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The stuttering parrot

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Posts posted by The stuttering parrot

  1. Or maybe he was watching a football replay.

    For the headlines to scream Pokemon is just ridiculous . The plain fact is that he was using a mobile whilst in charge of a vehicle a fact that is somewhat lost in this Pokemon frenzy.

    And where is the Pokemon posse police with their yellow balloons ?

    Great finger pointing opportunity !

  2. The courts showing these types of lenient sentences to the Hiso society should realise that it only causes further divisions in society where the poorer people would have copped the full brunt of the law. 

    I would have liked to have said that her punishment would be that she has to live with this the rest of her life but this little spoilt brat has thumbed her nose at the courts has shown no remorse and doesn't give a sh.t and the victims or the families.

  3. I guess they just don't know how stupid they look.

    They just blindly turn away at so many traffic offences from mobile phone use to no helmets to downright dangerous driving and now they shove some stupid looking yellow balloons on their bikes to make the whole exercise look totally ridiculous .

    I don't know who's the more stupid the dangerous outlaw Pokemon gang or the Pokemon posse who are going to round these hardline criminals up.


  4. Well he certainly picked a few bones with anyone who dared to try and voice a no vote opinion at the latest farce of what was called a referendum .

    Picked a few bones with the elderly red shirts the other day backed up by his article 44 which is wielded like a sledge hammer to pave the way for his road map for military dominance in the future.

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