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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. My wife has a niece who is very active on facebook and she gets to see the posts she is involved with.

    Sometimes I have to calm her down. The absolute and complete lies being put out by red-shirts against the current government is astonishing. And they all believe them.

    When the corruption gets bad enough for people to take to the streets in protest, I will start to take notice. Until then I will assume Thailand has the best choice from a list of bad options.

  2. Anybody know what is going on with the online booking ?.


    I want an appointment for a certificate of residency for a driving license. Got one before : took a bank statement and it took 5 minutes after the queuing. 


    Now it tells me I can't book any appointment until 31st of next month !!!. I will be back in the UK by then !!. Is the service really so ridiculously bad now ?.

  3. Perhaps all these people claiming Thaksin won't come back because he will not get a fair trial could explain to us why he did not come back under Pheu-Thai and have his day in court with his sister as PM and his UDD thugs intimidating the Judges outside the court and making death threats.


    Only one reason can explain it to me. He is guilty and he knows it.


    But don't let logic and reason interrupt your schoolboy bitching. The only effect you have is to confirm to Farang how far you are from a civilised democracy.

  4. I don't think outrageous murder and shooting of innocent people in Thammasat University is entirely 'unprecedented', unfortunately.

    And I don't think the outrageous murder and shooting of innocent people BY the political colour we associate with Thammasat is unprecedented either. In fact it is pretty normal from what I have seen.

    One is now and one is 40 years ago when Thailand was a very different place. Where is your outrage for the 30 people recently murdered ?.

  5. Considering the junta said corruption was the #1 reason for them committing the coup, they have some serious humble pie eating to do.

    Or perhaps, could it be possible, maybe, that the reason behind it was not corruption???????????????

    Anyway be thankful the 'good' people are in control now! You know, the ones that aren't corrupt (Ratjaphak) & don't lie (there won't be a coup/ I won't give price supports).

    Ranked 76th now and was 88th in 2013.

    Which bit are you having trouble with ?. They can't do any better because the country is full of people with attitudes like yours.

    What really proves it to the rest of us is how the park is a minor example in the scheme of Thai government corruption yet it is the only one you have so you use it again and again.

    Nobody is denying the Junta are as corrupt as everyone else in Thailand - but they are a step up from the ridiculous free-for-all we saw from your dirty cronies - and who you strangely did not take any exception to. And I bet you don't even see your double standard.gigglem.gif

    What a joke you people are, No wonder this country is a big mess and going nowhere.

  6. She will have to pay they need the money to pay the rubber farmers for over the market priced rubber with no buyers.

    What a shame you have completely missed the point.

    Nobody argued about helping the farmers. It is the 500 billion stolen from the 600 billion budget she is being held accountable for.

    Just stick your head back in the sand and only believe what suits you.

  7. It's just another way to milk money from the tourist. Do you really think the money will go back to help tourism or go back into the general fund or should I say General pockets.

    Given that the Junta will be gone relatively soon, your use of the word 'General' shines a spotlight on that big chip on your shoulder.

    It won't go directly into anyone's 'pockets' like you suggest : It will simply add to the public coffers for any incumbent government to skim as and when the opportunity arises. And your dirty cronies were the best at that.

    Unless of course you suggest if Pheu-Thai get in again, they will cancel the policy ? cheesy.gif

  8. If there only were a few million more of people like him, who are willing to stand up for what's right for the population as a whole instead of what's right for them, then Thailand would be a much better place.

    They did and the government of the time used their terrorist branch to murder THIRTY of them on the streets and injure hundreds more. Now we are in this mess to try and stop it happening again for this 'better place' you mention.

    Quite a contrast to what happened to these people don't you think ?.

    Where were these hypocrites then ?. Or are you conveniently ignoring that as usual ?.

  9. I could have sworn he said something rather different the other week... whistling.gif


    Last weeks it was, "Maj-Gen Veerachon said the OIC chief suggested to the prime minister that the Thai government should resort to political mechanism and negotiations in the search for peace in the restive region....the government applied a two-pronged approach by promoting development in social, economic and educational aspects while engaging in peace dialogue process with separatist groups." (2016-01-13)

    Now it's "to intensify their operations in accordance with the security plan."

    The Royal Thai Military has just unilaterally halted the Southern peace process based on fear of ISIL possible involvement.

    PS: The conflict in the South is not "unrest." it's an insurgency. If IS did begin to appear in the South it might actually benefit the Malay-Thai insurgency politically by globalizing their own conflict. This is something the military has strained to prevent - international attention on the insurgency and the Thai military's history of discouraging peacetalks with persistent military campaigns might lead to international peace initiatives. The RTM feels that "would give too much legitimacy to the separatists." (ref. The Nation 2015-10-19)

    ISIS might benefit the Malay ??? You have got to be kidding. ISIS only cares about ISIS. They will kill Thai and Malaysian people at the same time. The ideas that ISIS believe are 100 times worse.

    No wonder you're pro-junta if that's the extent of your insight into the world. That's probably about primary school level of thinking.

    Well that put him right eh ?. What an excellent set of counter arguments you gave.

    Please tell us which part of what he says is incorrect. ISIS deviants rule by fear and anyone who does not follow their strict rules of ISLAM are the enemy. Including other Muslims who do not toe the line.

    You should concentrate on getting your own standard of education past the mental age of 7 before you accuse others. It's funny how you criticize others of what you are the most guilty of : a common trait among you people.

    Even your signature reads like it was written by just another under-educated red-shirt foaming at the mouth. You should get a grown up help you write another.

  10. Ex judge with behavior like that it is no wonder she is an ex judge.

    Imagine having a clown like that sitting presiding over a life or death case.

    The big point about this is that she WAS a judge doing what you say up right up until she became an ex-judge.

    And how many others like her are STILL judges because they didn't do enough to qualify for the 'ex' title yet ?.

    This is why you cannot trust any official or the justice system in Thailand.

    How did she get the job in the first place ?. To who does she owe favors for getting it ?. How far did she go to keep 'powerful' people happy so she could keep it ?.

  11. Well, junta supporters! How about you explain to us how there was no reform under the elected administrations but there is reform now? As I have asked a few times without getting any answer:

    What meaningful and positive reforms have taken place under the present junta?

    Guess I'll have to wait a while for an answer.

    Maybe you missed it : the Junta are here for political reform and it has been underway for some time now.

    Then an election will be held under the new rules which we all hope will give the most free and fair elections Thailand has seen. You know the sort : where non-red shirt politicians campaigning in the North East don't get murdered.

    Then, if they are any good, the new government will set new rules to reform all the organisations under them.

    Why do you people think Prayuth should fix every single problem in Thailand personally ?.

    It's not easy to change a system which has been set up by a dirty bunch of greedy cronies you know.

  12. These are likely to be the politicians of tomorrow...

    Good on them, the more publicity they get the more stupid the current government looks.

    I agree.

    Doing the bidding of someone else in order to have the chance to further their own interests. Monstrous hypocrisy no object :they aren't bothered about corruption one little bit.

    If these saps really had any ethics, they would have been out protesting against corruption under Pheu-Thai and then the disgraceful amnesty bill.

    I'll bet my house they didn't. What a sad joke this country is.

  13. Is the statement from Pheu THai available online (and preferably in English) ?

    I'm still looking for more info on their October/November statement to have aimed for 3.7 million rice farming households representing 23% of the Thai population, having 1.4 million households participate and having paid out directly to those 870 billion Baht, all the while managing to lose 500++ billion Baht.

    I'm still looking for the info backing your claim they had lost 600 - 700 Billion baht


    So your point is what ?. His claim of 600-700 billion is wrong because it was only 500 billion ?.

    Good God man - grow yourself a conscience.

  14. Based on experience and tales told me by reliable sources, the graft and corruption has gotten noticeably worse since the coup.

    Your experience ?? and your reliable sources ??? GOT WORSE cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif it is not possible, even if you don't like the PM.

    Heres the topic they have been waiting for today, they are all pouncing amazing

    Absolutely no need to wait and pounce on the idiots in charge making a stupid statement

    They are a veritable production line of foot in mouth gaffes, you can pretty much open TV at any time of day and be guaranteed a wide choice

    Question Gingop, can you see why a person running roughshod over the laws might not be the best person to be commenting on obeying said laws or is that too deep for you?

    Where were you when Yingluck, Chalerm or Plodprasop had something to say ?. 'Embarassing' doesn't even come close.

    You people brought the coup on yourselves by murdering protesters with terrorists. THIRTY dead and hundreds injured. Please list the other situations where Prayuth has 'run roughshod' over the law. And I mean meaningful situations which affect the people and politics of the country - not that irrelevant 'Les Majeste' protest against an Ambassador who should know better.

    Or is that 'too deep' for you ?, Or are you just writing the same the same old rhetoric you see in other posts and pretending you thought of it yourself ?.

    Thank you three times.

  15. Based on experience and tales told me by reliable sources, the graft and corruption has gotten noticeably worse since the coup.

    cheesy.gif If you and your reliable mate say so then it must be true.

    Last time I went for my visa at the UK consulate, I mentioned how much better I thought Thailand was now that the dirty cronies got booted out.

    The guy processing the visa told me that everyone he spoke to shared the same view. The general opinion was that under Pheu-Thai, corruption was a general free-for-all and at least the Junta were trying to do something about it.

    But I bow to your obviously superior information. All the farang from UK who don't give a dam about Thai political colours, are relatively well educated and grew up in a real democracy must be wrong.

  16. Well, how about the rabble that protested outside the US embassy a few weeks back? No prosecution? Didn't think so.

    All part of the sincere effort to reconcile the country I guess...coffee1.gif

    One group were protesting against a foreigner criticizing the Les Majeste laws which (support them or not) are supposed to protect the Monarchy.

    One group is political activists (directed by someone behind the scenes using students as the bait - from their own admission) trying to raise anti-Junta sentiment in a group of people who have shown us many times that they will use terrorism to get what they want.

    Are you really unable to see the difference ?. Or can you see it but are quite happy to pretend you don't ? - in which case my signature line applies.

    It shows how thin your arguments are when you have to drag up the same one again and again each time your own comrades do something new. Same with Suthep : his land deal has been used to counter dozens of dirty deeds by red-shirt politicians. No senior figure is clean here. It is all a question of degree. This 'why pick on us - everybody does it' argument is old and weak by now.

    I doubt anyone in that group actually knows what 'democracy' means beyond an election.

  17. now that is a biggie.....................seems they are working their way through the money trail and the huge brown stain they have left to follow, I wonder where it will lead to when these guys start to talk, oh and I believe they are HiSo....right

    And I can't believe the Chairperson of the Rice Scam committee had no knowledge of this even though she didn't (was told from Dubai not to ) attend any meetings to try and distance herself from this theft of state assets.

    She didn't attend any meetings specifically so it could be used as a defence against accusations like this.

    Just like that helicopter which conveniently could not fly at night and so she missed the amnesty disgrace.

    It's so obvious it's embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as those who try to argue that all charges are just political.

  18. FREEDOM comes at a price and he chose is way to keep his freedom ,by bolting from the country, I think he must have a pre conceived idea that he will still be able to return one day and do NO TIME,

    Plan 1: Pay for lots of people to go to Bangkok and barricade off a section for protests, Then create a bloodbath of your supporters and trigger a peoples revolution. Then return to the country to cheering crowds at he airport as it's savior and supreme leader.


    Plan 2: Put family members in all key positions (particularly Paradorn in the NSC) then quickly railroad an amnesty bill through before anyone can stop it.

    FAIL. Someone leaked the audio tape and gave the game away.

    Plan 3: Hoodwink Parliament with a moderate amnesty bill, then change it at the eleventh hour and railroad it through in the most undemocratic and disgraceful manner possible that same night (even though the opposition walked out) and pass it at 4 o'clock in the morning.

    FAIL : That damn Suthep. We hate him, we hate him.

    Plan 4 : Work in progress, but things are looking bleak. Popular support is dwindling and more desperate means may be necessary. But make sure you go out in a blaze of spite : funding an underground terrorist group is looking like a good option.

  19. Check them every 15 days ?. What a ridiculous idea - will every street light and every electric pole be checked every 15 days as well ?. Is this country devoid of common sense ?.

    Inspect each one to make sure it is safe in construction then check them for damage every 6 months. Or better still, put a phone number on them so local residents can report if one isn't right.

    What a lucrative contract the inspection job is going to be (no doubt for some suitably deserving ally). Nothing to actually do and no way to prove you didn't do it : just rubber stamp it, get paid for all those man-hours and hope another chance in a million doesn't happen again.

    This CCTV fiasco is obviously another huge scam which is not getting the attention it deserves. I bet nobody wants to dig too deep in case the spotlight catches them in it's glare.

  20. This shows just out of touch these people are.

    Red-shirts have been programmed to hate this 'elite' who I am certain most of them aren't even sure who they are. They are veiled as the 'rich people from Bangkok'. And most of their hate is rooted in jealousy because they perceive them as rich. It seems to extend right down to the normal Thai who works hard in an unforgiving environment simply because they were intelligent enough to escape village life by getting a degree and then a job in the big city.

    Forget reconciliation for now. It isn't going to happen. And going by the level of comments from the red-shirts I see on here, they don't deserve the amount of effort being wasted on them. Especially after what their own party did to drive a massive wedge in Thai society. A DISGRACEFUL amnesty bill and THIRTY innocent protesters dead in over 90 grenade attacks by Thaksin's UDD terrorists.

    The only way forward is political reform to prevent the farce where a fugitive controls a Parliament of dirty cronies and then free and fair elections. Maybe there is a very small chance that the next set will represent the people instead of their own pockets.

    But it is a very small chance. A certain group of Thai's will still vote for whoever promises to give them the biggest handout once they are in power. I expect we will be going through this whole pantomime again in 10 years. And if the General in charge then does not love his country as much as Prayuth, you might well get the military dictatorship you pretend you have now.

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