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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. So Suthep was leader of the group but not required by the courts to take any responsibility both morally and financially...

    No'p no double standards or bias here people, move along....

    Bit like Jut and Nat not taking getting any consequences for inciting arson and terrorism in 2010; even though they are on video doing so and saying they would be responsible.

    Leaders, of which ever side, don't normally see any consequences. That's just for the little people. Like the poor red shirts still languishing in jail who the PTP government left to rot as it suited one person's agenda.

    Jut and Nat have been charged and out on bail. Not so for Khun Suthep whose murder case for the 2010 bloodbath was dropped by the court. I guess Jut and Nat are still little people, really not in the same protected league as Suthep. He will never ever see the back of the cell walls.

    It was dropped because charging a state official for murder when directing operations to clear out mercenaries and terrorists from the streets of the capital who are shooting back is simply ridiculous.

    You SHOULD be asking who put those mercenaries and thugs in with all those innocent people. But you won't will you ? - because you already know.

    Or are you going to stick with the "Peaceful protesters who did nothing" line ?. When every scrap of evidence over the last 10 years for conflicts involving red-shirts says the opposite.

    Bottom line is that if you put Army cannon-fodder armed with automatic rifles up in a street fight against civilians shooting back, people are going to get killed. It is not what they are trained for. Perhaps you might also ask yourself why the police refused to do it.

    Then again, you might just put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and keep saying "Bangkok Elite, Bangkok Elite".

  2. The reason Thai democracy does not work is because it relies of elected officials possessing a thing called honour. The Thais on here will confuse that with the term 'face' which is completely different.

    The idea that the next Thaksin could have the Parliament full of his close family and life-long friends and a senate full of wives and other relatives is simply not going to work. If that were the case last time, they would have passed the amnesty bill regardless of protests.

    Of course, if Thailand is lucky there won't be anyone as greedy, ruthless and hungry for power as him for many years. Most are just greedy.

  3. So saddened by this miscarriage of justice. I kind of expected this, but still had hoped in the end the guys would be exonerated.

    "Woe to those...who acquit the guilty for a bribe,

    and deprive the innocent of his right!" -Isaiah 5:23

    Under this current regime AND ITS INFLUENTIAL SUPPORTERS, nobody in the tiny chickening justice system would dare to make those powers lose face and risk their sorry a***** lives into their own death by misadventure....

    Ha ha ha - you win the first carrot for trying to twist this to blame the Junta.

    I suppose you think things would have been different under Pheu-Thai right ?. LOL.

    This is the Thai system : rotten right to the core. Blame your Thai police : red-shirts through and through and as corrupt as all their comrades. Then blame dirty politicians who fund them and judges who take pastry boxes. Here's a clue : the ones who did it are not Army.

    Remember the guy murdered by the shoelace (Who just happened to have spoken out against Yingluck) ?. Chalerm announced the result of that inquiry personally about 2 days after it happened.

    Grow up and join the real world.

  4. Megalomaniac

    The remark is razor sharp accurate.

    Spot on assessment.

    That's precisely what he is.

    Add absolute power and a disdain of western critics

    And we have a potentially a dangerous situation if things declined in relations between the west.

    Strong outspoken opinions and sanctions .

    He could do anything including detain suspected 0 visa holders he requests report.

    Mass deportations .


    Who knows

    Just because you agree with him doesn't make him right. Probably the opposite going by the level of your post.

    The biggest danger facing Thailand is from the REAL megalomaniac sending his paid thugs back out onto the streets with M79's like we have seen so many times before.

    One group has already been caught. Plus we have plenty of posts here from the lower end of the IQ scale who would all love some kind of armed uprising so things can go back how they were : unfettered corruption.

    But everyone in the world knows the Junta will be gone before too long. That's why the Goblin is waiting it out instead of sending in the terrorists. In his strange world of exile, he still thinks he can get the cronies back into power and push another amnesty bill through. Hitler went disillusion when it was all over as well. And that's why they will moan at Prayuth but nothing of any substance will be done. They are also worried about driving Thailand towards China.

    Do you ever wonder why the main EU complaints were all here under Pheu-Thai, but they waited until now to say anything about it ?.

    And don't you think if Prayuth was a megalomaniac, he would have actually done some of the things you so confidently predict under article 44 already ?.

    And don't you think ... ? - actually, I'll leave it there.

  5. what is it with you people, it seems you just can't help yourselves and live in a tiny space of constant negativity and depression, have you tried seeking medical help, have you ever actually seen even the slightest hint of positivity in anything

    what it it with YOU people who support an unelected military Junta? have you ever actually stop to THINK about the rights in your own country which have been ripped away here? don't you see the TRUTH in anything?

    and you think you know better by supporting a crowd of criminals who pretend to be democratic while openly supporting and funding a terrorist organisation that muders innocent people including children - right ?

    stay off the yogurt

    I was going to use the military as an example of ironic juxtaposition but that would imply accepting your crass attempt to categorise a political party and a separate public activist group as collectively, murderers and terrorists, so I won't.

    So you don't think the UDD was sent onto the streets to murder the terrorists by the government ?. It was just coincidence even though everyone knows they are very closely coupled ?. Don't you remember Chalerm giving his speeches ?.

    Man, you really don't have a clue whats going on do you ?. That stupid English just makes it worse : you think your are clever !!!. You're not Mr Kong from BKP are you ?.

  6. what is it with you people, it seems you just can't help yourselves and live in a tiny space of constant negativity and depression, have you tried seeking medical help, have you ever actually seen even the slightest hint of positivity in anything

    what it it with YOU people who support an unelected military Junta? have you ever actually stop to THINK about the rights in your own country which have been ripped away here? don't you see the TRUTH in anything?

    We don''t support an unelected Junta. We support the dirty cronies being removed from office because of their outrageous corruption and murder of 30 innocent protesters on the streets. We look at their policies and the people who argue in support of them with disgust.

    We DO support reforms so that such a farce cannot happen again and that politicians can campaign without being murdered or without parties buying votes with unsustainable populist policies which will bankrupt the country - and stealing 500 billion of a 600 billion budget while they are at it.

    But don't let that get in the way of your simplistic rhetoric and how you manage to justify yourself. Your posts have shown many times you only care about the truth if it suits you. The rest of the time you lie quite happily.

    The only right I see you have lost is the right to incite violence and intimidate others with thugs. Do you miss it ?.

    Normal Thais on the other hand have gained the right not to be murdered on the streets or have the countries tax stolen to the tune of hundreds of billions.

  7. “I believe <Insert Country> can become more competitive on the global scale and operate more effectively as a country when men and women enjoy equal rights,” he said. “The strengths and capabilities of women as human resources tend to be overlooked where gender disparities persist. If gender gaps are narrowed and both men and women enjoy equal opportunities, I think <Insert Country> will become more prosperous.”

    What meaningless management BS this is. This statement alone should be grounds for him to be sacked for being useless. If there is any doubt, that cheesy picture should help confirm the decision.

    Thailand has the least 'gender' bias I have ever seen. You will see men and women working together and doing the same jobs everywhere. In fact, I would say the women are more dominant in many areas. Try the UK : if it involves going outside and involves being cold, dirty and doing hard work, you will find it is generally expected that men will do it.

  8. I'm just continually gobsmacked that a convicted criminal who is on the run from a jail sentence and has many more charges pending against him still has the ability to use the Thai legal system to his own advantages.

    So are you suggesting that once accused of a crime or convicted (rightfully or wrongfully) you should no longer be allowed to defend yourself, or your rights?


    If you are a fugitive on the run - then most definitely. He should not be allowed to bring any cases against anyone, until of course he has done his stint in prison that is, then he should have his passports back and have free rein to the Thai justice system!!

    How can one be a fugitive on the run if nobody is making any attempt to catch you? Running from what?

    Thaksin is running from a two year prison sentence.

    Which most countries see that as politically motivated and he is still traveling freely. Most Thais perceived that too.

    So if the charge was just political, why didn't he come back and face the court when his cronies were in power ?. He would have got more than a fair trial if you count the mobs who would be outside the courtroom.

    The answer is pretty obvious. He has a lot more to answer for and he knows he is guilty. That's why amnesty is the only way.

    I think you know that as well as everyone else - but you choose to pretend otherwise. My signature sums it up.

  9. Amazing how a CDC sponsored event manages to get people who support their current plan almost to the letter... whistling.gif

    Government rent a crowd

    Probably many former PTP red shirt rent a crowd attendees.

    The Baht is almighty and who cares where it comes from.

    So let me get this right; you're saying that a meeting that suggested that the death penalty should be applied to those who commit electoral fraud was populated by former "PTP red shirt rent a crowd" attendees? The very people you and others have accused of being bought at elections i.e electoral fraud.

    Now if that were true, why would they attend, and by inference support, a meeting suggesting ways that would cut off their hypothetical "source of funding".

    Really can't understand your logic there - I'd go for the more realistic "meeting stuffed with junta apparatchiks"

    Oh dear - I'll help you a bit.

    He's saying that if people have been paid to attend (and you yourself inferred this), they are most likely to be the same people who would go to meetings for Pheu-Thai if they got paid.

    The point is that they are simply greedy toads who don't care one bit about any politics : they just want to get some free money. That's what Thaksin meant when he said "It's easy to win the hearts of red-shirts".

    I have already seen that logic is not your strong point. Don't worry about it : you have plenty of company.

  10. So where exactly does the Ministry of Education's huge budget go?

    Somehow I think you have no idea what their budget is nor do you have any idea what fiscal responsibilities they fund using it.

    But yet you feel confident enough to make a comment like that. Clearly their budget was never wasted on you with such a vague and meaningless comment.

    I do recall the last government spent a lot of that budget on the Android tablets. How much went down the toilet then ? - but strangely I don't recall you ever complaining about that. See my signature for further guidance.

  11. While this article talks about the lack of real achievement with the promised education reform, the same criticism can equally be applied to the rest of Junta-head's house of cards.

    Unfortunately, the whole lot is likely to come crashing down at any moment, as the deck is stacked with too many Jokers!

    It's appropriate that they promote history classes, because this country is fast becoming "history"!

    You think education reform in Thailand can be done overnight ? cheesy.gif.

    It is the job of the next proper government to do that. The military are not qualified for this sort of thing. They did their job by removing the murdering cronies - but now it needs real politicians to run a country.

    I can tell you are just using it as any excuse to whinge at the Junta which makes your opinion worthless. How about wondering why it is in so much need of reform after Thaksin the poor mans savior took such good care of his people for so many years ??????.

    The deck already came tumbling down, You are watching the whole house being rebuilt.

  12. Arson - with intent to endanger life in the UK has sentences of around 10 years.

    No matter what the yellow cheer leading team say, this will be seen as blatant injustice and strengthen disdain for the junta, & allegiance to PT.

    Seeing you guys criticizing the sentence, but not having one word concerning the terrorist acts it is about, is telling a lot...

    I have always spoken out against violence, ... of any kind, in the Thai conflict.

    You call it terrorism.

    Maybe you forgot that these people set fire to the symbols of the Thai government as it was in reaction to the Thai government, and specifically the army, mowing down dozens of protesters in BKK in cold blood.

    So yeah, we can criticise the sentence, the harshness of the penalty, the double standards, and now even the junta's attempt to confuse the sentencing while at the same time not condoning the actions. Even when the reaction of the government of the day was nothing less than an attempt to terrorize its own citizens and then to simply shoot them down.

    Sorry to burst your disillusion bubble, but shooting at people shooting at you is not cold blood. Are you really so gullible you believe what you write or are you a monstrous hypocrite who is devoid of ethics ?. Surely after all the events we have seen involving red-shirts, firearms and violence, you don't believe they were sat there peacefully ?.

    'Cold blood' and 'terrorism' are firing M79 shrapnel grenades into crowds of innocent men, women and children more than 90 times and murdering 30. 'Disgusting primitives' are those who cheer when hearing the news.

  13. Shooting down over 90 people in BKK was state sponsored terrorism right ? What still baffles me is some people being shocked at the partial burning of Central World (a tasteless mall) but not about over 90 people being killed. And before the usual suspects start the ridiculous terrorism claim, this happened BEFORE even a single building was put on fire.

    I get it, those som tam eating red shirts aren't proper citizens right ?

    Reconciliation my ass, when are the people responsible for this state initiated terrorism going to be put on trial, the answer is never.

    Get your facts right before you start venting gas. The reason your betters keep quiet about 2010 is that they know as well as the rest of us that the shooting was started by the men in black (scumbag UDD and other low-life mercenaries) with the intention of creating a bloodbath using the other gullible innocent people. All earlier attempts to compromise were refused because non led to a collapse of the government and the potential for the goblin to return as the hero who saved Thailand.

    'State Sponsored terrorism' is Pheu-Thai sending red-shirts to fire M79 grenades at random into crowds of innocent, peaceful protesters with the intention of clinging on to power. Only one side was firing in over 90 attacks and thirty of the other side dead including women and children.

    You infer Central World deserved to be burned down therefore it was OK. Thus you inadvertently admit you acknowledge who was behind it. Take your disgusting ethics back to your village and share them with your like-minded mates.

    You give us an excellent example of the red-shirt who never wants reconciliation and are a stereotype who is racked with spite against the 'Bangkok Elite' who have all that money and you want it. I am quite sure you felt happiness at every report of the death of an anti-government protester after the disgraceful amnesty bill.

    Every one of those protesters was worth 10 of your all-expenses-paid party-goers.

  14. I am so tired of reading about this dolt. Every <deleted> day ''Prime Moron says this, PM does that...'' sleep.png

    . errr ... that's because he is PM. Maybe don't read the articles at all and then don't bother to waste your time writing pointless comments like that.

    They would have done the same for Yingluck if she had ever been trusted to be given anything to say.

    Thank you three times.

  15. Considering his options on how he and his cronies can skim off the top from these transportation projects is more likely what he's thinking about. whistling.gif

    In common with the dinosaur, your brain has reached a conclusion a long, long time after the event happened. That was the dirty cronies and part of the reason Thailand has ended up in this mess.

    This is Thailand : the reason the Military make a better government is that they have their own budget to skim off called defence. It stinks, but at least money allocated to help the people has a chance of reaching them.

    Did you ever hear about the rice scheme ?. They gave the farmers 100 billion while they stole 500 billion for themselves and their cronies. Then when it all went bankrupt, lots of farmers killed themselves because they had taken out loans expecting payback.

  16. I have been on a sabbatical from these forums for many months due to the fact subjects like this one were infested with boot lickers intent on squabbling in Troll like fashion.

    Now, the tone has changed significantly. Refreshing.

    I was suspicious of this autocratic buffoon from day one.

    There were many before who truly believed this fascist was coming to the rescue on his white horse.

    Seems they have all duly slunk back into the woodwork…


    P.S. And if some boot licker does plan on responding to me, fuggedaboutit.

    I have a new policy: I don't reply anymore.

    You are quite right sir. There were an army of foaming out the mouth junta apologists but they are seldom seen these days.

    I wonder why whistling.gif

    I'll tell you why : forums tend to degenerate down to the lowest common denominator. Intelligent people have learned it is pointless to argue with an idiot and they do something better with their time.

    You people should be embarrassed at the dross you post here - but you all seem happy and proud of it. The funny (and a bit sad) part is how you don't even realise it.

    If you go back to threads 18 months ago, it is amazing how intelligent and grown up the arguments were. Now it is like some kind of red-shirt school-dodgers mutual support group.

  17. Military courts don't even allow appeals, never mind farang lawyers practicing lol

    We are not exactly rocking in the freeworld here recently ...

    Click like in the wrong place on Facebook.... You could be looking at several years...

    But you have to be a raving fanatic or dumb as a rock to click 'like' on the kind of posts which will get you that.

    In fact even being in a position to see those posts whether you click like or not speaks volumes.

    Did you enjoy reading them ?.

  18. b-b-b-b-buuuut Thaksin, ... well now THAT didn't take long... cheesy.gif

    btw, for those interested, Prachatai interviewed the defendant. Interesting to hear a part of his side...

    Who mentioned the goblin ?. Seems like you are still mixing up the real world with your fantasy world where you can dismiss every criticism of red-shirt ethics just because they don't like Thaksin.

    I wish I could live in a world as simplistic as you obviously do. I bet your carer wears a sympathetic smile and wipes the froth off your chin while you rant at her.

    Just try and face up to the truth for a change. This red-shirt lawyer broke every ethic he was supposed to posses in order to feed a lie intended to agitate the low IQ 'grass roots' red-shirts. And I see it worked on the target audience.

    Or do you consider these 'white lies' to be perfectly acceptable ?. Or do you actually think a lawyer mistakenly thinking a death sentence was passed is a convenient 'honest mistake' ?cheesy.gif

  19. What a ridiculous pantomime,

    If she just got refused permission to go to the EU, she was clearly going to be refused now. Add this to the second letter from those 2 stooges at the EU and the simple attempts to get headlines and sympathy against the Junta are almost painfully childlike.

    Luckily there are plenty here ready to fall for it. cheesy.gif .

    She can clearly do a runner any time she wants. The reason she doesn't is that she will be as miserable as the goblin if she has to live a life in exile. The runner will only happen if she gets jail time. She's not the sharpest tool in the box and she should be very careful about letting her brother keep using her like this. Poor Poo obviously didn't learn anything when she got thrown under a bus last time.

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