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The stuttering parrot

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Posts posted by The stuttering parrot

  1. No problem avoiding political gatherings as they are banned. Polling booths will either be deserted or full of police and military so they would be a safe bet.

    As for the article I'm going to be interested in the governments response considering its denial denial denial to the UN on human rights and on the other hand kowtowing to the Chinese for pointing out their citizens bad behaviour on tours.

    Bit of face loss here for the government.

  2. Yellow junta supporters should be thanking Yingluck for releasing her song today as it has the government fuming and needed a headline like this to bring you guys out of hibernation"

    Pity we don't see so much enthusiasm on the human rights issues like arresting 8 year old girls etc.

    Hey but you guys stick to your guns. We might see a few more Thaksin Yingluck headlines as the 7th gets closer so you can wind the clock back.

  3. A reminder they are not going anywhere.

    Oh boy here's the Yingluck name once again it the headlines and the junta yellows must be absolutely seething at the timing of this one.

    Actually it's quite a brilliant and gutsy move as she has the one thing the junta yellows crave and that they will never have.

    The hearts and minds of the majority of the Thai people.

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