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Posts posted by Display

  1. School boy error walking with your phone in your hand like that, I have often corrected my bro in doing the same in my country in not so plush areas.

    You need to be street-wise in the big Mango!

    What do you do when you need to make or receive a call. Talk into your pocket ?

    When your walking or standing looking at GPS been lost and you have your phone out in front of you! Its easy to snap and grab. Not so easy when the phone is against your ear while holding in a firm grip while taking a call.

    When your buying something do you hold your wallet opened out in front of you for the world to see? No you keep it close. Same as if you hold your phone out for along period of time you will attract attention.

    Especially easy when you are not familiar with the area you are in, they will spot you a mile away! You have to be fully aware of your situation and surrounding in a big city like Bangkok. What has daylight got to do with it also. Same opportunity for the theft day or night.

    Come on, don't be so narrow minded and stupid people! Laughable really..

  2. Hi

    I`m in Italy now and it would get my vote, except wouldn`t fancy it in winter, just don`t like the cold.

    Excellent scenery & food, not costly compared to the UK, I`d say cheaper in comparison.

    In the north now not far from Milan, weather great, heading south in another week.

    If you`ve not been , worthy of consideration.

    Nice restaurants, nice bars and people that like to live life.

    I`ve been visiting for many years, always a pleasure to return.


    Sounds great! Always wanted to visit Rome at least once, will see, but Italy is definitely in the calendar. And I love the Italian cuisine, got to say I m Jealous a bit lol as Bangkok can be wearing at times. Have a great time!

    • Like 1
  3. On one occasion, I was walking two of them on my own, and the dog pretty much pressed me up against a wall.

    Hi Peter,

    Dogs are great at reading body language. It would help if you were more "dominant"; stand your ground, make your frame powerful (shoulders raised, arms wide, head high) and don't show any fear. Works for me - most notably when rushed by a pack (4 or 5) during my time in India - they stopped about 15 feet away and just let me walk right past them. He will soon get the message that you're the boss.

    This will only work if you are confident though and may not be suitable for your situation. It's just my two cents in the subject. I hope you can resolve the issue whichever course of action you take.

    Edit: Reading my post back I just thought I'd add that I'm not wishing to come across condescending, just pointing out that they are really good at judging how people react to their behavior.

    Hope it doesn't read that way.

    Good luck.

    Where I used to live they were some soi dogs like your neighbor's dog, I used to act dominant like the above poster says and they would run off also it helps to carry a few small stone's and throw them at them if they get too close.

    Or even better get some pepper spray and when your neighbor is not looking spray the dog when he gets close, the dog will soon learn not to go near you or your dogs and you will get the last laugh...

    • Like 1
  4. PP, it's like everywhere else, and I mean everywhere, it all gets run of the mill after you get used to it day after day.

    What did you do in your home country to alleviate the boredom ?

    This is so true, is there anything you wished to do in the past but never had the time? Or something like I plan to get into like flying Drones?

  5. I have noted that my dog does like licking people,i am a little paranoid about this in a country with rabies,even though my wife tells me he has had the shot's,but he is a nice little fellow,and i don't know what it is but a dog can really cheer you up sometimes,a polite one more so.

    Sounds like a great dog to me, a dog licking is there way of showing affection.

    And you can only get rabies from a dog bite where they cut your shin and there saliva enters your bloodstream.

  6. Most likely if someone jumped your fence and showed aggression to the dogs they would back off..lol there only making noise as they know that space!

    Well, if you like we can give 'er a good ole test run. You come by my house, and my dogs will hear you before you even get to the gate, and will be telling you you're unwelcome. If after a few seconds of that, you still have the nerve, feel free to jump the wall into the yard, and we'll see what happens. Bet you walk away bloodied and in need of stitches.

    Come on, they're dogs. Nuts or no nuts, they're not going to back down from protecting their home.

    Bet I don't leave bloodied as I have past trained in kickboxing, I would break their jaw with a full force kick before they get a chance to bite!

    So you agree they wouldn't back down just because they have their nuts chopped? Good, thanks.

    LMFAO!!! Whatever.... I'm sure they would just do a runner as I would not like to hurt the dog's.

    But am not starting an argument with you - Just my opinion, they will still work as a deterrent if their barking like mad!

  7. Most likely if someone jumped your fence and showed aggression to the dogs they would back off..lol there only making noise as they know that space!

    Well, if you like we can give 'er a good ole test run. You come by my house, and my dogs will hear you before you even get to the gate, and will be telling you you're unwelcome. If after a few seconds of that, you still have the nerve, feel free to jump the wall into the yard, and we'll see what happens. Bet you walk away bloodied and in need of stitches.

    Come on, they're dogs. Nuts or no nuts, they're not going to back down from protecting their home.

    Bet I don't leave bloodied as I have past trained in kickboxing, I would break their jaw with a full force kick before they get a chance to bite!

  8. School boy error walking with your phone in your hand like that, I have often corrected my bro in doing the same in my country in not so plush areas.

    You need to be street-wise in the big Mango!

    • Like 1
  9. Thanks for all the replies above!!

    @Bpuumike post #15: the problem occurs when I start up the laptop after it has been off for 8 hours or more, so it does not shutdown just because of overheating.

    @NeverSure post #17: my laptop battery has been 'dead' for months already. I took it out just recently to see if that would make a difference re the shutdown problem,

    but it did not.

    I've had this problem for about 2 weeks now.

    @Sirchai post #21: I don't get the 'safe mode' option, only the 'repair option' and 'normal start-up' option.

    I did the repair option today and after about 25 minutes it concluded that it could not 'repair the system automatically' and asked whether I wanted to

    send a report to Microsoft or not. I choose not to, after which the laptop did continue with an uninterrupted start-up.

    I tried to do a disk defragmentation analysis, but after 1 hour it was still only showing "1%" so I cancelled that.

    I think I will first get some external hard drive and copy all important stuff on it and then take it to a shop.

    Hopefully the laptop will breakdown not just yet, before I have copied everything.

    Thanks for all replies!

    Again its your hard drive that is failing! If it wont Defrag obliviously it a problem with your Hard Drive! now I am 100% sure.

    I also did a disk check: that did not move along either. I let it run for 4 hours, when I came it was still at 0%!!

    Believe me that's a sure sign of hard drive failure, the more you mess around the more likely your Hard drive will fail completely.

    Time to visit a technician he will back everything up and replace your files back onto your Laptop along with your Operating system and software..

    It's time to visit the repair shop,

  10. But once you castrate you will change the Dog into a docile animal that will sit around eating, half the dog it used to be especially if you want your dog to secure your property etc.

    Ohhh, that's horse shit. Both of my dogs have had their nuts removed, and trust me, they're very defensive about protecting their home. Not a chance someone can even get close to the gate, let alone inside the yard. If someone comes by the gate, they get told by both dogs quite sternly to back away.

    I'm not sure, because nobody has ever tried, but if someone tried to jump the gate, I'm quite confident my dogs would attack and that person would find themselves in the hospital. No guarantees as nobody has tried, but wouldn't surprise me.

    Most likely if someone jumped your fence and showed aggression to the dogs they would back off..lol there only making noise as they know that space!

    Again why do you think a male bull is so dangerous?

    But a male bull that has been castrated which is called a Bullock is so tame and is bred to eat and get fat then slathered for meat?

    What is it with the preoccupation with bulls and bullocks ? Did you do your dissertation on that subject ?

    No, LMFAO but I did grow up on a working farm so I do understand about animal's - its just a great example.

    One thing I learn from my father/grandfather was how to take care of animals that's all.

    • Like 1
  11. But once you castrate you will change the Dog into a docile animal that will sit around eating, half the dog it used to be especially if you want your dog to secure your property etc.

    Ohhh, that's horse shit. Both of my dogs have had their nuts removed, and trust me, they're very defensive about protecting their home. Not a chance someone can even get close to the gate, let alone inside the yard. If someone comes by the gate, they get told by both dogs quite sternly to back away.

    I'm not sure, because nobody has ever tried, but if someone tried to jump the gate, I'm quite confident my dogs would attack and that person would find themselves in the hospital. No guarantees as nobody has tried, but wouldn't surprise me.

    Most likely if someone jumped your fence and showed aggression to the dogs they would back off..lol there only making noise as they know that space!

    Again why do you think a male bull is so dangerous?

    But a male bull that has been castrated which is called a Bullock is so tame and is bred to eat and get fat then slathered for meat?

  12. The people who want to make money (businessmen, i.e. the people Display calls greedy) are not to blame.

    Instead, ask yourself why producing in the USA, or worse, Europe, is not economically advisable.

    Welfare. Taxes. Socialism.

    True, very true in ways, there are many sides to this coin.

    I also don't agreed with the welfare for nothing, In my country there are many who have never worked a day in their life and expect everything on a plate for them, and their still not happy. Also the many that are scamming the system dry while good honest people are working there asses of you pay the taxes to support them.

    It sickens me! They should all be shipped over to countries like Thailand for a while on there own and see how they cope and how good they have it!

    • Like 1
  13. I've also done dog sitting back in the UK and found most behaviour problems can be rectified with proper training and attention, maybe castration is not necessary but it's worth researching into and I don't see why you wouldn't do it if you are not breeding?

    Maybe for some people each to their own.

    But once you castrate you will change the Dog into a docile animal that will sit around eating, half the dog it used to be especially if you want your dog to secure your property etc.

    A lot of the problems start when they are pups and their owner treat them like a baby, then they grow big and the owner can't handle them.

    • Like 1
  14. Spend their life on 3m chains!!!

    What a life they must have! and i'm sure keeping them on 3m chains has improved their destructive behaviour???!

    I don't understand why some people get dogs, how about being responsible and taking the time to train and exercise your pet. Are you going to do the same with a child if it turns out a certain way that you didn't want due to minimal effort from yourself?

    I would guess that the dogs were kept in the first place to guard all your worldly possessions *sigh* you know what they say, "when in Rome...." might aswell just dump them at the temple they would likely be better off

    Anyway back to the OP I would suggest lots of exercise, that sounds like a big dog! and if it is muscular it will be wanting exercise. Perhaps seek out a dog trainer here, might be costly but sounds as though the dog is bored and needs something to occupy him. Maybe some chew things or a playmate as mentioned before (but the playmate might encourage the behaviour too!) I would imagine if you don't plan to breed him then castraction will calm him down a bit also, sounds as if he's bored and horny! think how you would feel seeing the same walls everyday, no interaction with others (except the same humans you see everyday) and absolutely no chance of sex, like ever lol I think I might wanna kill some chickens too!

    Not another one!

    "castraction will calm him down a bit also"

    You shouldn't have a dog if you cant take care of his actions!

    LMFAO did all of you grow up in a city apartment or something?

  15. Also I would recommend 4TH floor in MBK outside Power city their is a guy there that does all the work for Power city as they surprisingly don't have any Technicians working there.

    He is in front of the Samsung store. He will back-up everything for you and fix your Laptop so its running perfectly!

    Pan-tip is dodge!

  16. Thanks for all the replies above!!

    @Bpuumike post #15: the problem occurs when I start up the laptop after it has been off for 8 hours or more, so it does not shutdown just because of overheating.

    @NeverSure post #17: my laptop battery has been 'dead' for months already. I took it out just recently to see if that would make a difference re the shutdown problem,

    but it did not.

    I've had this problem for about 2 weeks now.

    @Sirchai post #21: I don't get the 'safe mode' option, only the 'repair option' and 'normal start-up' option.

    I did the repair option today and after about 25 minutes it concluded that it could not 'repair the system automatically' and asked whether I wanted to

    send a report to Microsoft or not. I choose not to, after which the laptop did continue with an uninterrupted start-up.

    I tried to do a disk defragmentation analysis, but after 1 hour it was still only showing "1%" so I cancelled that.

    I think I will first get some external hard drive and copy all important stuff on it and then take it to a shop.

    Hopefully the laptop will breakdown not just yet, before I have copied everything.

    Thanks for all replies!

    Again its your hard drive that is failing! If it wont Defrag obliviously it a problem with your Hard Drive! now I am 100% sure.

  17. The best prevention is common sense.

    Don't click on pop ups, don't download dodged video from torrents. don't download uncredited software.

    I used to work in this field, and if you have the latest windows OS and Anti virus like AVG your as good as gold that's for me anyway.

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