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Mango Bob

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Posts posted by Mango Bob

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    You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 


    You people are a sorrowful bunch. (forgetful to boot!)


    Before the Junta arrest one of their own the ugly comments were "The Junta are corrupted and would never arrest within their own ranks" When the Junta arrest one of their own. Your insult is "It is a PR stunt"


    Before the police chief was reinstated the ugly comments were "it was a conspiracy by the DEM's and the courts". When he is reinstated the insult is  "it is nepotism".


    When the Junta found a small amount of weapons the ugly comments were "An insignificant weapons find". When they found 10% of all weapons finds in 14 years the insult is "A fake news story".


    Before the Junta paid the rice farmers the ugly comment was "They don't care about the farmers" When they paid the farmers the insult was "They are a populist Junta"


    Very disgusting group of people here….and support terrorist groups to boot!!!!


    Here you go again with diarrhea of the mouth.  Who supports terrorist groups?  I am not a yellow skirt.


    You said "we" are sorrowful and highlighted why. Fair enough.  


    I replied highlighting the exact same points that you did with examples, but from the other side of the divide (or as I like to call it the 15 principle of democracy supporters side) which highlighted the hypocrisy in your statement. What do you do? Ignore that completely and follow it on with nothing but condescension. No reply saying…."Damn, I have to admit you are right there" or "OK, fair enough, but I am talking about here and now". None of that…"Diarrhea"! WOW. Did you go to Kentucky State University too? In typical terrorist supporter fashion when proven wrong, deny, condescend, belittle, ignore or change the subject. The 2 accused terrorist leaders of the terrorist organization you support would be so proud.


    Just be thankful the red shirts are no longer causing daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok with impunity. Be thankful we will not see another Trat thanks to the Junta. Be thankful that, like me, I can walk my 2 beautiful loving children and wife through Bangkok without the fear of random terrorist attacks caused by red shirts on innocent people. People that had nothing to do with this situation.


    Truly, may peace and reconciliation be with you. I have saved you a seat on the reconciliation train that arrives at "true democracy" station in October next year. We can pass the time by discussing why it is wrong for an accused terrorist, accused mass murderer, convicted criminal fugitives' sister to allow an amnesty bill to go through parliament at a vote of 307 -0 0 against the voice of the majority. 


    I assume any reply will be nothing of substance and only be a quick inarticulate quip at me. Because if it was a reply that offered substance or proved you hypocritical then it would be called diarrhea right?


    Your wasting your time with me.   I am just curious why late last night you were looking at a number of websites to see if YL has returned.   This is all you have in life is to stay up all night worried about the poor lady if she returned or not.   You need to find another activity to keep you busy during the day so you can sleep well at night.   

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    Well the good luck she might already have had. I mean with such amount of luggage some people would still be at the airport next week trying to find all the receipts for the stuff bought or trying to convince that they really had it with them already when starting their trip.


    Surely must feel good to be an Amply Rich Elite Defender of Democracy and The People  alt=rolleyes.gif>



    So you know what was in her luggage?



    He doesn't know anything and it's really none of his business.   I believe she departed Thailand with 15 pieces and return with 15 so what make your rumor mongers think she even purchased anything while overseas.  Also how do you know she didn't go through immigrations.  Were you there, I wasn't so I can't say like you can.   

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    So far we have two reports...one   a repost by Tulsathit with a photo of someone next to luggage and and van and one saying the vehicle went into the airport to collect her.  We have no verifiable report of her return.

    Your still holding out for hope she didn't return.   Accept it SHE'S BACK and will fight the charges in the court not here on TV.

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    All the bickering about whether she would return or not is quite interesting and those hoping she would bail out so they could see themselves as righteous in their condemnation of her. The speculation about whether she will face court proceedings or so forth seems to be of more interest to the junta supporters than anyone else.  I have never thought that she was under control of her brother. Surely she talked to him and considered his comments but I never believed for a minute she is not her own woman.  As everyone can see from the the official accusations made against her, there has been no hint of her personally profiting from any action she took while in office so all that ridiculous chatter by TV posters is a mute point.  There is no doubt that certain actions were take by her party to win favor of the electorate that supported them. That type of action has been done in every country around the world. The United States is rife with that kind of action.  The current announcement in giving an 8% salary increase to civil servants is nothing but a political attempt to win favor of that group.  At best MAYBE she was not sharp enough to handle the job and those around her took advantage of that. All the official accusations against her are not of a criminal nature.  These accusations at this point are an attempt to prevent her from engaging in politics because there surely would be a problem having an election where she was on the ballet and got reelected to office.  She is back and will face whatever comes. The proceedings against her are politically motivated and the junta that everyone praises to much is nothing more than generals overthrowing the elected government. Elections were called for by her, the other side destroyed those elections and the military did nothing and is bringing no action against those who violated the law. The junta has now filled the NLA with its people, is drafting a new charter to their liking, and in the end it will all change nothing in the character of Thai politics down the road.  The General's edicts to clean up this and that look good in the press but let's see what really takes place.  Let's see if the general's full disclose their assets or somehow avoid that. Let's see if the charter absolves them from their unlawful actions in taking over the government or if they are ever prosecuted for violating the law.  I don't see much coming out of all this looking a year or two down the road. Maybe there will be some new party names and a few new players but it will all return to the same old program which has happened after every coup.  Stop blaming the Shinawatras for all that troubles Thailand and see them as small cogs in a big wheel where corruption, who you know, and what connections you have, works from the very top all the way down to all segments of society.  It is part of the culture of Thailand and nothing is going to change that in the near term.


    "there has been no hint of her personally profiting from any action she took while in office so all that ridiculous chatter...."


     Nice try, but epic fail. Had the Thaksin amnesty and recompensation bill sailed through at 4am which HER government killed themselves trying to do, she would have personally received 1 billion baht as her share of the "frozen monies". 1 billion, means 1,000 million.


     Emotional outbursts are part and parcel of TVF, what good are logic and facts when feelings are so strong?



    Again you make up stories.  What a  ridiculous  remark that she was going to get a billion baht.   Once again where is your facts. This is the first time I read about this.  Or are you just running from the mouth again.

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    He said she did not need to seek political asylum even though she had been charged by the National Anti-Corruption Commission over her alleged failure to stop huge financial losses and corruption in the rice-pledging scheme. The case had not been filed in court and even if it reached court, it would take a long time before the court made a ruling.


    In other words, she'll be back for now to pack some more suitcases, before she will vanish in the air forever. She has time.


    And you know this as a fact?  Did she tell you this?   Or are you just making up lies here.

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    The birds are singing. Pointing fingers. Then some will try anything to not face the consequences. The small fish will do time. Now see if bigger and big fish will follow.


    How? Serious question: How will big fish follow?


    If we accept everything General Sarit and staff say, they had a weapons smuggler in their custody for four weeks, they had her under surveillance from May 22.... and she got away. General Sarit and his staff say that they are so incompetent that one weapons smuggler escaped from their custody and surveillance.


    This is their BEST explanation, the one that makes themselves look good.


    How will they get big fish?




    I believe she was released from custody, and then did a runner, making up stories to justify her running to the EU.


    If, indeed, she was tortured, where is the medical evidence?


    You really need to watch your choice of words.  There is a huge difference between escaped and released.  Of course, released would not suit your agenda. 


    She was RELEASED long after the 7 days max to be held without court approval.  No one knew where she was but the Army.  You think she may have had a reason to leave the country.  Can you blame her.  I can't.  Also some torture is mental not physical which may not show up on a medical examination.

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