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The stuttering parrot

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Posts posted by The stuttering parrot

  1. Anyone who had any of the slightest doubt on the Junta agenda should be ashamed to support them or their intimidating threatening tactics to keep the boot on the throat of their own people.

    10 years for even discussing the referendum just shows how desperate they are to derail for as long as they can a democratic election and return the rightful parties as voted by the people back in power.

  2. That's all well and good as long as they are absolutely sure because I don't see any signs of legal proceedings just a straight out seizure which by the sounds of it will leave the me members out in the cold and probably well out of pocket.

    I find it a bit rich that the government has declared a great deal of land owned by the flying saucer temple has encroached yet they still refuse act on the influential owners of that property even after they have made it public..

  3. Well we've had the building falling down hotline now we've got the Dob in a beggar hotline.Im sure the Hiso will enjoy getting these low life' forms of humanity off their streets.

    I wonder who actually done a beggar headcount and how is it so accurate?

    Spend a billion dollars plus on submarines and yet can't set up shelters and feed the less unfortunate only threaten to jail them or fine them huge amounts of money well beyond anything they could possibly pay.

    Right here junta supporters you can see why the junta and the yellows will never capture the hearts of the the people.

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