Law and those who just putting every inconvenient true under carpet .

    It is nothing good for Thailand . This days news are going faster then rocket around the world ...

    Hardest thing is to bring back trust and this what you never do if you letting happen those things far to often this days.

    Sad things happen to LOS.


  2. 17 hours ago, ezzra said:

    The day all airlines will stop serving alcohol on all flight, that the day flying

    will be come safer and more enjoyable.... I for one, all for it, you want to drink?

    go to a bar....

    It's bull...it mate.

    This days everything goes the way you just propose ...

    That's not the solution .If one do speeding everyone is slowed down by "law" but even when we slowed down idiots still speeding their vehicles.

    Just for one idiot everyone will be punished???????????????????????

    That's remind me a communistic rules or gestapo   mate.

  3. Just now, chrissables said:

    I'm just back from a three month motorbike tour of Vietnam. The mountain areas are more beautiful than Thailand and free to see. The places that do charge give a lot more for a lot less than Thailand. An example, entrance fee, buggy ride and a cable car ride up a beautiful mountain and back is less than entrance to Khao Yai! There is no obvious double pricing.


    If the Thai government were in charge they would make everywhere a national park with 10 fold price differences for the visitors.


    After riding for hours i could stop and have a nice cold beer after 2pm! None of the stupidity that rules in Thailand. 


    Thailand is not the center of the tourism world and if they want more tourists spending money, they should take a look at what is happening in neighbouring countries. Vietnam is booming! They are spending huge amounts on the infrastructure, it offers more for less.



    Ha ha ...that's right

    Thai thinks that always will be the same and now when they keep finding ideas how to scare tourists....

    Vietnam is taking big advantage from Thai's crazy ideas and really booming with tourists . Even me (old lover of Thai ) Vietnam has more sens to be because those people know how to survive and they terrible experience in the past let them be more sensible.

  4. Just now, digibum said:


    $3,000 USD is a lot of money in retirement?  Americans are probably the least looked after workers in terms of government benefits and pensions (social security).  The top end of the social security system pays out over $3,000 USD if you wait until you're 65.  


    Now, if you decided to take an early retirement the government is going to pay you substantially less.  If you didn't save or invest anything for the previous 50 years on this planet, well, yeah, you probably don't have much monthly income.  


    But the point is, why does Thailand owe anyone a cheap cost of living in their retirement?  Hey, I feel for those who for whatever reason can't meet those income requirements but maybe they should be back in their own countries and taking advantage of whatever benefits the governments there offer rather than trying to scrape by in a country that already has its own poverty problem. 

    As a single and divorced and having $435 dol. per WEEK in Australia I must consider spend rest of my life being on very very strict budget to survive. If I do not have paid off mortage and do not own any roof above your head then it is living as very poor man.

    Just imagine how you can live if first spent money will be for dumpy room for $250 a week then how good living you will have on balance of $185 dol where just simple food you will spent around $100 dol per week....

    What about your bills like water ,power, gas for car , your phone....

    That's why I am back in Europe in my parents country where I can live like normal human ...

    I have spent 1 year in Thailand and it cost me $1000 bth a month   ...so not to bad but more expensive then I spending now in Europe and Every year I can have 3 month worry free vacations anywhere in the world after a year savings from my Australian retirement money .

    In Australia I could not even afford vacations in another state....

    That's the truth guys and other parts in the western world a having similar situation and specialy when you are old and alone.

    Thailand does not really know our problems  and really why we was looking to spend worry free life there.

    For those with nice life savings this news about 10 years visa are nothing special   but for others this is  just joke.

  5. Just now, MaiChai said:

    The problem i have with leaving large amounts of money in Thai banks is that you are not covered if the money disappears. I mean if the money walks through fraud or errors at the bank. Also that money would be tied up and you cant really invest it. They must think we are stupid or something.

    Yeah, they take us a little bit as silly old and spoiled who get money very easy....

  6. Just now, yellowboat said:

    If your wife is yelling at the front door and your dog is barking at the back door, who do you let in first?  Your dog, because he will shut up when you let him in.   


    Had the same pooch for almost 20 years.  Cannot remember him ever being pathetic, noisy or a pest.  Previous dogs were also well behaved.  Would have a dozen more if the resources were available.   

    I wish this dog hater to find  cobra snake in his bed...

    We will see how much he will love him....

  7. Just now, Eligius said:

    Well said! You've hit the bull's eye. Spot on!

    Even , when I am rather old and should say; who cares what's going on ...because my days are short now...I would rather not to see those changes .Unfortunately ,

    I think it will be hard to die seeing this new times .

    Pitty for those young generations who never had a taste of regime and are trusting in better times ahead....:coffee1:

  8. Sorry , but..years ago this political machine started to roll and it doesn't matter under which government new ideas are implemented.

    I saw what can be done under communist regime a long time ago then I had to run from my original country to Australia where I spent over 35 years and now I am back in

    Europe on my old days because of the same new kind of regime  became as "normal" in Australia.


    To rediscover that Europe still have a lot of freedom unfortunately I can say same bad smell is coming here too ...

    Thailand is or was my third home but years ago I was criticized hardly here for my feelings...bad feelings about what is implemented or just starting in LOS.

    It is sad that having my long time girlfriend in LOS I must be seeing things which remind me my past in two  different political systems I have experienced.

    Even my girlfriend can see or feel that something is not right or changing in her country and suddenly she is very much interested in my past political experience ...(???)

    Yes, LOS is changing fast and we are not much welcome  ...even with our money.

    There must be same "new world order" coming quick to this country  which need all information about everyone.

    In my humble opinion freedom is not only shrinking worldwide it is new world law and new "world order" applied by those who planning new ideas about humanity.

    Thailand is only next in the  line but also very convenient for some on the top in LOS.

    Everyone should start asking questions  what can we do... (but it is to late to do anything ..we are divided already living in lie...)




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  9. I'm thinking we retired expats actually save the Australian government significant money from living overseas e.g. pension supplements, rent assistance etc.

    With that in mind, I wrote to my Federal MP asking for quantitative information on cost savings, also the administrative costs to departmental budgets arising from the various rules they have in place for overseas retirees.

    Even if I don't get a meaningful response, I may succeed in giving some public servants a good migraine.

    It is perfect normal thinking..


    The Top fellas don't give a sh... about this money spent overseas....or going so often to the Aussie doctor ...

    The key is that a lot of money we spend in Australia are going to the sector of pharmaceutical people who have a big influence everywhere...

    If you are in Australia then this is a big business for them until you die.Subsidy are paid...if you are there.

    Just imagine ...you're in LOS wasting Australian dollar...and no profit for Aussie pharmacy....

    That's the main reason they hate us to be somewhere else...

    But it should be our basic right to receive our age pension...not a favour.

    All who worked and paid taxes should get what we were charged for our old days.

    Unfortunately new world order make us "modern slaves" if everyone say nothing in their face.

    To be honest I would rather prefered a huge war where everyone become on the same level on the judgment day.gigglem.gif

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