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Posts posted by starky

  1. 9 hours ago, SunsetT said:

    OK....a little further away but within walking distance -10-15mins, or a 50thb tuktuk  ride is Lotus Condotel...042340777, 212221. 300thb for air-no fridge. Maybe cheaper if they have fan rooms. English speaking staff and boss in the day but rarely rarely evenings.

    50 baht tuk tuk ride? Your having a laugh he wants a 300 baht room mate how's he gonna spend 50 on a tuk tuk? 

  2. 9 hours ago, Hal65 said:

    I thought Udon was cheaper than that, I guess those Youtube videos can lead you astray about a place and what rentals actually go for. Anyways I'll probably just spend the extra night in Vientianne in that case and bus over the border early day.

    Jeez mate 450 for a room how cheap do you want?  Especially for a sit toilet and someone who speaks English in Isaan. If you spoke Thai I'm sure you could find a Thai hovel for a couple hundred baht.

  3. 2 hours ago, seajae said:

    the only ones that flee are the criminal elements that are guilty and do not want to be locked up, has nothing to do with being innocent. This was all about money and jail time, she is the same as thaksin, think they are above the law and will never accept any guilt for what they have done, can only hope karma gets both of them

    So rohingya, Tibetans, Cambodians Croations and other refugees,  those of different religious backgrounds and those that flee their home country due to persecution are all criminals? Not saying it applies to Yl but pull up on your massive generalisations.

  4. 1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

    No reason for hysteria over this.  If she is gone, she'll turn up and the world will know.  She's high profile enough that she can't stay under the radar for very long.

    What like "boss" and his blue notice? And whatever makes you think the world gives a rats arse?

  5. 1 hour ago, Hal65 said:

    I see a lot of tattoo removal places around, thought it could be done for less than 5,000 or so (counting all sessions). Then again 5k isn't a small sum to many

    Mate like a lot of things in Thailand I'm sure there is a cheaper option. You can get a boob job at bumrungrad for 250k or some backyard clinic in Pattaya for about 40. To my knowledge tattoo removal requires pretty specific lasers with the accompanying knowledge to use it correctly seen some horrible results from El cheapo tattoo removal but the option is there. Why not put a disfiguring scar over a shit tattoo can't get much worse 555

  6. Simple answer I think is tattoos for most Thais are still seen as a low class / criminal thing and many older Thais would have never have considered or approved of them. For younger Thais particularly around bar areas they have become more popular. As for older falangs I see many here with new ink so maybe have decided later in life that they are suddenly edgy or cool or hard especially in Pattaya. As for tattoo removal it is generally prohibitively expensive and extremely painful. Looking at some of the tatts on some of these Thai tarts you can tell zero thought went into it initially so I imagine mai ba lai will be the response when considering tattoo removal.

  7. 36 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    It has always been thus and it is exactly why any Thaksin party always has widespread support.


    The poorest parts of the country were targeted after the Asian financial crash and the rich got richer. The Democrat party is un-electable in the NE as a result.


    The North remembers.


    Posters here can lecture farmers with their poorly-educated bar-stool wisdom but the crux of the matter is Thaksin's policies benefited the poorest in the country and they will always remember (and re-elect) him for that. 


    You can't have reconciliation without reducing the disparity between Thailand's rich and poor and that gap continues to increase markedly under the junta. 





    Yes the North remembers and winter is coming...

  8. 16 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    It was quite a common occurance for me at school  to receive the "stick",usually

    a bamboo stick across the finger tips,or @rse,mostly for fighting ,did I deserve it,

    most likely,I think some of the teachers took pleasure in it too,it did not turn me

    into a serial killer,crime boss or rapist,it was just part of school life at the time,

    on the final day of school,a few of us were waiting at the gate to give payback

    to some of the especially vicious teachers.

    regards Worgeordie

    And thus violence begets violence..you cant run with the foxes and hunt with the hounds.

  9. I dont know everyone has different stories a lot of these businesses go under due to direct competition as you know i.e. opening up the same shop directly across the road. Having said that, if she is that good and has a solid regular client base she could do alright. My BIL as an example makes the duck noodle soup and others have tried to take him on, for no result, as his are the most popular. His joint is chock a block 6 days a week and though I am not there all the time its hard to get a seat. I would estimate @120 or more a day even at 30 baht a bowl minus operating  costs it is still a very good return compared to the average Thai wage. The only question really is she that good? And does it qualify as Thai aroi? You know how finicky a Thai can be when it comes to aroi. 

  10. On 8/7/2017 at 5:19 PM, flexomike said:

    Used both today, tabien bahn at the bank and Pink ID card at the post office, only had these for one week and they have already paid off, got both for free, only cost was for passport translation

    Although I dont doubt your statements I cant see them as necessary. My post office never asks for ID, I already have 2 Thai bank accounts. I have never carried my passport or even a copy on me in all my years cruising around Thailand. Only ID I have ever shown outside of my passport once to open said bank accounts is my Aussie drivers license. I know some like to make a big deal about getting house books, Thai ID cards and drivers licenses and if it does help your life here thats great but they are by no means important for doing anything here IMHO

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