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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. First, perhaps try typing properly with capital letters, otherwise you look like a 8 year old on the computer. Furthermore if you're the only Farang at that office, good luck fitting in. Marry a Thai, then you're going to learn a lot and perhaps a chance to fit in.
  2. Flippity flop, flippity flop. Back peddle, break an ankle, lose Face.
  3. Who is they? Where? How about a few details...
  4. Musk approach? You mean I'm the richest so I can stomp on anybody and everybody with impunity? Would fit the Thai HiSo practice.
  5. Fippity flip flop. Yes, poll all 50 million Thai adults on this one issue. Pray-hoot democracy in action or say inaction. Don't consult Thai people on critical issues affecting millions, but this issue affects nobody and Let the People decide. How about leaving Military about of politics and government, letting People decide government.
  6. Oh please. Fill out the forms, present required financial evidence and spend a day at Immigration. Done. Agent is scamming you.
  7. Yes, that Embassy is overly optimistic with it's published completion times, for everything including Thai passport renewals. Sorry for your tough time, can be stressful.
  8. The simple statement of a review of the law every 5 years introduces formal guaranteed uncertainty. Investors don't like uncertainty, especially announced planned kind.
  9. And we are surprised at this? (Not really, just disappointed once again at stifled progress.)
  10. Such a danger to society and the general public. Horrible law breakers that should be jailed for years. Fantastic use of Police resources. Why bother or care about with the thousands of traffic accidents and deaths, when evil people are playing cards that must be arrested. Sheesh!
  11. Where are all these many young people 30 and 40 years old that can retire, having such wealth they can financially sustain themselves for 40 subsequent years? With that kind of wealth, they certainly are not retiring to Thailand!
  12. How old is he now? 80?
  13. Imprison everyone for every infraction (except the Hi So of course). Why not simply confiscate vehicles as punishment.
  14. Wow! "Effectively and seriously solve firearms problems"......sounds extremely impressive. These guys mean business.... this time, or maybe it's going to be next time...or next year, or next decade. All fancy talk to bamboozle the lesser educated masses. Big talk, and always little action, and even less results.
  15. Keep calling. One day in eternity they will answer. Not right now however.
  16. Yes...a property developer knows lots about government and running a country. Trump Thai style?Sheesh!
  17. Suspiciously cheap. Dead giveaway....avoid it.
  18. Scam. Ignore and block number.
  19. Is the for entry into Canada? PR?
  20. Yes. The world is flat now. Come sail away....
  21. I call BS. Just pandering to Russia and China, by sitting on the fence.
  22. At least this time the Republican Justices made genuine thoughtful and unbiased proper decision. Need a couple dozen more soon from the Supreme Court regarding Trump.
  23. What a bunch of <deleted>. A coup against the coup leader himself. Just like he promised no coup 8 years ago. Why do they feel compelled now to say no coup, no coup, no coup!
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