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Everything posted by flexomike

  1. He just likes to troll people, he gets his jollies off of it, he can't even spell the name of his state correctly, So who is the dummy?
  2. Not in Minnesota wheI come From, Walz justs slaps there hand and says don;t do it again
  3. unlike Kamala who comes 17 minutes late and cuts her off after 20 minutes, why don't you post some positive things about Kamala instead of your constant Trump bashing and no I am not a fan of either one.
  4. And what percentage of the replies and or posts are from non USA citizens, a lot
  5. There wasn't one thing in that interview that would sway anyone to want to vote for her, just the opposite. What did people find "more about her" they already new she can never answer a question.
  6. You are the one that has lost site of reality, anyone one that thinks Kamala is the answer has got a major flaw in there thinking process.
  7. If she just would have given an answer too any question she would never have been interupted, all she did was filibuster the whole interview.
  8. She never answers a question that she is asked.
  9. unlike all of the Leftist media outlets that are totally unbiased.
  10. This is the same person who called all 18-24 year olds stupid, did she forget about that?
  11. She just doesn't know how to answer a question, and you defend her, Trump this and Trump, she made a fool of herself.
  12. I you are over 60 when you apply for your pink card you are automatically given a lifetime card.
  13. Now I understand your philosophy typical CA rehtoric, Harris is going to be a disaster.
  14. Stepped aside or was or was forced to step aside
  15. need to fix one before you can worry about many
  16. you are the one that is confused
  17. That is not what Biden said recently, she was supposedly involved in all things Democrat.
  18. Yeah she did real fine, when is she going to actually answer a question that she is asked. What is there to enjoy about her interviews. Word salad, cackling, worst choice the Dems have ever made for a presidential candidate. You need to get your head out of the sand and wake up to reality.
  19. your entry is only valid for the length of your insurance policy, if you leave Thailand and come back in you should be given a permission of stay up until the expiration date of your insurance policy
  20. you need to see a shrink, maybe he can fix your multitude of problems.
  21. Wife bought 16 rai there just a little north of the town, it was going to be are retirement location. Changed are mind about living there and bought some land in SE Rayong. Land in Ban Phai is in the daughters name, haven't been there in years.
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