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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. Thats the fantastic job that western media has done to people like yourselves. They have demonised the muslims so that everyone believes they are all terrorists, and shallow minded masses are gullible enough to believe such propaganda.

    There are organisations such as Hasbara who are responsible for this, it is a fact look them up if you dont believe me.

    • Like 1
  2. You are confusing peace ful law abiding muslims, with fanatical Islamists, exactly the same way as most people confuse good law abiding jewish people with jewish zionists, two totally different kettles of fish.

    And do not call me Anti Semitic its the last thing I am! !

    • Like 1
  3. Think canarysun is a sandwich short of a picnic and its not because he's to tight to buy a sandwich, it's because hes crackers!!! And hes obviously enjoying trolling the more gullible TV members.

    At least he's stopped tweeting

    Maybe hes feeling a bit light headed due to all that gas he must be producing on that excellent diet of his.

    TweetTweet, Squawk, Splutter,falls off perch.

    • Like 1
  4. I think its best we agree to disagree, did you watch the gatekeepers yet

    As I have mentioned before I think numerous times, I saw it long ago and I recommend it.

    Israeli society is a democracy and media criticizing government policies is allowed there.

    Try to be an Arab in Gaza criticizing Hamas and see how many days you get to live.

    I could go on all night going backwards and forwards with youu but im not going to bother, what I will say however is in my opinion Israel is not a democracy but a Theocracy.
    • Like 2
  5. The tension related to the topic here (not the entire history of the Israeli-Arab conflict) in Jerusalem continues and appears to be getting worse. An Arab boy with U.S. citizenship was about to throw a MOLOTOV COCKTAIL at traffic so he was shot dead by IDF soldiers. That's what happens when you throw Molotov cocktails. Arabs who want to protest Israeli policies, and they have every right, maybe someone should teach them about CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE? (No, "just" throwing rocks does not count as civil disobedience.) What they are doing now is not working for them. If anything, all it does it move Israeli politics even further to the right ... who wants to "negotiate" with people throwing Molotov cocktails at civilians?

    Your statements are so matter of fact because I presume you are taking your information from western or Israeli media outlets.

    The boys family as well as many witnesses say that the boy was holding and burning an israeli flag and when the IDF saw him they shot him in the head.

    Very convenient for the IDF to say that he was about to launch a molotov cocktail, as a burning flag could be mistaken for a small bottle filled with petrol.

    • Like 2
  6. Trading Forex is not a skill. It's casino.

    I thought gambling was illegal in Thailand?coffee1.gif

    I totally disagree with this statement, while sprint markets can be perceived as gambling, day trading relies more on strategies to ensure you are successful and seeing trends over longer periods of time. Its a skill in itself to learn how to read a candlestick chart correctly.

    • Like 1
  7. In the wake of the Palestinian Hamas terrorist killing of the American Jewish infant, Jerusalem, the capital of Israel remains tense. Some are calling the Palestinian violence that has been happening in recent weeks in Jerusalem (including the recent car attack) a SILENT INTIFADA.

    “The terror attacks that took place almost at the same time on opposite sides of the globe – Jerusalem and Ottawa – prove once again that terrorism is a worldwide plague that needs to be fought with force and without compromise,” Liberman wrote.

    “Terrorism doesn’t stem from construction of homes in Jerusalem, Ottawa, New York, Madrid, London, or Moscow,” the foreign minister wrote. “Rather, it stems from a struggle against extremist Islam throughout the Western world. We stand by our friend Canada, which has proven by virtue of its joining the war against Islamic State and its steadfast support of Israel, that it doesn’t capitulate to terror. We will also continue to be determined in the fight against terror and terrorists.”


    In this week's podcast, JPost's Jerusalem reporter describes the capital as a "ground zero for silent intifada"


    "some are calling the the Palestinian violence that has been happening in the last few weeks"

    Really?? Are you serious, In the latest conflict between 2,127[and 2,189 Gazans were killed (including 513 children) and between 10,895[ and 11,100 were wounded.

    66 Israeli soldiers, 5 Israeli civilians (including one child) and one Thai civilian were killed and 469 IDF soldiers and 261 Israeli civilians were injured.. Figures taken from The Gaza Health Ministry, and the UN.

    Canadians supporting Islamic state is another issue, totally off topic in my opinion and if you want to get into that one i will be happy to oblige, its not worth doing it on here because posts get removed as quick as they are posted.

    I know that i will never bring you round to my way of thinking, its all the years of brainwashing at the hands of the media and the western world, but you must remember Israel constantly defies international law, would any other country get away with what they get away with?, the answer is no.

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