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Everything posted by flexomike

  1. WTF does that have to do with drunk driving
  2. Think what he would save it if kept his stick out of the hole
  3. Retirement non O is the way to go
  4. Biden was a puppet for Obama, now do you get the comparison
  5. She doesn't have a passport
  6. yeah he was really compassionate when he watched Minneapolis burn down during the BLM Antifa riots
  7. I It is a fact Jack, don't let the truth blur your brain
  8. What is this, something from 1960, I lived there for over 65 years and right now that is completly wrong, any metro area is unsafe at night, lots of car jackings and thefts everyday, basically left unpunished. One of the highest taxed states in the country which has caused many companies to move to South Dakota.
  9. MN is a welfare state, naturally he is going to get the votes of all of the free loaders, people come from other states because our benefits are better.
  10. Being from MN I agree with you 100% He has destroyed MN trying to make it another CA
  11. The key question will Harris be given all of the questions before hand. Will she be allowed to use a teleprompter.
  12. You should go to MN so you can better understand the crime there, very soft on crime so a lot never gets reported. Lived in the Twin Cites area almost all of my life and it is turning into a cesspit. Your hate for Trump is so great that you are not seeing the bigger picture, and no I am not a Trump fan by any means, the state of politics in the US has become pathetic,
  13. Don't need a link, well proven fact
  14. MN is a strong Democrat state has been for a long time, hard to get people out of office, what is your take On Ilhan Omar the Senator from MN, another gem
  15. Ask the BLM terrorists in Minneapolis, she supported a fund bailing them out. I'm from Minneapolis MN, and know a few things about this. She helped BLM terrorists destroy the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul.
  16. Unlike every other media outlet, propaganda of the day from all of them
  17. I am from Minnesota, this guy is an idiot
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