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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. There is lobster and then there is lobster. This is the Lobster Special at Cherry's.

    Thats a painted Crayfish pal, how they get away with passing these off as lobsters i have no idea

    Rock Lobster? smile.png It's a 495 baht menu. I don't think that anyone is overly disappointed at what they receive.


    Same thing mate, Rock lobsters just another name for a crayfish, No comparison to Maine Lobster. Dont think id pay 495 baht for a crayfish, but each to there own wink.png

    Lobsters have Claws, Crayfish dont, i hope the OP got a proper lobster for his 14500 Baht



  2. As previously posted, the seafood scam is one of the oldest scams out there, but you could expect to pay that kind of money depending on the quality of the establishment, i would expect to pay between 2-2500 baht for that meal including a couple of beers and a coke at the restaurant i frequent in Cha Am, restaurant is in the fishermans village part of town so no thrills but everything super fresh in saltwater tanks and the food is excellent. Think the local lobsters are big crayfish though so they are cheaper then imported. ones. Not half as much flavour as Lobster i've eaten elsewhere.

  3. I got bitten by a centipede while in Samui and i've never felt pain like it, it felt like someone was stubbing out 2 cigars on my ankle and lasted around 8 hours, real burning sensation and the wound took around 5 months to heal, nasty little critters id stay well away from these.

    way worse then a bee sting

    • Like 2
  4. There you go again, exaggerating as usual, CONSTANTLY by definition means all or most of the time, look at my previous posts and you will see this is quite obviously a ploy to discredit me, again a defence mechanism by pro Israelis when they do not agree with other peoples points of view on Israels policies. Rest assured i will abide to forum rules going forward and paste the first 3 lines of text and then a link to the website. That way you can discredit the original authors of the article instead of trying to discredit me for posting interesting and factual information regarding the fact that Israel is nothing more then an illegal occupation/colonisation, who constantly demonise Hamas and the Palestinian people.

    Hamas and Palestinians do not need help , they do a pretty good job demonizing themselves and with help of people like yourself, it just makes it much easier.

    Standard coffee1.gif

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  5. HE did not "say" anything. The article that he cut and pasted - without giving credit to the REAL writer or a link to the material - did.


    Steady on there, i did'nt say that i penned the words in that post, like its the first time someones ever copied and pasted an article onto this site, in fact its quite common, especially in treads pertaining to this topic.

    Alot quicker to get the point across.

    But as usual your reaction to people who are against your ridiculous pro Israeli rhetoric, is to try and discredit them, Israel has taught you well.

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  6. What about the fact that Palestinian are being murdered every day in Gaza, why dont the media report those stories.

    Probably because it is Palestinians killing Palestinians and has nothing to do with Israel. Israel strikes from time to time when they have become fed up with terrorist attacks, but the day to day stuff is usually politically motivated violence against each other.

    Links pertaining to your post regarding Palestinians killing Palestinians on a daily basis please.

    Or is it the usual propaganda nonsense.

  7. Dont always go for the cheapest deal, check the insurance is correct, check the excess fees are reasonable or better still opt for the 0 excess fee option if they have it available, people get stung all the time with these dodgy insurance policies on rental cars.

    Your probably better off with going with one of the more reputable companies for more money, then renting a car from a small independent place.

  8. Hamas were elected in to power replacing the Fatah party, but in spite of Hamas’ electoral victory, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah, initially refused to surrender control of the government to his party’s rival.

    Having finally seized political power in Gaza, Hamas quickly exerted control over the region’s infrastructure, helping run food banks, schools, and hospitals. This increased Hamas’ popularity among Palestinians and helped to cement the party’s legitimacy as the leader of Gaza.

    Ive said it over and over, one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter, the pro Israelis among us always seem to forget the root cause of this conflict, The illegal occupation and colonisation of the Palestinan people, it's that simple.

    When you target civilians and civilians only, it makes you a terrorist,, when you terrorize your own people it makes you a terrorist but again do not let facts get in a way of arab lies.

    stick with your freedom fighter version, it has done well in the past.

    Below are some great examples of your freedom fighters.giggle.gif






    Ok so lets break down your post. When you target civilians and civilians only it makes you a terrorist. You could say this about Israel also, you are not stupid so look at the mortality rates and also look at what the criteria according to Israel is for someone actually being labelled a militant or terrorist. Does walking down the wrong street at the wrong time make you a terrorist? According to Israel it does.

    When you terrorise your own people it makes you a terrorist, so the biggest terrorist in the world is obviously America then! Them poor Americans are in such a state of terror they dont know if theyre coming or going, whipped up to a frenzy so there government can do anything they want with the consent of the masses. Think they are still looking for the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

    i can also post Israeli attrocities if you want, including blowing up kids on the beach, Hotel David massacre, Sniping kids paying football on roofs in Gaza by IDF. But they only get taken down. So a pointless futile exercise, much the same as discussing this conflict with Pro Israeli apologists.

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  9. Hamas as well as other Palestinian groups praised the Synagogue attack as a natural response to Israeli war crimes!

    Is it not a natural response to retaliate when faced with being attacked? Ask the Americans they do it all the time, are the Americans labelled as terrorists? Shock and Awe!!!

    Quite ironic that Abbas only came forward to condemn the Synagogue attack after John Kerry called him pressuring to do so.

  10. Hamas were elected in to power replacing the Fatah party, but in spite of Hamas’ electoral victory, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah, initially refused to surrender control of the government to his party’s rival.

    Having finally seized political power in Gaza, Hamas quickly exerted control over the region’s infrastructure, helping run food banks, schools, and hospitals. This increased Hamas’ popularity among Palestinians and helped to cement the party’s legitimacy as the leader of Gaza.

    Ive said it over and over, one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter, the pro Israelis among us always seem to forget the root cause of this conflict, The illegal occupation and colonisation of the Palestinan people, it's that simple.

  11. When was the last time you checked? Decades ago? Gaza is most definitely occupied as defined by international law and the UN.

    Please keep up, you're years behind.

    If Gazza is occupied than you might want to look up definition of what occupation means, but as usual do not let facts get in a way of your lies

    Actually I'd have to say that Gaza is occupied. Not by Israel but by the international terrorist organization known as Hamas.

    Comments like this is proof of the effectiveness of Western Medias twisted and Pro Zionist portrayal of the illegal occupation/colonisation of the Palestinian people.

    It is increasingly understood that the word "terrorist", which by the way has no agreed definition, is so subjective as to be devoid of any inherent meaning and that it is commonly abused by governments and others who apply it to whomever or whatever they hate in the hope of demonising their adversaries, thereby discouraging and avoiding rational thought and discussion and, frequently, excusing their own illegal and immoral behaviour.

    Netanyahu's assertion that Hamas "calls for the destruction of Israel" requires rational analysis as well.

    He is not the only guilty party in this regard. The mainstream media in the West habitually attaches the phrase "pledged to the destruction of Israel" to each first mention of Hamas, almost as though it were part of Hamas' name.


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  12. I do not believe a word that comes out of the state of Israel, they are blatant liars who have shown time and time again that they fabricate stories and arrest innocents so as to constantly demonise Hamas to the rest of the world, giving them an excuse and "justification" to attack the Palestinian people time and again.


    There is even a movie interviewing Ex Shin Bet leaders admitting that this is one of there tactics so as to get the rest of the world on side, well guess what? the rest of the world are beginning to realise what a bunch of liars they actually are, therefore they have to show that they are being "constantly threatened" .

    I think i would probably feel a little more threatened by an army firing missiles and shells from tanks, then a few kids throwing stones after Friday prayers.

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  13. A message to the OP, why would you start a thread asking for some advice and then shoot down every response that you deem as negative?

    There is an obvious pattern emerging here in regards to the majority of posters telling you that this is not a good idea, If you know better then do what ever you want and do not bother listening to the people trying to give you sound advice, its pretty obvious to me that you will go ahead and do what ever you want to anyway, so why waste your time and other peoples time by asking for advice that you will not listen too.

    I for one wish you the best of luck in your new venture, I just hope you wont regret your decision.

    Wise men don't need advice. Fools wont take it.

  14. I haven't got anything against older people.

    They have the money we have the honey.

    My Thai g/f is a bar girl, gets the money from old farts gives money to me, have wonderful time.

    Life is full of roses.

    So in other words you`re a pimp?

    And what is it with the OP`s English pronunciation. I have been here 31 years and never speak like that. White man speak with forked tongue.

    Me Thinks him name Chief Sitting Pretty

  15. I've been riding big bikes for years and i have also passed my Advanced Riding test, the best bit of advice i was ever given by the police instructor in regards to going round corners as fast and tight as possible is to look as far as you can round the corner you are negotiating, counter steering works yes but to be honest touching the back brake mid corner will correct your line anyway. Obviously do'nt stomp on the brake, its more of a feathering motion, but as a few people have stated already, the only way you get better is to practice, preferrably when no ones around.

    In regards to riding in the wet, i dont really change my riding style at all (im very confident of my pilot tyres), i think this is the mistake alot of people make when they ride in the wet, dont ride more gingerly and upright because you will reduce the traction on the road, ride normally and relaxed, again dont stomp on the brakes and you will find the bike will pretty much behave the same way in the wet as it does in the dry, obviously if your new to riding in the wet then slow down a bit but like i said before try not to change your riding style.

    Hope this helps

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