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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. It's a reasonable question, surely?

    Most days this place seems like the farang husbands support group. I'm just curious as to whether that's really the case, or if the membership is more diverse than that.

    Maybe you should have posted this in the "gay" section.

    I'm fairly sure some of them didn't come here for Thai women.

  2. One for 26 years. Single again now but not by choice.

    Been there chap..........................sad.png

    and me!

    me too 1st time around.

    shackled for over 20 years to the same one, then came freedom laugh.png

    We should form a private club, "The 20+ year and dumped club"

    I did meet a Canadian guy that had been fleeced and dumped after 35 years of marriage.

    That record would be hard to beat!

    • Like 1
  3. The cops did the right thing. They gave instructions to the boy and he refused to obey.

    What if the gun was real and another child was killed?

    Children generally have toy guns..

    The assumption of any police in this situation should be, it's a toy.

    Note to KB,

    Children often don't do as their told, that isn't a valid reason to kill them.

    • Like 1
  4. Secondly, you cannot make pasteurised fresh milk from powdered milk! The only reason thye can make cappuchino coffee here is because they have huge hears of dairy cattle. Pasteurised milk will foam when injected with steam to make cappuchino. Milk made from powder has been heat hammered so much that it will not produce a foam.

    And in my coffee shop,

    Can make cappuccino from Meiji and ChokChai.

    Can't make cappuccino from Formost or Dutch Mill.

    There is a nasty rumour that Meiji and ChokChai add a little water to stretch it out a bit.

  5. Apparently, there is a theory (not sure if it is a fact) that lactose intolerance in adults is the default condition and we in the West just managed to build a higher level tolerance to dairy due to high consumption since birth.

    There is quite a bit of substantial evidence for this. This is often used as one of the arguments by people concerned about animal welfare.

    Mate ... I learnt a new word on the Weekend.

    Vegequarian ... a Vegetarian who eats fish and the like.

    I thought that meant Vegetarian that was allowed to eat horse meat.

  6. Pay your own SS is between 300-500bht per month (depending on the age you started working), once in, you can continue until you die at the same price.

    You pay, or employer pays, all the same to them, as long as they get continuous payments, they don't care who pays.

    Government treatment is free to all Thai citizens (sometimes 30bht a visit).

    Thailand has a 3 tier health system, Private, SS, government.

    The main difference between the three, for Thais, seems to be queuing time.

    Private, no queue, SS, two hour queue, government, all day queue.

    Sounds like he is trying to score some free money off you.

  7. In every society since the start of human existence, women have been parasites from men.

    Men have always kept women alive, they did not have to.

    To declare "Thai women are the spine of thailand" based on chefs is pathetic.

    Western single mother underclass is producing more and more emasculated men, and I must presume the OP is one. Pedastalising women and encouraging them to bypass male authority and compete with men is a great great disaster.

    btw all the world's great chefs are male.

    Thai women are entitled hypergamous princesses who think they have a right to a man's income. They do not behave in a respectful way. They all choose easy studies and cushy office jobs in aircon office. A "right" to work for women but a man is Obligated to work. And all these silly girls just create more work for men ultimately.

    ... bah.gif

    some posts are so bad, they are not worth commenting on.

    Except to say ... sick.gif


    Dear David,

    while I agree many posts from this person are indicative of serious mental problems, I must disagree with you in this case where said post appears to be fairly accurate.

  8. i was mainly referring to ( it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.)[/size]

    One guide is the Visa Forum.

    You just need to look at the number of questions being asked by the members here about taking their Thai Partner to visit/relocate around the world.

    By far, the largest number is from the UK.

    Some from Europe.

    Less from Australia.

    Even Less from the USA.

    Occasional KIWI.

    A very rough guide .. but a guide, nonetheless.


    Almost everyone I know is from Australia or NZ (same country really)

    And they are all shipping girls home.

    Loads of Nordic types looking for women to take home.

    Americans go shopping for women in Mexico and South America.

    • Like 1
  9. I would argue there are far more than one might expect after reading TV. At least that has been my experience.

    It's having sex with them (people) that starts off the trouble.

    I'm assuming OP didn't have sex with any of them as his gf was there at the time.

    Most people (worldwide) are great until you hand them money or have sex with them.

  10. In a USA street survey passers by were asked to name a famous woman from history. Nearly everyone could not name a single famous woman.

    Can you name a female scientist apart from marie curie? Are there any world famous female chefs or poets?

    This is all due to female choices, they look for a man who will sacrifice himself for her, they want easy life. Thatis my experience.

    Jane Goodall, Rachel Carson. Joan of Arc. Irma Rombauer Joy of Cooking.

    You forgot "Cooking with Pooh"

    Mary Shelley did something or other too.

  11. Quite frankly, the only people who should be drinking cow's milk are baby cows.

    The paradox of milk is although it contains calcium, the more milk you drink, the more brittle and ridden with holes (osteoporosis) your bones become.

    Check it out---the countries with the highest consumption of dairy products have the highest rates of osteoporosis.

    The only people who should be eating grain, are those with the teeth to grind it themselves,

    The only people who should be eating fish, are those who can catch them with their bare hands,

    The only people who should eat meat, are those who can run fast enough to catch the animals.

    So we've ruled out meat, fish, fowl, eggs, grain, milk and all it's derivatives.

    Not much left for the nutjobs to eat, is there?

    • Thanks 1
  12. Your state UK Pension is available with annual increases if you reside in the EC, there are also some other Countries that have International agreements that do not penalise Ex pats from annual increases in UK Pensions,unfortunately Thailand is not one one of those Countries! the Philippines is and so are some ex Commonwealth Countries, which Countries are more Beneficial to your retirement plans,would need to be researched thoroughly!

    None of the (former) commonwealth countries have pension agreements allowing UK pension rises.

    Apologies for my error,you are correct,it appears none of the main ex Commonwealth Countries have Pension agreements allowing annual Pension Agreements,for UK Ex Pats!

    What would be the main ex commonwealth countries, South Africa, possible the USA.

    Still some present day commonwealth countries included.

    What I think we can say is it's a shambles, penalizing some people, who choose to live in certain countries while those who live in other countries still receive the yearly increase.

    Canada and Australia spring to mind. Not the USA.

    If you fought a war if independence against Britain, British pensioners get increases.

    If you were given your independence, British pensioners suffer.

    Seems arse about face to me.

    • Like 1
  13. Prayuth should drop the minimum 300 baht per day policy. It is no good for thailand at all. All it does was increase inflation and job losses.

    And then what? 300 baht per day? What is this? A good life? This is not just a minimum wage. This is more like a number which shows how much you need to at least survive in this country. And I am speaking of "survive" not having a "good life"

    I believe the average income for rural farm workers (just published) is 27,000bht/year.

    That works out at 2,250bht/month or 110bht/day (assuming a 5 day week).

  14. Prayuth should drop the minimum 300 baht per day policy. It is no good for thailand at all. All it does was increase inflation and job losses.

    Nothing to do with the reds, government workers were already earning more than 300bht/day.

    It was government staff wage rises implemented by our beloved leader that caused this problem.

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