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Posts posted by gigman

  1. What meant to be normal ...times ago ...Now i is abnormal and opposite.....

    We are to be blamed.

    We allow our self's of changing our humans thinking.

    We deserved to be reduced to minimum.

    We are to be blamed for lost of our mind,

    Because we are to be blamed for not using own brain.

    Always pushing blame for others ........

    YES, WORLD IS COMING TO THE THE END . ... and we deserved it.clap2.gif

    One hand with smart phone and other with axle to kill.....

    Beautiful world ..... (as sang by Armstrong)



  2. A little to late for those who died.....

    Most funny and ironical is that this ; this f...wit idiots who are leading "ISIS" state do not realise that those methods they using will works against them.

    For more then 2 years I'm trying to understand their motives I came to conclusion .....; ; if they could have normal working brain ...they could be loved for what they are trying to do ...by rest of the world BUT NOT using twisted religion......

    World need change but using religions will never work for any nations....... It always crushing .....

    Look at the history.......coffee1.gif

  3. Very clever.

    There is a hundreds of ideas to kill yourself but not this way.

    Someone on TV said ; " It could be a far more suspect story without the Chain"

    Yes, totally agree .

    Someone very clever did it.

    Just my guessing...; kill him with broken glass bottle lock the door with chain to pretend suicide then leave the room .

    It is only first floor and it is easy even jump down after all.

    First thing I would check his account and activities even long time before his death.

    It could be not paying back debtor and loaner dispute.

    Suicide..? I'm not buying it...

    Clever but also naive if case comes to good forensic's.


  4. That's what happened in Australia lately.

    There is just subject #1 on everyday news .

    Media just making it nearly every second day taking it as most important news and " cooking it" in different flavor instead showing tragedy of unemployed young uneducated mass of people having no future and trying every tricks to make a money.

    Yes , that's why media is so occupied with bull..t to take out focus of real problems of not only youngsters and also rest of people have hardship in this country which should be better to live then in Arabic oil states.

    Unemployment , very high prices for living and careless government does rest of it.

    That's just work like hysteria and many just are trying to make money on this subject .

    There is also so many divorce cases specially when couples come to the point of dividing assets....so many mothers are trying to get most or all of this deal... manipulating kids and law and just imagine the rest of the horror.

    years ago there was a two school students who accused a teacher of molesting....

    Poor fellow lost family , work and got punishment and public humiliation for doing nothing wrong.

    Two years later those two girls got argued and one of them finally said the truth ......They did it because they wanted punish teacher for very bad marks in school......

    Unfortunately in Australia in cases like that (usually) man is accused have to prove his is innocent ......

    We are living in dangerous world .

    For the money or fame you can be killed or suffer jail sentence because someone can.

    Just modern witch hunt.coffee1.gif

  5. The second surviving girl already had second operation and parents and boyfriend are there.

    That's a very small news for the rest of the family in Poland and cousin which is my landlord lady .

    Unfortunately, in LOS to many young people can drive a bike not having licence , not even having any experience at all.

    In last year there was a lot of talking about this problem but nothing done to stop people getting those 2 wheels killing machines .

    Just tragedy for parents.coffee1.gif

  6. Does critising the police in this thread give everyone a potential jail term hanging on them?

    i'm wondering the same thing.

    I don't think Thai's are too bothered what farang say or print as long as it is in English and doesn't have a large Thai readership, who are we anyway, we have no say in anything, we aren't important, we neither have the power nor public following to cause trouble, little terrier's snapping at the heels who can be kicked away at ease.

    Maybe you'll be surprised but they used to read TV before a lot and other sites....

    I do not know how much time and how often they look on the subject we are talking about on this treads but I prefer to be careful about what I say here against them.

    I can only say one thing ; I know someone who was stopped at emigration point and warned on the side about consequences due to his opinions on similar Website .

    How they got his details ..??? I do not know .

    I guess he wrote something which hurt them badly but he does not want to talk about it anymore.

    I guess they have good hackers or something to get his real name ...

    Now he prefer not to be active anymore because he has wife and family in Thailand and still needs his visa granted.

    To be honest I prefer to be not to nast to them either now. Simply it does not pay....for me.

    I can only say ...IT IS SAD.sad.pngcoffee1.gif

  7. “I want this to be a moral lesson to warn people who post stuff on social media,” Col. Sompong Thip-aphakul, head of the Krabi Police Station, told Khaosod English today. “We are not being vengeful. We are just doing our duty. Some people just don’t understand our work, and I guess we cannot make everyone understand our work.”


    Yes Sir we don't understand your methods then your "work" and your law.

    You should start punishing your work mates for taking bribes just to make "another dollar a day "

    Yes My driver had to pay 100 bhts when stopped in mountains for doing nothing wrong ...I repeat NOTHING WRONG and I am a witness.

    Your policeman and your mate said ; " When driving in mountains highway my taxi driver should keep speed at 30km /hour.................???????????????? " when allowed speed was on the sign 100km/hour .

    How should understand your work if your mates on the bottom of your ranks are working not very hard to make living from bribes.

    Sorry Sir you can not make me understand or not how you all work.

    How can you explain this event...?

    I was stopped in Pattaya by your fellow when driving hired, registered motorbike driving my bike at 30km/hour (I was looking for address) and he tried to give a a ticket for having Bangkok registration ...(???????) .....

    When I demanded explanation and refused to go to police station to pay (looks like some others are getting free money) your police mate just gave me back my licence and let me go .

    To be honest I tried to avoid driving Beach road where opposite is police station and you know what... I still remember this since 2 years ago and don't want to hire bike again.

    I came to your country to see and feel happy and honest people to tourists like me who are expecting at least some decency and respect .

    But you don't know what means respect. I will always remember what happened . Should I remember you as a person who is taking care about own citizens and tourists for the taxes and money paid that you can have your wages?

    Is it the way you all work that I can not understand?????

    I can tell you only this; You are all just cocky bullshit figures who was given a power and you just abusing it as much as you can.

    Maybe you think that rest of the world is idiotic and brainless but I can say to you only this;

    Before you go to your hard work in the morning ...when you are in your bathroom ...LOOK IN THE MIRROR and ask your self who is there in this reflection ....?? who is really there ?

    Remember you can see only yourself. No one will criticise you ......but at least you discover who you are.

    Tell other to do the same.


  8. I'd be in South America or the Philippines.

    Maybe France or Spain.

    Anywhere with good cycling weather would do.

    Thailand has nothing special ...... temples and hookers.

    One you've done a dozen, you've done them all.

    Yes..it is true.

    Still waiting for my retirement money from Australia but spending time in Europe. ..actually in Poland and some neighbour countries and must say that actually Thailand is boring.

    I was hypnotised for some time with Los maybe of some kind of better freedom but for what???....cheap ladies in bars with expensive beer which gone through my stomach in huge amounts talking to expats about same subjects every day...???

    And now all this "freedom" is starting to dissappear in big steps where farangs are just become a first target.

    I think Thai's are just to much jealous about us and just tolerating as as far as we have and spend a lot of money they mostly pretending in smiles toward us farangs.

    At least my Thai girlfriend finaly had to admit that this is true.

    She said that all her friends are just pretending more or less when they faces me.

    They are even not interested in knowing our culture because they learned from youngest years that Thailand is id the smartest and the best in the world.......

    Many times I asked her ...why you do not watch or be interested about other countries in the world ...including my home country in Europe ...

    She always avoided answer.

    Finally she admitted that she prefer not to know about places she can afford to go and see........

    It took me 2 years to inject in her some interest about Europe and my home country and next spring time she definately wants to come.

    To be honest living in Thailand for me is a kind of intellectual degradation now in comparisation with even poorest live in for eg. Spain or Poland or Słowenia.

    Life here has much better standard and has a huge choice for everyone...

    Thailand is maybe good to spend a couple of weeks there but has to many obstacles for farangs...just starting from every 3 month reporting...

    I understand those who must do it on short term stay but ..come on. ..I know some people married there with kids who doing reporting for 20 years ..

    I must say it...THIS IS DISCRIMINATION.

    And look closely how step by step Thai's are making hard time for foreigners.

    Just I do not want to be discriminated by people who has only one interest in me...my money.

  9. I can understand those who started this incident...because their nature are worst then machines...they are doind what have been told and can not be broken.

    But those who prepared the case are just cold brainless one's. ...

    I do not know only one thing....

    What kind of creature's will be judges???

    I must disregard those who designed this kind of rule of " law" because they must be heavy users of some kind of illegal drugs doing it.

    when I asked for opinion about this case 12 year old kids ...they asked me " dad. ..why do you like this country of Thailand so much , talking so nice and going so often over there if you could go to jail just to be a foreigner in wrong time and place where local people can harm you and will not properly punished because of this kind of twisted law in Thailand.???

    I was astonished of normal thinking of so young people...

    I just could not answer this.

    From now I must admit that I must seriously ask myself if I should open my stupid mouth any more trying to defend Thai system and those who keep going in this law and system.

    I think they are just comedians in bad theater.

  10. What about to make a list of those places and posted it on the Web ...??

    It can warn tourist and local expats just to avoid coming there.

    This days messages like that will do the job .

    Just make it public in Twitter or Facebook ..and will spread quickly.

    To be honest there is more and more incidents in Los every week and never was before.

    I am sick and tired of defending Los where concerned friends planing to visit Los and asking me if there is safe to stay..

    Sorry can not lie to them now . All I can do do advise is to be careful ....is it enough to say ??


  11. Military coup or this days governments ....what the difference?

    People are lost in confusion and media is the powerful source of any information coming from those who wants lead them.

    People use to have a big power exchanging information personally in older days but today everyone has own tv, own mobile phone and computer which is the only source of information.

    Not many are using own brain and most important people are afraid more and more to be accused of things media is spreading everywhere.

    "first to divide then conquer "

    We are already divided.....


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