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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. why are they always bargirls and never barWOMEN regardless of age ......?

    western women tend to age faster?

    ..um, ive heard the opposite.

    Many Thai women when they reach around 50 generally consider themselves "old" and conform to older frumpier styles. Ie: cutting hair, wearing old lady clothes etc.

    Whereas in western society women dont consider 50 as "past it".

    Replace 50 with 27, and I will agree with you.

  2. These rules are going to effect a lot of genuine people. For example people that work in the oil and gas industry. Friends I know work 6 months on 6 months off, under enforcement of the rules these people can no longer enjoy there time off work in Thailand even though they have condo's or rented houses. What are their options ?

    These people are effectively living in Thailand. They are not tourists, and should have the correct visa.

  3. I see a lot of hatred in these posts.

    She may have done something wrong or not but since immigration seems never to be clear what is required and what's not, my sympathies are on her side.

    And what comes to some suggesting she is a criminal or sex industry worker...shame on you!


    Airlines aren't supposed to let you board a flight to Thailand without either a visa or a ticket out.

    So I don't know why you think the rules should be different for her. Those rules have been enforced for at least the past three years.

    • Like 2
  4. I see a lot of hatred in these posts.

    She may have done something wrong or not but since immigration seems never to be clear what is required and what's not, my sympathies are on her side.

    And what comes to some suggesting she is a criminal or sex industry worker...shame on you!

    I hope you willies will have extra orbitant pleasure filling forms and hopping the hola-hoops. Having a proper Visa in your hand should take 14 days of sitting in non-aircon office swetting ones guts out. That's what I think. And no tourists, no Britons, no Kiwis and to think about it...no foreigners in Thailand.

    Then all would be great and we would all be equal.

  5. Quite easy to be honest.

    You like it - Go out and celebrate with everyone else.

    You don't like it - Stock up on whichever drinks/movies/books you like best and enjoy a relaxing day with the whole house to yourself.

    Not one day, though, Up in CM it started Friday, still going strong Tuesday.

    Suspect it will still be on tomorrow.

  6. Feel sorry for the kid. Idiot father and bitch mother. This kid will now carry this whole incident on his young shoulders and he'll probably feel responsible for the break up of his parents. I can imagine a scenario in which his mother doing the 'your father doesn't love or care for you' routine and son says 'at least dad lets me root hookers' in response.

    mums on trial too now for divorcing an idiot of a husband? Certainly no justification for calling her a "b****".

    oh, yep, let me guess. You got divorced too right?

    You haven't been divorced yet. Let's hear your opinion after it happens.

    There is absolutely no excuse for the womens behaviour in their attempt to grab as much as possible no matter how much damage they do to their children and former husband..

  7. The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal prosecution: that no other logical explanation can be derived from the facts except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

    If the jurors or judge have no doubt as to the defendant's guilt, or if their only doubts are unreasonable doubts, then the prosecutor has proven the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and the defendant should be pronounced guilty.

    Hope that explains it. That is the way it works in Australia and he was charged in Australia.

    I'm thinking the police intimidated the guy into a confession, in which case no evidence required.

    That's the way silly charges are usually brought. That's the way it works in the UK.

    Guess his brief wasn't that good. (Or he was hiding something worse)

  8. that ad was taken from this very same page, right here, on thai visa

    yes it's the dynamic side banner ad from google based on browsing history

    on my page it shows an ad for RayBan sunglasses

    on yours it shows an ad for dating teenage girls

    ...probably a bug in google's system, dont worry about it

    On mine it shows nothing, because I disabled ads.

  9. Yes the courts were satisfied beyond all reasonable doubt that the prostitute was under 16.

    Can you explain (or even suggest) to me how they could possibly even guess the age of the girl.

    The event happened in 2012.

    The charge was brought as a result of divorce in 2013.

    The conviction happened in 2014.

    Did the father photocopy the hookers ID card and keep it for later?

    Did the boy keep in facebook contact with the girl?

    Can't imagine an underage prostitute would work in the same place for 2 years.

    Can't imagine many hookers able to be found 6 months later.

    Can't imagine the Australian police force being able to track and identify a hooker of any age years after the event!

    • Like 2
  10. From the OP.

    A Brisbane father has been convicted of hiring an underage prostitute for his 13-year-old son on a family holiday to Thailand.

    The OP clearly has an agenda of his own, and has only posted sensationalized (and factually incorrect) reports on this case.

    I'm thinking someone is trying to raise funds for some NGO working in Thailand.

    Not for me to say anything about that, but I don't see why you would say that. The story is clear and the law is what it is. He has been convicted of a crime involving the sexual exploitation of a child and if the law is followed he will be put on a register. I'm fairly sure that's what happens in the UK. Even if the original poster is trying to raise the profile of NGOs trying to stop the exploitation of children, I'm fine with that.

    As we have seen from many people posting on TV, the story isn't clear (originally brought as part of a divorce settlement fight), the facts aren't clear (age of the girl can't be known), and the law isn't clear (judge was reluctant to convict as max sentence 20 years, and man only given a 2 year $2000 bond).

    As for the UK, no law exists to bring such a case, so he wouldn't be on the sex offenders list their either.

  11. From the OP.

    A Brisbane father has been convicted of hiring an underage prostitute for his 13-year-old son on a family holiday to Thailand.

    The OP clearly has an agenda of his own, and has only posted sensationalized (and factually incorrect) reports on this case.

    I'm thinking someone is trying to raise funds for some NGO working in Thailand.

  12. Being placed on the sex offenders register for life, your name carved in stone alongside an extended list of pedophiles who also procured the services of children is not a light sentence.

    Don't see any report where it's claimed he is placed on a sex offenders list.

    Can't see how you can predict that happening either, new law and him the first victim?

    It says this in the rest of the article you get to if you follow the link at the bottom of the OP.

    Read many links, can't find it, post a quote please.

  13. Being placed on the sex offenders register for life, your name carved in stone alongside an extended list of pedophiles who also procured the services of children is not a light sentence.

    Don't see any report where it's claimed he is placed on a sex offenders list.

    Can't see how you can predict that happening either, new law and him the first victim?

  14. I absolutely agree with you.

    The actions of the father were illegal in both Thailand and Australia, they abused both the girl and his own son.

    Over the years I have read some disgraceful posts on TVF, the posts defending the father's actions are as low as any I've read.

    They are defending and justifying actions which without any doubt are illegal.

    Thaivisa members defending the prostitution of a child.

    How sick does it need to get?!

    The Australian judge didn't seem to think it was a major (or sick) offense!

    $2000 fine and 24 months suspended sentence.

    "Judge Shanahan sentenced the man to 12 months jail but released him on a $2000, two-year good behaviour bond."

    Actually, that isn't even a fine, I believe he gets the bond back after two years if not naughty again.

    You can get worse than that for speeding.

  15. Despite your protestations, you clearly have no problem with a dad procuring an underage girl -


    Anyone who thinks that there is anything defensible about this story, well is a sick, sick puppy.

    The defensible part is the "underage girl".

    Absolutely no evidence of her age at all, nor can I see any way of finding her age.

    Seems unlikely she was under the age of 16 (Australian law).

    But may have been she was under the age of 20 (Thai law for prostitution).

    But I guess the story sounds worse if they say "underage girl".

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