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Everything posted by flexomike

  1. You should do your research before making comments, 19 years on an OA and you don't even know what your talking about. Oh I forgot I switched to marriage.
  2. I think Phuket is the only one that gave grandfathering. My OA was from 2016 and I was required to have insurance. Rayong Immigration
  3. Because it is the law for anyone on an OA visa extension for reason of retirement. Some people have changed their original OA extension from retirement to marriage. This negates having to have insurance.
  4. I did my changeover on the same day I crossed the border and back. Get it done
  5. His original visa was an OA, stated that he did nine extensions of the original visa, probably doesn't want to get the usless Thai insurance anymore, so he wants to switch to an O visa and extent that before his 90 days is up. You should stick to the taxation issues which you seem to know so much about and leave visa issues for those with more knowledge than you.
  6. usually the baht gets stronger in the High season
  7. Been mentioned countless times, but it is not for 800,000 in the bank, only for a monthly income of 65,000 baht or more
  8. Thank you for the feedback, I will be able to sleep much better tonite
  9. At some time did you stay at a hotel in Bangkok? Good chance they submitted a TM30.
  10. OP stated that he did last one in person
  11. only required if you started with an O-A visa, O does not require it
  12. I know a lot of Farangs that legally own a Condo, unless you are not calling that property
  13. They don't want to lose any potential votes
  14. Its all about the quality of life. I prefer to do whatever I want and live my life to the fullest.
  15. Well of course the country doesn't run on expats, but a lot of small communities are greatly helped by the money that they spend, mom and pop shops hiring laborers supporting all the businesses in the neighborhood. Thailand as a country will not be hurt by expats departing but a lot of people will be. I have several people that I hire on a regular basis and if I leave they loose my financial input.
  16. Anyone married to a Thai that enjoys life can easily spend that much, not everyone lives in a jungle environment. You are the expert on everything. I have a large group of foreign people I hang out with and they all spend well north of 65,000.
  17. So for lack of not paying the 10,000 baht she chose to pay her loan for four years and not have the car?
  18. Not a Labrador, Golden retriever
  19. Do the monthly deposit and you don't have to keep any funds in the bank
  20. I have a lot at my house and I can't get rid of the damn things. Tried everything but poison which I can't do because I have four dogs and a flock of geese.
  21. Rayong Immigration for me. Retirement extension. Use the monthly transfer of funds, don't have to tie up any funds, always in and out in less than an hour with an approved extension. Don't have to go back a month later for my approval. It is a 100 km round trip through traffic so we are talking savings of two hours of my time. No brainer.
  22. not true, I have one but can only be opened in your name
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