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Posts posted by marshbags

  1. A rice-trader source said yesterday that a huge loss would be incurred if the transaction went through as the pledging cost of jasmine rice is above Bt32,000-Bt33,000 per tonne, but the government is expected to sell it at Bt29,000 a tonne.

    I don't understand these numbers, the maximum price for jasmine is 20,000. Can it be that drying, processing and storage adds another 10 to 13k on top? Someone is gouging MASSIVELY in this calculation.

    The feeding chain is massive and the percentages aka tea money for those at the top end are really insulting for the ordinary farmers.

    As for the top beneficary from this, who amazingly is in exile, it is way and above what the rest of the gredy B*ckst*ds get, put together.

    Obscene in the extreme and another glaring contradiction re their supposed populist objectives.

    The greedy self serving politicians aka PT goverment ect. and their fugitive leader are well and truly milking off all the cream.

    How sad the reality is for the genuine poor with all the so called populist programes

    marshbags sad.png

  2. As Mr Jatuporn missed gaining a ministerial post in the latest cabinet reshuffle, the Red Shirt leader said he has already talked with the premier and both have a good understanding.

    Mr Jatuporn said he can work without a political post and will continue working for the Pheu Thai Party and the Red Shirt movement.

    Jataporn is already acting in his pre arranged unofficial ministerial post as co-ordinator between the government via a direct link with it,s true leader aka Thaksin and his / their red shirt lackeys.

    He always has of course, but now he is paid a huge ministerial salary plus a pre enhanced mega bonus in recognition of his sacrifices and agreeing to forego an official position elsewhere whistling.gif

    In doing so his benefactor can use his Servient Subordinate to rally his / their red shirt lackeys as and when they are needed to spread their infamous version of non democratic chaos / diversions ect. ect.

    They in turn get well rewarded with a pittance of remuneration for their assistance and gullibility.

    Not forgetting their rations of firewater aka cheap Lao whiskey ect. to keep them happy and guarantee maximum disorder, violent confusion ( red shirt style ) and intimidation.

    marshbags mellow.png

    The lines now in bold in the initial sentences are of course a part quote from the OP and failed to show as I intended it to in the first posting. ( 12 )

    Sorry for any unintentional confusion re this exclusion and I hope it,s acceptable to modify it this way.

    marshbags wai.gif

  3. Thanks to Mig and Norman for your replies and they have motivated me to look further as to the differences.

    I hope the following url is of interest and appreciated, it contains lots of food related stuff also.


    Thanks also to LOZth for your follow up.

    I,ve managed to save a 230 gm bar of C. milk choc., 3 C. minature eggs and 3 packs of 6 choc penguins to share with my family of 3 at christmas. licklips.gif

    marshbags thumbsup.gif

  4. [Well I don't agree. I'd be surprised if the level of crime in Thailand is much above the levels of crime in the UK, US etc..

    Each individual event has its tragedy and all of the people involved have my sympathy. I do hope the local justice system will track down those reposnible and put them behind bars. But I reckon you're scaremongering when your try and extrapolate these events into "an alarming trend". From my experience of living in Thailand for a few years, that's simply not the case.

    Your experiences do not compliment mine, full stop.

    Youy either think it is helpful to email the embassies and give them a nudge in relation to improving the security of foreign citizens or do not.

    It is your choice end of off topic debate.

    Getting back to the tragic demise of David and the questionable circumstances surrounding his death are what the debate is about.

    Every crime of a serious nature that is committed against foreigner should be investigated and kept active until a satifactory conclusion is reached, no mattter how long it may take.

    You and simple1 think I,m scaremongering and exagerating the rise in crime, again my take on what,s happening differs completely and soooooo from my point on this matter.

    No further comment will be forthcoming unless it is directly associated with this tragic event and I feel my observations compliment the loved ones left behind.

    marshbags whistling.gif

  5. Never mind repetative warnings, do something meaningful that assists the victims and address the actual crimes that are constantly committed against the UK citizens, residents and tourist alike as they are increasing daily by an alarming rate.

    Really ? The case reported in this thread is a tragic event and I hope that the police get to the bottom of it, but I simply don't believe the statement above is true at all.

    Crime against all foreign nationals, not only those of the U.K. is increasing at an alarming rate and what is more alarming is the inability / will to apprehend convict and take the offenders off the streets.

    I am referring to all crimes including suspicious deaths from non natural and unlawful causes by the way.

    marshbags whistling.gif

  6. Rubbish, what "preventative action" can a foreign government initiate in Thailand regards crimes against their nationals?

    It,s rubbish to sit on our backsides and not even investigate as to why ect. ect.

    This doesn,t just apply to the U.K. by the way in case you haven,t noticed...which I,m sure you and everyone else has.

    Someone has to start an initiative off whereby the authorities in Thailand who encourage foreigners to come, face up to their responsibilities to ensure we have a reasonable amount of lawfull protection and safety while we are here.

    It is complete and utter rubbish to say or even think there is no way of effecting

    " preventative action "

    While ever non action is allowed to continue the statistics are getting more horrifying and as this is in this instance relating to Thailand and offending nationals, it is they who have a responsibilty to investigate related crimes, arrest and bring the offenders to justice.

    The U.K. can easily enlist the help for such an initiative with all the foreign embassies stationed here to add weight to it.

    I cannot see how any of them would / could ignore doing so especially as they will all be witnessing first hand what is happening nor anything apparent being done to make it safer for their respective citizens.

    Using your logic is tantamount to turning a blind eye and in turn the Thai authorities / government will also continue to seemingly do so.

    If as many as possible on Thai Visa email their embassies to highlight their concerns re the continued rise in crime against their fellow nationals, politely requesting if it is possible to investigate ways to cut it down to a minimum, this is better than the present status quo of social negativity.

    Ask if there are ways of putting in place initiatives to make it safer here and encourage the relevant powers that are supposedly responsible for law and order, to assist and introduce meaningful ways to make it a safer place via dedicated policing, apprehension and conviction of those responsible, especially serious crime against them and other foreign nationals.

    Trying to do something is better than nothing IMHO, it doesnt take much effort to send an email are cost anything so why not send one.

    marshbags thumbsup.gif

  7. I,m sorry that my previous post could not be erased as I had edited.

    I then tried to post the following but unfortunately didn,t notice it had not been successflly posted until the timer kicked in.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience everyone.

    The new edited version I thought I had submitted was ......

    Check out what Drummond has on his website.

    It really is a terrible situation with the perpertrator still not being charged despite an overwhelming amount of evidence against her.

    Nothing personal Tolley

    At this stage anything reported is pure / only speculation and should be left as such..

    Let us also remember he does have loved ones back home and they may well be reading this thread and can do without being further upset by the unwarranted, disrespectful comments.... please

    marshbags sad.png

    I dont think I have posted anything disrespectful whatsoever.

    In fact I am sure I am on the same page as those loved ones back home.

    Like I posted, nothing personal Tolley, I appreciate your reply and unintentionally making it appear I was getting at you.

    I was using your post as an opportunity to get a timely reference meant for those who are / have gone overboard.

    I should have offered my thoughts without using your quote for a convenient reference point and apologise for not doing so.

    As a general reference may I suggest we all show respect in these sort of circumstances when making the following ....

    Of course comments are made and i,m not looking for complete censorship, just consideration on the content for the loved ones of the deceased.

    The thread is an informative source that could / can effect all of us who stay here, even tourist but we don,t need to be gleening it from speculative media announcements that are then made more harmful when exagerated by personal intepretations.

    Especially from the repetative forum cynics of whom most members know from previous threads who do nothing to help apart from inflame those effected personally..

    Perhaps before posting, it should be considered how it would personally effect ones self and loved ones upon reading or hearing about media news and speculative information without it giving any thought to how upsetting it must be to add this to the grief and heartache a tragic scenario like this.

    This is beyond the pale IMHO, especially in these tragic circumstances and the loved ones from the UK not familiar with Thai type media and comment.

    Until someone is actually charged it can only remain speculative, but I must say the video his loved ones had made with Mr Drummond are very disturbing and I can only hope they, along with their younger sibling get their deserved justice and the ones who are highlighted are fully investigated and anyone found guilty well and truly dealt with.

    Perhaps it is about time the Britiish embassy who are supposedly here to look after U.K. expats / citizens who now live here intervene and have independant police authorities from the U.K. carry out a meaningful investigation ( if permission is needed use their authority to get they should get it ) and work with theThai authorities as and when it is needed.

    Never mind repetative warnings, do something meaningful that assists the victims and address the actual crimes that are constantly committed against the UK citizens, residents and tourist alike as they are increasing daily by an alarming rate.

    May I suggest we all email them with our concerns and demand they take preventative action instead of word worthless warnings of which are totally usless when it comes to looking out for those already here.

    I,m not sure if it is allowed but it is important to at least try to get a change in respect to crime and in particular the questionable loss of life that has / is taking place.

    The url ref is :-

    [email protected]

    Please copy and paste it into your own dedicated facility if you cannot use the one they provide

    Thank you

    marshbags mellow.png

  8. Check out what Drummond has on his website.

    It really is a terrible situation with the perpertrator still not being charged despite an overwhelming amount of evidence against her.

    Nothing personal Tolley

    At this stage anything reported is pure / only speculation and should be left as such..

    Let us also remember he does have loved ones back home and they may well be reading this thread and can do without being further upset by the unwarranted, disrespectful comments.... please

    marshbags sad.png

    I dont think I have posted anything disrespectful whatsoever.

    In fact I am sure I am on the same page as those loved ones back home.

    Like I posted, nothing personal Tolley, I appreciate your reply and unintentionally making it appear I was getting at you.

    I was using your post as an opportunity to get a timely reference meant for those who are / have gone overboard.

    I should have offered my thoughts without using your quote for a convenient reference point and apologise for not doing so.

    Of course comments are made and i,m not looking for complete censorship, just consideration on the content for the loved ones of the deceased.

    The thread is an informative source that could / can effect all of us who stay here, even tourist but we don,t need to be gleening it from speculative media announcements that are then made more harmful when exagerated by personal intepretations.

    Especially from the repetative forum cynics of whom most members know from previous threads.

    Perhaps before posting, it should be considered how it would personally effect ones self and loved ones upon reading or hearing about media news and speculative information without it giving any thought to how upsetting it must be to add this to the grief and heartache a tragic scenario like this.

    To make the speculative rubbish even more hurtful as i,ve already sadi, some then add their own interpretations and this insenitive whatever then makes it even more so.

    This is beyond the pale IMHO, especially in these tragic circumstances and the loved ones from the UK not familiar with Thai type media and comment.


  9. Check out what Drummond has on his website.

    It really is a terrible situation with the perpertrator still not being charged despite an overwhelming amount of evidence against her.

    Nothing personal Tolley

    At this stage anything reported is pure / only speculation and should be left as such..

    Let us also remember he does have loved ones back home and they may well be reading this thread and can do without being further upset by the unwarranted, disrespectful comments.... please

    marshbags sad.png

  10. Any mention that he had a wife?

    Yes an ex wife 40 years his junior. But the fact that she is ex probably means she wont get a thing.But there is a child too.. maybe she hoped the child would get some money.(speculation of course)

    According to the news article they remined in regular contact and will have been on friendly terms.

    " The body of Mr. David Farrell aged 72 was discovered on the ground floor of his house located at The Cottages Estate by his former Thai Wife, Khun Goranit aged 33 who was concerned that she was unable to contact her Husband for three days."

    Age of course is for me not an item, nor are the uncalled for remarks that are seemingly questioning their relationship. ect.


    We are familiar with your uncomplimentary views, sarcastic and suggestive comments and while they are not welcome by many in other debates you post them in, they are certainly way out of order here on this tragic thread.

    Respect, empathy and understanding should be applied at this time for not only the deceased but those who know him and more importantly his young daughter and her older sisters and any other surviving family / friends.

    Hopefully the older siblings will be keep an eye on young one and support her,

    May you be in a good place David and RIP

    Respectfully posted for your loved ones David and apologies for the unwarranted comments that a very slim minority are posting.

    They are not representative of our membership / Thai Visa who will all you can be assured empathise with you at this time.

    May you now be in a safe place and RIP

    marshbags mellow.png

  11. Right now I'm in the UK, but I will be back on the 7th Nov. I will be doing a large Cadbury Choccy shop, next week for myself and my son (Rayong).

    Also on the list will be,

    Cathedral City cheese

    Garners Pickled Onions

    Hendersons Relish (any Sheffielders out there will probably be drooling now)

    My daughter is talking about being over for Christmas and will be bringing more supplies of the same.

    (she also sends emergency choccy supplies 3 or 4 times a year) thumbsup.gif

    Hendersons made a special limited golden edition in tribute to our local lass Jessica Ennis.

    They have apparently had to do more as the limited edition sold out fast and left many asking for more.

    I am hoping our kid has got me a bottle to keep as a personal tribute to her for my Thai abode.

    The U.K. cadburies has to kept cool as you will know and as I bring a few kilos back I make sure room is pre made and it is transferred straight to the fridge to prevent it melting.

    Does the choccy your daughter send over stay solid by the way and any problems with customs re import tea money / taxes ?

    The Thai version, like most local chocolate must have a different recipe as it tends to a point to keep it,s firmness out here.

    I,ve often wondered what they do to make it more heat resistant in the hotter climates. ???

    marshbags thumbsup.gif


    I usually add some Cunninghams Picalilli to my list for mi sandwiches licklips.gif

    and at least one large box of Asda brand tea bags plus ect. ect.

  12. If you don,t mind Siampolee and Ballpoint, I,d like to add a third which if this situation isn,t brought under control and curtailed there will be all out civil war mellow.png

    The " myopic farang " probably have a long association with left wing parties like the UK,s BNP and other similar organisations that are to be found scattered around the Western world / globe.

    Sadly they are all hell bent on getting results via intimidation and violence ect. ec. and are usually driven by extremist groups, who in turn are fired up by individuals intent on getting / forcing a certain desire / agenda upon those who live and abide by genuine democratic principles, and the laws of their country.

    Self interest also comes into the equation in many left wing scenarios that are pre planned to achieve maximum results via intimidation ect. ect.

    Not unlike the ongoing situation here in Thailand. Hmmmmmm

    marshbags whistling.gif

    The BNP are the most far right wing party in the UK Marshbags, They are essentially Neo Nazi's & left wing is the last thing anyone who knows anything about UK politics would describe them as....

    Apologies zyphodb for the mistake and your welcomed correction. thumbsup.gif

    Sadly there are several similar groups within to the U.K. who will not hesitate to also use violent intimidation ect. to frighten those who oppose them.

    The BNP of course were also in previous stages to it,s present status, an off shoot from the NF to escape the fascism and extreme violence you rightly mention and initially the NNF and then the BNP as we know it today.

    While this may be appearing to go off topic, I ask for understanding as to why I,m posting it and can reassure everyone, I have no wishes to derail the thread or start a diversion.

    I stand by my comparisons with these types of associations ect. ect. re the intimidation and use of violence to achieve the will of ( in Thailands case ) the self serving fugitive intent on destroying all who would stand in his way.

    By the way I reckon left and right wing ideologies could be applied here

    He doesn,t give a dam_n about the country he ran away from to escape constitutional justice and it,s there for all who are not blinkered and fooled by him to witness.

    Should he achieve his will, Thailand sadly, will have a one way non democratic / dictatorship lead by a despotical leader who will seek and expect retribution of all who opposed / opposers should it be allowed to happen.

    How disturbing / frightening that such a possible scenario should be supported by an elected government who are supposedly put there for the benefit of the populace and the much loved country they are meant to represent Thailand.

    However I am confident it will / would never be allowed to happen.

    marshbags sad.png

  13. It's a common symptom in individuals who elevate others up into messiah like figures. Their condition makes it seem to them as if the entire world shares their unhealthy infatuation. The next step is to create multiple personalities.

    What rather like some of our newer members here whose literary style and rhetoric seems to be so much like some recently departed forum members? whistling.gif

    Nothing new here.

    There are members who have been members so many times,

    they have lost track of how many times. Different day, same oder.

    Some of them have had that many it,s a wonder how they keep track of them all ermm.gif

    marshbags laugh.png

  14. It's a common symptom in individuals who elevate others up into messiah like figures. Their condition makes it seem to them as if the entire world shares their unhealthy infatuation. The next step is to create multiple personalities.

    What rather like some of our newer members here whose literary style and rhetoric seems to be so much like some recently departed forum members? whistling.gif

    Agreed on

    It's a common symptom in individuals who elevate others up into messiah like figures. Their condition makes it seem to them as if the entire world shares their unhealthy infatuation. The next step is to create multiple personalities.

    What rather like some of our newer members here whose literary style and rhetoric seems to be so much like some recently departed forum members? whistling.gif

    Agrees on both observations.

    Depending on developments favourable to Thaksin many more of them will re surface in some ID or another

    marshbags thumbsup.gif

  15. T

    he PTP's cronies continue to push this country, inch by inch, closer to either dictatorship or another coup..

    Which clearly shows just how much Thaksin, his family and their brown nosing acolytes along with the myopic farangs who openly support a crooked despotic methodological wanna be dictator love this country and its people.

    If you don,t mind Siampolee and Ballpoint, I,d like to add a third which if this situation isn,t brought under control and curtailed there will be all out civil war mellow.png

    The " myopic farang " probably have a long association with left wing parties like the UK,s BNP and other similar organisations that are to be found scattered around the Western world / globe.

    Sadly they are all hell bent on getting results via intimidation and violence ect. ec. and are usually driven by extremist groups, who in turn are fired up by individuals intent on getting / forcing a certain desire / agenda upon those who live and abide by genuine democratic principles, and the laws of their country.

    Self interest also comes into the equation in many left wing scenarios that are pre planned to achieve maximum results via intimidation ect. ect.

    Not unlike the ongoing situation here in Thailand. Hmmmmmm

    marshbags whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  16. Discord is exactly what they want it to appear like.

    It is of course a predictable smoke screen to give the appearance the UDD are angry and upset by Jataporns so called snub.

    The history of the red shirt temperament and well known reactions to anything and everything they can use as an excuse to commence yet another of their instant street protest surely contradicts all the alledeged unrest ect. ect. between them.

    As for controling them, not even their overseers / spokespeople are able or indeed wiling to prevent them causing their signature turmoil and chaos around the country.

    Add to this that Jataporn would not hesitiate for a milli second to get them wound up and heading for the PT and their respective governmental departments / places of abode, if he was really pissed of.

    No, until you actually see them going for the PT as they would any other governmental power they do not agree with and I include all the ranked officials individualy who oversee and issue their masters wishes unconditionally.

    AS for their paymaster, he will have well and truly rewarded them further for their understanding of the situation w00t.gif neverrrrrrrrrr.

    Look no further than the Democratic VS the P.T. individual leaders ect. for comparisons on their confrontational infamous rules of engagement whistling.gif

    marshbags wink.png

  17. This was a win win situation for Thaksin, the government, Jataporn and the UDD / redshirts.

    He will have had personal discussions with the governments leader AKA Thaksin some time before this supposed stage managed announcement was publicly made.

    The PT will now be able to function without having to worry about his unpredictable nature and any embarrasing awkward moments for Yingluck and her coherts.ect. ect.

    The UDD still have a leader / commander who can dedicate his time ( in cohesion with the exiled one ) to their cause without having to consider any restrictive obligations he may have had as government minister.

    Thaksin of course as the true goverment leader will have once again got him to accept his fate at present regarding a cabinet seat with promises of bigger incentives in the future...for now ????

    Thaksin keeps his seemingly unchallengable authority intact and most importantly his relationship with the redshirts on the business as usual arrrangements....for now ?????

    Thus keeping his all important Thai face and more importantly his authority aka totalitarianism intact,

    While officially not wishing to be seen to be in partnership with the reds, and all it encompasses, unofficially the leader can still use them as and when it suits him...them.

    Regarding Jataporn actually being convicted of his charges, until he actually is, their is no threat on any untoward reactions or the predictable repercussions that will surely follow...for now ????

    Jataporn will have been handsomely rewarded for his continued loyalty, ongoing support and all it entails....for now ????

    While on the surface it may appear to have been a " trivial matter " you can rest assured it wasn,t and their will have been relief all round it has been amicably sorted out...for now ????

    The trade offs will IMHO become apparent in some way or another somwwhere down the line.

    That,s if the party continue in government for the foreseeable future of course.

    marshbags whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  18. RE the last paragraph from Mobi's post,

    " Yet our wonderful government keeps throwing literally billions of Baht into a scandalous, rice price maintenance scheme which mainly benefits the rice millers, wholesalers and other 'influential' folk and does little to improve the humble farmer's lot in life."

    This says much about the objectives of the PT government and sums up their priorities and to quote the infamous " honest / dishonest intentions " the exiled PM used while pathetically excusing his initial exposure for lying and miipulation of constintutional laws this still applies and is pertinent to everything they are presently getting away with.

    If a scheme can be corruptly manipulated to benefit this self serving individual and his flock of unprincipled coherts, the money / funding is not a problem, indeed it is available in obscene multiples going into billions.

    Commonly referred to as cash cows / feeding bowls and troughs ect.ect. for these unprincipled self enriching, self only individuals of so called carers of Thailand and it,s more deserved citizens who,s honest endeavours are continually ignored and neglected.

    Giving the nurses their deserved contracts, along with financial incentives their dedication and loyalty to public service warrants, is a non starter, because sadly for them, it is not a cash cow kind of policy maker.

    Rather than distribute what is left from populist programmes after Thaksin and his coherts have skimmed off their percentages and in many cases wasted for one.

    Then stopping the corrupt initiatives or at the very least reducing them to an achievable level.

    Funds that do not reach those that need them.if honestly utilised will immediately produce funding and with an ongoing roll over will go a long way to providing the required finance needed.

    The genuinely needy will not only continue to get their present allocations of the vote catching pot of plenty but will continue to benefit from the governmental hospital programmes with further enhancements from a contented medical staff who would / will now feel appreciated and encouraged to dedicate their services and experienced caring of the lesser privilidged.

    Eventually the cash cow the government feeds off will grow large enough to burst and destroy their self rewarding greedy intiatives along with themselves.

    The draining of the coffers cannot continue, not if Thailand is to prosper and grow economically in the longer term that,s for sure.

    As for all the misled and brainwashed supporters of the real PM in exile they can be content in the realisation that their beloved leader has more than enriched his coffers during his illegal occupancy as PM in exile, while leaving them with sod all.

    marshbags rolleyes.gif

  19. I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

    How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

    In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

    She is not the leader of the country, you will of course be well aware of it, but like most of the fugitive aka PM in exile supporters are, remain in constant denial.

    You really do seemingly believe all the fairy stories associated with the Shinwatara family including this little gem.

    Re for the ratings, if you truly gleen they are a fair reflection on what Thai society as a whole think of her the you really are a believer in fairy stories.

    As for doing a good job, if you mean as the stand in PM for Thaksin and creating on his instructions and orders, yet more wealth opportunites for the chosen few within this blatanly corrupt government ect. ect., I couldn,t agree more.

    To be honest I reckon you are trying to extract the urine and are a one of the propogandist sheep who would have us think these sort of governmental non truths are factual and are for the good of Thailand and it,s future, just like all the brainwashed supporters of a certain colour do.

    You not only think like one of his sheep you use sheep language to finish your offerings off Blah Blah Blaaaaaaaa

    marshbags whistling.gif


    We now await further confirmation as to her / his influence and authority via the latest party version of musical chairs and who takes care of what re his self interests and total dominance of his P.T. party... aka Pure Thaksin

  20. While ever their is a two tier system appertainting to the private and public hospitals and the rich and poor access to them, it will never be any different.

    The fact that the rich are not effected and have more than enough qualified staff to take care of them why should they put their much needed influence / support to help make it more secure for these dedicated public health workers..

    The nurses working in state hospitals deserve and have earned the right to a long term commitment job wise.

    They should get at the very least similar guarantees of employment ( the existing ones are blatantly inadequate ) especially when you compare other governmental departments offer whereby *** non qualified personel receive so much more and continue to do so big time without any fear of loosing their jobs, no matter how inept or neglegent they are *** based on nothing more than privilidge and nepotism

    The *** can expect at worst being moved to an inactive position while still retaining their unearned and undeserved status, salaries and pensions in recognition of their self first dedication first and only.

    Sadly those who are not can expect dismissal, no pension and certainly no retention of their salary or recognition of their previous selfless dedication. ect. ect. ect.

    marshbags annoyed.gif and sad.png

  21. I,ve been here for 20 years and my ability to speak the language is at most very basic indeed ( not because I haven,t tried ), the tones are very difficult and like somone has aleady been mentioned to difficult for a lot of foreigner, especially older people like us.

    You can learn to read and write Thai without bothering with tones.

    Sorry, there really is no excuse.

    Absolutely - it's amazing how anyone would have buy property here without even trying to learn to read Thai. It can be learned in a month, half an hour a day. People who don't just don't want to which is fine but just amazes me - why not learn with your kids?

    It,s a pity you did not post part of my reply to Tommo's which is applicable not only to myself but all the other

    "people " who choose for whatever reasons NOT to learn Thai

    Ref post number 50 in case you missed it ?????

    Even IF someone has took time out and successfully managed to master it to enable them to read the details and information provided when purchasing a property this does not ensure they will not be cheated or mislead on the legalities ect..

    ( I read your reference to buying a property to mean the above by the way )

    In both the ability to read Thai and understand all that is writtten / or supposedly translated into whatever language the purchasers mother version may be,...surely....

    What all savvy people do is hire a respected lawyer of proven integrity to do them, along with sorting out all other issues pertinent to eventual legal ownership.

    If you have the time, desire and required dedication and patience to do so...............no problem and good luck to you.

    On the other hand many do not or wish not ot and ought to have their choices seen in a similar light also without having these boring repetative references to speaking Thai ect. ect.

    Me, I can achieve and enjoy all I want out of my expat life and spend ex amount of time on lifes pleasures including that needed to learn whatever as a bonus ????

    Our beloved man of the world " Tommo " is far more ellequent than me in detailing some of them cheesy.gif

    Most certainly having the ability to partake is not dependant on how you speak, nor does it enhance whatever one wishes to achieve from their dedication whistling.gif

    Why do people who choose, have the ability and will to learn, always seemingly put down the ones who do not ??????

    It depends on ones perspectives re the choice of course and how to spend / enjoy their free time.

    Enjoying your life to the full is my philosophy, good health and law permitting that is.

    End of my rant

    marshbags thumbsup.gif

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