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Posts posted by LaReina

  1. Just googled South Wales Echo and the story is there....

    Also found on google:

    Thai Skorpion News - Fri 31-May-2007

    Brutal Slaying Of Beloved Father in Pattaya Jungle

    A beloved father of 78, grand father to 874, was brutally murdered last week in Pattaya. The hideously mutilated corpse of Bumpy, so called because of any unusual bump on his back, was found last week by a shocked millipede. Police were called to the scene which was described as one of the gruesome they have seen for some time.

    Forensic scientists discovered a pair of huge soiled humans shorts at the scene, which is believed to have been left as bait to entrap the hapless Bumpy who was foraging for food. It is thought that once inside the shorts the muderer pounced on his victim. An autopsy confirmed that Bumpy did not give up without a fight as his poison sack was half empty, although some of this may have been discharged when he was crushed to death. The force of the attack left few remains of Bumpy's exoskeleton in tact.

    A large white skeletal human figure was seen fleeing from the scene early on Sunday morning. Police are appealing for witnesses. The prime suspect in the murder investiagtion, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is believed to have fled the country.

    The remains of Bumpy were released to his relatives on Wednesday, for a traditional Skorpion ceremony in which his remains were devoured by his family. One of his daughters said "Bumpy was such a fun loving figure and loved by everyone he met. It was such a brutal and senseless killing, we are all still very shocked. Oh yes, and he tasted like chicken."

    Too funny! just too funny!!!! :o:D:D

  2. Five Breakup Signs

    How to tell when you're about to get the boot

    By Elina Furman

    One day, you are madly in love. You're cuddling on the couch, reading love poems and feeding each other sushi. And that's when it happens: Your partner sits you down for the "It's-Not-You, It's-Me" talk. You're confused and left wondering, "How could I have missed the signs?"

    Breaking up is never easy. Your ego and heart are bound to get bruised. But if you could just see the breakup coming, it might make the whole business easier to stomach.

    While hindsight is 20/20, there are always warning signals along the way.

    Top five signs you're about to get dumped

    • 1. Picking fights. No one is saying you have to get along 24/7. Constructive conflict can actually be good for your relationship. But if you find that your partner has become argumentative over petty issues like your clothes or choice of restaurant, that should serve as a warning sign that he/she may be looking for an excuse to bail.
    • 2. Forgetting to call. Used to be that your phone would ring all day long with your sweetie wanting to make plans or calling just to say, "I love you." Now your significant other doesn't even call when he/she is running three hours late. It may seem obvious, but going from speed dial to a blocked number is a sure sign that your relationship may be nearing its expiration date.
    • 3. Changing their stripes. A major change in appearance can be a sign that your partner is looking toward greener pastures. Whether they've chopped off their hair, lost 40 pounds or gone from a bold brunette to a sultry blonde, major cosmetic changes should be noted. Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a little vain, but if the change is accompanied by any of the other signs listed here, you may need to get ready to go solo.
    • 4. Criticizing. If your sweetie isn't feeling you anymore, don't be surprised if he/she becomes less tolerant of everything, from how you brush your teeth to how you tie your shoes. Constant criticism is a telltale sign that your days as a twosome are numbered.
    • 5. Losing sexual interest. A healthy sex life can make or break a relationship. If you find that your partner is becoming more sexually aloof, you need to get to the root of the issue. While it's natural to have less sex as you settle into a comfortable groove together, waiting weeks or months to have sexual contact is a sign that something is amiss.
    • Now that you know the warning signs, don't panic. Just because your partner exhibits some of these behaviors, that doesn't necessarily mean the relationship is over. In fact, it's usually a combination of signs and not one isolated incident that foreshadows a breakup.
    • If you're worried that your partner is itching to get out, the most important thing you can do is sit down and discuss your issues in an honest and open manner. If you take these signs as your cue to improve communication, your relationship may just have a fighting chance.

    Elina Furman's photo by Linda Rowe

  3. Nienke,

    I understand what you are saying.. but, I do know that a lot of men freak out when they realise that they are going to be fathers. Some deny paternity. They feel they are growing old, and that their youth is being taken from them.

    A lot of men, cheat on their wives when they become pregnant. A lot! For some, a pregnant wife is the biggest turn on, and for others.. it is not.

    However, it is not an excuse to cheat in my books.

    She never said he was physically violent with her. She has never implied that she fears for her safety. He drinks, and when he drinks, his tongue beomes loose, and he says all that he can not say, without the aid of alcohol. At least, this is how I read it.

    Now, depending on where she lives, if she moves out, he can say, that she abandoned their relationship. Which is why I say, let him move out.

    But then, maybe you are right and I am wrong.

  4. Hormones are talking.

    You are not moving out of anywhere unless he has been physically abusive to you.

    Move out and go where?

    Do you think you will be able to walk and move around after you give birth?

    Who will pay the rent?

    Who will get your groceries?

    Furniture? It is summer.. electricity bills?

    If you currently work, you will be on maternity leave, you do not need to drain whatever savings you may have on a new apt. You will need your rainy day money for formula, diapers and such.

    No, stay at home, in your bed, with your baby near by. Let your friends come over and take shifts, helping you out.

    One bedroom house? or apt? They can sleep on the couch, and being a dog, let him lay on the floor like one.

    If he has a drinking problem, then politely ask him not to bother you or fight with you, when he has been drinking, because you do not want to have to 9-1-1 his sorry butt so he needs to grow up.

  5. To Notthailady

    Your situation is a lot better than mine. They are only contact by e-mail. In my case, my husband is talking to the Thai girl in Phuket by phone. I'm Thai, He is Farang. They are talking to each other everyday. I've just found out about a month ago. I caught him. He's been unfaithful to me.

    We went to do the Thai wedding in Fabuary this year, I was 3 months pregnant. So, I could not go on the trip with him & his family after the wedding. He went with his family to teh north an dteh South, and the last day he was supposed to come back to the US. He changed his mind, flying by himself to Phuket. He met that lady. She is assumed as a hooker, but he doesn't believe in that.

    I told him I'm upset and asked him to stop talking to her. Guess what? He told me that he couldn't control himself. He turns out to be drinking a lot and stay out really late. He wants to move to thailand, saying that life is simple and he can makes money over there by having a small business in Phuket.

    He's addicted to alcohol and affair. I can't help him. I have only a few weeks to go for my pregnancy. I'm focusing me and my baby. I can't deal with him anymore. He turns to be an ass to me.

    So, it's hard when men is addiacted to those two things especially the affair. I have to be strong raising my baby in the US. Life is tough, but we can make it happy.

    IT is hard,

    IT is tough,

    You are no doubt an emotional wreck. Hormones on the blitz, no doubt your first pregancy, away from your family. Then to discover that you made a mistake. But it can be fixed.

    Let him go. Ask him to leave. have your girlfriends come over and pack his bags and set them outisde of the door for him. You are carrying his child, and he can't handle it! That is not your fault. If he can't be a man, then you don't need two children to raise.

    Have your mother come and help you. She can stay for 6 months, if I am not mistaken, as you need her help it may be extended to a year (visa wise).

    You are not alone. You only feel alone. Talk to your friends. It is embaressing, that you made a bad judgement call when you fell in love with your husband. But you would be surprised at how many people will stand up for you.. and help you through this.

    You will be surprised at how many people will rally to your side. DO not think you are alone, because you really are not.

    The birth of your child, the miracle of life! this should be and is one of the happiest moments of your life. Do NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES THINK he can take this away from you.

    Tell him to leave. You and the baby need only positive things...

    pm me.

  6. OPium is my fav.

    Yves Saint Laurent my second fav.

    However my hubby prefers Eternity on me.

    I don't know.. I can't imagine any girl being offended that a guy bought her perfume. To me, any gift from a guy that is not expected is sweet and precious.

    It just the thought, of knowing they thought about you, enough to want to buy you something.. too precious.. you can't go wrong.

    However, if she does not appreciate the gift, dump her!

    My husband bought me a pair of heels when we were dating. Doesn't fit. I can't wear it, could have taken it back and exchanged it for another, but then it would no longer have been his gift. I still have the heels in the box he gave them to me in. They keep better than flowers.

  7. Can you please define what you call "very nice". I mean what was so special about him that has moved you into posting?

    I am just curious as to what other men you met are like.. also.

  8. eek, would you be kind enough to share your face mask formula?

    You know.. baking soda is a cure all for just about anything. If you have acid refulx, you mix alittle bit in milk, add honey and down it. Takes care of the reflux in minutes.

    Cathyy: since eggs are cheap here in thailand. Have you ever considered making your own mayonaise and then using that as a deep conditioner on your hair??

  9. Food cheaper and tends to stay fresher in the fridge but then I have no idea what chemicals I am ingesting with it. Is there an FDA?

    Finally sidewalks so I can excercise and beable towalk where I want to go. But emissions control? Is there an EPA equivalent?

    We moved here so that I would not work and we could start a family and me be home bound for the first 5 years of our kids life.

    With regards to your female interactions, I was exposed to that back home. Linking arms was common, holding hands was not after the whole gay phobia hit the country. After a certain age, certain innocent forms of physical contact becomes "lesbian" and or "predatorish".

    All in all I think what is better in thailand than my home country is the exposure to germs that has you not getting sick. No colds, no flus. In 2.5 yrs I have been to the GP. once. I think that is amazing.

  10. YOu bet, it is a girl thing.

    They start young with us. In kindergarten we are taught how to press flowers between wax paper?? Or something like that. We then present them as presents to our parents, who out of the kindness of their hearts, keep them.

    Then when we get older and recieve our first roses, we hang them upside and leave them in a cool dark place to dry. Then when they are dry, we tuck them away somewhere, as a reminder of a very special occasion.

    Then when we get real old, we don't have to worry anymore as we have to buy the flowers for the house ourselves.. and there is no point in keeping those.

    I had a pen-pal send me a dried rose in the mail once. I thought that was so sweet and I still have it.

  11. If truth be toId we ladies have pIenty back-bite ammunition ourseIves, more-so in fact, if you take a look at the average farang man in Thailand, but I suppose like any seIf-respecting person, most of us dont feeI the need to degrade another person in order to gain ..weII whatever it those men gain from it (for i reaIIy dont know).

    This is exactly how I feel. We in general tend to rise above it all. (as to other male posters as well).

  12. But children should also be educated.

    You do not talk to strangers,

    You do not go places with strangers and the entire 9 yrds of being safe as a child.

    When I was in first grade, i used to walk home from school with my best friend and neighbor. We were both 5 in first grade (in California they allowed you start early depending on your birth month). A car pulled up beside us and a man told my friend that her mother had sent him to pick her up (her parents where separated or divorced ?? didn't live together).

    She got into the car, and the god honest truth as to why I did not get in with her, was because I feared the wrath of my mother.

    I never quite knew what happend as no-one would tell me, but I was asked lots of questions by the police and they did find her that night. But not with her mother.

    So all in all, kids need to be instructed as to whom can pick them up from school. We all say Thailand is a safe place but safety is also what we create.

  13. You made a lot of valid points that small minded people do not want to see nor can realise.

    When the US decided that too many Italians where coming to the US and not returning to Italy, they created a ridiculous visa fee.

    Italy retaliated in kind, and all the Catholic (I want to see the Vatican Americans), and loads of tourists where so outraged at the tourist fees they had to pay, that the US govt. quickly abandoned the visa idea.

    Equality can only be gained by matching fire with fire.

  14. To be prefectly honest.. I don't know how it smelled! If it smelled at all, it was not strong enough for me to notice.. nor my husband.

    I am ashamed to admit it, but I found this really weird site! I googoled Apple Cider Vinegar to try and see if anyone else had experimented with it also, and well here is the link.. I will let you check it out.


    It is almost like being in a sunday morning revival. Complete with testimonies.. but interesting enough to make you wonder.........................

  15. OK, I have absolutely NO problem with any of the guys who have replied or are viewing now. And please don't blame the other ladies - they're not here. But while we've been discussing this on here, one of the guys I'm talking about has gone onto the next thread down & slagged off Western women again. Shouldn't we women be allowed to express our views on this part of the forum, without getting that? Sure, anywhere else, we're fair game. But can't we express our views here without being told "this is why us guys come to Thailand"?

    But the problem is.. for example, after reading the response from the poster that you are referring to, you kinda just want to ignore the comments. Unless they are a direct un-warranted attack at a person (as was earlier today) then why bother?

    I mean, why waste energy? There is a slew of comments that could be directed at his response.. starting with the minor in the avatar, but why bother? One bad apple .. might have a worm in it that is eating it's way out :o . Chuck it in the garbage disposal and be done! :D

  16. OK, after the unpleasantness on Bambi's humorous & harmless thread, I, for one, have had enough of some of the squatters we get in the ladies forum. Sbk, Boo & other mods do a wonderful job in correcting them, deleting unpleasant posts & moderating in general. :D But, why should they be writing the unpleasant comments in the first place? :o

    We have some wonderful men on here, who visit us & are polite, respectful, insightful & just brilliant. :D We all know who they are. Then we get the bitter, foul-mouthed, nasty-minded misogynists. Sadly, we all know who they are, too. :D This tiny corner of TV is where we ladies can get together & share. The men have all of the rest of it. That's shown by the fact that virtually ANY newbie is assumed to be a man by the other men. Sure, we can put in our two'pennorth elsewhere & do (excuse the Brit slang), but this little corner here is ours. It's where we can gossip, share tips, laugh, be touched - be women for goodness' sake! we shouldn't have to worry that some stupid guy who has never learnt to think with his big head (the one on his shoulders) can come in here & be offensive.

    I don't know what the answer is. I don't have one, not without shutting out the lovely guys, who we all welcome & want to have join us. And I don't want to do that, same as the rest of you. But, I'm so sick of the recent influx of squatters. Do they have rights here? Can we evict them? How?

    Good question. Don't think there is a solution other than weeding out the jerks when they post.

    All in all, I enjoy reading what the guys have to say, even if this is a women's forum. But I am referring to the men who give explanations or try and offer solutions. The gentlemen of the board. Who sometimes take on the roll of older brother or younger bratty brother crashing a slumber party with a fake snake.

    In all honesty this is a forum and a free world. A poster could be male and assume a female identity and be mean or a woman in a foul mood can be equally mean to other posters. There is no broad way to monitor things I would think.

    We just have to accept that under the mask of a nickname. Sitting behind a computer alone, some people who were bullied as children can develop a sense of entitlement and can feel empowered to try and bully others. And as an adult acting like a child, they should be placed in "time out".

    Or the "napoleon syndrome" is not a fable but a reality.

  17. US customs will not hassle you. It is just a ring, and they can't tell where you purchased it from. If someone stops you (which they will not)say the following:

    1. My wife took her ring off her finger and made me wear it around my neck so that if anyone spoke to me, they would know I was taken.

    2. It was my grandmothers.

    3. It was my mothers.

    4. It is a pretty nice looking ring isn't it? When a woman asks me why I have a ring on my neck, I tell her I this is my glass slipper and I am looking for cinderella.

    And if they don't laugh and shoo you on your way.. then I will eat my haaaaat. Okay I will buy a hat to eat.

    Or, for a free round trip ticket to the US, I will personally deliver it to you!

  18. I think you should stay away from that website.

    Which one dear ? :o

    The recipe i put here , it comes from a famous chef from TH

    This is his CV


    Bambina: Not yours of course. Everything you ever recommend is always awesome. I should have been more clear, I meant the OP's site. They dont wash stcky rice before cooking.

    Still waiting for you to help me with my kao soi.. *pout*

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