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Chiang Mai Bill

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Posts posted by Chiang Mai Bill

  1. 2 hours ago, jaywalker said:

    Yeah, tackling both at the same time would be akin to chewing gum and walking.


    Joking aside, it's tough to teach an old dog new tricks. CONSTANTLY harping on driving safety from an early age is a great way to start.


    Cigarette smoking is demonized ALL the time in the US these days, whereas it was just accepted that EVERYBODY smoked in the 1960's. Now folks look down upon smokers.


    In Thailand, being around crazy driving is like a fish being around water. They have no life experience of anything else.


    Demonizing careless driving from a young age is a great start, but I say again, they have no qualified teachers with life experience of sane driving habits on that front.


    and...of course, as always....it all revolves back around to lazy cops that selectively enforce road rules which allows the craziness to continue unabated.

    Many Thais driving cars, pick-ups, and bikes have not got a driving licence! Setting up road blocks and pulling in every farang tourist on a bike and fining them for not having an International Driving Licence or a Thai licence is a stupid waste of effort -- but a good money-earner! Farang tourists that have a driving licence from their country of origin would have undertaken a driving test FAR more intensive than the Thai test!

  2. 19 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    Let's face it, it was only a matter of time, and will probably stay top for quite a while.

    Road safety in Thailand is tackled in a childish naivety! If the Police were serious to reduce road casualties they would


    • introduce speed cameras and fine and ban those that exceed the speed limit;
    • scrap any vehicle that is unsafe;
    • road blocks to check that drivers have passed a driving test and are insured;
    • all unlicensed and uninsured drivers will have their cars scrapped.


    Road blocks are currently set up to stop all foreigners who are driving and fine any that do not have an International Driving Licence (obtained by payment); that they hold their countries' driving licence (20+ times more onerous than the Thai driving test) is immaterial. As I say, childish naivety -- how can a so-called emerging country bring itself into the 21st century with the mentality of this and previous governments?

    • Most Thais are lazy and would rather sell themselves than work.
    • Thai women have a low sense of morality and think nothing of selling themselves.
    • Thailand's education system is poor and do not provide young people with Life's requirements.
    • Thailand offers no social 'assistance'.
    • Too many people make money from the sex industry in Thailand.


    Prostitution is the world's oldest profession -- and it will continue to thrive in Thailand for generations to come!



  3. I'll be kind to Prawit:

    Maybe he was speaking in a simple way to simple people -- maybe something got a bit lost in translation. But many of the Thai are reasonably well educated and have a brain.


    But how can a top politician of any country have the lack of intelligence to allow an inane statement like that to be published!

  4. 2 hours ago, imagemaestro said:

    I have experienced the phenomena of soi dogs attacking foreigners only.  I suspect it is because we "smell" differently to the locals due to diet or genetics.  Canines respond to strangers with barking and rushing behaviour ( in aggressive ones biting).

    The average Thai response is what I find odd.   It is either indifference or amusement.  There is no or rarely any attempt to stop or control the dog or dogs. I have sometimes suspected encouragement.  The dogs undisciplined, restrained or encouraged by amusement or otherwise becomes programmed into the behaviour.

    see/smell/sense foreigner = rush, bite attack      conduct unchecked or encouraged        repeat

    Of course until they meet me.  Large walking stick and spray and willing to use it on them.... and angry owners if need be.

    Maybe it's because we "don't" smell?

  5. I'm not sure.


    In January this year (2017) I was in Chiang Mai on a 30-day on-entry visa and wanted to get an extension at Mae Sai and none of the 'visa-run' companies would take me telling me I wouldn't be allowed back in to Thailand! In fact many had signs telling 30-day visa people not to use their trips.

  6. Hopefully all the injured will recover quickly.


    In the meantime, I shall be waiting to hear from the 'head warden'/'head of maintenance' -- or whoever is responsible for checking safety within the park when the last inspection was made and by whom and how regularly all structures in the park are inspected.


    And how many days the person responsible for this negligence will have to stay in the local temple as penance before returning to his original position!

  7. Whilst the mentality of Thai drivers is so low nothing will improve their driving skills.


    They will still zoom up to a red traffic light and slam their brakes on; they will still manoeuvre past one car on their bikes just to gain a couple of feet; they will still ignore red traffic lights; they will still ignore any speed restrictions; they will never be able to go around a corner without taking a wide sweep; they will never know the width of their vehicle; they will still overtake on blind corners!

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