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Posts posted by LaReina

  1. Bangkok Bank will allow you open a bank account as a tourist with a tourist visa.

    Bangkok Bank will allow you open a buisness account that will show the money being brought into the country is for buisness purposes (in which case no visa is needed as this is strictly a buisness account), dont ask how you are supposed to keep track of your balance.

    Internet banking requires a valid work permit. No work permit, no internet access.

    All accounts will give you an ATM card.

    For ALL changes to your account, you MUST go to the branch where you opened your account. So pick your branch wisely, any signs of in-efficiency can screw you.

    Bangkok bank allows you do wire transfers online, via the internet after you set it up (ie online transfers).

  2. Dont worry about me, I do not take anything personal but..You guys are so dead wrong. But you are entitled to your thoughts. I have been involved in the jewelry manufacturing industry, and I know what kind of diamonds are being used in a couple of very well known western companies. And this is for solitare engagement rings. You can get very good SI quality diamonds here in Bangkok. Go to the upcoming trade show.

    I have met people who come to thailand to buy jewelry stock and stones then boast and brag about their supplier and tell me the price that they paid for regualar semi-precious stones and then gone to well known stone suppliers in bangkok and bought better quality for a fraction of the price for them. You just have to know where to go and what you are doing.

    Hey, haven't I met you at one of the temples in Bangkok, who knew my home town and insisted that Wat Pra Keo was shut for the day? But you did know that there was a "Special One Day Government Authorised Sale of Gem Stones", and this was a golden opportunity to make a killing by buying at rock :( bottom prices, and I could sell the stones for a massive profit.


    Go to the upcoming trade show.


    Dont worry about me, I do not take anything personal

    nothing personal, you understand


    Hells Bells! Was that YOU!!! :D:P:burp:

    Wow.. it has been what?? Well... heck.. how long has it been? and you still remember me.. glad to know I made such a long lasting impression on you.


    Was it the tuk tuk ride and seeing the carpet store?? Or making it back to the temple only to find out it was never closed??

    Bless your heart....


    p.s. you are so cute..

  3. You want the guy to use Skype on his mobile phone? Read the OP again.

    I wish I could help you bud. From a land line it is 001-1- 800 - xxxxxxx

    As mentioned above wait till you hear the recording in Thai & English telling you that you will be paying the charges for the call.

    1-800 is only free from within the United States.

    lo says use 009-1-800 xxxxx try that.

    My husband has Skype on his mobile phone. How do you know his phone does not have a wiresless card?

    He has a computer, and can install Skype there, hence my comment about the speaker and microphone.

  4. Husbands and wives kill each other all the time in my country and it gives me the same reaction.

    The numbers of men vs. women killing their spouses and the motives do seem to vary, though.

    "The United States is the most gender-equitable nation in the world-homicidally speaking. For every 100 American men who murder their wives, about 75 women kill their husbands.

    American women may kill their husbands almost as often as the reverse, but their motives and actions are far different from those of their male counterparts, report psychologists Margo I. Wilson, Ph.D., and Martin Daly, Ph.D., of McMaster University. Even so, these differences fail to explain why America's spousal "sex ratio of killing" or SROK, is more than double that of other Western countries.

    The team examined police files of spousal homicides occurring over the past three decades in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. The sleuths found that while husbands kill in response to revelations of wifely infidelity, women rarely do - even though their spouses are usually more adulterous. Men will also kill their wives as part of a carefully planned murder-suicide or a familicidal massacre.

    Women, on the other hand, murder in self-defense. "Unlike men, women kill male partners after years of suffering physical violence, after they have exhausted all available sources of assistance," say Wilson and Daly in Criminology (Vol. 30, No. 2).

    Psychology Today, Mar/Apr 93

    Article ID: 1705

    I think your article is a little off or slightly out dated in that if I am not mistaken most murders commited in the US by husbands,, are quite similar to those commited in Thailand by Women. For money.

    Men tend to take out huge life insurance policies on their wives, and then take them on that romantic hiking trip, where the wife falls off the cliff, or on a boating trip where the wife falls off the boat, or gets her pregnant and then shoots her using the catch all.. "A black man did it" excuse.

    The other big factor is when she decides to leave him.. and then all hel_l breaks loose. Quite like Thailand, she will report her fears to the police, who will then ask her "Well, how do you know your husband wants to kill you?" A couple of weeks later, he will kill her, it will hit the news, and then be forgotten by all but her family.

    The statistics for this should be higher as it should apply to people dating, as the "if I cant have you then no-one else can mentality" applies to them also.

    With regards to women killing to protect their kids?? Isnt that more fictional, movie based?? Women who know their children are being abused tend to ignore the signs, and their children only talk about it, when they are much older.

    But one thing is for certain. Owning guns does equalize the power in American households.

  5. Thai law is not racist. It does not prevent "Farangs" (Caucasians) from owning land. It prevents people who are not Thai nationals from owning land it really doesn't matter if they are Negroid, Caucasian, Hispanic or Mongoloid. It is purely to do with nationality.

    I was going to write "aliens" instead of "fahrangs".

    But I was not sure about a treaty that I read somewhere that would give Americans (including "negroids") some "special" rights about owning land and/or starting a business in Thailand.

    I started to respond to the fact that you are correct about the treaty which allows Americans the same rights as Thais should they want to start a buisness in Thailand.. but then what the <deleted>??

    You refer to Americans and then have to clarify that that includes Black People?? Would you like to go ahead and include hispanics and asian americans too??

    May I also ask you what back ass country you are from originaly?

  6. A 1-800 number means the reciver pays for the call. If you use your cell phone and an access number it implies that the merchant will be paying for a long distance overseas call? I dont think so.

    Download SKYPE. It is easy!!! if you want me to walk you through it via messenger I will. But you have to pm me to let me know you need help.

    But trust me, it is really easy and there is nothing you can do wrong. You do need a speaker and a microphone for your computer though.

    You set up a free account, and with SKYPE, you can call 1-800 numbers to your hearts content.

  7. :o hello,

    i start to type now in the real knowledge that no matter what i try to convey now through this forum, it will be disparaged,critised and passed over.

    i sit on a few occassions evry week and i read through the endless questions and worries of thai visa members looking for help and an understanding shoulder from his/her thai visa member. apart from the very few understanding and informative suggestions from senior members, all other replies are useless, cruel,judgemental and for the best part coming from people that couldnt care less about the members situation.

    thai visa ,which was once the only place for expats to get some solid advice and understanding,

    is now sadly a forum for sad,bitter old farts to take out their frustrations (sexual or otherwise) on other people.

    one recent post asked why expats did not acknowledge each other or say hello when in thailand.

    i suspect many of them read the various accounts and responses on this forum and come to the conclusion that most expats are assh*les.everyone has done something stupid or irresponsible in their lives that they regret and they dont need some i,ve been there and fought 2 world wars dick judging them when all they asked for was some dam_n advice.

    no doubt the same morons i speak about now will have their rant back at me when i submit this.needless to say the reason

    why these fountains of knowledge are here in thailand in the first place is that the people in their home countries dont like them or their irrational opinions, they dont have any friends and the only reason any lady would be with them is because of the financial stability they may offer.

    i will bet you that the people that give their judgemental opinions will not be able to resist posting a negative reply to this post.

    go on- surprise us all and keep your useless opinion to yourself. bet ya cant.

    shame on all of you(you know who you are). :D

    Hi JFK,

    Read you post and dont really understand why you are so agrrieved so I decided to have a lock at some of your previous postings to get some idea of whee you are coming from.

    Of the three most recent postings of yours in one you were complaining that on your return to Northern Ireland you found that the local Authority had obtained a warrant ( similar to a County Cout Judgement as you discribed it) for rent that you have owed them for over 5 years. In it you also confirmed that you held a Bank account withfunds in it in the uk but at a different address and were seeking advice from the members as to the posibility of the Local Authoity finding out about that oyur assets in that account and either freezing the money you had in the account until your debt to them had been repaid or perhaps the possibility of them having already persuaded the Courts to have your debt to the Local Authority settled by withdrawing the outstanding debt from your assets in that account.

    In your other two postings you indicated that you were living back in the uk for three months to build up some funds and intended to travel on a touist visa to Australia but you wanted advice from Australian members of this forum how easy it would be for you to work in the construction indusrty in Australia for cash in hand thus circumventing your visa requirements and the tax and National Insurance requirements of Australia.

    I have highlighted some of the contents of your posting above which confirm what a low opinion you have of the members of this forum.

    It would seem that the reason for your posting above is not quite clear as you have discribed above.

    However although you indicate that our above post is due to the responses from various members to many of the postings you have read over the years in view of the contents of your previous postings that you are being more than a little economical with the truth.

    Quite why you should think it unreasonable for the local authority having the temerity to take legal action against you to recover money you have owned them for over five years is beyond me.

    Whilst I have not read any of the repsonses you recieved in respect of that postings I can appreciate that whilst you feel that the Council has no right to take appropriate steps to recover the money you have owef them for the past five years I can appreciate that there are a great deal of people who take the view that you should not expect other Council Tax payers in Northern to supplement your lifestye in LOS.

    Equally I can appreciate that some members might also take the view that the Australian people to have enough economic migrants to deal with without another bludger from the uk.

    I note you say in your posting above, "thai visa is now sadly a forum for sad bitter old farts to take out their frustrations( sexual or otherwise) on other people", whilst I think that Thai Visa is often over censored on certain subjects

    I think your steriotyping of the other menbers spreaks more of your personal deficiencies and inadaquacies rather than theirs.

    Similarly when you refer to fellow members as Morons and go on to state" that the reason these "fountains of knowlege" are here in Thailand in the forst place is because people in their own countries dont like them or their illogical opinions, and the only reason any ladies are with them is for the financial stability they may offer" that also speaks volumes of the personal deficiencies and inadaquacies and from your previous postings it would also seem , your inability to generate and keep a decent income as those old farts of whom you are clearly so envious of have done .

    From what little information you have posted on this site that I have read to date it is clear that you couldnt or wouldnt pay your way in the uk, and as you have confirmed that you had to return to the uk for a few months to earn a crust and are now attempting to enter Australia to work illegally i would seem that you have also failed to earn sufficient income to live comfortably in Thailand.

    You are obviously jelous of those members whom you refer to as old farts that have managed to put away a few quid and able to support themselves in thailand, you appear to contribute nothing to society and expect others to pay your Council bills, if you dont pay your council bills other council tax payers have to pay it for you.

    It would seem you were a failure in Northern Ireland/uk, and it would seem you have continued to be a failure in LOS.

    You sneer at other members who are able to maintain a relationship with Thai nationals and claim that without their money thier parners would no even consider them, that may be true of some but please enighten the forum and let us know what a no mark like youself has to offer a thai partner or indeed thai society?

    If you dont like what you consider to be negative response's from members to your enquiries that are based on your illegal or imoral activities/ intentions then the simple aswere is to not provide members with the ammunition to fire back at you.

    You appear to be a "chancer" who is running out of chances, if you cannot pay your way in the uk its unlikely you can, or are willing to do so elsewhere. :D:D

    roy gsd

    Oddly enough, the advice he was given was to pay up his debts, and not burn his bridges as he might want to return/need to return home some day.

    Good solid advice, but apparently not what he was looking for.

  8. Thai Visa is a democracy of sorts and in democracies people are allowed a voice. You may not agree with the voice but it has a right to be heard. My occupation and my religion have been attacked by anti semites and holocaust deniers but that is what happens in democracies.

    I have seen so much rubbish (my opinion) on here but this is also the place that saved me hundreds of pounds when getting my wifes visa and I have received sound advice on business, car buying and other areas. As a previous poster has said you have to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Think of it this way if those bitter and twisted types were not typing here they would be out spreading their poison amongst real people, so really TV does society a favour.

    That’s terrible.

    My daughter was raped, wife murdered, dogs strung up and house burned down by ThaiVisa members after I disagreed with some members in my posts.

    Since than I have been much more discrete with my replies.

    Be careful, Thaivisa members are a rough lot.

    I actually thought you were serious for a moment.. that's not funny, to think of something that terrible happening to your family. Not a joking matter.

    What parent in their right mind thinks of their child being raped as a joke? Okay the wife you hate her and you imagine her murdered.. but your child who looks to you for protection in life??

    Not funny at all.

  9. The truth is that most of the Thai ladies married to farang have Thai boyfriends(pimps) hanging around to spend the farangs cash. Thai men are happy with the arrangement as long as they get their slice of the cake. When the farang's money runs out, well that farang can leave without his money or face many problems. There's plenty of greed in Thailand, even the parents encourage them to rip off farang and sell their bodies. One Thai person recently said to me that money is god! Well it sometimes seems that way in Thailand.

    I am not aware of any survey that has arrived at the conclusion that most Thai women, married to westerners, have pimps - this sounds like the ramblings of a misogynist to me. This is the sort of story that you normally hear from a lecherous drunk who is trying to tell you his theory of women while he dribbles on your shoulder.

    garro, The truth seems to hurt you here! That must be the reason for the brainless attempt of a insult. I've never been hurt by a Thai girl and I don't drink, that's why I see the real situation. Do your own survey, look around you and see things that are in front of your own eyes. Take off your rose tinted glasses and find the facts, do you really think that most of the Thai women love their farang husbands? It's rare to find one who does, but you probably think most of them do, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Inside.. Garro needs no waking. You are in need of waking.

    For you to make that blatant retarded, BS statement, is not only an insult to the general thai female population, but to women also. Perhaps you would like to rephrase your statement to.. some/most of the prostitutes or bar girls, who have been in the system for a very long time, MIGHT not really love their farang husbands. But to lump all Thai women in one category is ludicrist, and you obviously need to mingle with more expats perhaps with wives closer to their ages.

    Would it be fair to say that most farang men do not love their thai wives, as for them this is just a trophy to show that they can "obtain" a woman in an age group that would never give them the time of the day in their home countries?

    But this poor guy had transport and must have been getting a British State pension plus,quite likely,a pension from Fords as well.

    So why was he described as penniless,living on mashed potatoes and food handouts from friends ?

    Maybe he thought he could stick it out and win,maybe he had just given up.

    Something doesnt ring quite true with this story.Quite possibly we'll find out more later.

    That is actually a good point. He could not have been penniless. However, having lost the bulk of his savings he must have considered himself "penniless".

    The thought of leaving it behind is what made him stay to fight.

  10. Ladies,

    There is a Made in Thailand exhibition going on in Impact at the moment. For those of you who have problems finding bras and stuff, they have (granted I cant remember what stall it was) Bras made for the US market, complete with the sale tag and store identification on it for sale, for 79 baht.

    In other words, they will fit properly.

  11. 4. SI quality is pretty good. A lot of women flash their rings at you, and say.. oohh this is VVS quality, and when you look at it under a loop, it is not. So.. unless your sig other is going to show her ring to people with loops for glasses, then SI is good enough as you still need a loop to see any imperfections.

    No disrespect intended, but SI is just a few grades north of frozen spit. You give an SI to an Asian woman, you could be suggesting that she is flawed as well.

    Agreed. SI-type imperfections can be seen with the naked eye. All the loop view does is show how many and how big. SI's are fine for something like a tennis bracelet where all the stones are fairly small. But for single stone earrings, pendants and engagement rings, I wouldn't recommend going less than VS1 or VS2 clarity and F or G color.

    The beauty of a diamond is how it disperses white light into all colors of the rainbow with a sparkle, from any angle the viewer may be looking at it from. Believe me, people look and they notice, especially other women. Just my own wrong opinion.

    Dont worry about me, I do not take anything personal but..You guys are so dead wrong. But you are entitled to your thoughts. I have been involved in the jewelry manufacturing industry, and I know what kind of diamonds are being used in a couple of very well known western companies. And this is for solitare engagement rings. You can get very good SI quality diamonds here in Bangkok. Go to the upcoming trade show.

    I have met people who come to thailand to buy jewelry stock and stones then boast and brag about their supplier and tell me the price that they paid for regualar semi-precious stones and then gone to well known stone suppliers in bangkok and bought better quality for a fraction of the price for them. You just have to know where to go and what you are doing.

  12. Thai Visa is a democracy of sorts and in democracies people are allowed a voice. You may not agree with the voice but it has a right to be heard. My occupation and my religion have been attacked by anti semites and holocaust deniers but that is what happens in democracies.

    I have seen so much rubbish (my opinion) on here but this is also the place that saved me hundreds of pounds when getting my wifes visa and I have received sound advice on business, car buying and other areas. As a previous poster has said you have to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Think of it this way if those bitter and twisted types were not typing here they would be out spreading their poison amongst real people, so really TV does society a favour.

    So if somebody criticises your occupation they are a holocaust denier? Interesting defense-mechanism you have developed there.

    I should think it depends on it his occupation is that of a Rabbi, and if so what all he preaches.. and of course if he is a hunter.. ..

  13. Is it just me, but my shoes disintigrate like you would not believe it.

    I used to think everything that happened to me was funny, and take pictures and send home to friends.. but... my shoes, are no laughing matter.

    When I take heels out of the closet I now have a spare in the car. You know.. the JUST in case something happens back up pair of shoes.

    Went to Siam Paragon last year for an event. Feeling pretty good, finally got to get dolled up. Arrived at the event, and bam, a strap from my criss-cross -strapped-to-the-knees heels came out.. took another step.. and bam.. there went another strap. By the time I made it to the entrance, I was bare foot (but not pregnant). To make matters worse, my shoe size is hard to come by in Thailand.

    It is like glue used abroad is worthless. If it is not sewn, it comes undone. If it is rubber soled, it disintegrates..

    The same with the rubber lining on our stereo speakers..disintegrated....

    I would THINK, the quality of shoe making supplies used abroad would be international, or is this the result of some weird kind of rubber eating bacteria. Do others find the same problems with their shoes? Or (if you are one of the luckY) with the shoes you buy here in Thailand?

    The shoes below are brand new hiking shoes.




  14. Bless your heart...

    You cant take things people say on here personally. Some people may just like to argue for the sake of argument.

    I for one can not complain about any of the advice I have been given. I think people generally have been very kind. Plus you get a hodge podge of responses for you to choose from.

    Like one poster said.. increase your noise filter level and you will be fine.

    As for why expats do not acknowledge each other.. well, thats just a southern thing.

  15. It may have been said before but the blame for this sort of thing lies 100% with the laws that stop foreign ownership of land. If foreigners could actually own the land then, it is unlikely any of these lunatic Thai women would ever think about doing something like this. It's just too easy and too tempting for people to marry then make a quick buck by making a land grab.

    Or maybe the fault lies with foreigners trying to circumvent the law? and in the end get screwed?

    It is not your country. You cant own land. Period.

    The Thai govt. should pass a law that states that farang cannot buy houses or land, at all.

    This would go a long way in protecting assests when these folks get tangled in a love triangle, which seems to happen all of the time with the Thai man behind the scenes in almost every case.

    So, if the farang cannot own the house and land, then pass a law that coincides with the ownership laws that states that farang can own and buy condos, but shall only be allowed to rent houses. Land purchases are out of the equation. Also, add an attachment that Farang are not allowed to buy land or houses in a Thai name. Then, I think we would see a dramatic decrease in both Thai farang marriages and murders.

    In which case, the farang can also save face by saying.. I'm sorry, I cant build a house, even if I rent the land from you.

    To those of you who say she was ugly, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". She may be ugly to you, but then again, I'll bet some of your sig others are considered ugly to other people. Besides you have no idea what she looked like when they married and she was still in her 30's.

    As for the lenght of time they were married.. so what.. Marriage is a risk. You will never know what is in the heart of a person or their thoughts. You can only hope that you made the right choice. You might pick an illiterate, no background, person who may just be the best thing that ever happened to you and love you and respect you and fight for you, because.. they genuinely fell in love with you.

    You might pick a person you consider to be gorgeous, who appears well mannered and educated, but deep down loathes the very thought of your touch, but needs you to move forward in life..

    So it is a gamble.

    But to some degree, he has to be blamed. He knew they were trying to kill him, yet he stayed??

    IF I thought my husband was trying to kill me I would not just talk about it. I would up, move, and get my belongings from a DISTANCE! Or consider it a bad lesson learned, and return to my home country in shame but with my life.

    He was due to appear in court, then move to a friends house, and attend court hearing from there! Who lets a person who is trying to kill them live in the back yard?

    Then his friends whom he expressed his fears to.. well.. they OBVIOUSLY were not friends, but rather aquaintances, because I am sure not one male on this board, would let a person they consider to be a "friend" remain in a dangerous situation. Unless of course, deep down you really dont want to get involved...

    What I still dont get is, why you would move to a foreign country and not leave some emergency money in the bank at home.

  16. Also, if an African is accorded lower status than a dark Thai, does that mean it's about nationality rather than colour ?

    I think colour may be just part of a package of "undesirable" traits (dirty, smelly, poor, uneducated, ugly, uncivilised ... :o ) that one group will attribute to another.


    I actually think that there is a different kind of discrimination here in Thailand (when it comes to races). I think Thais deep down discriminate against everyone.. white, black, brown, purple you name it.. but as a form of pride in being a Thai person. In my opinion, it is not the same as what is propagated in the west. But then again, I may be dead wrong.

  17. Teej: I loved your (essay) response. How come you can not accept pm's?

    Sad but true, all races at some time or the other looked down on members of their group that were darker in colour. Only thing is Caucasians in general seem to have gotten over it, while every other groups (from Indian, to Blacks to Latinos to Asians) still hold that superiority chip on their shoulder.

    At the end of the day it boils down to a group of ignorant people needing an ego boost to feel good about themselves. People who are confident in who they are, where they have come from and where they are going, never feel the need to look down on others. No matter what (natural or un-natural) shade they are.

    Have we really got over it? Or is it that in the west we have such culturally mixed societies, that instead of having colour discrimination within our own race, we can just discriminate against other races within our culture...

    Compared to Africans here, dark Thais are heads above....

    Okay.. let me back up a bit, as I can not speak for the masses, but coming from the US, a white american who can not hold a tan will never look down on another american who tans. Besides (at least amongst my generation) being able to say.. "I'm dark because I have Italian, or Greek or Spanish" in my ancestry is quite the fad. Of course any mention of African blood is left out.

    Then if you are light skinned hispanic.. any African blood is left out.

    So I think Caucasians as a whole have gotten over it. Bronzers are in.

    But when you look at other races.. you have hispanics categorizing skin colour.. and giving rankings..

    Morena, Trigena, Negra, Negrita.. Trigenita... color cafe..

    African Americans give rankings according to hair texture.. Nice hair, bad hair.. all the while with an internal discrimination of skin colour. Suppossedly a fall back from Salvery (whatever! Talk about looking for an excuse)

    Then in Africa you have the same thing again.. the Colonial Masters.. who preferred the lighter skined people to work in the houses (okay so I got that from Hotel Rwanda).

    And as you go through the races you see the same thing. Discriminating against others is one thing (ignorance and fear of the unknown), but then against your own, is just mind boggling.

  18. I think as a whole, the female members of this website are really friendly and helpful when they can be.

    Plus tend to give some really good, non condensending advice.

    This "might" be the wrong section to post the question, but there is nothing patronising about it.

    Well then patronising is in the eye of the beholder and I feel downright patronised if I am expected to know what to do with someone's baby, just because I'm a woman. :o I also wasn't aware the Family forum was male dominated. Don't you little ladies post there about your hubbies and babies sometimes too?

    Perhaps this should be renamed the 'Women and Children' Forum then.

    Patronising is in the eye of the beholder but correct me if I am wrong, he didnt send a direct message to you asking YOU what all needed to be done with this wonderful event that is about to take place in his life.

    He asked general questions, directed at any female (or reader in the womens section) who might have answers to his questions. For the sake of argument, if his significant other had posted the question, would you still have felt "patronised"?

    I stand behind my original statement... There was nothing arrogant nor condensending in his manner of question lest of all the way he ended it "any advice would be welcome, thanks in advance".

    Besides, we all know it could have been worse. He could have asked if she should MARRY his significant other because he was tired of border runs, and a whole lot of other things, and then posted THAT in the womens section... (hint, hint)


  19. Yeah...

    1. The Bangkok Gems and Jewelry Fair is fast approaching.. (next month actually). You can buy directly from manufacturers there during the final days (after all the buyers have hit the show). You will not get wholesale pricing, but you can get a good deal. Just do your homeweork first, so that you have an idea of how much you would pay in the real world.

    2. Diamonds in Bangkok are not always certified.. and if someone tells you they are.. then yeah.. right.. Most companies here buy them from diamond suppliers, and here in bangkok most of the diamond suppliers are from India.

    These same diamonds make their way into well known European Stores. The buyer will ask the manufacturer if the diamonds are certified, and the manufacturer will say of course!! and that is the honest end of that discussion.

    3. For a diamond to be registerd and have a tracking number, kimberly certified you name it, then you are talking about the really big, wonkers of diamonds..that your wife will not wear anyway, for fear of scratching the ring, or someone cutting her finger off for the ring. In which case the ring will be insured.

    4. SI quality is pretty good. A lot of women flash their rings at you, and say.. oohh this is VVS quality, and when you look at it under a loop, it is not. So.. unless your sig other is going to show her ring to people with loops for glasses, then SI is good enough as you still need a loop to see any imperfections.

    I know all of this, because ......I really honestly know...

    If you want to know the rough manufacturing price of anything.. pm me the weight of the metal and the specifications of the stone.

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