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Posts posted by ace

  1. Hello 


    resurrecting this topic for question: Has anyone experience of bringing Humira into Thailand? I have a number of letters (gp, rheumatologist, and Thai doctor) to show it is a prescribed medication. I’ve contacted the airline. I can’t get through to the Thai embassy as I run out of minutes waiting in the phone queue. I know adamulib isn’t a restricted drug on Thai fda website.

    Am I missing anything, do I need further permissions?

    I will be on a tourist visa, august. Just concerned about getting in trouble at Bkk airport.

  2. Hello

    I'm having no luck searching for old posts on the subject of getting a builder to do some work, maybe old posts disappeared following the change to ASEAN? I'd have thought it well covered. Anyway, any tips (or links)? I want to put in a partition wall, redo kitchen and bathroom and build out on the balcony as much as I can get away with.... Start September probably. I'll ask around, condo management etc but good to get as much idea as possible.

  3. Maybe Epsom salts as an alternative or mix with more expensive dead sea salts? I used table salt for sometime in baths and only realised it was a bad idea after some complications (also have psoriasis). Bit of a sidebar , but do you use any other (steroid)  medication? I used betnovate N (in Thailand) , but have access to better (Enstilar)  in UK.

  4. On 6/6/2020 at 7:26 AM, robblok said:



    Right... beer bars whit girls entertaining the guys. I bet no social distancing and no masks and its safer then a supermarket. Especially with girls being close to multiple guys during the day. Seems to me a high risk factor. If it is only a beer bar no girls then sure you might be right. 

    The girls might not be that much of an issue at TJs....

    • Like 1
  5. There are many reasons I left Thailand, despite missing the great times and friends, but the number 1, non negotiable is the heat which I simply cannot live with any longer. I actually think primary contributions are deforestation, the"wall to wall" concrete. And let's not forget, aircon may cool your condo or car, but that extracted heat just blows out into the local environment, from 60 million residences and 60 million cars.

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  6. 17 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Along Naklua 29/1, there's a huge car park for tour buses as well as a 'bypass' for the Dolphin Circle. Due to the acute angle of the junction, buses headed south turn from the right-hand lane. The perils of undertaking in Thailand.

    It's effectively 1 lane due to parked cars.  I don't mean 2b mean...  But I used to regularly watch Russians driving like nutters around there. My main waterholes were right there. 

  7. On 04/01/2017 at 5:00 PM, Basil B said:

    Am I not right in thinking these vans are private hire or shared hire with the driver picking up at hotel, place of stay, airport, etc and dropping off hotel, place of stay, airport, etc.

    A bus or train is not going to do that.


    The only way to limmit them is to licence them and control the hours worked by the drivers.



    Some are.  Most (like this one) travel a set route,  Rayong - Bangkok for example,  and have a number,  route printed on the side. The routes are "owned"  by some group,  drivers pay to drive the routes,  just like moto taxis,  just like every f-in thing in Thailand,. QED drivers have to hit long hours to make a few baht,  QED drive like maniacs,  QED people die,  but someone somewhere gets a nice new Benz for their spoilt brat of a kid welcome to Thailand  /rant 

  8. 14 hours ago, manarak said:


    as far as I understood the problem, it seems the US designs for the Japanese reactors were a bit optimistic regarding possible Tsunami size.

    all these plans date back to the sixties where US science thought itself invincible.


    dealing with nuclear power, one would think the engineers would asses possible tsunami size, like ... okay there is a 99% probability for tsunamis stopped by 12 meter walls - let's make the wall 24 meters.

    Instead they said ok, 12 meters then, screw these remaining 1%.


    One has to wonder....


    If I remember correctly it was engineered to withstand a quake up to about 9 on the richter scale (and associated tsunami),  but not 9.5. The reason was that they didn't extend the analysis of the historical record sufficiently far back.  Japan had a relatively quiet period viz earthquakes last century,  so what they estimated to be a once in a 1000 year event was in fact a 100 year event. (approximately).  It's a textbook case in statistics now. 

  9. Quality pork cuts,  little burgers,  chicken,  sauerkraut,  peas & carrots,  potatoes (varied).  Thai food.  Salad. Pizza. Desert.  And a lot more no doubt. 

    Great after a day time drinking session,  soak up the booze & knock u out (I used to live a stones throw from anton) 

    Bit out of the way now,  guess the kiss guys paid well. 

  10. 34 minutes ago, Xircal said:


    Of course you can be fully independent: that's your prerogative.




    A fall in the value of the Pound makes exports cheaper but imports more expensive. Since Britain imports more than it exports the economy will suffer from rising inflation and taxes will increase significantly.


    Also it will no longer qualify for EU subsidies but will still have to contribute to EU budget albeit at a lower figure than it pays at the moment.


    Will you still be singing "Happy days are here again" when that turn of events take place? I think not.

    Why  would an increase in the price of imports affect taxes? In fact UK has a very big balance of payments deficit,  therefore import inflation is a good thing. It will act to rebalance the economy. 

    UK always paid more in than received from the eu,  especially after labour gave away our exemption. We aren't going to negotiate some kind of Norway type deal our economy is far larger & negotiating position stronger.

    It will likely be academic anyway when Netherlands,  or Austria or maybe even France get their own referendum.


  11. 6 hours ago, chilli42 said:

    Musk thinks we're probably living in some advanced civilization's virtual reality video game, a variation on philosopher Nick Bostrom's popular brain bender "Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?"


    Its nice to dream.  Keep dreaming.

    There's actually scientific theory behind that.  It's a variant on the doomsday theory,  which is a function of probability /statistics & the size and age of the universe.  Having viewed the previous posts in this thread,  I'd better not try to explain it further.  Suffice it to say,  in the end it doesn't really make a difference. 

    Musk has achieved far more in his life than me,  and 99.9999% of the population,  but this one I don't get.  Most space propellerheads agree that orbitals / moon base are the best options to get a foothold in space. Not some huge Mars bound armada. 

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