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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Ya right. Find one or two mentally unstable idiots who use weed and blame the weed. Weed....that's why there's so much violence in Netherlands. And now 3 years legal in Canada and it's horribly violent there.....NOT. Incidents of violent crime are fewer!
  2. Realize? He doesn't give hoot about what people think about him. He simply wants to stay in power and that all that matters to him.
  3. I really miss the pointing. And the commentary describing the colour shorts they were wearing upon arrest. And only a few police in the pictures, where are the other 10 limelight wannabes. Reporting lately has gone to the (soi) dogs.
  4. Nutsak, you certainly nailed it on the head. Cheers.
  5. As close as Thailand is with China and both not supporting Ukraine in any way, doubt the US-Thai Agreement will ever happen.
  6. Criminals please register your weapon so you can commit crimes with a legal gun. Meanwhile we'll take your picture, fingerprints and personal information. Yes, they will be registering in droves.
  7. Pathetic. Pray-hoot simply cannot take any criticism and that's why Military Generals should not run domestic Government, and Military stay out of domestic politics. They know nothing except dictatorially commanding "obey or else". Too bad that Thailand has to endure repeated repression and stagnation because of so many coups and Military governments.
  8. And the survey says.....(anything the pollsters want it to say).
  9. Yes, they read AN. And simply chuckle at the farangs complaining to no avail.
  10. Moral authority means nothing when corrupt power-hungry Generals think they may be subjected to Civilian rule. Military is far to engrained in Thai civil society to quietly obey. Somebody always comes around to rape the country's coffers and reward the Military and its hundreds of Generals with billions of Baht and toys for the rank and file boys. Only people can halt the coups going on forward by simply not endorsing any coup.
  11. Yes it looks like s. Buy the right tools, do it yourself, and save yourself stress and having to do it again.
  12. Insurance will not cover riding while intoxicated. And likely he had no motorcycle license, so another reason to deny Insurance payout. Poor guy, but he was a reckless fool.
  13. Wondered when and how Pray-hoot would rid himself of his arch rivals family in politics. Found the key.
  14. Oh puh...lee...z! He's so far removed from citizens of Issan it's comical. He's Military from military family. He's now a billionaire as a despot General who illegally confiscated reigns of power, kept it for 9 years and begging pleading for more. Pathetic despot. Doesn't give a rat's gaze about the minions and notably Issan's people.
  15. What is it with Insurance companies? Very simple: They are there to pay out the fewest possible claims for the least amount of payout using every possible loophole and fine print and care absolutely ZERO about their clients. They are not there to help you whatsoever, they are there to make profit....end of story. Sad but true.
  16. Won't happen until Buddha enlightens someone and the Military gets driven out of politics and domestic governance. Very sad that Thailand is stuck in revolving door of coups and fake democracy regimes.
  17. Yes, Bib are so well trained and knowledgeable about domestic violence and how to properly deal with it when called. Bib very competent, yes indeed. In a patriarchal archaic Society and police not going to take womens side on such things.
  18. Case by case basis. Thickest brown envelope wins approval.
  19. Potential conflict. Duh!
  20. Ya sure. That's why most Military Generals especially those who entered politics are filthy rich. They took and take a firm stand against corruption.....yes indeed.
  21. She's not Thai. Aguilar is the daughter of Filipino musician Tony Aguilar and French-Vietnamese mother Margaret. She was born in Bangkok. And not a dancer either.
  22. What the? How about some sense and clarity in what you are saying, instead of trying to impress with incomprehensible drivel.
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