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Posts posted by ace

  1. Thanks for the info guys. Late Feb seems a strange time to start, just coming into hottest time of year. It would make sense for Udon to buy them, half the population is here.

  2. The Makro fans: do you include the place on Pattaya Nua rd? I've been there a few times as its close, but am always disappointed on both quality and price. Perhaps sukhumvit is better, never been there.

    I find the fresh places a bit hit and miss although love the prawns at naklua. If they're moving, they're good.

  3. info.go.th has almost 687,000 databases.


    made my day this.....

    Anybody with some knowledge of Databases know that they are meant to make life easy by having a lot of info in as few databases as possible....


    So here it seems like it is important to make as many databases as possible...

    Hmmm maybe make one for each person......


    Well I'm afraid that's where you're wrong, I quote:

    "Irada said it needed to be understood that Thai society had its own contexts that may sometimes result in Internet services being developed differently to other countries."

    It is special, Thai style. What happens is that each http request is propagated to all 687k d/bs to ensure complete thainess is achieved. The response is then forwarded by post, around 2-3 years later. Foolish farang.

  4. I doubt any overt military response into Turkey from Russians. This represents a great opportunity for them to isolate Turkey further from NATO which would be highly beneficial tactically for their southern theatre. Also they can use the incident domestically to bash NATO, and in the Vienna negotiations too. Its such a gift its almost too gpod to be true....

  5. I think it is time the world got real. You look at the terrorists. They claim french or English or American citizenship. But they were all immgrants who received citizenship after migrating to these countries.We let them in give them citizenship and then the turn on us. Now the UN says donot blame refuges. They will be the next terrorists,but its ok with the UN. Take all the refuges to an Island give them tools and let them survive on their own. Maybe then people when learn to clean up their own countries instead of bringing their problems to others..

    Send all the UN hi ups there too. See what they say to all us peasants when they can't go back to their million euro house in their suuuuper posh (90% white) neighbourhood.

  6. They just layed tarmac on top of what was there, when they did 2nd road they cut up the surface first, can't see this lasting, but they must know best. Could be a disaster for businesses along there if it rains before they sort the drains out

    Might clean up all the trash dumped along that road, just wash it all down to the sea. Well until it hits beach road and walking st. Thats going to be worth seeing. clap2.gif

  7. We used to have a good manager at the place I live now (I pm'd you Al). The crew we have now are actually OK too (cemco). Not great but moderately competent which is enough around here. Mostly the committee is the problem as they're never around. I was chairman myself for 2 years but its a thankless task tbh.

    I would think Saranchol would have a pretty good management company, it's quite the exclusive residence.

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