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Posts posted by Display

  1. I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

    There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

    Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

    We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

    If you are so smart why do you not understand the simple equation of Newton's third law of ... For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?

    Also my soulless fellow human - If you stay in a friend house for a week till you get a place to stay where it suits your lifestyle - do you not think you own this friend?

    • Like 1
  2. To the OP ... I'm confused.

    Are you disapointed that your gf lent her sister the money ?

    Or are you decrying your perception of what the English Camp will be like ?

    If it's your gf's money ... then it's her money and no recourse back to you.

    Unless you are going to the English Camp ... is it really your business?

    It's not you going to the English Camp, it's not your kids going to the English Camp ... so two degrees of separation

    between yourself and the aggrieved action.

    Life here is much easier if we let others make their own choices and we don't interfere and try and make it for them.


    To answer your question.

    Yes I have the right to intervene as I have a lot of respect for my GF and that will luckily flow towards her family. I have met her sister kids and their great and was impressed at least with the eldest that wanted to speak English with me.

    I don't mine the money as its no problem for me but I would like my GF sister that struggles with money that wants the best for her kids and to get what she is paying for!

    Who do you think pays the bills? I am in the privileged position to do so! Although my GF still wants to pay her way which I encourage! As she is my GF not my wife!

    I have been here long enough to know the story in Thailand and maybe I am one in million but Thailand has been good to me!

  3. You obviously not read my above comment properly. Mandatory....not optionally.

    Yes I did read your post - Its the same in my country I was forced to learn French and German!

    As you claim that only native speakers teach languages in your country it must be a very small country.

    Liechtenstein/ Luxemburg ?

    Nope - Please try again!

    I have been stupid....Belgium or Switzerland....but IMO that doesnt count, if true.

    Not either of them. Does it really matter? This topic is not about which country I am from!

  4. To teach a language, does 1 need to be a native ?

    I think its a good start to be native at least! As just yesterday I was speaking to a friend of a friend that is Chinese's and he is a qualified Chinese teacher here in Bangkok, and he was joking to me that there are French and Spanish English Teacher here in Thailand with heavy accents. He taught it was hilarious!

    Don't shot the messengers here please.....

    well, your friends probably "thought" and not "taught".... this from a non-native English speaking Swiss...

    the majority of my language teachers (for German, French, English, Italian) have NOT been native in the languages the taught but had the proper education and degrees to teach those languages. And honestly, reading on this forum, there are quite a few English native speakers who's English would not get them through Swiss High School exams...

    and since you are talking about a weekend camp... what level of English are the kids supposed to learn? Basic sentences like "where do you come from" (English version) or "where you come from" (Thai version) or "what is your name" (English version) or "what you call" (Thai version)? For basics, you don't need native speakers, just somebody who can speak, read and write the language without making too many mistakes.

    Ok sorry Sir! everyone mades typo mistakes I am human!

    "have NOT been native in the languages the taught" Its they taught teacher, not the taught?

  5. To teach a language, does 1 need to be a native ?

    I think its a good start to be native at least! As just yesterday I was speaking to a friend of a friend that is Chinese's and he is a qualified Chinese teacher here in Bangkok, and he was joking to me that there are French and Spanish English Teacher here in Thailand with heavy accents. He taught it was hilarious!

    Don't shot the messengers here please.....

    Hmmmm..i come from The Netherlands and it is mandatory that kids start to learn 3 other languages when they start high school. English, french and german. Do you really think that we have thousands of natives from those countries teaching their respective languages ?

    Yes in my Country at least my French Teacher was French and my German Teacher was German! makes sense!

    • Like 2
  6. To teach a language, does 1 need to be a native ?

    I think its a good start to be native at least! As just yesterday I was speaking to a friend of a friend that is Chinese's and he is a qualified Chinese teacher here in Bangkok, and he was joking to me that there are French and Spanish English Teacher here in Thailand with heavy accents. He taught it was hilarious!

    Don't shot the messengers here please.....

    • Like 1
  7. Why I ask this is because my GF sister's kids that live in the countryside with their grandma were calling their mum that does not have a lot of money asking could they get money for an English Learning Weekend Camp.

    Now she didn't have the money for it but felt bad so she borrowed some cash of my GF to pay for it.

    Now I know enough that most of these Falang teachers on these English Camp are not even trained teachers and a lot of them are not even Native English speakers!

    I think this is wrong! What is your opinion?

  8. Why would she be smuggling this stuff into Thailand? Isn't most of it manufactured locally

    Its Highly dangerous to manufacture/cook meth, Lab explosions are common . Anyone can made it thought, the instructions are online. A lot of punks in America make there own. But I don't know if you can buy the cough medicine here that is required to produce it. Its an nasty drug, why anyone takes it is beyond me....

  9. St. Patricks day is an important *AMERICAN* holiday.

    If only because America is terminally short on holidays as it is. Especially ones where a good adult party is on the cards.

    So let's celebrate with the Irish, and with the Americans of any ancestry!

    And the Vinegar Brigade..

    You're as cuddly as a cactus, you're as charming as an eel, You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!

    Your brain is full of spiders, you have garlic in your soul, I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!

    You're a nasty wasty skunk, Your heart is full of unwashed socks, your soul is full of gunk,

    The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote, "Stink, stank, stunk"!

    Also being raised in a Catholic school it was a day off. We of course stayed one more day before summer vacation but we didn't care.

    I can only speak for the Catholic school I attended although I suspect there was others.

    Does any one know if McDonalds will have green shakes we had some in Canada at the various outlets.

    That was not a call for the food purists to belittle or praise any kind of food. Also I don't care how harmful the green food coloring was.

    So from one American of German ancestry Happy St. Patrick's day to one and all.

    Happy ST Patrick's day to you!

    All you need to do is buy a small bottle of green food coloring, and put a drop in your shake, the same goes for Guinness or beer..

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