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Posts posted by ammagic

  1. Please check out www.islamreligionofpeace.com. Quite illuminating. Also just read that Saudi Arabia has issued a video instructing men "how to beat your wife". I think that too many Muslims view us as "infidels". We can only expect more attacks in the West. So no, I do not believe Muslims should work at airports. I did not always feel this way but now I believe Eorope's way of life is threatened now by allowing in so many Muslims. Many of them will not integrate into our way of life & way too many of them wish us harm

  2. Sad to say the police won't be interested. We are tolerated intruders - as per a previous post - & I personally think there is more than a little "Farang fatigue" of late. I think many Thais feel disempowered / so easy to vent frustration on vulnerable farangs. I expect this to be a continuing trend

  3. Well I must admit I am changing my mind. Used to be very liberal but look at the mess that has got us into. A recent survey by the BBC reveals that almost 40% of Muslims surveyed in the UK do not believe in the freedoms & social equalities we enjoy in the UK. There are over 100 illegal Muslim schools operating in the UK & over 80 Sharia "law courts". How did this happen? Because we were too liberal. It seems to me that this is too big a price to pay

  4. You are in an impossible position. If have a Thai nominee for holding land/house for you, by law that property is theirs to do what they will. Many if us have lost money this way. Lesson learned!

  5. I actually lived near Rimping Meechoke before giving up & moving to HH. Many days I could barely get out of my Moobaan - too much traffic. If a city's livability is partly judged by its walkability then CM scores very poorly. Yes you can walk around downtown but the air quality is awful. I have bronchial issues & in the end had to give up on CM. Loved it for years but no longer. Miss some aspects but for me personally nothing beats living in fresh sea air. Good luck house hunting!

  6. I was fortunate enough to be brought up to eat until I felt 75.% full. If that meant leaving some food, well, so be it. If I can't finish my portion - well - I don't. Luckily I am the same weight now I was 30 years ago. At home of course I just give myself small portions, but I cannot control restaurant servings. And I was raised in an era when food was in short supply. No over feeding in my house - a bit odd I know - but am grateful now!

  7. I just did the opposite & moved from CM to HH. The endless traffic, awful air quality year round - not just burning season - & nowhere to walk without being asphyxiated by diesel fumes - after a decade gave up & moved to fresh air. I would never recommend living in CM - loved it for years - but it has changed so much - & not for the better. Too bad. A lovely city ruined

  8. No it's not cheap at all - too far from everything & not sure about advanced medical care if needed. I love Mauritius & think it would be a great place to live for a while - but above my budget

  9. Fortunately again, the 90 day reporting took me less than 10 mins last month. I too would have opted for a different country - however with 6 dogs & 2 cats had to opt for HH. It's not the most exciting place but I am not really looking for excitement. Lovely fresh sea air - which after a decade in CM means a lot & it's windy every day. Would love to have considered a small village in SW France - but too encumbered atm. The LOS has definitely lost it's appeal - at least for me

  10. You mean you didn't see the coverage of the elderly couple beaten up in Hua Hin - the Canadian guy shot in the back & now paralyzed in Chiangmai or the German guy shot in the head & killed - also in CM. The latter 2 incidents were a while back. I just touched my horn at a guy who cut me off really dangerously, & the driver & the pick up following him followed me into my Moobaan. I was so mad I just got out of my car & waited their windows were black & I couldn't see them. I guess they thought no fun beating up a middle aged western woman & finally they left. Not a pleasant experience

  11. In the decade I have been here it seems to me that drunkenness is a bigger issue now - I don't know about drugs. I have been threatened a few times (I am a woman) - mostly road rage - but I feel much less safe these days. I am sure many Thais feel disempowered whereas they believe we are not. There is more subtle hostility now - imo

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