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  1. if he is getting a pension why is he broke and sleeping in the street, a pension would more than support him in Thailand. I think there is a lot more to this somehow, what is he doing with the money anyway if not using it to support himself and if he doesnt have a passport why is he not being arrested by the police for not having a passport/visa.

    Why would police arrest someone with no money?

    As I said seajae he was robbed of his money, bank card, I.D and passport which cause him to end up in this situation,

    In my country the police help you if your robbed not arrest you?

    Anyway its good to see there are good people like mortenaa that would help a fellow countryman, thousands of miles away from home.

  2. After a bit of searching, with great help of the security guards around MBK and National Stadium, I found the guy. He was wandering around, looking pretty lost. He said he couldn't sleep much, coz of traffic, noise and so on. No money or ID. Seemed like the people around kept him well fed at least. He had been to the Norwegian embassy, ordered a passport and they had helped him with contacting his bank, so he could get a new ATM card. But that would take another week or so. Except from that, seemed like the embassy didn't provide any help. So I checked him into cheap hotel around there, gave him some pocket money, and said I will be back in a couple of days. He said it was "a miracle".

    Feel sorry for the guy. He had little or no family it seemed like, and some he tried to tell a story of some "friends", that seemed like the just used him for his monthly pay check. He also said he had been travelling around SE for about a year. Well, I think he'll be back on his feet after a couple of good nights sleep smile.png

    I was walking by the BTS station last night and didn't see him sleeping there,

    taught maybe someone has helped him out.

    I was pleased to get your message last night and happy that he is safe and sound. He seems like a descent nice fellow and not the type to be sleeping on Bangkok streets especially in the middle of that road as it quite dangerous even to cross that road at times, very busy with traffic.

    Understand that he probable hasn't got much family in a time of need, especially after been robbed of Id and wallet, the people that robbed him don't know the problem's they have cause this guy. Like why take someone passport?

    I hope karma will reward you and you can hold your head high today for sure.


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  3. After a bit of searching, with great help of the security guards around MBK and National Stadium, I found the guy. He was wandering around, looking pretty lost. He said he couldn't sleep much, coz of traffic, noise and so on. No money or ID. Seemed like the people around kept him well fed at least. He had been to the Norwegian embassy, ordered a passport and they had helped him with contacting his bank, so he could get a new ATM card. But that would take another week or so. Except from that, seemed like the embassy didn't provide any help. So I checked him into cheap hotel around there, gave him some pocket money, and said I will be back in a couple of days. He said it was "a miracle".

    Feel sorry for the guy. He had little or no family it seemed like, and some he tried to tell a story of some "friends", that seemed like the just used him for his monthly pay check. He also said he had been travelling around SE for about a year. Well, I think he'll be back on his feet after a couple of good nights sleep smile.png

    Great work, Well done for helping him out, he will definitely sleep well tonight.

  4. Humorous Stories your mate or yourself, have done while drinking too much? Just to show how stupid drinking can be.

    Ill start...

    A guy I used to work with in NYC who was living with a friend in a house share, He went out drinking one Friday night, came home very drunk about 6am,

    That same night his friends parents where staying over to go shopping in the city the next day.

    His friends mum came down the stair to made some breakfast, And there was the guy sitting at the kitchen table hovering over the nice dinner chair doing an number 2 on the chair, thinking he was in the bathroom cheesy.gif

    The shock on their face's when they make eye contact must of been priceless...

    Anyone else have a good story?

  5. Been an Alcoholic in Thailand is too easy for Thais and Farang, Going by what I seen were I used to live on the suburbs of Bangkok. I used to speak to one of the Thai whisky Bar owners that

    used to work in the hotels in Bangkok and could speak good English.

    Everyday the same Thais guys drank there as it was only 50 baht for 250ml bottle of whiskey, Even the worker in the market with stalls would go there every hour for a shot or two. One Thai Guy was known for getting drunk and sleeping outside other people house door, this was just a joke to them no problem drink up lol

    The motorcycle Taxi drivers also stopped there every so often for a shot or 2, couldn't believe it. lol

    Anyway its the same in every country but a bit easier in Thailand with easy access and cheep prices of Beer and easygoing lifestyle IMO

    I have one funny experience with an Alcoholic in Australia,

    My neighbor in the house I was staying in Australia, was a serious Alco drinking 3 liters boxes of port. But was a good character, many stories.

    But I was waiting on a taxi to go in to town one Friday night, he was out of box of port, he asked me would I mine bringing him to the bottle shop in the taxi, I agreed as it was only a couple of minute there and back and then I would take the Taxi back in to town.

    I could tell he needed a drink by his shaking.

    Anyway into the taxi we went, Arrive at the bottle shop and parked outside the glass door of Bottle mart. The driver ask me what is up with that guy I said he alright just an Alcoholic.

    As soon as I said that I watch him hurry into the bottle shop, grab a box of port and run out of the shop the best he could, jump into my Taxi and shout

    "Go, Go I am after robbing the place"

    LMAO in the back of the taxi as driver spun off back to the house, he just ran into the house to start drinking not a bother to him, Thanks' mate an off about his business all we could do was laugh.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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  6. I wouldn't use travel agents in Bangkok as some of them overcharged, OP would you consider booking a flight to Siam reap airport with Air Asia, Pay 20 USD at Siem Reap airport for a tourist visa and get the bus to Angkor Wat?


    The less you have to travel in Cambodia on a bus the better, the roads are tracks and the buses brake down regularly IMO

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  7. We never celebrated St Patricks day because we`re not Irish.

    My father did once say that his father was Irish and in fact I have an Irish sounding surname, but we never mentioned this to anyone else as it may have brought great shame and embarrassment to our family.

    So you Sir should be thankful for the Irish, as without your Irish Granddad you would never of even existed or able to post on TVfacepalm.gif

  8. An Irish Breakfast and a few pints of Guinness, or Bailey with Ice, in an Irish pub smile.png To be honest its just a day to party IMO. But paddies day is one of the days I would go for an occasional drink. Not a big drinker though... Thai's haven't a clue what's its about, Lmao forget about it...

    "Thai's haven't a clue what's its about, "

    I doubt most people know what it's about. Judging from the comments in this thread the common belief appears to be "it's about" getting drunk.

    Back in December someone start a post about Christmas in Thailand and it was clear he had no idea what Christmas is (supposed to be) about. He seemed to think it had something to do with giving children toys for some reason unclear to him.

    St. Valentine, All Saints, All Souls. Pretty sure the Thai Visa consensus would be that they, like any other day, present an excuse to drink and/or expect someone to give them something for free.

    Saint Patrick's Day or the Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated annually on 17 March, the death date of the most commonly-recognised patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick.

    True, but ask anyone at the Saint Patrick Parade in New York and see how many of they thinks about the religious aspect? The same for Ireland.

  9. Seen him again this even while I was meeting my GF carrying an old teddy bear for a pillow and some other homeless Thai directing him away from MBK.

    He is now sleeping under the BTS national stadium across from the National Stadium Gates, and across from the Pink Pzssy shop in the island area in the middle of Phayathai Road, you cant miss him if any Norwegian people want to find him.

    My girlfriend gave him some small money but thinks he's crazy and doesn't want to go home as MBK staff brought him to the Embassey and later on that day he returned to MBK. There opinion of him has changed for sure.

    Also he told me he was going home on the 21st of this month but I don't think so.

  10. I'm from Norway. I should go have a chat. Whereabouts outside MBK?

    I usually see him outside the front of the Tokyu store across from the BTS Station he sleeps along the side there where the taxis are. But ask the Security guards around the Taxi Rank he spends a lot of time there talking with the guards and they will tell you where he is..

  11. Also I don't think many Expats go to Koh san rd, but to be avoided if your going to party, as a European guy working here told me he got drugged and everything stolen except his passport there. Also it smells lol

  12. An Irish Breakfast and a few pints of Guinness, or Bailey with Ice, in an Irish pub smile.png To be honest its just a day to party IMO. But paddies day is one of the days I would go for an occasional drink. Not a big drinker though... Thai's haven't a clue what's its about, Lmao forget about it...

    • Like 1
  13. Maybe someone from Norway can inform the Embassy. If he is disabled mentally there ought to be some help forthcoming?

    The Tourist police are a matter of meters away from him I was thinking of informing them, I taught that also that he had a bit of a mental disability but staff at MBK don't think so but I don't think the Thai people really understand him, as the first time I seen him he just sat down beside me sweating and talking rubbish,

    I taught he was on Yabba or something but the next day I give him a ciggy and some money and had a talk with him I taught he was a bit Mentally disabled? Do you think the Embassy should be call? ,

    Oblivious I respect other peoples privatize, as I said he is quite happy there and seems to have no plan's on leaving anytime soon. As soon as they open the doors in the morning he spends all day walking around MBK and then sleep out in the hot sun and I never seen someone with so many mosquito bits before, the least he could do was light some of them mosquito coils if he had sense..

  14. There has been a Norwegian guy sleeping outside MBK shopping mall in Bangkok for the past week, MBK and the security guards are feeding him, he told me he got robbed of his money and passport.

    My Girlfriend works there and it all the Gossip between the staff that there is a smiling Farang sleeping outside in the sun and getting eaten alive by mosquitos at night.

    I have given him small amounts of money and an odd ciggy, but he seems quite happy there and is very friendly with the guards,

    All he was worried about was getting 50 Baht to buy a razor to shave?, I was thinking that's the last of your worries lol

    He told me he has been here three years and get's disability allowance each month from Norway. Also he told me he has been to his embassy and that he was thinking of going to another country like Australia or somewhere. He's a nice guy but to me he seems confused, MBK like him and are helping him out with money and rumors are MBK will be paying for his plane ticket home?

    Does anyone know this Guy and maybe you can help him out? He about 5 8" well built, heavy, shaved head, wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt and always seems to be smiling? With about 1000 Mosquito bits all over eat arm lol

  15. I have been to Vientiane many times for visa runs with my GF and always enjoy the place, great place to relax and the choice of restaurants are great, from quality Indian food to Laos Noodles which my Thai GF's Loves, to nice French eateries.

    They drive on the opposite side of the road to Thailand so can be quite dangerous to drive, and the roads are not safe, I know from the one time I rented a doggy motorcycle there and came across massive pot hole in the city street with no warning at all. But you should be fine on a Bick cycle if you just be aware of the traffic coming for the opposite side than your used to.

    I would recommend bringing Thai baht, You don't need to exchanged the money to Kip and everywhere welcome Thai baht and they are used to calculating the exchange, just use Thai Baht there and learn the exchange rate, Its easy like 200 baht is 50000 Kip. They even accept USD there.

    If you want to Foreign exchange--

    on Rue Setthathilath across the street from the Temple called Wat Mixai, you can also withdraw cash there from your Thai bank a/c as the ATMs charge 150 baht per withdrawal from a foreign a/c.

    Stay alone the riverside and you will save on Tuk-tuk as all the restaurants and bars are there, Tuk-tuk there will try and overcharge every time so just bargain with them and walk away from them, they will always drop about 50%, for example for the two of us to visit Thai embassy from riverside they want 200 baht but he will do it for 100 baht or even 80 baht for both of us.

    All the Tuk-tuks sell smoke there openly if you

    know what I mean and safe to smoke in hotel room. I was surprise that even the small shops sell it there alone the riverside.

    I would recommended going to the rooftop bar along

    the Quai Fa Ngum rd its alone the riverside road and its not hard to find,

    I don't know the name of it but they have live music, food and a lot of westerner goes there.

    Patouxay Monument in Vientiane, Laos is worth a visit also any of the older Temple around Vientiane are cool and tuk-tuk will have a picture of all the tourist sites,you can just agreed a price for 3 hour or more and he will take you everywhere you would like to see.

    Tuk-tuk for 3 hour special to see sites sorted, its not a big place so getting around is easy. hope this helps enjoy...thumbsup.gif

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