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Posts posted by bigjules007

  1. Im sick of hypocritical losers spouting off there green eyed nonsense, my hard earned tax money contributes to society and yes I choose to be materialistic because its a choice that Is mine.

    Embracing one's right to choose a "materialistic" lifestyle, then criticizing others for embracing their right to choose a non-materialistic lifestyle is hypocritical.

    Kudos to Mr Canary for enjoying himself, however he may choose to do so.

    And if you read any of my previous posts you will see on more than one occasion I say, good luck if you can live this meager existence but its not for me!

    I wasn't berating the OP I was expressing to the hypocrites who "do not like this greedy or materialistic world" but then buy or use products off the biggest corporations in the world.

  2. Hello Viewers!

    Well to all our viewers " tuning in " from international waters ( outside of Thailand ) who are thinking of coming to live in Thailand and of course living on a 100 baht a day budget then my advice is to " Just do it ! " Life is so short so " education,qualifications and proper jobs ( with a shirt and tie ) are all " unimportant " in life! Just get out there and be happy and have a laugh! If you are low on funds ( i am also included..) then get yourself a job in Thailand.You really don't need much to live on as you can see from many " nice people " on Thai Visa ( " myself ".... ) But the best advice is to NOT wait until you are 65 years old! this is absolutely " bloody stupid " as not only is Thailand's farang community starting to look like " Gods waiting room " ... But also at 65 years and older you are quite simply " out of the game "( kind respect to all the old people or even if you do feel a bit old...) I moved abroad when i was 26 years old ( i am now 50 ) This morning when i went out for a morning stroll ( rather pleasant may i add ) i spotted one old farang who looked like " Albert Steptoe " and just made me realize how young i feel!

    So just enjoy life while you are still young! Also if you do want to come to Thailand then remember that it has a wonderful " outdoor lifestyle " so don't waste it by sitting indoors all day ( like many farang ) get out and explore Thailand as it is a fab country with lovely (young) people!

    Farang Jaidee ( off for a gentle stroll to the beach..)wub.png

    Yeah good advice, but I think the old farang you saw would be a lot better off there than back in say the uk, stuck in some pokey council flat or even worse in a dismal old folks home!! lol.

    Oh yeah, really great advice! , come out to Thailand and get a job and live on a 100 baht a day, really?

    To me this nonsensical drivel translates to come to Thailand and be a bum, dodge immigration and work illegally as a teacher barely scrimping by on your meager earnings.

    Be a burden on people from time to time when you actually need some money, ie if you suddenly fall sick or need an operation.

    And as for Albert Steptoe, i bet he looks like that because he done his fair share of graft when he was younger and he can actually afford to live out here.

    Like I said in my previous posts if your happy then good luck to you living on so little.

    I for one would rather live on my 300, 000 baht per month budget because of the "unimportant" job I had wearing a suit and tie when I was younger.

    I bet im happier than you mate;)

    • Like 1
  3. My wife sends her mum 10,000 baht a month, her mum has a shop in the village selling beer, whiskey and some food so she is pretty much self sufficient, she invests the money my wife sends her and has already made her shop twice the size, bought better fridges more stock etc, also 2000 baht of the 10k my wife sends is for motorbike finance on a new bike she just bought and she has also started a small pig farm, before she started the shop the 10 k per month would pretty much see her through the month, by the way she also part supports her parents (wifes grand parents) and my sister in laws 6 year old boy.


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  4. i was in Hull last Tuesday to apply for a non immigrant O multi, the lady said all visas are now issued from London, but they take copies of all supporting paper work and fax to London, London then make the decision and Hull issue the visa. She said takes up to 5 days but i went in on Tuesday and she called me on the Thursday and said visa was ready for collection.

    She did also insist that London now require to see last 3 months Bank Statements with at least £1400 a month income going in, it also states this on London Embassy website, but curiously not on Birminghams, anyone got a non immigrant O from Birmingham very recently without having to show proof of earnings etc??

  5. I think i would have handled this slightly different, i mean really all this ag for 20 baht?? You say you have your own trees? , i would of picked one of my own and offered it to her and explained that you found the offending pappaya on the floor and threw it away thinking that it was no big deal. If she then refused the replacement pappaya i would of then knew she was trying it on and shoved it right up where the sun dont shine.

    Her husband would of probably bought you a beer next time he saw you, and your wife could of saved face because she would not of had toraise her voice.

    Guess you live and learnthumbsup.gif

  6. I have seen this thread a number of times over the years and the guys always refuse to post pictures of their housing.

    Of course they refuse. And we all know how their rooms look.

    I guess some people can live like this, I for one did not work my nuts off to go and live in a foreign country so I could live like a pauper. Good luck if you can "live" like this I call it existing

    Me, me, me ^^ If there were less greedy and materialistic people in this world, we all would be living in a healthier, happier, and more prosperous planet for

    each and everyone.

    If there were less greedy and materialistic people on this world you wouldn't have been able to fly to Thailand, or eat most of the food you eat or use the computer your using now to type your low achieving nonsense into this forum.

    Im sick of hypocritical losers spouting off there green eyed nonsense, my hard earned tax money contributes to society and yes I choose to be materialistic because its a choice that Is mine.

    So your telling me that given the choice you would choose a 100 baht a night dorm room over a 30000 baht a night penthouse suite! Whoever answered they would choose the dorm room then your either Gandi or a pretty good liar.

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  7. My wife never posts photos of gifts or posessions, despite most of her friends doing so, because i have taught her from the get go that it is imperative not to show people what you have, the more you have the more people want, so as far as her FB friends are concerned they never ask her to borrow money or are jealous of her. In fact my wife laughs at them when they post pics of there stuff coz half of the time its cheap crap there husbands are buying for them, but they insist on posting the pics so that there friends think that they have more than eachother, absolutely ridiculous.

    Only her close friends ( Not Facebook friends)know, what car she drives or what watch she wears, how much jewellery she owns or which hotels we stay in on holiday. And thats how she likes to keep it.

  8. What do you Cheap Charlies do all day? Stare at the Ocean? The trees? Post on Thai Visa but only from Free Wifi? Walk around shopping malls and enjoy the A/C and water fountains while leering at women without every buying anything (except from the food court, but not really because you could make it for less at home)? Are there actually women who want to be around someone like this with no ambition? Don't you ever get bored or want something a bit more?

    Most days I wake up at about 06.00 and start the day with a gentle 15 km stroll.Afternoons lazing about on the beach in the sun ( with random moments of swimming in the sea ) some mornings I take the train out for a little adventure (5 baht max) and take a picnic lunch..I don't ever go to Shopping Malls as I don't enjoy shopping and hate air con! I don't drink or smoke and have no interest in bars but love being sociable whilst being out and about.I am busy with my photography and have always loved the " outdoor lifestyle " F.J x

    You might as well join a monastery mate, personally i would be bored within...... around 3 days of doing that, its just an existence, to me life is about living, not existing but if your happy then thats all that counts.

    Do you live like this because you choose to or because you have no other choice? i mean is that really the only money you have to live on? Surely you must have some money tucked away for a rainy day?

    I would hate to just exist on a meager budget, i could not think of anything worse.

    • Like 1
  9. I have seen this thread a number of times over the years and the guys always refuse to post pictures of their housing.

    Of course they refuse. And we all know how their rooms look.

    I guess some people can live like this, I for one did not work my nuts off to go and live in a foreign country so I could live like a pauper. Good luck if you can "live" like this I call it existing

    Me, me, me ^^ If there were less greedy and materialistic people in this world, we all would be living in a healthier, happier, and more prosperous planet for

    each and everyone.

    Horses for courses my friend, horses for courses.

  10. I have seen this thread a number of times over the years and the guys always refuse to post pictures of their housing.

    Of course they refuse. And we all know how their rooms look.

    I guess some people can live like this, I for one did not work my nuts off to go and live in a foreign country so I could live like a pauper. Good luck if you can "live" like this I call it existing.


  11. Israel has no right whatsoever to be in Palestine, period! it is an illegal occupation, lest not forget that Hamas was voted in to power by the Palestinian people, it is Israel that portrays them as terrorists using there zionist propaganda.

    Define Palestine. It's unclear from your rant whether you are a river to the sea man, or not (at least openly).

    When I say Palestine I mean the whole of Palestine.

    If the rest of the world thought the same way as the zionist state of Israel, then the Italians could have a claim on the U.K considering that the Romans were there for so long, French might have a claim on Norway because there ancestors were from there and the Arabs could occupy Spain as they were there for 800 years.

    TOTALLY illogical state of Israel.

  12. I used to have a mate, who you could go drinking with and have a right good time with and then as you were leaving his house, he would fire a crossbow at you!! This is not a Thai thing but a human thing, its an alcohol fuelled thing, just 3 weeks ago in Brazil a guy shot his best friend to death for dancing to near his girlfriend in a packed night club, this sort of thing happens every where in the world, the world is full of crazy idiots so do not make it a Thai trait.

    RIP little girl.

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  13. I have always thought that McD was some food leftover collector or something similar. It's never occurred to me too actually eat there.

    I hate the stuff with a passion. it's not food.

    Many years ago, whilst on a driving holiday I got caught out arriving at location and everything was shut, except the McDonalds.....I was hankering for a feed, absolutely starving, went inside, navigated their menu and ordered something. I took the product, paid and sat down. I open the food, sniffed it and took it straight back and gave it back to them, left and went hungry.

    W T F was that s h I t ? 555555

    Sad to say most "food" isnt real food nowadays, its all processed rubbish. There's a reason why your hungry again an hour after you eat A McDonald's, it's because there's no nutritional value in the food and your body knows this.

    Eat clean, keep lean. So easy to eat clean in Thailand why the hell would you come half way across the world to eat crap? Guess they make it real addictive with all them chemicals they pack in there burgers.

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  14. Truth be told, if the U.K and the U.S had kept there noses out of the middle east , instead of constantly interfering, and supporting there bum buddies Israel, they would not be in the predicament they are in today. The west loves a war, it makes people rich.

    There is definitely something more sinister going on then most of you can imagine. I would take what your respective governments tell you with a pinch of salt.

    Has no one seen the photos with Mcain sitting in a meeting attended by Al Baghdadi before he was Al Baghdadi? This whole situation stinks. And i'd better stop there because no doubt im going to get another warning for expressing my opinion about ISIS.

  15. It would appear the 3 'star' witnesses, who have been under house arrest since the murders, have given evidence at a court hearing.

    Bottom line, they saw nothing, they know nothing of the crime scene and do not believe the accused are guilty.


    Again another job well done by the BIB!!

    Thankfully the witnesses are now in safe custody of the Burmese embassy.

    If this is true then its brilliant news, put that in your pipe and smoke it apologists! !

  16. Police stated they did not have the ability to identify race and could only identify gender and this is the reasasn they said it would be sent to Singapore. Later they announced it was from an Asian. Regardless if it went to Singapore, we do know it went to multiple labs and dozens, if not more, have seen the results and been involved in the testing and and this will be part of the official case in court where there lawyers can challenge results and have their own tests run .... if the admitted murdering rapists don't plead guilty.

    I don't think anybody reasonable thinks that they admitted anything.

    Human rights organisations in 3 countries including thailand have expressed their belief that the 'confessions' were obtained under duress & torture. Amnesty International is the most respected human rights organisation on the planet & does not tend to make mistakes if it can possibly help it.

    I'm sure that the Americans, Aussies, British & most other nationalities here will admit that beatings in police stations have been used to extract confessions from time to time in their own countries so why is it so hard for you thai sympathisers to accept that it may have happened in this case.

    Your last sentence suggests that you've hung these 2 kids already & if that's true I feel quite sorry for the people around you.

    Officials from the Burmese embassy in Bangkok on Monday travelled to the neighbouring island of Koh Samui to meet the two Arakanese migrants who have been remanded in custody pending murder and rape charges. The embassy officials, led by second secretary Htun Aye, were accompanied by Thai and Burmese lawyers, as well as migrant rights activists.

    Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September.

    Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.


    And regardless of if they were mistreated their DNA matched and they certainly didn't look beaten in their reenactment but it is possible police have conspired with doctors who checked the admitted murdering rapists when they were arrested and after hey confessed.

    Your source is as it stood on the 7th October & you deliberately edited out the words below in bold from the article;

    Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September. However, he said, their stories were “somewhat inconsistent” and “their faces portrayed fear”.

    Seriously? What's wrong with you? You not only dig up week old news but then edit it to try to prove your point & show that they're guilty? You do realise that lives are at stake here don't you.

    Here's some more recent news from the past 2 days.

    the two men told a Burmese lawyer that they only confessed to the murders after they were tortured and beaten by police on the resort island of Koh Tao.


    THE MYANMAR lawyers of the two men charged with the Koh Tao murders of two British tourists have asked Thailand's National Human Rights Commission and the Myanmar Embassy in the Kingdom to push for British police to conduct independent DNA tests in the case, as they believe their clients are innocent.


    & then we have;

    Following the arrest of two Myanmar nationals for the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller last month, a lawyer on the Myanmar Embassy’s legal team, who met the two, said that one of the men alleged police beat and threatened him with electrocution.

    Numerous sources have reported further acts of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of other migrant workers from Myanmar arrested by police in connection with the investigation.


    Your judgement is obviously much better than Amnesty International's though isn't it. wai2.gif

    They did not retract their confessions during this meeting where police were not present but embassy staff, lawyers and human rights group were.

    Police should not beat or threaten people regardless of what degree but they did confess and the DNA matches and what ever abuse they did receive was not too severe as doctors examined them and they looked fine just days later at the reenactment.

    When they almost surely don't recant their confessions in court and plead guilty and their lawyers don't contest the DNA, just curious what your defense will be of these admitted murdering rapists will be?

    Why do you keep harping on about the DNA? Have u seen a copy of the results?. I have about as much faith in the DNA tests being carried out in a professional manner with no contamination as I have in the Thai Police, that's no faith at all.

    As far as im concerned the dna evidence the police have collected might as well be pixie dust.

    Lets see what the U.K Reveal when they compare tests with the RTP, if and when they do.

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