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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Thaksin is a polarizing figure for sure. But love him or hate him, and whether you think he is innocent, or guilty; would you be confident that anybody, accused of any crime in Thailand, could actually return to this country and receive a 'fair' trial under the Thai justice system? The entire society is so riddled with cronyism, nepotism, corruption, acts of revenge, etc., only the most naive would place any trust in it.

    Point taken but don't forget he did get a fair trial in regard to his conviction and 2 year jail sentence for serious abuse of authority. The evidence was well displayed that he had broken the law, and the case heard and his conviction happened when he was in the PM seat.

    Plus there has been plenty of details floating around which seem to be pretty solid in regard to many of the charges for corruption / massive corruption. But of course innocent until proved guilty.

    And don't forget the 18 year jail terms handed down recently to the KT bank seniors for corruption, the paymaster was clearly the mastermind of this 'event'.

    Thaksin got a fair trial? Really? Read this: 'A letter from Chan Nilgianskul, Citizen of the Kingdom of Thailand'.

    “Thaksin aided his wife to purchase government land at a reduced rate of 1/3 in violation of the law prohibiting political leaders from engaging in business dealings with the government. Thaksin was consequently sentenced to two years in prison but fled the country and never served his sentence.”

    For lack of a better word, what you are talking about is nothing short of a complete joke. The so-called Ratchadaphisek Land “controversy” is not so much a controversy as it is a result of a disgusting witch-hunt after the 2006 coup. The case was pushed forward by the military-appointed Assets Examination Committee (Read: Anti-Thaksin Committee). This was despite prior confirmation from the central Bank of Thailand, which supervised the land sale, that the deal was conducted properly. Thaksin’s wife Potjaman Shinawatra purchased the land in question from the Financial Institutions Development Fund (FIDF) via a public auction, as allowed under the law. The purchase price was 772 million baht, which was actually higher than the Land Department’s appraisal price at the time of approximately 700 million baht.

    The “reduced rate” you are suggesting is with reference to the FIDF’s own purchase price for the land of 2 billion baht in 1995 from Erawan Trust Finance and Securities. The intentionally overpriced purchase occurred during a property market boom and went through as a mechanism to effectively bail out Erawan, which was facing liquidity issues. Perhaps someone should investigate the properness of that deal, rather than trying to put the blame on Thaksin?

    Again, the purchase was legal. How idiotic would Potjaman have to be to make those bids if the law prohibited spouses of political leaders from participating? To be specific, the charges against Thaksin were based on Section 100 of the National Counter Corruption Act (NCCA), which specifies that “government officials and their spouses are prohibited from entering into or having interests in contracts made with state agencies under their authorization.” However, Section 4 of the Act indicates that “persons committing malfeasance must be direct supervisors of the damaged party”, in this case, the FIDF. At the time, Bank of Thailand Governor Pridiyathorn Devakula was the direct supervisor of the FIDF, not Thaksin. Furthermore, Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942 specifically stated that the Prime Minister “did not have jurisdiction to oversee the FIDF” and that “those managing the fund had sole authority for policies, control, oversight, and regulations governing the agency.”

    Even with such clear logical facts in their faces, the Supreme Court (which, by the way, lacks any democratic legitimacy) still had the nerve to claim that Thaksin was a “de facto” supervisor of the fund and sentence him to two years of imprisonment. One has to wonder what the point of having Section 4 of the NCCA is, if the court is to look at “de facto” supervision. Of course, this allegation of “de facto” supervision does not even hold water in this case, precisely due to Section 29 of the Bank of Thailand Act of 1942, as explained in the previous paragraph.

    Following this conviction and his subsequent self-exile, Thaksin has claimed that this case was politically motivated. Given the information above, wouldn’t you agree?

    yes, you are correct, and it is obvious that this particular conviction was political.

    But if you hate the man, then it is so much easier to just call him a fugitive criminal and pretend that the court judgement was worth the paper it was written on...

    That argument is so slanted with bias all the way through, I don't trust a word of it. I expect an unbiased legal expert would pull it to pieces.

    ... so why didn't he come back to clear his name and also face all the other charges while Pheu-Thai were in power instead of railroading that utterly disgusting amnesty bill ?.

    Or doesn't that fit in with your brainwashing so you choose to ignore it ?.

    The answer is crystal clear to me. And I suspect it is to you - but you will never admit it. See my signature line if you need any more explanation.

  2. Reconciliation and reform were the reasons stated for the coup. Now the coup leader is saying reconciliation is voluntary and we are no nearer to any meaningful reform. So what the hell was the coup staged for?

    So what the hell was the coup staged for?

    So the nationalistic Elite could keep their place at the trough.

    Everything else (the generals playing politicians, the new constitution, love and unity) are only smoke and mirrors.................coffee1.gif

    The coup happened for one reason. Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters and refused point blank to stop it. If you actually followed the news from day to day at the time, you would know this.

    Or to phrase it as it really was (which NEVER happens in Thailand): Thaksin was trying to cling to power by paying others to murder those in his way (as usual) because losing it meant no chance for his own amnesty.

    Which, by the way, was all set to be forced through with no senate approval required in 6 months. No explanation at all about why is was not just ditched. One of the reasons the protests did not stop.

    No Amnesty Bill = No coup

    No UDD terrorists and THIRTY murders in over NINETY GRENADE ATTACKS = No coup

    Anyone who actually watched the news knows that any suggestion it was pre-planned are the words of an ill-informed idiot. Pheu-Thai finally got enough rope then proceeded to hang themselves - as everyone expected from the day they took power.

    I sometimes wish the Army didn't step in : we could all have seen just how low and dirty they - and their supporters - were prepared to go. Though I think the cheering at the red-shirt meeting on hearing the news of the protesters murdered in Trat (including the small girl) showed me as much as I need to see.

    We all saw Pheu-Thais version of reconciliation during Yinglucks farce. Immediately after all the speakers said the key was not forcing anything on the people they didn't want, they rammed the amnesty bill through and sparked mass protests.

    But of course you will never accept any of this. You wouldn't be a red-shirt if you could. That's why reconciliation doesn't stand a chance at this time - so I don't know why they are even bothering to try.

  3. Don't recall EVER seeing a headline like this under the last lot.

    Seriously give us a break from your nonsense !!

    It is getting just a little boooooring................coffee1.gif

    Coming from the author of some of the most ridiculous and unintelligent drivel I have ever seen on any forum !!. I normally just skip over your posts because I know for certain there is nothing worth reading.

    I note you didn't give any example to back up your argument. LOL. Tells me everything I need to know.

    Have a day off why don't you.

  4. Return home to article 44 where a Facebook like or mocking a dog gets you jailed?

    Thaksin will outlive this thug.

    See you in The Hague sunshine your days are numbered

    Quote Without naming name, the prime minister also challenged Thaksin to return home “if he thinks he is innocent”. unquote. "The Night Of The Long Knives"??? Come forth Caesar where art thou?

    So why didn't he come back when Pheu-Thai were in power ?. He would have been guaranteed a more than fair trial then for all his outstanding warrants.

    I think you know the reason as well as I do : because he is guilty. That's why amnesty is the only option - no matter how many die in the quest.


  5. This will be interesting..would be great if they got something on him and take away (some) of his wealth.

    Absolutely. This guy is as bent as they come and if they start digging I'm pretty sure they will find all kinds of nastiness. Too bad that those who support the administration will not be touched.

    Maybe the most bent and disgraceful scumbags really do belong to Pheu-Thai ?. Remember the 310:0 amnesty disgrace ?.

    That's 310 definites. Whereas you people only have Suthep to counter with. And even he stood up and risked his life to do the right thing against the amnesty bill which is far more than any of the dirty cronies would have done.

    Or is that possibility off the table ?.

    All together now : fingers in ears, eyes closed and keep saying "Bangkok elite, Bangkok elite .."

  6. Clearly I was wrong.

    What is your problem, JOC?

    This man isn't a popular activist for peasant's rights, he's everything that is bad about Thailand across the colour line.

    I agree, he is as bad as they come.

    But I know for a fact, that he comes from a family, who have been wealthy for generations. The wealth created by running private schools and selling land in Bkk, land they bought decades ago.

    So if money is missing from the till, Chalerm would have no reason to enrich himself.

    Do you really think, he would drive a pink Bentley, if he had something to hide? He might be an old drunk political dinosaur, but make no mistake, he is not stupid!!

    So to me this assets check, has a clear political undertone.

    Maybe a favor to the juntas pawn Suthep.......................... (He and Chalerm have been at odds for decades.)

    You mean the Bentley that he purchased for a fraction of it's actual value that absolutely wasn't an illegal import?

    I think it has been proven beyond doubt in the past 15 years that being wealthy does not prevent you from being corrupt.

    Defending Chalerm ? - you have to be pretty low on life's scale to do that.

    I recall the fairly recent expensive car investigation. Chalerm claimed his pink Bentley belongs to a friend who lives in Singapore and just lets him borrow it.

    It's pretty obvious to me that Chalerm passed the word (and the funds) to the UDD terrorists who murdered 30 men, women and children in 2014 (as the most trusted servant of his long-time political master). The blood is on his hands IMHO - the UDD are just backward, greedy thugs.

    Unfortunately this political dinosaur is very wise in the ways of Thai law and politics. I will be very surprised if they can find enough evidence to put him away. He has so much blood on his hands already, a few brave witnesses wouldn't even make him bat an eyelid.

  7. Even the headline is a lie.

    "Seizure of Thaksin calendars upsets Thaksin"

    The rest of Pheu-Thai are just cronies who agree with whatever he says whilst rubbing their hands together when they get the cash for doing it.

    And the rest of their supporters watch in the hope they will get a bit too one day.

    Thaksin is a convicted criminal on the run. And whether the charges were brought politically or not - he was certainly guilty. 'Aiding and abetting' should be added to Yingluck's charge of gross neglect.

  8. Obsolete way of fighting an enemy with tanks ,they are still way too heavy and expensive to move and have a restricted elevation, would be far more dominate in a fight with cheap kamikaze drones that fly directly up the gun current and explode, how many drones could you buy for the cost of 10 tanks 240 million, i see them advertised for 22000 baht, lets see thats = a lot ,

    Seriously. Who uses tanks in the 21st century?
    ummm almost all military forces at some time!

    But for what? Toppling cities? Defending borders? Just seems like they're mostly used for intimidation.

    Absolutely wrong. Go watch the videos from Syria : they use them a lot.

    And go read some books by the American soldiers who fought in Iraq. Tank support made all the difference.

    Troops move in behind them while the tank gives suppressing fire then they enter the buildings. The tanks then blast any position which starts firing at them.

    Despite what you see in the movies or on TV and think it's all true, the only way to win a fight is with troops on the ground.

    And if you think Asia is so peaceful, Thailand does not need to be able to defend itself against some of it's extremely dubious neighbors, you have missed every lesson history has taught the rest of the world.

  9. Her government was a corrupt joke, now abusing the power she does not hold, and her brother is nowhere to be seen to help her out the dung HE CREATED.

    B.S. The other govts did not better. It's just a game between big clans. Nothing else.

    Just a point you made---if others did not do better---which ones lost near a Trillion baht in suspect dealings---RICE--Tablets-schools--Water management-floods--and so on, are you still in denial ?? are you still convinced they are all the same ??? This has been suggested losses over the PTP government. WE hopefully move on after the next elections as voters are more aware of what went on-----I SAID hopefully aware.----then it's up to them --THAI.

    Should be a doddle for the PAD in the next election then. Bet you wouldn't put money on it.

    Thankfully the Thai people can see through the sort of blx you and your heroes spout.

    Why do you people always claim anyone against Pheu-Thai supports PAD or the Junta ?. In your simple world, does it make it easy for you to dismiss what they say as the same kind of nonsense you use yourself to attack any opposition ?.

    Here's some news for you. I doubt many farang actually support PAD or the Junta. They are just anti-Pheu-Thai and red-shirt because they are by far and away the most corrupt and ethically barren set of people we have ever discovered in this world. I have never in my life come across people who will lie so easily and are absolutely shameless with their hypocrisy.

    We are hoping reforms will lead to some kind of better class of politician who didn't enter politics simply to steal whatever he could through corruption.

    If the vote buying, intimidation of opposition and unsustainable populist policies are removed from the equation, the next election is going to be very interesting. Thaksin has shot himself in the foot several times since the last one and the more intelligent red-shirts have realised he doesn't give a dam about them. The amnesty bill and subsequent murder of 30 innocent protesters showed his true colours. What did they poll in the most recent one which was cancelled ? - only 30% without any opposition.

    But of course I don't need to ask which way you will vote. Put your fingers back in your ears and keep saying "Bangkok Elite".

  10. Let's hope we can grasp the opportunity and move Thailand forward into the 21st Century.

    They need to move into the 18th first, like they did in France.

    They need a leader who wants to change the country. Not one who wants to get into power so he can rape it which is what would happen here.

    Thai society is incapable of producing such a person.

  11. Tarit - B27 million baht = assets frozen

    Prayuth - B600 million baht = nothing, zero, nil, zilch, nada

    I think you forgot someone else off the list there Mr Hypocrite.

    ??????? 58 billion baht = "But it's just political persecution"

    If a PM changes the law to make himself rich, does it count ?.

    What a joke you people are. Are you just jealous because you didn't get a bit yet ?.

  12. He was an expert in asset freezing.

    Now he got freezed back.


    What is with the owner of the pink bently?

    Is he also unusually rich?

    Double freeze coming soon.

    lol - he's too canny for that. The Bentley is owned by someone in Singapore who just kindly lets him use 365 days a year it if I remember correctly. Of course nobody will be able to trace how that guy got the money.

    The REAL louse in this country know exactly how to play the system. Tarit is just a greedy little lackey with zero ethics. That's why he got the job in the first place.

  13. Smells politics a long way............................coffee1.gif

    Not saying the small rat is innocent, but it would nice if the NACC once in a while checked on someone wearing a different color shirt !!

    That's the whole point. Tarit has no political loyalties whatever and will wear whatever colour shirt is convenient and profitable. Or did you really think he was a Red Shirt?

    No, I thought he was a worthless little worm.

    Perfect to be in Pheu-Thais line up. He did anything the master commanded. Just how he likes them.

  14. Thai journalists are a joke.

    I watched the protests unfold (including a lot of facebook pictures as it happened) and then I saw what the likes of Bangkok Post and Jonathan Head from the BBC wrote.

    I was disgusted by the bias in their stories. Someone should tell them that missing out certain bits of information is exactly the same as lying. When 'anti-government protests turned violent' they always forgot to mention the only violence was Pheu-Thai terrorists murdering innocent people. And giving out the number of dead without indicating how many were the protesters themselves was shameful.

    Maybe they are just bought or maybe they don't want grenades or a firebomb on their front porch. Either way they are a disgrace to their profession.

    What was REALLY interesting is how Bangkok Post changed almost overnight almost the same day the protests started. Along with those stories, their forums suddenly gained a lot of new members. All claiming to be Thai, all pro-Pheu-Thai with that childlike, meaningless rhetoric style we see a lot on here and all with excellent English in the same writing style.

    I have no sympathy for them. They are like every other 'professional' in this country : devoid of ethics. I hope they get the reform they need and a code of ethics they are held to.

  15. "Kittichai said he had not met the others to carry out political activity but was going to the park to check out corruption allegations."

    Then Kittichai is a blatent liar. I don't think a single person in Thailand with an IQ higher than 50 believes that. What might they expect to find ? - a receipt for dirty money in a brown paper bag ?.

    Another 'quality' activist. You cannot believe a single word these people say.

  16. These ridiculous charges were brought by Thaksin (via his cronies) to blackmail Abhisit and Suthep to accept an amnesty bill.

    Charging them with murder in those circumstances was simply ridiculous.

    We've all seen the videos and the Army were clearing out armed terrorists from the streets of Bangkok. The riot police should have done it earlier but they wouldn't. The protesters should have accepted the offer of an election but they wouldn't. The line that they were peaceful protesters is a lie only hypocrites will stand behind because it suits them.

    I've stood in the Dusit Thani hotel while someone pointed out to me all the rooftops where the mercenary snipers were positioned. And I saw a .50 cal hole in the roof which came from that direction.

    Thaksin set up a bloodbath using his own supporters hoping to incite a peoples uprising so he could come back home as the saviour of his people. That's how much he loves you red-shirts. Just like he threw you under a bus with the amnesty bill. How many more lessons do you need before you start to cotton on ?.

  17. Red-shirts don't want reconciliation. After watching events for the last 10 years, I am now 100% certain of that. Whatever the government does, they won't accept it.

    Democracy to them means 'winner takes all'. And that is all they are interested in : another 'Pheu-Thai' in power and all the countries wealth being collected and funneled their way.

    The 'compensation' scheme for 2010 and the rice scheme are both excellent examples of what they want.

    Yinglucks 'reconciliation forum' gave the game away completely. While the mouth is busy lying, the hands are busy with the real business.

    It isn't going to happen. There is no 'middle ground' to work with. The only way forward for Thailand is for political reform and a proper democratic government who are forced to put the national interest first. If they put in proper policies to help lift poor people out of poverty then red-shirts might come around - but it will take years even if it ever starts. But the most likely outcome is a lot more of exactly the same.

  18. Kongcheep said the military would also back up police officers at road checkpoints countrywide to ensure safety during New Year trips.

    Hmmm....a takeover I suspect.....well there is money to be made.

    Apologies to the ones who think I am too cynical !

    No - the average soldier would not dare to do that. Their bosses get their graft in other ways.

    It is to keep a lookout for red-shirt terrorists who would happily murder innocent people out celebrating.

  19. Luring the military Absolute power PM to America again may take such formal posturing.

    We're it unfortunate that he met an untimely death there by way of assassins or accident it would be again , very much a diplomacy of American statements.

    The reality is America kept Thailand on Tier 3 the lowest level of human rights grades.

    America has made clear criticisms of its draconian LM laws and said no one should be jailed for expressing their views.

    If Thais want to delude themselves it's maybe more convincing for their own stupidity to blindly go down their current path.

    The stumbling will come internally .

    The people will only take so much.

    When push comes to shove the Americans won't support the Government .

    It will be on the side of rebellion

    Another red-shirt nutter predicting the 'people's uprising'.

    It is always amusing when someone who is clearly right at the bottom of the pile thinks they are competent to call someone else stupid.

    Hopefully someone will see your threats against the PM and you can join the LM offenders for a chat. Your red-shirt character is showing through crazy.gif

  20. so, in fact, the junta has floated the trial balloon to cancel or completely transform the 30B program since almost immediately after they took power...

    Hmmmm, ... generals don't tell any fibs, now, that might create "confusion".

    But in all the p.ssing in the wind by this particular general, what he claims all Thais must never forget is:

    He said some former Pheu Thai MPs had misled the public into burning down the country in the past. "It is a tragedy that Thais cannot forget.

    Let's ignore the hyperbole, and let's forget that the public which burned down the symbols of state power did so in response to TV images of soldiers killing fellow Thais in Bangkok...

    But of course, the general has forgotten that the Oct 6th memorials were all cancelled under junta orders and I imagine that there won't be any May 19th memorials this year either...

    When it comes to thing to not forget, maybe not forgetting all the killing done by the Thai Military should be the "tragedy that Thais cannot forget".

    The dinosaurs have the power, but they still have pea-sized brains... coffee1.gif

    "On January 27, Natthawut Saikua, a red leader, spoke to the red crowd at Khao Soi Dao, Chanthaburi. He said: "If they seize power, we'll start fires throughout the whole country. Burn them all, my fellow friends and brothers. I will assume the sole responsibility. If they want to find fault with someone, come and get me. If you seize power, just burn it." "

    It wasn't public responding to anything. It was red-shirts doing what they intended from the start.

    Do you lie on purpose or do you really have no clue what is going on ?.

    A 'pea sized brain' would be an upgrade for some people.

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