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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. How absurd that these Palestinian DEMONIZERS (who don't read or speak a word of Arabic) are portraying themselves as authorities on what is says in the Koran or the Hamas charter. I wouldn't doubt it at all if it was revealed that they used the Likud Party's official translation of both texts for their 'facts'.

    Many of the apologists for the occupiers are not doing a very good job of toning down their HATE SPEECH against Muslims. But it's better this way because we can easily identify them for what they are-.ANTI-SEMITES.

    Antisemism refers to Jews only. I would rather not read for the 10,000th time the absurd lie that antisemitism refers to Arabs or Muslims. Just used for a twisted tedious game often by people with an extremist and one sided "anti-Zionist" agenda ... so welcome to my ignore list.

    I also read your post here in the thread about the synagogue attacks as implying that Israel is "occupying" all of Israel in that the synagogue was in WEST Jerusalem. That's often the true agenda of "anti-Zionists" -- not accepting the existence of Israel in ANY borders ... same as Hamas.

    your last post went straight over his head, not surprising considering its buried in the sand most of the timeblink.png

  2. And stop spouting your ridiculous accusations regarding people who speak against Zionists being Anti- Semitic.

    I have said on more than 1 occasion that i am not Anti Semitic.

    There is a huge difference between being Anti Zionist and Anti Semitic weather you like it or not.

    Anti Zionism is not Anti Semitism

    by Rabbi Ahron Cohen


    i guarantee that the Israeli apologists reply to this post will be that Rabbi Ahron Cohen is a self hating jew. Well they cant call Jews Anti Semites, so this is the next best thing.

  3. The Palestinians do not want a two state solution!

    They want it all.

    That is completely untrue.

    You are most certainly entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

    The unity government was ready and willing but Israel suddenly moved the goalposts.

    Repeating incorrect information will not make it true.

    The Unity government is not in charge of anything pertaining to dealing with Israel on this level. Abbas kept that one for

    himself. The Unity government's main task is to sort domestic affairs, try to bridge rifts and prepare the way for a general

    elections (the Unity government itself is appointed, not elected, and does not reflect the distribution of political support

    among Palestinians).

    Implying that posters wrote something they didn't write, does not mean they actually wrote it. wink.png

    I didn't write that the Unity government was "in charge of anything pertaining to Israel on this level". What I did write is that the Unity government (including Hamas) was "ready and willing" to move towards a two state solution. So while it's true that only the PLO would be at the negotiating table, without Hamas on board, there would be no chance of getting to the next step. And they were on board.

    Then Netanyahu moved the goalposts--a fact you conveniently neglected to address in your post. coffee1.gif

    Its called Pro Israeli selective memory syndrome.

    This is normally a pre cursor to being totally ignored.

    • Like 1
  4. This attack is just another one against Israel and Jews perpetrated by Muslims for over 60 years who cannot accept the state of Israel. Why? because Islam is a divisive and violent religion that calls for the conversion or elimination of all unbelievers. Islam is the greatest threat to peace and stability in the world today.

    So the Christians never had missionaries converting there colonies?

    I think that history tells us that Christianity is a lot more of a violent religion then Islam. And they account for millions more deaths in the name of religion then Islam ever did. As I've said on numerous occasions the west and Israel have done a splendid job in demonising Islam to the point of normal every day people now being scared of Muslim's.

    Israel and some of there supporters continuously demonise muslims and there "terrorist" acts so that the herds are kept in a constant state of fear therefore allowing the governments to act as they wish.

    As I've previously stated this boy, was shot to provoke the Palestinians, and its exactly what it did, The Palestinians retaliated and then Israel go to war slaughtering innocent civilians.

    This conflict can not end while the likes of Netanyahu is in power.

    • Like 1
  5. No they didn't just wake up and know they wanted to kill Arabs. They saw members of their families fighting in the army, they saw terrorist attacks and they read some history.

    They have been fighting Arabs for over 100 years, since the Arabs started attacking them initially - nothing to do with "self-defense" on the Arab's part. That is why these kids want to join the IDF when they grow up and defend their country from those who seek to "push it into the sea."

    Terrorist attacks, according to who?

    Terrorist attacks according to Wikipedia and the great majority directed at civilians starting in an organized manner in about 1920. This conflict did not start in 2014. rolleyes.gif


    Well, you got me there, if it's in Wikipedia then it must be true!


  6. Not sure if there is any credible evidence backing up the statement that muslim sailors met the latin Americans in 1178, but there is a case for the Chinese discovering and mapping America 70 years before Columbus showed up.

    A Chinese map has been discovered dating back to 1418 and is attributed to Chinese Admiral Zheng He. Zheng He — a Muslim eunuch — is arguably the most famous explorer in Chinese history. He was deployed by the emperor, he led Chinese fleets on voyages of discovery that helped expand the empire’s knowledge of the world to include previously unknown areas in the Middle East and Africa. His influence over Asian culture was so strong that he is still considered a god in some parts of Indonesia, so the possiblity that a muslim did actually discover America could actually be true.

    Gavin Menzies book, 1421: The Year China Discovered the World was worth the read.

    Don't know if it stands up to scrutiny though.

    good book though, and interesting theory

    • Like 1
  7. lol and there it is,cheesy.gif

    This level of exchange isn't productive. Keeping with my "peace on the forum" policy, it is time to add you to my honor roll (IGNORE list).

    and i will reciprocate, tbh not surprising as that's exactly what the Pro Israelis normally do when they hear something they do not want to hear. They ignore you, like they ignore the UN and International law.


    • Like 1
  8. If Israel is so independent why does it still need huge sums from the USA every year and is still dependent on US arms manufacturers to blast Gaza to bits .

    Blast Gaza to bits? Is that what happened you reckon? More over the top Israel demonization. Also as if Israel acted without provocation.

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Pro Israelis will say this is photo shopped, Israel demonisation, really?


    how would you define something being blown to bits?


    hmm, this is definitely dis proportional, note the huge damage caused by the Palestinian rocket below.

    Not off topic, just responding to your post.


    • Like 2
  9. Sadly, in a country like Thailand where the law enforcement is variable at best, it seems to attract some people who can thrive and exploit this environment. This character seems to be such a person, blatantly disregarding the cultural norms, disrespectful of the fact that it is a privilege to be allowed to live in a foreign land, contributing nothing positive whatsoever. He and his type, whether tourists or residents, do other farang no service at all. I'm not jumping to the defense of the RTP as the facts of this case are unknown, but it looks like Tim is the author of his own demise and we'd all be better off without him here.

    And by the way, the guy doesn't pimp girls. He basically offer protection to whoever wants, he don't force nobody for nothing.

    Then why is this in his website, and I quote.

    " In his now second home of Pattaya, Thailand, arguably the world’s biggest brothel, Tim Sharky Ward has become more of a feature than the ladyboys and hooker bars. He has literally taken over as the #1 pimp, protecting over 600 girls on the game."

    Strange statement to make if he is not actually a pimp wouldn't you agree?

  10. Unfortunately now, he has given the RTP the exact evidence they need on video, don't think many Thai officials will be siding with him after watching the police station shenanigans.

    I just dont think this sort of thing would of happened to him if he would of just kept a low profile in Pattaya, no need to tell the world that he was pimping 300 Pattaya prostitutes, I think the police may have taken offence to that, as would most of the police forces in the rest of the world would of.

    Sometimes its just better to stay under the radar, especially if you have a past.

    pimping 300 Pattaya prostitutes!!! OMG what planet are you on?

    Not what planet I am on, its what Tim Sharky claims himself.

    Youtube "pimp confessions" The Feed, Tim Sharkey, and perhaps you will see which planet Tim Sharky lives on!!

  11. This guy's been kicking around Pattaya for years, anyone know what he does for cash?

    Work permit? Real job? He seems to just go to the beach and walk around all day with no shirt on.

    Apparently he claims to charge bar girls 500 baht a week and in return he offers them protection from there punters, basically a PIMP, not my words but his.

    Apparently he takes care of 350 girls so thats 175000 baht a week tax free. No wonder the police are pissed at him, hes treading on there toes.

    Go to you tube and type in Tim Ward and then watch his video named pimp, its all there.

    So, no work permit, no visible [legal] means of support.

    Ship his pathetic, ugly, troglodyte, steroid-filled ass back to Oz. {Hey Tim, if you're reading here, bet you had to look up "troglodyte", didn't ya?}

    He's admitting on Youtube he's breaking the law, I hope the creep gets deported.

    He dont pimp 350 girls its silly rumor.

    He bang them sure

    And bail them out from police.


    Heist mission accomplished. ..

    Well if it is a rumor, he himself started it!. Its what he actually says on the video!

    You Tube " confessions of a pimp" Tim Sharky and you can watch him start this "rumor" for yourself.

    And I repeat, why even start a rumor like this about yourself??

  12. This guy's been kicking around Pattaya for years, anyone know what he does for cash?

    Work permit? Real job? He seems to just go to the beach and walk around all day with no shirt on.

    Apparently he claims to charge bar girls 500 baht a week and in return he offers them protection from there punters, basically a PIMP, not my words but his.

    Apparently he takes care of 350 girls so thats 175000 baht a week tax free. No wonder the police are pissed at him, hes treading on there toes.

    Go to you tube and type in Tim Ward and then watch his video named pimp, its all there.

  13. Unfortunately now, he has given the RTP the exact evidence they need on video, don't think many Thai officials will be siding with him after watching the police station shenanigans.

    I just dont think this sort of thing would of happened to him if he would of just kept a low profile in Pattaya, no need to tell the world that he was pimping 300 Pattaya prostitutes, I think the police may have taken offence to that, as would most of the police forces in the rest of the world would of.

    Sometimes its just better to stay under the radar, especially if you have a past.

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