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Posts posted by LaReina

  1. My word...

    I learned me lots 'bout folks today!

    Insight... you so haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandsome.. :D

    and spelling is soooooo not my forte.. :D the fact that you got my drift was all that mattered.. :o

    Re-read please LaReina (the name is Insight btw) - I said *first dates* and one night stands. Saying "NEW FLASH!!!!!" is so 90's :D

    The last time somebody called me handsome in the context you're referring to? That was a long time ago :D

    Don't all women like men that dress up as gay rejects from cats?!


    Awww Damian.. if I may sayt so, you look pretty good for a 42 yr old.. and far from a reject from cats.. how about a Thunder Cat! HOI!??

    But I am sooo sorry .. forgive me, I just have to pick on you..

    I find it a wee bit hard to believe that women .. would ask, for a backside attack. You know.. medical technology has really advanced over the years.. and.. well I have met some stunners that just weren't what they appeared to be.

    As for anal sex, I've never been the instigator, it's always the womans idea.


    Actually, call me a weirdo, I like a guy in bed who has a bit of experience with the boys, they're more sensitive about penetration -- since they know what it's like on the other side.

    Interesting... :bah:


    Is the usage of the word "boys" a fruedian slip?

  2. Asking permission before doing things? Wow, a sure way to kill a womans mood if ever I heard one.


    To the OP.. thanks.. for the post. I have sent it to all the men I know. Married and Single alike.

    Damian: there are quite a few things that men would ask permission for. Just because you THINK she might like it or not mind, does not mean that she indeed does not. Some women just accept and do not voice what they really want for fear of annoying the guy. So whilst the guy thinks he is all that.. for the girl, he is not and it becomes a one sided sexual affair.

    To the guy who thinks this advice is for one night stands.. NEW FLASH!!!!! Just because she strokes your ego and you think you are all that, does not mean in reality you really are.

    Prime Example.. All the un-attractive men (who know they are un-attractive), being told on a daily basis (okay in thailand) that they are

    "ohhhhh so handsome"

    now think about that, and think about the ego stroking men get in bed.

  3. Face facts, ladies.

    You all admire a gentleman.

    But many of you hang with rogues.

    Because they're unpredictable and keep you on your toes.

    Gentlemen (like me) would bore you in the long run.

    But why can't you be both?

    Have your roguish moments... yet remain a true gentleman at heart?

    In this day of cut backs and lay offs, everyone is required to wear "many hats" :o

    And I am sure when and where you choose to wear these "hats" can be fun, in a rougish kind of way.. :D

    It is fair to say I was distracted while in the middle of the last sentence.

    Alas, I have no idea what I was trying to write, but I was trying to be cute with the play on "hats"

    And I am sure, when and where you choose to wear these hats...

  4. You ask some interesting questions, that even I would like to know the "general" answers to.

    For the most part, a lot of your generalisations depend on where you go, and with whom you hang out with.

    Do i get ripped off, depends on where i go. Sometimes I ask for the price of an item and think I heard incorrectly, because it is for SURE a thai price, and other times, I have the vendor tell me, "same, same" and I watch them sell the same item to a Thai person for the "higher price" which I have been quoted.

    In general, I try not to buy things that do not have a price tag, and. .. if I ask for the price, and they hesitate and have to think about it, then I move on. If you are in a high tourist spot, then expect a tourist price.

    Covering up is interesting. Not sure about that, because I wear tank tops with spaghetti straps, all the time. Why not, they sell them here in the stores! Quite a few of my thai girl friends, wear halter necks, they have the bod for it (if you've got it flaunt it), but then it is done tastefully. If you expose more of the upper body, then you cover more of the lower, or vice versa.

    DO people hate me, I wouldn't know and do not really care either way. I am sure there are a lot of haters in my own country.

    Are women subservient here? Depends on the circumstances.

    But I will say that there are women construction workers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, BTS drivers, police officers, road sweepers, main road hedge trimmers, vendors, cooks, you name it. I feel that women here hold a wider variety of jobs than they do back home, and I am still trying to figure out, why they are not more established with ruling and controlling the govt.

  5. Face facts, ladies.

    You all admire a gentleman.

    But many of you hang with rogues.

    Because they're unpredictable and keep you on your toes.

    Gentlemen (like me) would bore you in the long run.

    But why can't you be both?

    Have your roguish moments... yet remain a true gentleman at heart?

    In this day of cut backs and lay offs, everyone is required to wear "many hats" :o

    And I am when and where you choose to wear these "hats" can be fun, in a rougish kind of way.. :D

  6. I don't get it. What is up with men and having long hair and having hair down.

    Men can shave off all their hair, do what they feel is most comfortable, but for the life of some men, the concept of having your hair up in a ponytail, is just outrageous.

    Khall, if you choose orchids they can last for at least a min. of 2 weeks, I think I have had other flowers for 2 weeks.

    You need to make sure you trim the stems at an angle, put them in sugar water with some bleach, and they should keep for quite a while.

    Actually I have found quite a few flowers that keep quite well in our non-airconditioned house.

  7. Bendix, voice of reason, may I disagree with you with regards to people seeking advice for problems on a public forum.

    After all, sometimes, with experience and age, people sitting down can see much farther then the ones standing up.

  8. My husband "claimed" he knew he was going to marry me the day he met me. Informed me of his intentions (a while later) and I thought, yeah,, right... .

    He got his way, and we have been married for quite a while now.

    Some old, old, old people, can tell you stories of knowing each other for a week, getting married, and then they have been married for decades.

    You never know.. she may be the one.


    Thanks SBk, for answering..

    My terminology was incorrect. I do not have fresh as in green. But not pre-cooked are soft (as in a can).

    I have nice hard small, light brown round soy beans, in a thai package with no instructions on how to cook them.

    Are edamame readily found here?

  10. Lies…when you find out that the one you really care about and love has been lying (meeting some other, etc) it basically causes irreversible damage. A relationship killer? You bet. Lying damages the relationship beyond belief and when you've lost trust it's really hard to get it back.

    If you give that person another chance (or chances) it is usually unlikely that he/she will stop such behavior. It's so disrespectful for someone to lie to their partner (also, of course, conducting the actual behavior that's being lied about) but it's also disrespectful to allow yourself to stay in that situation when you find out about it. Thinking that only if he/she treats me better may not be the wisest of thoughts…..Whether physical or emotional cheating and the lies that follow there's such a draining of the heart which carries on even after the relationship has ended.

    Actually I think some people can cheat and can be faithful again? but for how long? I have no idea. I think european men (at least mainly the french) tend to view cheating not as "I do not love you" but as I need something more in my pants, and I would never leave my spouse.

    To some extent I think Americans are more uptight about maritial affairs than the rest of the world.

    Having said that...and as an american, I think that cheating is definetly a relationship killer and that the lying does damage the relaionship beyond belief.

    I must admit I admire people who can go through that ordeal and still make things work. I always wonder, just how far back to the happiness and innocence of the relationship people can back track to after an affair.

  11. OP: You could fit a magazine in yours!

    Which Handbag?


    coin purse,


    hand lotion,

    sanitary pad and tampoons

    buisness cards, receipts,

    2 pens, one mechanical pencil

    I-pod, alleve


    pocket calendar, comb, recipts for paid bills

    spare earrings and bangles, pendants,


    scraps of paper with directions, phone numbers, random funny thoughts, random not so funny thoughts and......

    spare tissue for those "not again, another bathroom with no toilet paper" moments.

  12. Do not LOOOOOOSE yourself, nor what makes you a special person.

    Do not become jaded nor bitter from this experience.

    Stay like a Thai girl, be sweet and smile, and think only of the positive things in life and all that you should be grateful for everyday. Your health, your baby, a roof over your head.

    DO NOT loose yourself, because once you do, it is hard to come back.

    Trust me, I turned the mean swtich on, and I have been looking for months but I can't find the switch to turn it off again.

  13. So explain me this...

    "However, authorities earlier this week said their investigation led them to a 42-year-old man from Thailand whom they called a person of interest. He is currently being held for an immigration violation and failing to register as a sex offender."

    How can he be an american citizen (as someone claimed from him serving in the military) and be held for an immigration violation?

    Or did he serve with a fake social security card, obtained via a fake birth certificate, and never went through the real channels for legalization?

    Anyway, he may not even be Thai! He might be hmong? They settled in Thailand and the US religiously re-locates members of that society to the US due to guilt.

    They on the other hand might have a bigger case for not being as calm and normal as Thai people are. (don't know how else to say that)

    YOu have the guy in the hunting stand, killing the proerty owners becuase they told him he was hunting on private property

    You have the guys who just tried to buy weapons to stage a coup d'etat of the LaosPDR.

    To name a couple. All these people would be said to have "come" from Thailand, but that does not make them Thai.

    And say this guy really is Thai, then that is one bad strike for a thai person against the COUNTLESS strikes against white men who in general.

    a. eat people (jeffery daumer)

    b. mass killings (waco nut and Jim Jones, and the we are going to heaven wearing Nike shoes group)

    c. serial killers (ohh I don't want to start naming)

    d. Hate crime (KKK, Neo-Nazi's etc)

    e. I don't want to be with my wife so I will kill her and the baby, and get insurance (west side philly story)

    So actually lets not make this a race issue. A child was kidnapped and killed by a man that is a tragedy in its own rights.

  14. Marriott! Fantastic hotel, but pricey.

    It is isolated from the town but there is so much to do at the resort that you should not care.

    They have an excellent fitness staff that offers yoga, and various other excercises in the morning, but you must sign up for the classes and they fill up fast. They have quite a few daily activitites come to think of it.

    If you play tennis they have tennis courts.

    They have bikes which you can rent and cycle around some plantation.

    They have massage classes (ideal for couples, and no nothing kinky this is you in a room with other couples)

    The pools are nice and pretty much separated for kids, kids with adults and adults only.

    Nice spa / massage clinic.

    HOWEVER, the food in ALL of their restaurants SUCKS! Overpriced, Tasteless, excuses for meals. (with the exception being their bakery, hard to mess that up).

    Ohh and they have really cool live cultural type entertainment in the evenings.

    Ohh the beach at the Marriott is kinda semi private so you will be hard pressed to get a tatoo there.

  15. I am sure you can find a place to get it tested. It is a serious offense in any country to sell gold or silver, stamp it, and claim it to be something it is not. The law takes it seriously.

    Which is why, you can go to some places, and they tell you .. (for example) this is silver from cambodia, or burma or something or the other, and when you look for the stamp there is no stamp.

    Because it is most likely not what they claim it to be, and as such it can NOT be stamped. So they can tell you verbally but dare not stamp it. Becasue there is a stamp for 835 silver.

    Robinsons at Asoke did that a couple of years ago. They had a table full of 92.5% silver. Or so they claimed. The had a sign, and they had loads of jewelry that did not all have the same quality. SOme had 925 stamped on them, and some had nothing. When I questioned the sales girl, she claimed all was silver (she obviously did not know better). When I asked why some where stamped and some not, she did not know. When I stuck a magnet to one of the pieces (which I did buy against better judgement, but being it was a dept. store it was a 50/50 toss up) it stuck to the magnet like white on rice.

    Did I go back and complain for false advertising/fraud? No, what for, this is Thailand. Had it been my own country, then yes.

    Even if it is the smallest piece of wire jewelry. NO STAMP, means not what you think it is. There is a place to stamp EVERYTHING. And if you can't read the stamp. Then it is not a stamp.

    That aside, some sellers do try and mislead people as much as they can, and imply things are what they are not. For instance I saw a piece of jewelry that was rather expenisve from overseas that was 24Kt. gold plated over brass I think (or maybe it was Copper?)

    Brass is cheaper than silver.

    Silver costs about 15 baht a gram!

    This piece was being sold as though it was pure gold. But that is not my point (so they have a great mark up).

    My point is, once it is gold plated, it is gold plated and I don't think you can plate with anything other than pure gold anyway. Putting the claim of 24Kt. is ludicrous, and it makes the buyers mind see the 24kt and stop.

    excuse the tangent..

  16. Also I dont think just turfing out the man from his house is right either, it is both their residence. He has a right to be their too. But I noted the first thing someone asked if the girl moved out was who is going to pay all your bills. So the man appears to be nothing more than a walking ATM to some on here.

    Here in Australia it would be much better to leave for the man, he would then only have to pay his child support, which would not cover much beyond her rent. So I think she may need to be a bit more diplomatic if she wants more support than that.


    Johnny.. lets put this all in perspective.

    Lets make you feel a little bit more for the situation at hand. If your mother, had been pregnant (with you), and your dad had decided to cheat, break her heart and leave. That is fine. He is a man, and he deserves to be happy. Now honestly speaking, would you have expected your father to bail out on YOUR MOTHER, and not help her support herself, when she was in her final month of pregnancy. Full to the tilt. Waddling around. Hand on her back, just ready to pop you out. Can't see her feet, can't sleep well at night, but thrilled that she is having you.

    Now honestly speaking, would you feel, that your father should leave her to fend for herself, not due to bad health, but just beacuse he has an itch. Bad enough that he is dumping your mother, but heck, after the birth, all alone, in some pain, with a new born child, her very first, no previous expereince. Sleepless nights, tending to you, worried about how she long it will take to get back on her feet, so that she can hit the road and start making money.

    Ahh who will take care of you. A new born? All alone in the world, with only your mothers love.

    Just exactly what would be your view of your father and what excatly would you have expected of him?

    AHHH but in Australia, its okay. RIGHT!

    I don't know what happens to him, he is such an idiot. He makes pretty good money in the U.S. The job, he has, provides many good benefits including retirement plan. He's 34. How can he retire that young age? What can he do in Phuket beside being a pimp? He plans to open up a business over there and also wants to buy a house. He asked me if I can help him to buy property over there. He wants to put everything under my name. What an ass.

    I'm glad he'll be gone. I want to tell that lady " welcome to the hel_l, thank you for taking over". I don't think anybody can be with him. He drinks a lot everyday, likes to party really hard. Once he's unfaithful to me, why can't he do it again with the other lady?

    At this point, I don't really care what he wants to do or who he wants to be with. If he does move to Phuket, I'll be glad to get a full custody.

    Salisa: Actually I think I like your husband afterall. Forget about signing any paperwork. Hog wash. Tell him to let you be.

    BUT! I think I like the idea of buying a house and putting it in your name, as long as you are not having to sign for a loan. If he can buy it on his own, in your name, then by all means. Let your child be able to have some property one day. This is not for you, let it be the one thing your childs father did, for your child.

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