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Can samui

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  1. Just check through and hand back, must be resubmitted with all other documents on appointment day.
  2. Just went today to make an appointment. Passport and visa...Ok! All paperwork ??? WTF? Yep, you need all your paperwork BEFORE they will give you an appointment. Attached is the new and improved list o' requirements.
  3. If I gotta explain it then you didnt get the joke.
  4. If the yanks invade we will tie our skates a little tighter, sharpen our hockey stacks and give them a right proper beating...again!
  5. It is standard practice if a fatality is involved. To be dropped later if investigation proves innocence.
  6. They destroyed the soul and ambiance of the area with their massive redo a couple of years ago. They killed the golden goose.
  7. Taksin Shinawatra...ousted by coup. Yingluck Shinawatra.....ousted by coup. Paetongtarn Shinawatra....... Anyone else see a pattern?
  8. Wax. It is that simple. A good quality wax, I use Bilt Hamber double speed wax on the whole bike with the exception of hot bits. So rims, chrome and paint all get some love.
  9. And...the wheels on the bus go round and round.....
  10. Haha...try Samui! Garbage incinerator broken since it was installed 15 years ago, no water...and I mean no water! Rampant building everywhere with no thought to how all these new high end villas will affect the overtaxed infrastructure. It is a gong show here right now.
  11. I use my looks, seems to be 100% effective so far.
  12. I am done with this stupidity.
  13. Oxford dictionary definition of monopoly. The exclusive possession or control of or trade in a commodity or service.
  14. Ok, going to try to do this without being sued. I have been trying for the last month to get an explanation regarding the tightening of the resident card for discounted fares. It has been....frustrating to say the least. Basically if you are not married to a Thai or the owner of a company (which is illegal if you are using nominee share holders) you cannot get a card. I operate under a 30 year lease in our property in my Thai partners name which is not good enough apparently. I guess it is just another case of a conglomerate monopoly doing as they wish.
  15. Yet there is no water. There is no way to dispose of garbage. The ringroad is a carnage factory. Yes, lets get lots more people to visit.

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