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Posts posted by gigman

  1. 16 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

    Bunch of Thai sissy bikers I expect who puffed their chests out to their girlfriends pretending how hard they were,  until of course the real OZ boys arrived and showed them up for what they really were.  What happened, the Thais threw there handbags at the real Angels to start a fight ?

    He have been lucky to get just slap ....and not to get 6 foot under....

    Who wants to play with fire must get burn....:coffee1:

  2. Aussie's ...end of story ..traveling to Thailand. Because if anyone want's to see beach of rain forest ...then must out of his/her mind.....

    There is much much better in Australia and cleaner,safer (and no one will check your urine) ...hence no girls no trips. Simple as that.

    Instead of fighting street crime they fighting with everything else which kills natural Thai life which was making money for ages .

    Well, if there no tourists then no reason to rob farangs or do deals ... Simple nice kinder garden...

    It's sad ..but there is still some other countries around the world just hungry for our dollar (and still not greedy as LOS ) ...

  3. 1 hour ago, LennyW said:

    Well that front view certainly makes it clear the taxi was 100% at fault, could very easily have been avoided if he had looked before pulling out, loads of room to carry on on the left till the pick up passed.

    Yes .!!!! you're right mate.

    Most of those who dare to judge should study Traffic rules again .

    Common sense is another think but if we will use only common sense then I prefer not to drive...

    Taxi did not use blinker , could also let pass then merge, or stop if necessary merging to another line.

    Speed is not the issue. here . Rules first!


    p.s from last momment ..Taxi driver is already officially charged of causing accident after they watched video.

  4. :post-4641-1156693976:Are you joking people. .....????

    MAny of you must learn traffic rules again . First of all check again what kind of line Taxi was driving and he was merging to another another line where he should respect rule of "Give way to other vehicles on this line.... but he DID NOT . Look also on arrows painted on the lanes ..Taxi was warned but ignored it.

    Many slow vehicles using middle or right lane causing problems not allowing faster car to pass and this is main problem not only in LOS and in this case it is cleary visible that no one is using left lane !!!

    Taxi driver did not check his mirror  before entering another line.Taxi lane was ending and driver must give way to others including even stop !....(just look again )


    It does not matter about speed ...that's not the issue .(Rules guys rules first then logic)

    There is so many bastards who ignoring this simple rule. and often I wish to drive heavy junk car to teach them.

    Unfortunately pickup driver paid the price.

    But if he will find a heavy truck the he will fly like this pickup.

    Yes, he could slow down and let taxi enter but ...again Taxi driver has a lot of time  to slow down and let pickup pass but he was actually speeding up  trying to be in front of pickup and hit pickup in the back which put every car out of control.


    Look for taxi ....Even did not use right blinker at all......Look again and see he had still some space to drive on left lane even finishing ...because after he hit pickup he came back to the left for the moment.

    In another source ..there is clearly visible that taxi even did not use blinker ...this stubborn driver even did not look behind or his mirror because if he did he could avoided hitting pickup truck ...he still had a chance to merge ...



  5. On 2/28/2017 at 10:52 PM, Get Real said:

    1. A pile of rubbish is stinking and rotting.

    2. Residents say it´s a disgrace.

    3. The local authority cleans up.
    4. The residents start to throw again.
    5. A pile of garbage is stinking and rotting.


    Looks to me like the solution lays with the residents. Maybe they need a meeting to clean up the bad rotting apples inside them selfs.

    On the other hand. Problem with the residents in Pattaya is more common than uncommon in the news today.

    Ohh "kumpra" leave them alone !

    It's NOT your country   they are trying to tell you all the time. (They  need only your money NOT advice....that's all)

    Don't you see they love it..... like that.:coffee1:


  6. On 2/28/2017 at 11:07 PM, Raymonddiaz said:

    time to boycott these parks...i hate when people think tourists are just stupid money spenders.

    That's why I'm no longer interested in country which is greedy .:clap2:

    There is so much to see in many other countries around..

    "The national park advisory committee " simply shows who they are like the rest of those corrupted in this country I used to call  "LOS"

    Time will show how long all those and similar who things we are stupid will be living in their corrupted country overcharging themselves ...

    This days news like that goes around the world in seconds ...:coffee1:

  7. 16 hours ago, the guest said:

    With 32.59 million foreign guests visiting Thailand in 2016 (source wikipedia) I don't think the Thais are too worried about the foreign press, do you?

    Yes, but slowly this amount of tourists will shrink ......in coming years

    There is more surrounding countries which are becoming more and more friendly to tourists and become LOS...

    To be honest ..this year I 'm coming to see my girl in Thai but only for couple of days...then I'll go Vietnam again for whole 6 mths....there is much easier to mix with locals without worries...

    Even my Thai g/f preferred  Vietnam :)

    It is sad but this is the truth..

  8. When i became a member of TV we use to have a different subjects to talk about on this forum.

    Nowadays every news are packed with crime crime and more where local police gangsters are coming on day light venue.

    Yes it is more and more known about Thailand loosing this image of safe holiday and pleasant time in LOS .

    I can find a lot of information and opinions about world holidays where people of other sites looking for opinion.

    Yes , slowly LOS becoming as " wild west " Thai style....

    It's sad.

  9. 20 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

    I don't know why so many people are making negative comments about the monks. This is the only opposition the military junta cannot defeat with weapons of war. If the monks can get a million people on the streets it will spell the end of Phrayut. I don't think they are there yet but it is coming. Every Thai person I have spoken to supports the monks and despises the army.

    Why? because they must be pro-communists. 5555.

    I personally hate all religions because by the centuries they created wars and hatred .

    Look at nowadays.....

    Buddhism is not a religion and as far in history of Buddhism they are not aggressive hence maybe better to read about Buddhism a little to understand the difference.

  10. It does not matter what class of town Pattaya is.

    Rest of the world is getting more and more new law's which are crippling  your freedom .

    I feel very free person in Thailand including Pattaya .

    This kind of culture and free world exist for centuries an somehow manage very well until to many white and greedy people are involved in very shady business here.

    There is no difference to other similar places in the world where freedom still exist.

    Best example that Pattaya is on the map of the world news  means ...Man kind like this place  including me.

  11. Those who are against sex must have problem with "charlie" and jealousy takes over.

    Pattaya is the same like many similar places in the world ..The difference only is that is more "open" .

    Pattaya definitely is good for expats and people wants to meet and share experiences living there.

    To be honest it is most alive city in Thailand  that's I always like to spent some time there instead of having boring days in Bangkok not to mention other tourist places where maybe they like sun and beach ...they simply do not have this in own countries.

    But for people like me and others like me Thailand is a little bit more nice country to spend time then just having sex.

    Anyway , Budda teachings are ; multiply ... so what do you want from this place like Pattaya where people do not have to hide own dreams .

  12. 13 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    The average life expectancy of an Australian male is 82.

    She is obviously good at mathematics !

    It's not important at all who gets some goodies after his death mate.

    I'm getting older too and if on my last days I will find similiar lady or anybody who give me a comfort of dying and be taken care of me then there is NO VALUE  for me of my belongings.


    In your mathematics closest family and own children will expect the same after your death but....

    Will they do what you are expecting from them on your last days????

    For me...?   Who give's a damn what happens to my assets  ...

    Assets will definately goes to person who take care about me  and it does not matter if this person is doing for my assets .

    Not many and often even family would not clean my sh...t even for my money......

    Means....leave this lady alone and this happy man on his short days and let him be happy.


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