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Posts posted by starky

  1. 13 hours ago, XBroker said:

    Yeah, I didn't get how this changed the story very much if at all.

    Well apparently as he had a vacant lot to sleep in and a hole in the road from which to draw water "he were lucky" and not really "homeless" at all.

  2. 13 hours ago, peterb17 said:


    To call it Lent is a Western affectation- it's a very ancient custom where monks remain within their compounds during the rainy season. 


    Whilst I totally agree with you on the aspects of corruption- many Thai people do follow their mixture of religion- animism, Hindu, Chinese gods etc. 


    The bf ( who rarely wakes up before midday! ) was off with his friends yesterday and today at 5.30am to the temple. 


    I think if you come to live in the Kingdom- you accept the right of the local population to believe in what ever they wish- the quirky things you see just adds to the adventure of living here. So calm down. 


    Mate I am very calm and very accepting but to say what the Thais practice is Buddhism is a bit of a farce. Having said that I never question anyones right to believe what they wish it is however well within my right as a critical thinking person to question what that belief may be. Not being religious myself I am always very curious as to the belief systems of different cultures. In no way does this questioning upset me nor make me agitated. As you yourself stated it is Buddhist, Hindu, Chinese and animist conglomeration with Western affectation so they are more than welcome to it, semantically speaking though is it buddhism?

  3. Where to begin? Is Buddhism even a religion? Why would they have a lent? Most of the so called Buddhists in Thailand follow a hodge podge cocktail of Buddhism, Animism and ghost movies from what I've seen and follow zero to none of the precepts of Buddhism . To top it off some of the leaders of Buddhism in Thailand are the most corrupt, hypocritical, dishonest, perverted bastards outside of the Catholic Church which takes the cake by quite a distance. Taking a few eggs or a pigs head up the local wat to ask for lucky lottery numbers is hardly bloody Buddhism IMO.

  4. 9 hours ago, fordguy61mi said:

    It  depends on where you live and the cost of living there. A small rice village in Isaan will be different than Bangkok. My girl lives in Bangkok and is a waitress at an italian restaurant and makes about 17000 baht a month. It allows her to have a small room with no kitchen and no hot water. She does have A/C and an elevator. She eats mostly street food and doesn't have money to go out and socialize so she basically works 6 days a week and sleeps the rest of the time. She just exists, not really lives. She chooses to live in Bangkok so she doesn't complain. She also sends her mom in Udon Thani a little money every month. When she was looking for work the restaurants were all paying between 12000 and 20000 baht for wait service, with the average being about 15000.

    Yeah that's right and she’s Thai and barely existing and ya got a falang who wants to do it on not much more. What a life!

  5. 5 hours ago, than said:

    When voter were paid for vote to him. People like is money not him......


    Because he must to pay for his crime.......He is a corrupt capitalist politician and he has numerous case against him

    Let's see if you can guess who else was also buying votes at the same time but lost because they were no where near as popular. Which happens every time there is an election which is why the silly fycks have to keep having coups, cos they just can't win....it rhymes with the fellows

  6. I really feel for these workers they get smashed from pillar to post. They come here illegally with the full knowledge of the government to do all the shitty jobs Thais will not. Get paid a pittance and then still have to sling local coppers who of course know they work illegally live in hovels get treated like shit, scapegoated whenever possible and now these fycks steal what's left of their money just to allow them to return home C@=+s

  7. On Tuesday, July 04, 2017 at 10:27 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    For packages as opposed to letter mail -- Shipito.com Economy Airmail service. Averages about $12 per pound to send US to Thailand.


    Hi Tallguy, bit of a newb as far as these services but I order all my shoes from the states and after postage VAT import duties etc. It nearly ends up at the price of the shoes. So what do you do? Get the vendor, I assume, to send your goods to shipto in the states then have them forward it on? And even if you do bodgy up the declaration surely customs still opens the package yeah? Just bacause it comes from shipto instead of DHL, FedEx or whomever cant make that much difference surely. Cheers.

  8. 25 minutes ago, superal said:

    Just got to agree , they have no place in normal neighbourhood life  .    Maybe under the control of the armed services who can train them  and utilise their natural aggression when required . Apart from that Pit Bulls and a few other breeds should be in a zoo or exterminated to take the danger away from the innocent public . There is never a week that goes by that I do not read about some horrific attack by a vicious breed of dog on a child or even an adult who can do little to defend themselves without help . Why the powers that be do not stand up and mitigate this nightmare is beyond me .

    Don't stand up to it? Your kidding how many countries already banned the bully and have breed specific legislation and how many dogs get put down every year or taken from their owners not because they are pit bulls but because they have a passing resemblance to a bully breed. Even in Thailand they are on the restricted for importation list and are required to be leashed and muzzled in built up areas. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Well there's a surprise, dog lovers keep telling us that pit bulls are very friendly.

    Yeah and maybe the old bloke was flogging the arse out of it for no reason as I have seen many Thais do on many occasions. Their cruelty towards animals knows no bounds. Dog still needs to be put down now though can't have man biters of any breed running round.

  10. 2 hours ago, saakura said:

    Feel sorry and emphathise if you have been taken to the cleaners by some bar girl, or you are being ripped off daily by thai scamsters, they do seem to very easily sniff out certain victims. But why is it so difficult for you to accept that there are many farangs here who are living happily?!

    It's not that they can't accept it. It's this overwhelming need that some posters seem to have in which you need to accept their statements as absolute truth. Instead of having your own beliefs, opinions, views and experiences their are some posters who just need for you to accept that whatever they say is gospel whether or not it totally contradicts everything in your life that you know to be true. Just ignore.

  11. Might remove him? Will launch an investigation? Sounds like typical doublespeak too me. Disbarr him immediately and seize assets sufficient to pay the money he stole. If he already has form for professional misconduct there's no need for suspension, automatic dismissal should be the least of his punishments. Won't happen but as these sorts of grubs get away with this shit everyday here and around and will continue to do so. Nothing truly fair or just about this world we live in. At best I hope the girl sees at least some of the compensation returned that this maggot stole.

  12. So that will kick off with equal pay, rights and conditions for migrant workers. Fair and equal treatment under the law and access to everything their Thai counterparts would receive. Particularly in jobs and industry which self admittedly Thais have zero interest in actually doing themselves? Big P must have shat himself when he realised he was potentially getting rid of the elites slave labour force. No wonder he had to backflip and invoke 44..can't bite the hand that feeds you

  13. 5 hours ago, leeneeds said:

    Plenty of better looking ladies to view at Asok BTS

    stand there at peak hour in the morning ,you are bound to 

    see many 7 and a few 10's 

    without all the make up, miss  “Milk” has on



    Hahaha and there it is 2 posts in. Every single thread with a pretty Thai girl in it someone jumps in with the.... Heaps prettier girls blah blah. Now we need the looks like a ladyboys...too much plastic surgery and of course in my village... Are their prettier girls in Thailand? Probably but I don't bump em down the station every morning.

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