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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. I got the necessary kick up the arse 3 months ago when I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes(I'm 6ft,and was at the time 105 Kilo's which is 16.5 Stone),I'm a big lump of a lad,cycle regularly,do a very intense self defense regime as I am in the Security Business so wasn't worried about it too much,and the diagnosis came as a bit of a shock(no family history,no classic buildups(I don't eat chocolate,or drink fizzies etc),

    then I came across this study (sorry for link from a daily paper,I had the proper one before I rebuilt my PC) http://www.express.co.uk/news/health/452220/How-a-strict-diet-of-800-calories-a-day-can-cure-diabetes-in-weeks,


    I don't recommend the full 800 calories only plan for longer than a few months though,I would start there,and move up to 1500 calories a day(the daily recommended for a man is 2500,and a big lad like yourself could get through a lot more!),

    you can do it!,


    it's these little moments that'll keep you going,Transam is right,extra exercise is not the answer,it takes too long to burn calories(although it helps with general fitness),

    LESS calories(of any kind,you don't need to be too strict,although I did cut down on proper junk food)is the answer,

    and don't beat yourself up if you have a slip up here and there!,I was talking to a mate of mine on Skype and he was stuffing his face and I literally snapped and ran to the chipper and stuffed my face!,

    good luck,

    I disagree with you on many points.

    At 105kg, that's 25% overweight. You should be between 69Kg and 79Kg for someone 6ft.


    I use a heart monitor and wrist recorder, my basic exercise uses 2000+KCal/week, but I can use 8000+KCal in an excessive week. (total 8-10 hours exercise in a basic week)

    Cycling, swimming, hiking, running. No gym work at all, I don't find it interesting or effective.

    Junk food,

    I have to eat at least 4 junk food meals a week in order to keep from excessive weight loss.

    I'm having to force food down when I'm not really hungry. I find excessive exercise inhibits hunger.

    Overweight is a lifestyle problem, too much available food, too much free time, not enough physical activity.

    Sorry to hear about the diabetes, but with that much excess weight only to be expected (that or a similar problem).

  2. Not risk whatsoever. Zero....nada...zip...

    Civil war requires planning and management skills.

    Although your remark was flippant, and not that I think Thailand will collaspe into a full blown civil war, but it does raise an interesting question, lets suppose Thailand did collaspe into a full blown civil war, do TV's esteemed members have a get out of dodge plan ?, if it did happen whats your plan ?, do you stand to loose everything becasue you have your eggs all in one basket ?, If you had to could you leave at start a new life somewhere else ?

    Think these aspects might be better discussion points on the topic of a Thai Civil war, rather than the typical..."Sutheps a facist, its all his fault you know"

    Plenty more 3rd world countries to try.

    I'm thinking S. America next, with a stop over at the Phillipines on the way.

    It's not as if Thailand gave me citizenship or residency, or was ever likely to.

  3. Having delt with a problem like this before, you have two three choices.

    1. Stop keeping poultry. Dogs like this will repeat attack again and again, nothing will stop them.

    2. Kill the dog.

    3. Buy a vicious dog that you train to kill other dogs but now fowl.

    Sorry, but that's about it.

  4. In any case it was just an argument & even in America, married people have joint bank accounts. You need to get rid of that bigotry mind set & stop thinking that all Thai women are bad seeds. Christ, get a white woman, then you'll get the devil!


    You want him to replace his bigotry with your bigotry?

    How's that? He's white discriminating against Asians. I was referring to how someone (who isn't more than a tourist) can "assume" an entire country's population of women are bad based on where they're from. What I referred to with Whites, was what I know as a citizen of America, white western women are generally the plague & so I've seen; in a visiting sense that is, with quite a lot of English women (watch, talk, listen & absorb), definitely, Europeans...or more of what they (English women) turn into when they get old...why so many old British women are referred to as Hens.

    Besides, no one can be considered a bigot or any way prejudiced against white people.


    That was even funnier!

  5. In any case it was just an argument & even in America, married people have joint bank accounts. You need to get rid of that bigotry mind set & stop thinking that all Thai women are bad seeds. Christ, get a white woman, then you'll get the devil!


    You want him to replace his bigotry with your bigotry?

  6. I think the problem now for a lot of the expat ownership western food type places is that they are under serious competition from a new breed of Thai owned "fusion" type restaurants serving good food and drink including wine at a reasonable price.

    Theres a couple of places called, I think, Wine Cafe, one branch in Star Avenue near the Bus Station, and the other branch in the old Think Park area at the end of Nimmanhemin, where you get excellent Thai food, but also I had by far the best Fish & Chips I ve had in 10 years in Thailand.....good ribs as well, and decent wine for 400 baht a litre, nice, modern places to sit, live music (not too loud!)........and there are others too......I m not connected in any way, just commenting.

    Talking as we were about Mikes Burgers.....if you can go to a place like I ve described here....and similar others, why would you go and sit on a bar stool in the street with traffic roaring past 2 metres away??!

    There really are some young, modern innovative Thai entrepreneurs actively improving the Chiang Mai eating scene, and a lot of your old traditional places, such as Mikes, Miguels, etc etc really have to shape up or possibly die!

    More likely different customer demographics.

    The old western sexpat with money to burn is gone, retired hubby and wifey teams are rarer, lots of Chinese tourists.

    Very few wants to pay premium prices for a very cheap western burger.

    Once you start pricing your meals at much over 100bht, essentially you're finished.

    The pricey western food places are chasing a diminishing market.

  7. Oh you silly boy, fell into the Farang Trap. YOU HAD A HOUSE BUILT FOR HER, she rich lady now, got caught hook line and sinker, goodbye farang it was nice knowing you ha ha !! why the hell do all you guys want to BUY - BUILD them houses, it is beyond me, whats is wrong with renting,?? you can run away quicker. i have just looked at a NEW HOUSE UNFURNISHED in Chiang Mai for 7,000 baht, a month rental. spend your bloody money on enjoying yourself this aint no "dress rehearsal" this is the "real deal" when your dead your dead, no-one has come back yet to say how good it is

    On your calculations id be rent free in 10 years,if i bought a house.I have just made the 10 years and everything is still ok.Of course it could all go to shit very quickly.

    Even someone with very basic arithmetic skills would see it would take 20 years rent to break even.

    1.5Mbht house rents for 6-8K/month in CM, that's 15 years if rent and you kept your money in a bag under the bed.

    Include lost interest on capital and maintenance and you are soon up to 20 years.

  8. A lot of your examples are very weak. Pollution, corruption, service,... Well hell yeah, they ARE worse here than in the West. A problem I see here more often is Thai apologists /reflexive West-bashing who have have no sense of magnitude. Just because there is pollution in the US and Europe doesn't mean it's as bad as in Thailand. It's not a binary thing, either on or off.

    Easy, cheap sex with much, much younger women and men makes up for a lot of obvious flaws, but requires vigorous obfuscating defense.

    Funny that, because that to me is the flaw.

    Too many crusty creepy dudes here for the cheap sex = flaw to me.

    But THailand makes up in other ways, so i mentally erase the creepy element.

    But the bonus is, none of the crusty creepies are looking at you.

    They have mentally erased you first.

    • Like 2
  9. English University entrance requirements are just the same.

    The right family and you're in.

    The wrong family, but with big money and you're in.

    If you have contacts, and are prepared to use them, your kid is in.

    And lots of dodgy deals to be done at all levels, not all involving money.

    I know, I did a dodgy deal and got one of mine into a top notch UK university, using the old boys network.

  10. A lot of farming communities in Central Thailand also appear to speak a variation of Lao.

    Same in Northern Thailand.

    I believe many stratified societies have (or had) the different levels speaking different languages.

    (Used to be the same in France, England and Italy, Italy didn't have a cohesive language until after WW2)

  11. There is absolutely no need to have your GF sign anything - they do this out of antiquated habit. BKB's online application forms are available in English and are all that you require. Local practice will contradict this.

    I opened mine in a rural area and the clerk completed aThai version of the appication and ignored my pre-prepared forms completely!

    BKB requires foreigners on a tourist visa to have an existing account holder sign as a reference.

    A copy of their ID card or passport will be taken.

    This is not required if you have a Non-imm-o VISA.

  12. Are you comfy? I hope so because this answer may be more than 200 words and I know you have problems with that.

    I'll come clean. I'll tell you why I visit this forum....... Because it fascinates me and amuses me. There are so many weird, angry , miserable, petty , boring , dysfunctional people here it amazes me. And before everyone gets offended, there are some interesting, intelligent and caring people here too. I think it's great what the likes of Nancy L is trying to do for the local expat community, and only wish that I could be as kind and generous. However, as much as I might admire people like her, it's the nutters that brings me here.

    I have developed a theory that plenty of the angry posters are actually suffering from a mental disorder ...... Culture Shock. Their choice of words is often very telling, for example oz893 or whatever his number was, saying that people have 'fled' to Laos and Vietnam or wherever. Fled? He means 'left' of course but for someone that is finding it difficult to adjust, 'left' doesn't express their feelings, so it becomes 'fled'. Another example, is that when someone is overcharged by a small amount, it becomes 'rip off' or better still 'scam'. How can you be scammed or ripped off for 5 baht? People refer to the night bazaar as a 'tourist trap' . The same pattern, using words that suggest paranoia. The night bazaar is a place where people offer goods for sale at a price that they think will maximise profits, and that everyone is free to accept, bargain or walk away from. where is the trap? In peoples minds. I could go on, but do it yourself, look at some of the angry posts here and see how trivialities become grossly exaggerated with paranoid-like language.

    So that's the sick ones. Then we have the people who are so bored or maybe boring that they post such inane stuff it beggars belief. As someone already pointed out, why are grown men discussing the price of eggs? Did they ever discuss things like this back home? I hope not.

    Assuming that someone manages to eat 10 eggs a week, what difference does it make if they cost 30 baht or 26 baht? None whatsoever to anyone on this forum., including the Op and his supporters. 4 baht a week! Similarly, the price of vegetables. Who cares what they cost, they're cheap anyway, and the fact that they go up and down is no big surprise to anyone.

    If you were sat in a pub and someone next to you started talking about the price of eggs what would you be thinking? "Lost his marbles poor soul" , "piss off mate, go and annoy someone else"? I can't say because , fortunately, it's never happened to me. But what I can say is this, it fascinates me. I'm thinking "why is this guy talking about a trivial price change, in an insignificantly cheap product? He would never do that back home, so why does he do it here?".

    It's no different to the guys I mentioned in another post, who have loads of money but choose to drink Archa beer, even though they think it's horrible, because it's cheap. Those guys step off the plane back home, go to a pub and ask for a pint of 'best'. They step off the plane in Chiang Mai and ask 'how much is a big Leo?' . Did they ever ask how much is a beer in a pub back home? no, never. So the difference in their behaviour here fascinates me. It doesn't bother me in the least but I am interested to figure out, Why the change?

    That's how I explain to people why I read ThaiVisa. As we all know , most people loathe it. Sure, you can get some useful answers to your questions, but the nutters! Who are they, where did they come from, what's wrong with them? Sorry guys, you fascinate me and very often amuse me.

    Eggs are a basic ingredient of many foods, the price of eggs reflects the price of everything else.

    There has been a 30% variation in egg prices over the last year in Thailand.

    Egg prices are a useful indicator for inflation in any country.

    As for the suggestion that grocery prices are not relevant to men, absolute chauvinism at its worst.

    In the society I come from (UK) men and women are supposed to be equal in all things.

    I resent your suggestion that the price of any item (female hygiene products excluded) is not important to men.

    • Like 1
  13. 555...I thought I had it made from head to toes but no...

    Anyway, before blaming Thai women for failed relationships, you guys should look at yourself also.

    Impossible! For as we all know, back in their home towns the women were the problem. Just as here in Thailand, Thai women that are the problem. So..one must conclude and accept that the world over, we women are a problem. Not the men who are deducing this..but us. Of course.

    I don't have much to do with women, and have no problems.

    Years ago, I did associate with women, and had many problems.

    Using logic, I deduce, women were the problem (for me).

    Can't really comment on Thai women, never had a connection with one, but assumed similar to English women.

    For those who have relationships, eventually they will fail, this appears normal, not good, not bad, but normal. No blame need be assigned.

  14. We've talked about this subject many times over recent years hence there's a load of good info. available for those that want to search this site, including the draft green paper and the final white paper dealing with NHS access. As a part of those threads I posted a letter that I wrote to the NHS on the subject of access and also their reply which came by way of Ministers questions. The question I put to them in that letter was, I am a UK expat who is planning to return to the UK to live and I'd like to understand the extent to which I will be covered by the NHS from day one.

    The reply was expectedly circuitous and almost didn't answer the question, until the end of page two where the author wrote, and I paraphrase, the decision to allow treatment without charge is at the discretion of each Health Trust and the evidence that each patient presents to substantiate his/her case. In a worst case scenario you may remain ineligible for free treatment for up to six months. Supporting evidence that may aid your case would include proof that you have disposed of your property overseas and that you have relocated your assets onshore.

    As far as I know there has never been any mechanism in the UK that enabled any NHS trust to trace where a UK citizen has previously lived. Never volunteer any information to your government or its' employees must be everyones number one rule in this life.

    Tracing where people have been is not rocket science, as the NHS is now starting to realize, a passport is good starting place, community tax register (or whatever it is), utility bills, et al!

    But the tone of this thread seems to have moved slightly, inevitably, towards avoidance rather than the facts of the matter. If everyone were honest about their circumstances there would be no need to not disclose information.

    Not everyone owns a passport, I would not admit to having one.

    Community tax register, I opted for the private list, don't think an NHS trust can view that easily, but many people don't register after the poll tax fiasco, and it isn't a major crime to be missed off, especially if you live in a house with two other adult occupants.

    Utility bills are all in my parents name, as it's their house, but I do have bank statements, pension statements, etc all sent there.

    It really isn't hard to have the appearance of UK residency, no matter where you live in the world.

    I see no advantage for a UK citizen to being registered anywhere else in the world, unless you are a multi-millionaire.

    I always view most advice to move UK pensions offshore to originate from criminals trying to grab pensions in a country where they are less protected. I have not met 1 single UK citizen who made money from doing it. Unfortunately I have met 3 crooks in CM who made millions from pensioners who were silly enough to try.

  15. We've talked about this subject many times over recent years hence there's a load of good info. available for those that want to search this site, including the draft green paper and the final white paper dealing with NHS access. As a part of those threads I posted a letter that I wrote to the NHS on the subject of access and also their reply which came by way of Ministers questions. The question I put to them in that letter was, I am a UK expat who is planning to return to the UK to live and I'd like to understand the extent to which I will be covered by the NHS from day one.

    The reply was expectedly circuitous and almost didn't answer the question, until the end of page two where the author wrote, and I paraphrase, the decision to allow treatment without charge is at the discretion of each Health Trust and the evidence that each patient presents to substantiate his/her case. In a worst case scenario you may remain ineligible for free treatment for up to six months. Supporting evidence that may aid your case would include proof that you have disposed of your property overseas and that you have relocated your assets onshore.

    As far as I know there has never been any mechanism in the UK that enabled any NHS trust to trace where a UK citizen has previously lived. Never volunteer any information to your government or its' employees must be everyones number one rule in this life.

  16. Ive heard about Thailand, being the Number One sex tourist destination of the whole world since the 60s and 70s (Im 70). In 2007, when I decided to come to Asia for the first time, I first choose the Philippines because I knew it was a Catholic Country (For some personal reasons I felt more comfortable with that). Catholic? Maybe not that much anymore. After spending 12 months over there in a remote village, I now know better: prostitution, like in Thailand, is endemic along with drinking, drug and misery. Compared to Thailand, same same. Whatever the country, a prostitute is a prostitute. And IF there are sooo many prostitutes, obviously, it is ONLY because there are sooo many male predators that keep the industry rolling and growing. And make some gangs richer.

    IMHO, countries with large numbers of prostitutes is more to do with the moral culture of the country than the predatory nature of the men.

    Loads of countries in the world where poor women don't turn to prostitution as a way of making money.

    In Thailand greed rules, and nobody cares what anyone else is doing, so prostitution is endemic.

    The Phillipines is a bit of a puzzler to me, strong Catholic country, so I have no idea why so much prostitution there.

  17. Let's see what's more important ? Xbox or other Box? Both you can play games with one cooks cleans and provides pleasure the other just for playing with. I think when Xbox can cook and clean and give me sex I'd go with Xbox till then guess take other one.

    Xbox, everything else I can do on my own.

    In addition,

    Being the proud owner of both Xbox and PS3, would like to point out Xbox is more first person shooter, PS3 is more girly fantasy. After a month PS3 was relegated to a box under the bed.


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