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Posts posted by seeker108

  1. I got a very nice, high quality set in Robinsons BKK (MBK branch) (or was it Central that has their branch at MBK?).

    Anyway, it was on sale at a great price for the quality. Not sure if you could get this in the CM branch of either store, but worth checking.

  2. It sounds like getting a "real visa" before coming has become easier since I was last residing there almost 2 years ago.

    I always was irked by the monthly visa expense. I did the trip to Mae Sai just to have the touristic experience once. More than enough. I am wondering why no one has mentioned the other alternative. Has the 1,100 baht option (albeit not Kosher though favorably looked upon by those involved) completely dried up? Not sure if I should say more here, but I am sure you know what I am referring to.

    Sorry if I am behind the times but all of my recent visits could only be for a month, so never had to think about a visa. It will be so nice to have some sort of hassle free ligitimate long term visa when I get back. I'll follow up when I get closer to departing on the contact that Ajarn mentioned.

  3. I have the same problem with shirts here in LOS.

    I fly to Bangkok and go to the emporium to get shirts to fit me. Cerruti clothing make great tshirts and an XXL should fit you. (Cerruit can also be found in Robinsons).

    Its not gut size I have a problem with, its the width and depth of the shirt - even the Thai XXL's have been made for stick men, with no shoulders.

    Yes, the shoulders are the problem with me too.

    I would really like to know where exactly this place Jipata is. Went to the Export Shop yesterday and found a shirt. They had a good selection, but unfortunately almost all of them were 100% cotton. I used to love all cotton, but now that I'm here, all cotton knits are a hassle to wash, and I've come to prefer polyester blends, cause I am often washing things myself, and they are a lot less heavy.

    Well they had one blend there, and I got it. But I need more.

    Yes, I'm aware that all the polo shirts they sell at Night Bazaar say "100% cotton" but they are really 100% polyester. But the ones at Export Shop felt like they were really cotton.

    Never thought I'd see the day that I would prefer polyester!

    Coupla things.

    I have gotten some good shirts from the Export shop, but, yes, you do need to look carefully for those flaws and holes. I hope to check out some of these other shops previously mentioned when I get back. How about nice cotton dress slacks for those of us with a 42" plus waist? I have gotten some in Central in the sales in the open area, but they are not always there. Anything more reliable?

    One man's poison.... Personally I go out of my way to find the shirts (and pants and socks) that really are all cotton. For me the fact that shirts with any poly in them make you feel 10 times hotter and sweatier and stickier knock any washing issue out of the picture. Don't you also notice that they stink up quickly and after a few times wearing and washing that the stink comes back minutes after putting it on? Anyway, just thought I'd mention it as food for thought.

    However, don't be hasty to condem a shirt until you have washed it a couple of times. They seem to chemically treat a lot of cotton clothes these days so that they are wrinkle resistant like poly. They feel like poly blend for a while and have the same negative properties as well. I always wash a shirt twice in hot water before wearing for this reason. After that the chemical is gone.

    Finally, re shopping in BKK, I have a favorite place to get 100% cotton, long sleeve shirts (Calvin Klein knockoffs) in big sizes (I also have big shoulders and my chest size fluctuates between 46 and 48 and I can not claim a flat belly. The XXL is quite roomy for me). I have never told other large falang about this little known spot, I guess out of fear of my supply running out, but of course that is silly, and the guy is so nice I feel I owe it to him.

    Anyway it is one of the deaf/mute guys with a table on Silom Rd. I have been going to him for years. Coming from Dot Mai, you walk along Silom toward the Hindu temple, but on the right side of the street. I believe it is the next corner past the temple, and again, on the opposite side. He usually opens around 5 or 6 pm. He starts at a reasonable tourist asking price of about 350. Anyway a good price is 200 to 250 depending on your finances. Maybe by now he can not even do 200 any more. I got the feeling his margin was not much last year. I have compared these shirts to the real things in top department stores and these were actually better. So I don't worry about giving him a little extra now as the inferior shirts were selling for 1,000 to 2,000 baht more.

    I have no idea where this guy gets these. I have never seen them anywhere else, from wholesale Thai markets to top retailers.

    Anyway enjoy these shirts if you end up in BKK (and let me know what you think). :o

  4. My kitchen from Teka and my sliding mirror closet doors from RB Furniture imported from Bkk.


    Sounds good. I will definitely have to ring you up when I am back. I also love a good kitchen and nice mirrors.

    Especially I want a great kitchen when I get back, even though I do frequently enjoy eating out at some of the very fine restaurants we have in CM

  5. I think 10-20% underestimates the cost differences, but then I suppose it depends on who you're comparing them to. I've only tried Grace once (about a month and a half ago), and was charged roughly three times what the same treatment (scaling) cost at my regular dentist (Kitcha Clinic, Chang Loh Rd), and not quite as good. Beautiful offices though, and a huge staff.

    Also depends on which treatments. Mainly I was checking root canals and basic fillings. I had many mercury fillings removed and replaced with composite. Excellent work and color matching. They all look like real teeth now and I have had no trouble in the 2 years since then. The prices on these were not much more or same or less than a few other clinics I was referred to and checked out before choosing Grace.

    Also as someone mentioned previously they did not charge for evaluation and xray was only 100, which is about as inexpensive as it gets.

    They also replaced the back half of a front tooth that had sheared off which I previously had to have fixed for an outrageous amount in the US and which came off within one year. No problems in 2 years now since it was done at Grace.

    I wish I could remember the exact price I paid for the filling removal and replacement but in 2 years the price may have risen anyway.

  6. After being a Ram 1 Dental patient tried to follow advice here and checked out Grace.

    The Wife and I both had cleaning took about 1 hour each total was  2600 baht.

    They are at high western standards in my Opinion.

    very pleased with grace versus my 500 baht cleaning at Ram.

    I am going back to get an implant of a lost tooth a few years back so that will be the ultimate test!!!

    In an earlier thread Sabaijai recommeded Kitcha dental clinic on Chang Loh Rd at least for cleaning. It seems worth checking out as it was only 400 baht at that time and he felt he got a better quality cleaning than he got at Grace as well. also Dentaland comes highly recommended. I think I will visit these various clinics next time I am in town, though as I said earlier, I have been very happy with Grace (though I seem to recall that I passed on having a cleaning done while there as it did seem pricy at the time).

  7. Grace Dental gets my vote. Had a tooth guard made there that was heads and shoulders above the one made in the States (which broke). And when I got the bill, I thought they'd made a mistake -- much less than Stateside. Cleaning was very thorough; report that some of my fillings would need to be replaced 'in the future' (this I knew from my last Stateside dentist visit) -- no pressure to do replacement work now. Professional, clean facility. Adequate parking.

    It has been 2 years since I've been to Grace, but I still fondly remember the excellent chairside manner and the incredible attention from a team of expert dentists (for both myself and many visits for my Thai GF). Also the equiptment was highest standards. Price-wise they were only about 10% to 20% above other good dentists and dental clinics that I investigated in Chiang Mai. I tend to be a bit keeneow, but in this case found that Dr. Korakot's standards were well worth the small difference.

  8. Room for one more ?  :o  :D

    You're gonna need something to do with that additional 4000. Count me in too!

    HA!!! The more the merrier.

    Frankafey, can you increase your income a little.

    I´d like to bring a friend. :D

    Hi all, I just found this forum when researching dental care for a friend in Chiang Mai.

    Re initial inquiry: When I was living there 2 years ago I had a really nice 2 bedroom house in the Mae Rim area that I was renting for 1000 baht/ month. Mostly full time maid/ cook cost the same and my cost for local organic groceries was not much more than that. So, if you have a car and don't mind being a bit outside of the city, then I guess you could be well within budget, even if you want to eat out frequently at the many nice restaurants (which we did) and still have all of the above house guests. :D

    When I come back I think I'll splurge the extra few thousand baht monthly and get a place more central, maybe over by the university and try doing without the car most of the time.

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