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Everything posted by hellohello123

  1. Its times like this i wish it was alcohol, drugs or mental illness as the "excuse" for such events........ But it appears not Such a waste
  2. not Thailand, but when I was in another Asian country, the setup is similar, private drivers using their own cars, metered taxis refusing to turn meter on, refusing to take unless you paid a stupid figure say a $5 trip using the meter on a genuine company/app, (the company took 25%, driver gets 75%) i found that figure out by asking the drivers, the dodgy ones would only do it for $15, so it means its still worth the genuine driver to take the fare for $3.75 in his pocket. As my gesture of appreciation of taking me without being dodgy, I would often give them $3 or so extra on top as cash thats my way of showing a little appreciation
  3. Anyone who is willing to do that could not care less, They are looking out for themselves and themselves only Its just purely greed and selfishness
  4. The football has finished.... Theyre waiting for the next sporting event for inspiration. Maybe wimbledon
  5. Foreigners who use too much toilet paper are going to be in trouble
  6. So beach =not allowed But on the street is ok Got it
  7. Seeing/meeting the hottest girl and wondering if she has testicles
  8. I have seen many types of crab locally, Garlic crab, chilli crab, steamed crab
  9. He probably saw what constitutes an "italian" sub at subway..........
  10. hellohello123

    Isaan Woman

    Thought you knew more about langyage, culture, child raising than anyone else..... Why are you posting questions when you should be boasting about how much you know?
  11. Ummm. He is actually agreeing.... Unless i missed the sarcasm!
  12. Translated: i will not reply to anyone who doesnt agree with me, and my precious ego
  13. no, my emojis werent meant for the 5 year boy, trust me on that, it was more "shock and horror" referring to you/your post its quite funny, your reactions/behaviour are so typical of old white guys who probably dont have much success in life back home so they go to asian countries where they start getting an inferiority complex, because theyre suddenly a lot wealthier, more handsome, start thinking you know better, and once challenged you get into a hissy fit you're boasting about your thai language/culture skills over someone else you are having a beef about, youre suddenly father of the year and know whats best, once challenged you retort with how Australia is a <deleted>hole same "S*(t" different day, my friend
  14. "He has only ever known me as his guardian/father although he knows, I think, that I’m not his actual father. But at Five he has no concept" So at 5 years old, his mother is thai, he is full thai and you are falang and you think he may not know you are not his biological father????????????
  15. Do you get a bonus for saying all three? Extra prison time? A bowl of noodles?
  16. Ill bet his excuse.... "I was taking him to hospital"
  17. They could just grab the corners of bowling ball......
  18. Someone please remind them to do the raid during business hours and not at 11am
  19. Have you realised that these days, nothing is your fault, its everyone elses You behave badly, its someone else fault If you say something controversial, its considered abuse/racist/sexist/ageist to disagree or point it out Naturally, begging for a hard luck story seems the norm
  20. "They had several pixellated pictures of the offender " You mean 63 year old germans dont look like that!?!?!
  21. I hope he makes sure he pays the bill for the fortune tellar and monk!
  22. Maybe do a good job with less scamming and then people will trust you? Aint rocket science
  23. Love the guy using an oversized toothpick as a weapon!
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